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OCR: Thanks For P laying OCK! MAN If you found this program fun intcrest ing, or good wastc of timc. and you'a likc to 3CC norc of the samc would bc grcatlu apprec iatcd cmbcr good programs likc this don' + grow on trccs theu takc many hours of arduous work! Nnyway. plcasc cn,joy this gamc! For thosc of you who arc honest l ikc pcop lc addres: Carcy Nachenberg 19533 Morthr idgc. an 91324 Oga in, your contr ibut ion of S5 S10 dol lars would bc grcatly appreciated Sinccrcly Carcy morc contribution appreo cough progr they Amyway ganc saint herc Nachenbcrg Northr idge 9132