Fun & Games 31
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Text File
1,604 lines
Main Headers [in brackets] designate each screen.
Other Headers (In all upper case) are not used by the program; are just a
convenience for humans.
{screen coordinates are in braces, ux, uy, lx, ly} Spaces must follow the
Last is the text string. \n makes a new line. Keep individual line lengths
under 80 chars so they all fit on this screen. Max chars on a single line
is 100. Max chars in text string is 500. If a sentence needs to be continued
on the next line be sure to put a space at the end of the first line.
Translation Notes:
Items in brackets [] and items in all UPPERCASE should not be
Please add the foreign language strings to this file, following
each english string.
Please keep as an ASCII text file.
NEW_GAME_LABEL { 230, 5, 408, 25 }
The New Game Setup Screen allows you to select your clan and
the human and computer players for this game. Only two players
can play in this Demo Version.
TEAM_LABEL { 62, 30, 140, 50 }
Up to 4 Teams can play, One Human vs. as many as 3 computer
opponents. To play another human on the same computer,
go back to the Main Menu and select Multiplayer, then select
Hot Seat Game.
HUMAN_LABEL { 162, 30, 240, 50 }
Select one box in this column for the Human Player.
COMPUTER_LABEL { 272, 30, 350, 50 }
Select one box in this column for the Computer Player.
NONE_LABEL { 380, 30, 460, 50 }
Select a box in this column for No Player on this team.
CLAN_LABEL { 497, 30, 575, 50 }
Click on the active button to select your Clan.
NUMBER_LABEL { 70, 75, 135, 400 }
These numbers represent the 4 Teams possible. Click in the columns
to designate human and computer players. Only two players can play
in this Demo Version.
HUMAN_BUTTONS { 167, 58, 237, 421 }
Clicking one of the buttons in this column assigns a human player
to that team.
COMPUTER_BUTTONS { 277, 58, 348, 421 }
Clicking one of the buttons in this column assigns a Computer player
to that team.
NONE_BUTTONS { 386, 58, 455, 421 }
Clicking one of the buttons in this column assigns No Player
to that particular team.
CLAN_BUTTONS { 496, 58, 577, 421 }
Clicking a clan button opens the Clan Menu, and allows
you to review the various clans and select one to fight for.
OPTION_BUTTON { 244, 438, 346, 472 }
Opens the Options Menu, and allows you to set up various game
settings, such as Victory Conditions, Starting Credits and Map Resource
Distribution. Some options are disabled in the Demo Version.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 438, 456, 472 }
Cancels New Game Selection, and returns to the Main Menu
DONE_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 472 }
Closes the New Game Start Menu, and proceeds with the game.
QUESTION? { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
CLAN_LABEL { 230, 5, 410, 25 }
This is the Clan Select Screen. Clicking on the Clan Icon Buttons will
display information about that particular clan. Each Clan provides different
upgrades applied to various units in the game. A Clan should be selected
based upon your strategy, the planet, and any mission requirements
(in scenarios or campaign games.)
CHOSEN_BUTTON { 20, 34, 158, 172 }
Clicking on this button selects "The Chosen" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
CRIMSON_BUTTON { 175, 34, 313, 172 }
Clicking on this button selects "Crimson Path" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
VONGRIF_BUTTON { 327, 34, 471, 172 }
Clicking on this button selects "Von Griffin" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
AYERHAND_BUTTON { 481, 34, 620, 172 }
Clicking on this button selects "Ayer's Hand" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
MUSASHI_BUTTON { 20, 184, 158, 322 }
Clicking on this button selects "Musashi" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
SACRED_BUTTON { 173, 184, 315, 322 }
Clicking on this button selects "Sacred Eights" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
7KNIGHTS_BUTTON { 327, 184, 468, 322 }
Clicking on this button selects "7 Knights" and displays the upgrades
they provide.
AXIS_BUTTON { 481, 184, 620, 322 }
Clicking on this button selects "Axis Inc." and displays the upgrades
they provide.
INFO_WINDOW { 29, 335, 608, 416 }
This Window displays the upgrades provided by the selected Clan.
RANDOM_BUTTON { 245, 438, 346, 470 }
Clicking this button will select a Clan at random and return you to the
New Game Setup Menu.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 438, 456, 470 }
Clicking the "Cancel" button will cancel any changes and return you to the New
Game Setup Screen.
DONE_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 470 }
Clicking the "Done" button accepts the Clan selected and returns you to the New
Game Setup Screen.
QUESTION { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
PLANET_LABEL { 230, 5, 409, 25 }
The Planet Selection Screen allows you to view the various planet maps and
choose one for the current game. Only one map is available in the Demo
version, and Random Map generation is not enabled.
PLANET_NAME { 15, 59, 163, 80 }
The type of planet maps available is displayed in this window.
PLANET_WINDOW { 15, 87, 165, 236 }
This window displays a representative world in this class of planets.
ARROW_BUTTONS { 60, 249, 118, 275 }
Clicking the arrow buttons will cycle through the available classes of
MAP_WINDOWS { 180, 38, 589, 308 }
These windows display the maps of different worlds. Click on the map you
wish to select, then click "Done." Only one map is available in the Demo
DESC_WINDOW { 29, 334, 606, 414 }
This window displays the currently known information about the selected
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 438, 456, 472 }
Cancels any changes to planet selection.
DONE_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 472 }
Approves the planet selected and proceeds with the game.
QUESTION { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
NAME_LABEL { 36, 45, 136, 62 }
The window below displays the name for the current player.
NAME_FIELD { 36, 68, 190, 86 }
Click in this window to enter your name.
CLAN_BUTTON { 212, 26, 292, 104 }
Clicking the clan button opens the Clan Menu, and allows
you to review the various clans and select one to fight for.
JAR_NAME_1 { 54, 127, 154, 144 }
This window displays the name of Player One.
JAR_1 { 70, 152, 137, 236 }
Each jar represents an available slot for each Mech Commander joining the
game. As each player connects, their brains will appear in one of the jars.
JAR_NAME_2 { 185, 127, 286, 144 }
This window displays the name of Player Two.
JAR_2 { 202, 152, 269, 236 }
Each jar represents an available slot for each Mech Commander joining the
game. As each player connects, their brains will appear in one of the jars.
