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######### JetCommander VERSION 2.0 HELPFILE (c) KLOSEK 1995-96 ######
>500 ## JetCommander GENERAL HELP ############################
ESC or F10 Cancel and end
CTRLENTER Append current file to the command line
CR Executes the current file with the preference extension
ALT-F8 pops up the command history to choose a
previously entered command.
CTRL-E and CTRL-X shows the last entered commands in
the command line using a ring buffer.
INSERT Selects/deselects the current file/directory
CTRL_F1 : Switch on/off the left window
CTRL_F2 : Autoview on/off
CTRL_F3 : Sort list by name
CTRL_F4 : Sort by extension
CTRL_F5 : Sort by name
CTRL_F6 : Sort by size
CTRL_F7 : Sort by unsorted
CTRL_F8 : Toggles display
CTRL_F9 : Print file(s)
CTRL_F10 : Show user function keys, toggles 3*6 Keys (SETUP)
CTRL_O : Switch on/off all windows
CTRL_E : Commandhistory in the commandline
CTRL_X : " "
CTRL-R : Refresh the current window
CTRL_Q : Small / Large window
CTRL Backspace : cd \
SHIFT-F2 : Count all Directorysizes
SHIFT-F3 : Toggles window mode
Short summary of mouse functions :
File-window: Double-click left executes file with preference extension
Single click left moves the mouse cursor
Single click right selects the file or directory
Moving the mouse while pressing the right button selects all
files hit.
Select a command of the command window (last two lines) with
a single left button click executes the command with the actual
Single click in a dialog box moves the cursor to the field
Double click left activates the dialog box function
Commands in the filewindow
CTRL-R : Refresh the actual directory
SHIFT-F3 : Toggles window mode
CTRL-F2 : Autoviewmode on/off
F2 : Pop up userpulldown
F3 : View files with internal or external viewer
F4 : Edit files with external or internal editor if no one
is defined in SETUP.
F5 : Copies file(s)/directory (ies)
F6 : Move/Renames file(s) or directory (ies)
F7 : Make a new directory or directory path
F8 : Deletes file(s) and/or directories
F9 : Menu bar
F10 : End JetCommander / exit list
ALT+ A..Z : Goto File starting with the character A...Z
TAB, SHIFT-TAB Changes the active window, file-window <-> tree
-window or file-window-1 <-> file-window-2
NUM + : Filemask for file window, if you enter a empty mask
*.* is default. Multiple masks are separated with ;
1. f.ex.'*.txt;*.dok;*.bat'
2. '*.' all files without extension
3. Inverse Masks are possible with <.
f.ex.: '<*.bak' shows all files not matching *.bak
4. Combinations are possible like :
Each window got a own filemask
NUM - : Unselect all files
NUM * : Invert selection
ALT-F1 : Changes the filedisplay mode long/short
ALT-F2 : Shows all drives available for change drive
ALT_F5 : Compress files to an archive
ALT_F6 : Decompress complete archive
ALT-F7 : Search text in files
ALT_F8 : Search files / files containing text
ALT_F9 : Choose a directory (Setup)
ALT-F10 : Show directory tree, change path
>2 #### JetCommander DIRECTORYTREE ############################
+ or F5 : Expands/reads the tree starting at the current
directory for one subdirectory level
- or F6 : Collapse the subdirectorytree below the current
* or F3 : Expands/reads all subdirectories starting at the
current directory.
a-z : If you enter any char the cursor is positioned
automatically on the next entry matching the
mask.If no entry is found, the char is ignored.
The search mask is displayed at the bottom of the
ALT_G : Searches the next directory matching the mask.
ALT_D : Deletes the actual Seachmask
CTRL-R : Reads the tree again
F07 : Creates a directory below actual cursor.
PAGE UP/DOW : Goes upward/downward one page.
CTRL-PAGE UPDOWN: Go upward/downward to directory of same
subdirectory level.
CURSOR LEFT : Go to father of actual directory (cd ..)
CURSOR RIGHT/DOWN: Move on entry down
END : Go to end of the tree
ESC : Abort function, (reading the tree)
CTRL+Key : Changes drive
DELETE : Deletes all Subdirectories below the actual
directory including all files after confirmation.
>3 ##### INTEGRATED EDITOR ##############################
F1 : Help
F2 : Save file
F3 or ALT-L : Mark a line / several lines if one is already marked
F4 or ALT-U : Unmark the block
F5 or ALT-C : Copy a marked block
F6 or ALT-M : Move the marked block
F7 or CTRL-I: Search Text case insensitive
F8 or ALT-D : Delete a marked block
F9 : Show menu
F10 or ESC : Quit editor
ALT-F2 : Save and Quit the Editor
ALT-F3 : activate a filelist and load a new file after
selection (selection is just like in normal
filelist). SPACE toggles long and short display.
