Fun & Games 31
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──────────┤ Welcome ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Welcome to Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom, Shareware Version,
distributed by Pop Software. You should have these files:
If any files are missing, contact us to receive the complete BATS.ZIP.
Please share BATS.ZIP by giving it to your friends and uploading it
to your favorite BBS. For information about other types of distribution,
please see VENDOR.DOC.
The files BATS.KEY, BATS.JOY, BATS.TOP, and BATS.SET are created when
you play or configure the game. You should not distribute these files,
and if they've been passed along to you, delete them before playing
for the first time.
──────────┤ Shareware ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Many people play Shareware and never register. That's why we need
** you ** to be the exception to the rule. Make a difference. Thanks.
──────────┤ Game Requirements ├──────────────────────────────────────────
The game runs under DOS on a PC compatible. It should be a fast PC,
preferably a 386 or better.
Memory: 550K of free memory is required to run the game with digital sound.
530K is required to run it without digital sound.
Graphics: The game runs under EGA or VGA, but VGA users will be treated
to better graphics.
Sound: The game supports music and digital sound-effects on Sound Blaster
compatibles. No setup is necessary. If you run into problems, try disabling
DIGITAL SOUND under the SOUND menu, and if there are still problems,
select PC SPEAKER instead of SOUND CARD (also in the SOUND menu).
──────────┤ Starting the Game ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Start the game by typing BATS at the DOS prompt (running under Windows
is not recommended). You will see the Quick Start directions- press any key
to proceed. Then you may watch the slide-show- it will advance
automatically in time with the music. To speed it up, press SPACE, or it
cancel it, press ESC.
If you want to disable the slide-show from running each time you start
BATS (for example if you've already seen it), toggle the INTRO setting
under the OTHER menu (in the game).
──────────┤ Using The Menus ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Move the cursor with UP-ARROW and DOWN-ARROW, and press ENTER to make
a selection. When you are in a sub-menu you can return to the main menu
by choosing MAIN MENU or by pressing Esc. Pressing Esc from the main menu
is the same as choosing QUIT. If a mouse is attached you can use the
mouse to move the cursor, and you can click to make a selection.
──────────┤ Controls ├──────────────────────────────────────────
The default keyboard controls are:
Arrow Keys: Move ship (up, down, left, right)
Space Bar: Fire guns (press repeatedly, or hold for auto-fire)
P: Pause game
ESC: Abort game, return to main menu
In the CONTROLS menu, you can change these keys by choosing CONFIGURE.
Or, to play using a mouse choose MOUSE, or JOYSTICK for joystick. If
either choice is grey, then the mouse driver or joystick wasn't found.
The first time you choose JOYSTICK you will go to CALIBRATE automatically.
If you change the trim settings on your joystick, or change to another
joystick, or find that the joystick is being weird, you should CALIBRATE
──────────┤ Your Choices ├──────────────────────────────────────────
These are your choices from the main menu:
Play: Starts a new game.
Players: Toggles between 1 or 2 players.
Controls: Allows you to choose between keyboard, mouse, and joystick.
Music: Allows you to select sound elements and sound device.
Hints: Gives playing hints- including some not described here!
Other: Allows you to toggle the intro on and off, and see or reset
the high scores.
──────────┤ Playing ├──────────────────────────────────────────
You have three major goals:
1. Stay Alive! Use evasive maneuvers to avoid Space Bats and their weapons.
2. Eliminate Space Bats! Fire your guns with careful timing to better
protect yourself.
3. Power Up! Many Space Bats carry power-crystals with them. When you
hit such a Space Bat its power crystal will pop out. Grab it before it
weaves by.
If you are skilled enough, you can survive the entire onslaught of the
Mutant Space Bats of Doom and become Earth's greatest hero. There is
a reward for doing this!
──────────┤ Power Crystals ├──────────────────────────────────────────
The key to doing well in Space Bats is to catch power crystals. Each
different crystal improves your ship in a different way:
Green: Makes your shots faster.
Red: Alternately makes your shot-spread wider or enables another gun.
Blue: Makes everything except your ship go slower.
White: Turns all your enabled guns into MEGA guns.
Purple: Collect six of these to gain a free ship.
When you catch a crystal, your ship will sparkle, and the window on the
left will display the effect of the crystal.
──────────┤ The Bonus Rounds ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Pilots like you often wish to test their shooting skills in non-combat
The bonus board contains four large bars, each highlighted with a
different color. Shoot each target orb when it is over the bar of the
matching color. For example, shoot the red orb when it is flying over
the red bar. Higher bars are worth more points. If you do well you may
receive a reward. Each bonus round is different- good luck!
──────────┤ Free Ships ├──────────────────────────────────────────
You get a free ship every time you reach the score shown in purple below
your current score. You also get a free ship each time you collect six
purple crystals. In a two-player game, both players get a free ship when
six purple cyrstals are collected.
──────────┤ Level ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Once you make it up to Level 2 you have the option of starting new games
from that level. Press TAB when the cursor is next to PLAY to change it
to "PLAY (LEV 2)". This means you'll start at Level 2. The same applies to
Level 3... but remember you must reach a level at least once before you
can start the there.
──────────┤ Credits ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom was created by Mike Pooler
(programming) and Dave Cockerill (artwork). Assisting us was the
Legion of Invisible Elves, and a Gnome or two.
This software and related documentation are:
Copyright (c) 1994 by Pop Software. All rights reserved.
Space Bats, Mutant Space Bats, and Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats
of Doom are trademarks of Pop Software.
Call or write us with any comments, questions, or problems.
Your feedback is welcome.
Pop Software
PO Box 60995
Sunnyvale, CA 94088
Voice Mail: (408) 450-3022
CompuServe: 71460,2432
──────────┤ Notice ├──────────────────────────────────────────
Freelance computer animator-artists are available.
Call Dave Cockerill at (415) 949-0818 for info.
Pop Software is interested in considering various game related contracts.
Conversion between platforms, game design, artwork, animation, etc.
Contact us at (408) 450-3022 or at the above address.
──────────┤ The End ├──────────────────────────────────────────