JAR_NAME_3 { 54, 245, 154, 264 }
This window displays the name of Player Three.
JAR_3 { 70, 270, 137, 354 }
Each jar represents an available slot for each Mech Commander joining the
game. As each player connects, their brains will appear in one of the jars.
JAR_NAME_4 { 185, 244, 287, 262 }
This window displays the name of Player Four.
JAR_4 { 201, 270, 270, 357 }
Each jar represents an available slot for each Mech Commander joining the
game. As each player connects, their brains will appear in one of the jars.
TEXT_WINDOW { 348, 14, 580, 196 }
This window displays the current options for the game that's starting up.
MAP_PICT { 348, 219, 475, 349 }
The Map window displays the planet that will be used in this game.
MAP_BUTTON { 517, 232, 614, 259 }
Click this button to open the Planet Select Menu if you wish to choose a
different world to play on. Sorry, no other planets are available in the
Demo Version.
LOAD_BUTTON { 517, 269, 614, 294 }
Click the Load button if you would like to load a previously saved
Multiplayer game. The Load Game Menu will then open, allowing you
to select from among your saved games.
CHAT_BAR_ONE { 20, 371, 620, 396 }
This "Chat Window" will send messages to the other connected players.
CHAT_BAR_TWO { 20, 402, 620, 427 }
This window will display messages from other players.
OPTIONS { 244, 438, 345, 472 }
Click the Options button to select game options and preferences for the
current game.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 356, 438, 455, 472 }
Clicking "Cancel" exits the Multiplayer Setup Menu and returns you to the
Main Menu.
QUESTION { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
UNIT_PICTURE { 10, 10, 311, 252 }
This window displays a portrait of the selected unit.
UNIT_TEXT { 328, 56, 624, 253 }
The Text window provides the vehicle's name and a brief description.
Proceding the vehicle's name is it's version number. A unit's version number
increases each time it is upgraded.
UNIT_STATS { 10, 291, 271, 466 }
The Unit Statistics window displays a unit's current values for a variety of
attributes. Each attribute can be improved by purchasing software upgrades
through the refining of available gold reserves.
TURN_TIMER { 518, 4, 589, 39 }
The turn timer displays the time remaining for the current turn. Turn timer
values can be adjusted in the Options Menu in the New Game Setup Screen.
VENT { 380, 304, 580, 403 }
This vent is crucial to the safe operation of your computer. To assure
proper air flow, please keep this area unobstructed.
DONE { 485, 452, 535, 473 }
Click the "Done" button to close the Unit Stat window and return to the game.
QUESTION { 485, 452, 535, 473 }
UNIT_PICT { 10, 10, 315, 260 }
This window displays a portrait of the selected unit.
UNIT_STATS { 10, 291, 277, 470 }
The Unit Statistics Window displays the current level for a variety of
attributes. Use your available credits to purchase software upgrades.
INCRE_DECRE { 283, 291, 315, 470 }
Click these buttons to purchase or return upgrades. After each purchase, the
price for the next level of upgrade will then be displayed.
COST { 326, 258, 355, 443 }
These numbers represent the amount of credits required to purchase the next
upgrade in each category.
CREDIT { 368, 258, 394, 418 }
This window displays your available credits for making purchases.
CARGO_TUBE { 411, 258, 446, 418 }
The Cargo Tube shows the amount of Raw Materials in the selected unit's cargo
bay. As most units do not have a cargo bay, this field is typically empty.
UP_DOWN_BUTTONS { 416, 425, 447, 439 }
Use these buttons to add Raw Materials to a vehicle with a cargo bay, such as
constructors, engineers and repair units.
PURCHASED_WINDOW { 322, 14, 460, 210 }
This window displays the units supplied with the mission, and any that have
been purchased.
UP_DOWN_BUTTONS { 327, 221, 359, 234 }
Clicking on these buttons will scroll up and down through the list of purchased units.
LIST { 471, 52, 633, 380 }
Click on a unit in this list to select it. A picture of the unit will then
be displayed. To purchase the unit, click on it again, or click on the Buy
LIST_UP_DOWN { 472, 386, 502, 402 }
Clicking on these buttons will scroll up and down through the list of units.
DELETE_BUTTON { 412, 220, 462, 239 }
Clicking Delete will remove the selected unit in the "Purchased" window.
BUY_UNITS { 542, 446, 630, 460 }
Toggling this switch to "Buy Units" allows you to purchase additional units
to send to the surface of the planet. Many additional units are not
available for initial purchase, but must be built during the game.
UPGRADES { 542, 460, 630, 479 }
Toggling this switch to "Upgrades" lets you view all the units and
structures in the game and allow you to upgrade them.
DESCRIP_BUTTON { 213, 264, 308, 280 }
Toggles the Unit Text Description on and off.
GROUND_BUTTON { 459, 409, 491, 439 }
Clicking this button (when "Upgrades" is selected) restricts the unit
list display to Ground units.
AIR_BUTTON { 495, 409, 527, 439 }
Clicking this button (when "Upgrades" is selected) restricts the unit
list display to Air units.
SHIP_BUTTON { 531, 409, 562, 439 }
Clicking this button (when "Upgrades" is selected) restricts the unit
list display to Sea units.
FACT_BUTTON { 567, 409, 597, 439 }
Clicking this button (when "Upgrades" is selected) restricts the unit
list display to factories and
other stationary structures.
TNT_BUTTON { 602, 409, 632, 439 }
The "TNT" button (when "Upgrades" is selected) restricts the unit list
display to fighting vehicles only.
BUY_BUTTON { 590, 386, 626, 406 }
Clicking the Buy button purchases the selected unit.
DONE_BUTTON { 448, 457, 496, 473 }
Clicking "Done" closes the Cargo Screen and starts the landing sequence.
QUESTION { 422, 456, 441, 474 }
CANCEL_BUTTON { 358, 457, 414, 474 }
Clicking "Cancel" aborts any purchases and returns you to the main menu.
LOAD_LABEL { 231, 5, 407, 23 }
This is the Load Screen.
1_FILENAME { 56, 60, 154, 74 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
1_SAVENAME { 56, 82, 154, 99 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
1_MODE { 161, 60, 207, 75 }
This field displays the game mode.
2_FILENAME { 56, 136, 154, 152 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
2_SAVENAME { 56, 159, 207, 175 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
2_MODE { 161, 136, 207, 152 }
This field displays the game mode.
3_FILENAME { 55, 212, 154, 229 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
3_SAVENAME { 56, 235, 207, 251 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
3_MODE { 161, 212, 207, 228 }
This field displays the game mode.
4_FILENAME { 56, 289, 154, 304 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
4_SAVENAME { 55, 311, 207, 328 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
4_MODE { 161, 288, 207, 305 }
This field displays the game mode.
5_FILENAME { 56, 364, 154, 380 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
5_SAVENAME { 56, 387, 207, 404 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
5_MODE { 161, 365, 206, 380 }
This field displays the game mode.
6_FILENAME { 456, 60, 557, 75 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
6_SAVENAME { 458, 82, 610, 99 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
6_MODE { 563, 59, 610, 76 }
This field displays the game mode.
7_FILENAME { 458, 136, 558, 152 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
7_SAVENAME { 458, 158, 610, 175 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
7_MODE { 563, 136, 610, 152 }
This field displays the game mode.
8_FILENAME { 448, 212, 558, 228 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
8_SAVENAME { 458, 234, 609, 251 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
8_MODE { 563, 212, 610, 228 }
This field displays the game mode.
9_FILENAME { 458, 287, 558, 303 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
9_SAVENAME { 457, 310, 610, 326 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
9_MODE { 563, 288, 610, 303 }
This field displays the game mode.
10_FILENAME { 458, 363, 557, 380 }
Auto-Save Game Slot. The current game is always saved to this slot at the
beginning of every turn.
10_SAVENAME { 458, 387, 610, 402 }
This field allows you to enter a name for Auto-Saved Games.
10_MODE { 564, 364, 610, 380 }
This field displays the game mode.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 438, 455, 471 }
Clicking "Cancel" closes the menu and returns you to the main menu.
LOAD_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 471 }
Clicking "Load" closes the menu and loads the selected game.
BRAIN { 227, 51, 408, 411 }
This is your brain.
QUESTION { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
LOAD_LABEL { 231, 5, 407, 23 }
This is the Save/Load Screen.
1_FILENAME { 56, 60, 154, 75 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
1_SAVENAME { 56, 82, 154, 99 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
1_MODE { 161, 60, 207, 75 }
This field displays the game mode.
2_FILENAME { 56, 136, 154, 152 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
2_SAVENAME { 56, 159, 207, 175 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
2_MODE { 161, 136, 207, 152 }
This field displays the game mode.
3_FILENAME { 55, 212, 154, 229 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
3_SAVENAME { 56, 235, 207, 251 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
3_MODE { 161, 212, 207, 228 }
This field displays the game mode.
4_FILENAME { 56, 289, 154, 304 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
4_SAVENAME { 55, 311, 207, 328 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
4_MODE { 161, 288, 207, 305 }
This field displays the game mode.
5_FILENAME { 56, 364, 154, 380 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
5_SAVENAME { 56, 387, 207, 404 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
5_MODE { 161, 365, 206, 380 }
This field displays the game mode.
6_FILENAME { 456, 60, 557, 75 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
6_SAVENAME { 458, 82, 610, 99 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
6_MODE { 563, 59, 610, 76 }
This field displays the game mode.
7_FILENAME { 458, 136, 558, 152 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
7_SAVENAME { 458, 158, 610, 175 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
7_MODE { 563, 136, 610, 152 }
This field displays the game mode.
8_FILENAME { 448, 212, 558, 228 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
8_SAVENAME { 458, 234, 609, 251 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
8_MODE { 563, 212, 610, 228 }
This field displays the game mode.
9_FILENAME { 458, 287, 558, 303 }
This field displays the filename which will be used to save this game.
9_SAVENAME { 457, 310, 610, 326 }
This field allows you to enter a name for the game in progress.
9_MODE { 563, 288, 610, 303 }
This field displays the game mode.
10_FILENAME { 458, 363, 557, 380 }
Auto-Save Game Slot. The current game is always saved to this slot at the
start of every turn.
10_SAVENAME { 458, 387, 610, 402 }
This field allows you to enter a name for Auto-Saved Games.
10_MODE { 564, 364, 610, 380 }
This field displays the game mode.
SAVE_BUTTON { 134, 438, 236, 471 }
Select a slot first, then click "Save" to save the game. Click "Return"
to resume the current game.
QUIT_BUTTON { 244, 438, 346, 471 }
Clicking "Quit" quits the current game and returns you to the main menu.
RETURN_BUTTON { 355, 438, 455, 471 }
Clicking "Return" closes the menu and returns you to the game screen.
LOAD_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 471 }
Clicking "Load" closes the menu and loads the selected game.
BRAIN { 227, 51, 408, 411 }
This is your brain.
QUESTION { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
FILES_BUTTON { 17, 4, 83, 20 }
Clicking the "Files" button opens the Save/Load Screen
PREFS_BUTTON { 87, 4, 150, 20 }
Clicking the Preferences button will open a window displaying the current
game options.
CORNER_FLIC { 5, 25, 138, 159 }
This is the currently selected unit.
PLAY_BUTTON { 146, 123, 163, 139 }
Press this button to rotate the currently selected unit.
PAUSE_BUTTON { 146, 143, 163, 160 }
Press this button to pause the rotation of the currently selected unit.
STAT_WINDOW { 5, 167, 165, 222 }
The Unit Info window displays a unit's status: Moving, Sentry, Building,
etc., as well as the unit's name and version number.
CENTER_BUTTON { 4, 227, 22, 247 }
Clicking the "Center" button centers the currently selected unit on the
LOCK_BUTTON { 32, 227, 51, 247 }
The "Lock" button shows you the range and scan circles of all
selected enemy units. To selected an enemy unit simply click on it when
this button is depressed. Clicking on an enemy unit already selected
will deselected that unit.
PRE_BUTTON { 61, 229, 96, 249 }
Click Previous or Next to cycle through all the units on the field.
DONE_BUTTON { 99, 229, 122, 249 }
Click "Done" to cycle to the next unit awaiting orders.
NXT_BUTTON { 125, 229, 161, 249 }
Click Previous or Next to cycle through all the units on the field.
REPORTS_BUTTON { 51, 252, 98, 270 }
Click to open the Reports Menu. Various reports detail Mining, Production,
Victory Conditions, Colonists, etc. Sorry, not available in the Demo version.
CHAT_BUTTON { 102, 252, 148, 270 }
In Multiplayer mode, click this button to open the chat window and
send messages to remote players. In training mode, click this button to
get a description of your current mission.
ZOOM_BUTTON { 5, 274, 164, 289 }
The Zoom slide bar adjusts the zoom level of the Main Map window.
SURVEY_BUTTON { 4, 297, 53, 311 }
Toggling the "Survey" button will display all the surveyed areas on the map.
STATUS_BUTTON { 4, 313, 53, 326 }
Toggling Status will display a small letter at the corner of your units,
depending upon their current status: M = Moving, S = Sentry, D = Disabled,
X = Done.
COLORS_BUTTON { 4, 330, 53, 343 }
Toggling the "Colors" button displays an outline around every unit in the
color of the team that owns it. Useful during battle to easily differentiate
between friendly and enemy vehicles.
HITS_BUTTON { 60, 298, 108, 311 }
The "Hits" display shows the total number of hits the selected unit
can take before it is destroyed.
AMMO_BUTTON { 60, 313, 108, 327 }
The "Ammo" display shows the unit's remaining ammo. When a unit has run out of
ammo, it may be resupplied by transferring materials from a supply truck, or
by loading the vehicle into a depot, hangar, or dock.
RANGE_BUTTON { 60, 329, 108, 343 }
Toggling the "Range" button displays a red circle around each unit
signifying the unit's weapon range. Only units with weapons will have
a range circle.
SCAN_BUTTON { 115, 298, 164, 311 }
Toggling the "Scan" button displays a yellow circle around each unit
signifying the unit's range of vision. All units, including structures,
have a range of vision.
GRID_BUTTON { 115, 313, 164, 327 }
Toggling the "Grid" button draws a grid over the map to allow precise unit
NAME_BUTTON { 115, 330, 164, 343 }
Toggling this button displays the name of every unit on the game map.
MINIMAP { 11, 353, 128, 469 }
This is the Mini-Map, a small representation of the entire map.
2X_MINIMAP { 136, 387, 160, 409 }
Click this button to use the Mini-Map in a 2X zoom mode. Click and
drag the window inside the Mini-Map to scroll from side to side.
TNT_MINIMAP { 136, 414, 160, 436 }
Click this button to view all units in the Mini-Map with attack
capabilities. Both yours and all enemy units in radar range will be
COORDINATES { 263, 455, 331, 478 }
This field shows the mouse cursor's current coordinates on the map.
UNIT_DESCRIPTION { 338, 455, 559, 478 }
This field shows the name of the unit that the cursor is currently over.
ENDTURN_BUTTON { 389, 0, 460, 22 }
Click the End Turn button when you have finished your turn. Any units with
outstanding movement orders will then move automatically and the game will
proceed to the next turn.
TURN_COUNTER { 471, 0, 526, 22 }
This is the Turn Counter, displaying the number of the current turn.
TURN_TIMER { 537, 0, 593, 22 }
The turn timer displays the time remaining for the current turn. Turn timer
values can be adjusted in the Options Menu in the New Game Setup Screen.
MAIN_MAP { 179, 27, 634, 471 }
This is the Main Map window. To get help for a unit appearing on the map,
right-click on a selected unit and the Unit Info Window will open.
BRACKET_1 { 159, 0, 171, 14 }
This is a small bracket which is helping to keep the screen from falling
off the front of your monitor.
BRACKET_2 { 599, 0, 621, 15 }
Please never click on this again, you might damage the sensitive
instruments contained within.
QUESTION { 20, 251, 44, 272 }
ALLOCATE_LABEL { 230, 5 409, 26 }
This is the Allocation Window for your Mining Stations, indicating the
amount of Materials, Fuel, and Gold being produced, used, and added to
your storage reserves each turn.
RAW_LABEL { 69, 73, 147, 92 }
This field shows the total Raw Materials produced from your Mining Stations
each turn.
RAW_USE_LABEL { 69, 111, 147, 130 }
This field shows the current amount of Raw Materials your complex is using
each turn. The first number show the amount of Materials being used by your
complex each turn. The number in parenthesis indicates the amount added or
removed from your storage reserves.
RAW_RES_LABEL { 69, 148, 147, 167 }
This field shows your total Raw Materials available in reserve.
FUEL_LABEL { 69, 194, 147, 214 }
This field shows the total Fuel produced from your Mining Stations
each turn.
FUEL_USE_LABEL { 69, 231, 147, 250 }
This field shows the current amount of Fuel your complex is using each turn.
The first number shows the amount of Fuel being used by your complex each turn.
The number in parentheses indicates the amount added or removed from your
storage reserves.
FUEL_RES_LABEL { 69, 268, 147, 286 }
This field shows your total Fuel available in reserve.
GOLD_LABEL { 69, 314, 147, 334 }
This field shows the total Gold produced from your Mining Stations
each turn.
GOLD_USE_LABEL { 69, 352, 147, 370 }
This field shows the current amount of Gold your complex is using each turn.
The first number shows the amount of Gold being used by your complex each turn.
The number in parentheses indicates the amount added or removed from your
storage reserves.
GOLD_RES_LABEL { 69, 388, 147, 407 }
This bar shows your total Gold available in reserve.
DEC_RAW_BUTTON { 167, 71, 192, 97 }
Clicking here decreases the amount of Raw Materials you mine each turn.
INC_RAW_BUTTON { 448, 70, 474, 97 }
Clicking here increases the amount of Raw Materials you mine each turn.
DEC_FUEL_BUTTON { 167, 191, 192, 216 }
Clicking here decreases the amount of Fuel you mine each turn.
INC_FUEL_BUTTON { 448, 190, 474, 216 }
Clicking here increases the amount of Fuel you mine each turn.
DEC_GOLD_BUTTON { 167, 312, 192, 337 }
Clicking here decreases the amount of Gold you mine each turn.
INC_GOLD_BUTTON { 448, 312, 474, 337 }
Clicking here increases the amount of Gold you mine each turn.
RAW_BAR { 200, 69, 440, 98 }
This bar depicts the total Raw Materials available each turn.
RAW_USE_BAR { 200, 107, 440, 135 }
This bar depicts the amount of Raw Materials used by your complex each turn.
RAW_RES_BAR { 200, 143, 440, 173 }
This bar depicts your total reserves of Raw Materials.
FUEL_BAR { 200, 189, 440, 218 }
This bar depicts the total Fuel available per turn.
FUEL_USE_BAR { 200, 226, 440, 257 }
This bar depicts the amount of Fuel used by your complex each turn.
FUEL_RES_BAR { 200, 262, 440, 294 }
This bar depicts your total Fuel reserves.
GOLD_BAR { 200, 308, 440, 338 }
This bar depicts the total Gold available per turn.
GOLD_USE_BAR { 200, 345, 440, 376 }
This bar depicts the amount of Gold used by your complex each turn.
GOLD_RES_BAR { 200, 382, 440, 414 }
This bar depicts your total Gold reserves.
RAW_STEEL { 510, 90, 589, 151 }
These are bars of steel representing Material Resources.
FUEL_DRUMS { 510, 205, 597, 275 }
These are fuel drums representing Fuel Resources.
GOLD_BRICKS { 510, 323, 599, 391 }
These are bricks of gold representing Gold Resources.
TURN_TIMER { 519, 3, 591, 40 }
The turn timer displays the time remaining for the current turn. Turn timer
values can be adjusted in the Options Menu in the New Game Setup Screen.
DONE_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 471 }
Saves the New settings and returns to the game.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 356, 438, 455, 471 }
Cancels any changes and returns to the game.
QUESTION { 467, 438, 504, 472 }
WIN_1 { 15, 5, 146, 138 }
This window displays one of the cargo bays inside the Depot. Each unit
that is loaded into the depot will occupy one bay.
STATS_1 { 15, 143, 146, 185 }
This is the Unit Stats window, displaying the unit's damage and the amount of
ammo it contains.
ACTI_1 { 8, 191, 78, 210 }
Click on the "Activate" button to remove the unit from the depot.
RELOAD_1 { 8, 216, 78, 234 }
Click on the "Reload" button to resupply the unit with ammunition.
REPAIR_1 { 84, 191, 152, 210 }
Click on the "Repair" button and the unit will be repaired.
UPGRADE_1 { 84, 216, 152, 234 }
Click on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the unit to your current
technology level.
WIN_2 { 162, 5, 308, 138 }
This window displays one of the cargo bays inside the Depot. Each unit
that is loaded into the depot will occupy one bay.
STATS_2 { 162, 143, 308, 185 }
This is the Unit Stats window, displaying the unit's damage and the amount of
ammo it contains.
ACTI_2 { 162, 191, 234, 210 }
Click on the "Activate" button to remove the unit from the depot.
RELOAD_2 { 162, 216, 234, 234 }
Click on the "Reload" button to resupply the unit with ammunition.
REPAIR_2 { 237, 191, 308, 210 }
Click on the "Repair" button and the unit will be repaired.
UPGRADE_2 { 237, 216, 308, 234 }
Click on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the unit to your current technology
WIN_3 { 318, 5, 463, 138 }
This window displays one of the cargo bays inside the Depot. Each unit
that is loaded into the depot will occupy one bay.
STATS_3 { 318, 143, 463, 185 }
This is the Unit Stats window, displaying the unit's damage and the amount of
ammo it contains.
ACTI_3 { 318, 191, 387, 210 }
Click on the "Activate" button to remove the unit from the depot.
RELOAD_3 { 318, 216, 387, 234 }
Click on the "Reload" button to resupply the unit with ammunition.
REPAIR_3 { 393, 191, 463, 210 }
Click on the "Repair" button and the unit will be repaired.
UPGRADE_3 { 393, 216, 463, 234 }
Click on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the unit to your current technology
WIN_4 { 15, 243, 146, 374 }
This window displays one of the cargo bays inside the Depot. Each unit
that is loaded into the depot will occupy one bay.
STATS_4 { 15, 379, 146, 420 }
This is the Unit Stats window, displaying the unit's damage and the amount of
ammo it contains.
ACTI_4 { 8, 427, 78, 446 }
Click on the "Activate" button to remove the unit from the depot.
RELOAD_4 { 8, 452, 78, 471 }
Click on the "Reload" button to resupply the unit with ammunition.
REPAIR_4 { 84, 427, 152, 446 }
Click on the "Repair" button and the unit will be repaired.
UPGRADE_4 { 84, 452, 152, 471 }
Click on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the unit to your current technology
WIN_5 { 162, 243, 308, 374 }
This window displays one of the cargo bays inside the Depot. Each unit
that is loaded into the depot will occupy one bay.
STATS_5 { 162, 379, 308, 420 }
This is the Unit Stats window, displaying the unit's damage and the amount of
ammo it contains.
ACTI_5 { 162, 427, 234, 446 }
Click on the "Activate" button to remove the unit from the depot.
RELOAD_5 { 162, 452, 234, 471 }
Click on the "Reload" button to resupply the unit with ammunition.
REPAIR_5 { 237, 427, 308, 446 }
Click on the "Repair" button and the unit will be repaired.
UPGRADE_5 { 237, 452, 308, 471 }
Click on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the unit to your current technology
WIN_6 { 318, 243, 463, 374 }
This window displays one of the cargo bays inside the Depot. Each unit
that is loaded into the depot will occupy one bay.
STATS_6 { 318, 379, 463, 420 }
This is the Unit Stats window, displaying the unit's damage and the amount of
ammo it contains.
ACTI_6 { 318, 427, 387, 446 }
Click on the "Activate" button to remove the unit from the depot.
RELOAD_6 { 318, 452, 387, 471 }
Click on the "Reload" button to resupply the unit with ammunition.
REPAIR_6 { 393, 427, 463, 446 }
Click on the "Repair" button and the unit will be repaired.
UPGRADE_6 { 393, 452, 463, 471 }
Click on the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the unit to your current technology
TURN_TIMER { 513, 3, 591, 38 }
The turn timer displays the time remaining for the current turn. Turn timer
values can be adjusted in the Options Menu in the New Game Setup Screen.
RAW_LABEL { 523, 60, 593, 91 }
This field shows your total Raw Materials. Raw Materials are used to
repair and re-arm units.
RAW_TUBE { 542, 102, 572, 222 }
This field shows your total Raw Materials. Raw Materials are used to
repair and re-arm units.
ACTIV_ALL { 511, 252, 600, 270 }
Click on the "Activate All" button to activate as many units as possible
around the perimeter of the depot.
RELOAD_ALL { 511, 277, 600, 296 }
Sorry, this feature is not available in the demo version.
REPAIR_ALL { 511, 303, 600, 322 }
Sorry, this feature is not available in the demo version.
UPGRADE_ALL { 511, 328, 600, 346 }
Sorry, this feature is not available in the demo version.
DONE { 511, 372, 600, 391 }
Clicking "Done" will close the Depot screen and return you to the game.
UP_DOWN { 505, 426, 552, 447 }
Click on the "Up" or "Down" Arrows to move through the list of units in the
QUESTION { 586, 427, 607, 446 }
AVAIL_LABEL { 289, 179, 322, 213 }
This field shows the amount of material the unit has available to transfer.
TRANSFERER { 335, 177, 371, 213 }
This is one of the units involved in the transfer process. The Arrow in the
middle of this window shows which unit is to transfer, and which unit recieves.
AMOUNT_TO_GO { 390, 175, 418, 195 }
ARROW { 390, 202, 418, 216 }
The Arrow indicated the direction of the transfer.
TRANSFEREE { 437, 176, 475, 214 }
This is one of the units involved in the transfer process. The Arrow in
the middle of this window shows which unit is to transfer, and which unit
NOW_HOLDING { 486, 179, 523, 211 }
This field shows the amount of materials currently held by this unit.
DEC_BUTTON { 266, 247, 282, 262 }
This button Decreases the amount of materials to be transferred.
INC_BUTTON { 527, 248, 541, 262 }
This button Increases the amount of materials to be transferred.
RAW_BAR { 293, 245, 515, 260 }
This Bar displays the material being transferred. You may click on this bar
and slide it to the desired amount of materials you wish to transfer.
CANCEL { 335, 284, 393, 303 }
Clicking "Cancel" aborts the transfer and returns you to the game.
DONE { 419, 285, 468, 304 }
Clicking "Done" completes the transfer of materials and returns you to
the game.
CANCEL { 41, 252, 99, 270 }
Click the "Cancel" button to return to the Cargo Menu.
MAP_WINDOW { 179, 17, 627, 464 }
Click on the map to designate your starting position.
QUESTION { 104, 252, 126, 270 }
MUSIC_VOLUME { 225, 108, 406, 128 }
Use this slider to adjust the music volume.
DISABLE_MUSIC { 406, 108, 584, 128 }
Click this button to turn off the background music.
FX_VOLUME { 225, 128, 406, 148 }
Use this slider to adjust the sound effects volume.
DISABLE_FX { 406, 128, 584, 148 }
Click this button to turn off sound effects.
VOICE_VOLUME { 225, 148, 406, 168 }
Use this slider to adjust the voice volume.
DISABLE_VOICE { 406, 148, 584, 168 }
Click this button to turn off the voice effects.
AUTO_SAVE { 225, 168, 406, 188 }
The "Auto-Save" feature automatically saves your game. The number signifies
how often the game will be saved. A value of (1) means the game will be saved
every turn.
IPX_SOCKET { 406, 168, 584, 188 }
Use this field to enter your network IPX socket if it is different from the
default value.
PLAYER_NAME { 225, 188, 584, 208 }
Use this field to enter your name for use in Multiplayer Games.
ANIMATE_EFFECTS { 225, 228, 406, 248 }
Clicking "Animate Effects" turns the unit animations on and off. If
you're playing the game on a slower computer, turning off the animations
will increase the speed of the game.
FAST_UNIT_MOVES { 225, 248, 406, 268 }
When checked, the "Double Unit Steps" will cause your units to move
at a faster pace across the game screen, rather than at the normal
realistic speed.
QUICK_SCROLL { 225, 268, 406, 288 }
The value in this window indicates the rate that the screen will scroll.
A higher value will scroll quicker. A lower value will scroll slower.
CLICK_TO_SCROLL { 406, 228, 584, 248 }
When checked, the "Click to Scroll" button requires the left mouse
button to be held in order to scroll the map window. When not checked
simply moving your mouse cursor to the edge of the map will scroll it.
FOLLOW_UNIT { 406, 248, 584, 268 }
When the "Track Selected Unit" button is checked, the screen will
automatically scroll to follow the movements of the selected unit.
AUTO_SELECT_UNIT { 406, 268, 584, 288 }
When "Auto-Select" is on, the game will automatically switch to the next
unit when the selected unit has run out of movement points.
TURN_TIME { 225, 309, 406, 329 }
The Turn Timer sets the amount of time allowed for each turn.
END_TURN_TIME { 406, 309, 584, 329 }
The "End Turn Time" sets the amount of grace time given to players once
one player has ended turn.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 327, 413, 390, 434 }
Click the "Cancel" button to cancel any changes and return to the game.
? { 390, 413, 416, 434 }
DONE { 416, 413, 478, 434 }
Click the "Done" button to save any changes and return to the game in
COMM_PORT { 16, 174, 297, 201 }
Use this field to input the Com Port that your modem is on. Check your modem
reference or communications program if you are not sure of the proper value.
BAUD_RATE { 16, 208, 297, 234 }
Use this field to enter the highest baud rate your modem is capable of.
Check your modem reference or communications program if you are not sure
of the proper value.
INTERRUPT { 16, 240, 297, 266 }
Use this field to set the Interrupt address your modem is using. Check your
modem reference or communications program if you are not sure of the proper
INIT_STRING { 16, 274, 297, 301 }
Use this field to set the init string for your modem. The default init
string given should work with most modems.
ANSWER_STRING { 16, 306, 297, 333 }
Use this field to input the answer string your modem uses to answer an
incoming call.
DIAL_PREFIX { 16, 339, 297, 366 }
Use this field to input the area code and any special prefixes required
to make your call.
PHONE { 16, 371, 297, 400 }
Use this field to enter the phone number you wish to call.
SELECT_WINDOW { 342, 202, 630, 429 }
When one of the items on the left has several standard options, they will be
displayed in this window. Simply click on the proper value to select it.
DIAL { 243, 439, 344, 472 }
When all modem parameters have been set, click the "Dial" button to place
your call.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 439, 453, 472 }
Clicking the "Cancel" button cancels any changes and returns you to the
Main Menu.
? { 465, 439, 503, 472 }
ANSWER_BUTTON { 514, 439, 615, 472 }
Clicking the "Answer" button will set your modem to wait for an incoming call.
COM_PORT { 17, 175, 114, 202 }
Click the "COM PORT" button to set the com port you wish to use for the
serial game.
BAUD_RATE { 17, 208, 114, 235 }
Click the "BAUD RATE" button to set the baud rate to use for the serial game.
INTERRUPT { 17, 241, 114, 267 }
Click the "INTERRUPT" button to set the interrupt to use for the serial game.
WINDOW { 342, 202, 630, 429 }
When one of the items on the left has several standard options, they will be
displayed in this window. Simply click on the proper value to select it.
JOIN { 244, 438, 345, 472 }
Click the "Join" button to join a serial game.
CANCEL { 355, 438, 456, 472 }
Clicking the "Cancel" button cancels any changes and returns you to the
Main Menu.
? { 466, 438, 506, 472 }
HOST { 515, 438, 617, 472 }
Click the "Host" button to start a serial game and wait for other players
to join.
PLAYER_BUTTONS { 214, 172, 596, 229 }
Click on the colored buttons that represent the team or teams you wish your
chat message to be sent to.
INPUT_WINDOW { 207, 245, 596, 269 }
Type your message in this window.
CANCEL { 327, 284, 385, 302 }
Clicking "Cancel" closes the Chat Window without sending a message, and
returns to the game.
? { 391, 284, 412, 302 }
DONE { 418, 284, 475, 301 }
Clicking "Done" sends your message to the selected team(s) and returns to
the game.
MEMORY_MODE { 319, 162, 482, 182 }
Use this option to reduce the memory requirements on low memory systems.
MUSIC_VOLUME { 140, 182, 319, 202 }
Use this slider to adjust the music volume.
DISABLE_MUSIC { 319, 182, 482, 202 }
Click this button to turn off the background music.
FX_VOLUME { 140, 202, 319, 222 }
Use this slider to adjust the sound effects volume.
DISABLE_FX { 319, 202, 482, 222 }
Click this button to turn off sound effects.
VOICE_VOLUME { 140, 222, 319, 242 }
Use this slider to adjust the voice volume.
DISABLE_VOICE { 319, 222, 482, 242 }
Click this button to turn off the voice effects.
AUTO_SAVE { 140, 242, 319, 262 }
The "Auto-Save" feature automatically saves your game at the begining of
every turn.
IPX_SOCKET { 319, 242, 482, 262 }
Use this field to enter your network IPX socket if it is different from the
default value.
PLAYER_NAME { 140, 262, 482, 282 }
Use this field to enter your name for use in Multiplayer Games.
CANCEL { 245, 290, 306, 312 }
Click the "Cancel" button to cancel any changes and return to the main menu.
? { 306, 290, 334, 312 }
DONE { 334, 290, 398, 312 }
Click the "Done" button to save any changes and return to the main menu.
UNIT_PICT { 10, 10, 315, 260 }
This window displays a portrait of the selected unit.
UNIT_STATS { 10, 291, 277, 470 }
The Unit Statistics window displays the current level for a variety of attributes.
^TURNS_WINDOW { 373, 369, 403, 440 }
This field displays the length of time, in turns, that the selected
unit will require to be built.
^COST_WINDOW { 409, 369, 448, 440 }
This field displays the Cost, in Raw Materials, that the selected
unit will require to be built.
^BUILD_BUTTON { 292, 369, 365, 387 }
Choosing the Build button will build the selected unit at normal speed and
lowest cost.
^BUILD_BUTTONx2 { 292, 394, 365, 412 }
Choosing the Build X2 button will build the selected unit at twice the normal
speed, but will use more materials than normal.
^BUILD_BUTTONx4 { 292, 420, 365, 440 }
Choosing the Build X4 button will build the selected unit at the fastest rate
possible, but is also the least cost efficient.
^REPEAT_BUTTON { 397, 322, 464, 337 }
Clicking the Repeat button will continuously repeat building the units
in Build Window above.
^DELETE_BUTTON { 412, 293, 464, 316 }
Use the delete button to remove the selected unit from the Build Window.
^BUILD_WINDOW { 322, 14, 460, 281 }
The Build Window displays the list of the units that this factory will build.
To add units to this list, select them from the Units List on the right.
^BUILD_BUTTON { 510, 441, 630, 460 }
Clicking the Build button will start the factory building the first unit
in the Build Window. As each unit is completed, the factory will automatically
begin constructing the next unit in the list.
UP_DOWN_BUTTONS { 327, 293, 359, 313 }
Clicking on these buttons will scroll up and down through the list of
units to be built.
LIST { 471, 43, 633, 429 }
Click on a unit in this list to select it. A picture of the unit will
then be displayed. To build the unit, click on it again, or click on the
"Done" button.
LIST_UP_DOWN { 472, 441, 502, 460 }
Clicking on these buttons will scroll up and down through the list of units.
DESCRIP_BUTTON { 213, 264, 308, 280 }
Toggles the Unit Text Description on and off.
DONE_BUTTON { 397, 452, 460, 473 }
Clicking "Done" closes the Build Menu and begins building the selected unit.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 307, 452, 370, 474 }
Clicking "Cancel" closes the menu and returns you to the game screen.
QUESTION { 370, 452, 397, 474 }
TURN_TIMER { 518, 4, 589, 39 }
The turn timer displays the time remaining for the current turn. Turn timer
values can be adjusted in the Options Menu in the New Game Setup Screen.
UNIT_PICT { 10, 10, 315, 260 }
This window displays a portrait of the selected unit.
UNIT_STATS { 10, 291, 277, 470 }
The Unit Statistics Window displays the current level for a variety of
LIST { 471, 43, 633, 429 }
Click on a unit in this list to select it. A picture of the unit will
then be displayed. To build the unit, click on it again, or click on
the "Done" button.
LIST_UP_DOWN { 472, 441, 502, 460 }
Clicking on these buttons will scroll up and down through the list of units.
^TURNS_WINDOW { 373, 344, 403, 415 }
This field displays the length of time, in turns, that the selected
unit will require to be built.
^COST_WINDOW { 409, 344, 448, 415 }
This field displays the Cost, in Raw Materials, that the selected
unit will require to be built.
^BUILD_BUTTON { 292, 344, 366, 365 }
Choosing the Build button will build the selected unit at normal speed and
lowest cost.
^BUILD_BUTTONx2 { 292, 369, 365, 387 }
Choosing the Build X2 button will build the selected unit at twice the normal
speed, but will use more materials than normal.
^BUILD_BUTTONx4 { 292, 394, 365, 412 }
Choosing the Build X4 button will build the selected unit at the fastest rate
possible, but is also the least cost efficient.
DESCRIP_BUTTON { 213, 264, 308, 280 }
Toggles the Unit Text Description on and off.
DONE_BUTTON { 397, 452, 460, 473 }
Clicking "Done" closes the Build Menu and begins building the selected unit.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 307, 452, 370, 474 }
Clicking "Cancel" closes the menu and returns you to the game screen.
PATH_BUTTON { 347, 427, 410, 450 }
Clicking "Path" allows you to build the selected unit in a straight line
path in any direction.
QUESTION { 370, 452, 397, 474 }
TURN_TIMER { 518, 4, 589, 39 }
The turn timer displays the time remaining for the current turn. Turn timer
values can be adjusted in the Options Menu in the New Game Setup Screen.
HOT_SEAT_LABEL { 230, 5, 408, 25 }
The Hot Seat Setup Screen allows you to select your clan and
the human and computer players for this game. Only two opponents can play
in the demo version.
TEAM_LABEL { 62, 30, 140, 50 }
Each team can be set to a human or computer player. Only two opponents can
play in the demo version.
HUMAN_LABEL { 162, 30, 240, 50 }
Selecting a box in this column assigns a human player for that team. Only
two opponents can play in the demo version.
COMPUTER_LABEL { 272, 30, 350, 50 }
Selecting a box in this column assigns a computer player to that team. Only
two opponents can play in the demo version.
NONE_LABEL { 380, 30, 460, 50 }
Select a box in this column for No Player on this team.
CLAN_LABEL { 497, 30, 575, 50 }
Click on this button to select the clan for your team.
NUMBER_LABEL { 70, 75, 135, 400 }
These numbers represent the 4 Teams possible. Click in the columns
to designate human and computer players. Only two players can play
in this Demo Version.
HUMAN_BUTTONS { 167, 58, 237, 421 }
Clicking one of the buttons in this column assigns a human player
to that team.
COMPUTER_BUTTONS { 277, 58, 348, 421 }
Clicking one of the buttons in this column assigns a Computer player
to that team.
NONE_BUTTONS { 386, 58, 455, 421 }
Clicking one of the buttons in this column assigns No Player
to that particular team.
CLAN_BUTTONS { 496, 58, 577, 421 }
Clicking a clan button opens the Clan Menu, and allows
you to review the various clans and select one to fight for.
OPTION_BUTTON { 244, 438, 346, 472 }
Opens the Options Menu, and allows you to set up various game
settings, such as Victory Conditions, Starting Credit and Map Resource
Distribution. Some options are disabled in the Demo Version.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 438, 456, 472 }
Cancels Hot Seat Game Setup and returns to the Main Menu
DONE_BUTTON { 515, 438, 615, 472 }
Closes the Hot Seat Setup Menu, and proceeds with the game.
QUESTION? { 466, 439, 503, 473 }
MISSION_ONE_BUTTON { 15, 180, 312, 204 }
Click on this button to select the First Training Mission
MISSION_TWO_BUTTON { 15, 204, 312, 224 }
Click on this button to select the Second Training Mission
MISSION_THREE_BUTTON { 15, 224, 312, 244 }
Click on this button to select the Third Training Mission
MISSION_FOUR_BUTTON { 15, 244, 312, 264 }
Click on this button to select the Fourth Training Mission
MISSION_FIVE_BUTTON { 15, 264, 312, 284 }
Click on this button to select the Fifth Training Mission
BRIEFING_WINDOW { 342, 202, 630, 429 }
This window displays the Mission Briefing, detailing the Goals and
Objectives of each mission.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 437, 455, 471 }
The "Cancel" button closes the Training Mission Menu and returns to
the Main Menu.
? { 466, 440, 507, 470 }
DONE { 515, 437, 616, 470 }
Clicking "Start" Loads and begins the selected Training Mission.
COMPUTER_OPPONENT { 7, 39, 211, 227 }
This Panel allows you to select the difficulty level of your computer
opponent(s). Each level, when clicked, will display information about
that opponents abilities.
TURN_TIMERS { 217, 39, 421, 227 }
The Turn Timer Panel allows you to change the values for the TURN TIMER,
and the END TURN TIMER. As each turn is started, the TURN TIMER resets
and starts counting down to zero, until the end turn button is clicked.
The END TURN TIMER then begins counting down to allow your opponent(s)
time to finish their turns.
PLAY_MODE { 426, 39, 632, 227 }
M.A.X. may be played in normal Turn Based Mode, where each player
takes their turn in sequence, or in Simultaneous Mode, in which
all players take their turns at the same time.
STARTING_CREDIT { 7, 234, 211, 422 }
This panel allows you to select the amount of Credits that will be available
to purchase and/or upgrade units at the beginning of the game.
RESOURCE_LEVELS { 216, 234, 423, 422 }
The Resource Panel allows you to select the overall amount of Raw
Materials, Fuel and Gold that will be available on the planet.
VICTORY_CONDITIONS { 427, 234, 632, 422 }
Victory Conditions can be set up based on the number of turns or as the
number of points accumulated. You may select one of the options presented,
or click in the field, and then type in the desired victory limit.
CANCEL_BUTTON { 355, 438, 455, 472 }
Clicking Cancel closes the Options Menu and returns you to the New Game Menu.
? { 466, 438, 506, 472 }
DONE_BUTTON { 514, 438, 615, 472 }
Once all options are set to your satisfaction, click the Done button to proceed
with the game.