TAB opens a editline for entering a filename directly.
ALT-F10 : Edit next loaded file
CTRL-F10 : Edit previous loaded file
ALT-J : Join two lines
ALT-W : Save marked block into a file
CTRL-F : Search one more time
ALT-F7 : Search Text case sensitive (CTRL-S)
ALT-K or : Searches, if the cursor is on a bracket
CTRL-F7 the matching bracket.
CTRL-F3 : shows a filelist with the 200 edited files
to select one for editing.
ALT-G : Goto Linenumber
CTRL-HOME : Goto top of file
CTRL-END : Goto end of file
CTRL-F : Search again
CTRL-BACKSPACE : Deletes current line
Menu / Commandmode
You can enter the following commands :
/ : Search string case sensitive
\ : Search string ignore case
Number : Jump to linenumber n.
Any other entry is executed as operating System command.
Other Keys
>4 #### LINEEDITOR #######################################
With the following key combinations the line editor supports
some special functions :
SHIFT-F1 : Change edit field to upper case
SHIFT-F2 : Change edit field to lower case
CTRL-HOME,CTRL-END, : Moves the cursor
Start a DOS/OS2 Shell.
Enter exit to return to the program.
You can define a Userpulldown in an ASCII file
The definitions are must have an initial character '>'
The hotkey for activating is marked by a leading ^.
Hard coded entries :
P> pulldownheader
E> pulldownentry
D> definition line
# comment
without > or # = command line
D> XPOS = nr upper left corner of pulldown
D> YPOS = nr upper left corner of pulldown
D> XWIDTH = nr minimal width of pulldown
D> SWAP = 0 swap main program for execution off
D> SWAP = 1 on
D> WINDOW = 0 display a window for execution off
D> WINDOW = 1 on
D> WINXPOS = nr upper left corner of execution window
D> WINXWIDTH = nr window x width
D> WINYWIDTH = nr window y width
D> CURSOR = 1 activate cursor in window
D> WAIT = 0/1 wait after execution
D> PARAMETER = 0/1 enter a parameter for execution
the parameter is inserted at % in the
command string
You can enter several commands separated with a ;.
The single commands are executed sequential.
P> Userpulldown
D> XPOS = 20
D> YPOS = 5
D> XWIDTH = 20
D> SWAP = 0
E> ^Editor
D> SWAP = 1
vi %;
E> ^Viruscheck
D> SWAP = 1
D> WAIT = 1
c:;cd \scan;scan86;
ABOUT JetCommander
JetCommander is a Filemanager for OS/2 and DOS. It allows a
unique operation in both Operating Systems.
It is possible to define some programs already in use
for different jobs. (Editor, Wordprocessing..)
Short description of the features :
- Available for DOS and OS/2
- JetCommander is designed for daily usage and simplifies working
with different files with single Shortcut Keys.
- JetCommander a small program with 480KB Harddisk usage.
- JetCommander is saving the directory trees on disk. The program
reads the tree only if the user wants it.
Define your own programs for usage :
- Editor
- File Viewer
Start of big programs with a rest of ca. 3KB of resident memory usage.
function summary
- archivefunctions
Archive are treated like directories
- edit
- copy
copy files from HPFS or NFS to FAT with automatic
file name conversion from longnames (only OS/2).
Extended attributes are copied too. (only OS/2)
- delete
- files
- complete directories, including subdirectories
- view file
- execute a dos command
- command history
- execute a program
- wordprocessing
- compare files
- date and size as criteria
different files are selected for further operations.
(effective update function)
- file differences
- text search in ASCII an binary files
- file display with/without size and attributes
- set file date time and attribute
- date, time and dos version display
- display of actual path, the directory size, the size of all
selected files
- show directory tree
- file find . The files are displayed in a normal file list for
further operations.
- Text search in files. Files are also displayed in a file list.
- User defined pulldown activated via hotkey
Definition in ASCII file "JC.DAT", "JC2.DAT"
- Sorted file display with following criteria :
- alphabetic
- date
- size
- extension
- unsorted
- mode
- screen save after n minutes without an activity.
Technical data
Hard- Software requirements :
- IBM compatible PC/AT
- CGA/EGA/VGA or Hercules Graphic adapter
- Disk usage about 480kB.
- MS-DOS > 3.0 or OS/2 V1.x and V2.x
> V6.4 need OS/2 > 2.x cause it is a 32 Bit program
- min. 356kB main memory (DOS)
>60 Quit the program
With this function you quit this program.
Set file attributes/time
Set the file attributes SYSTEM, READONLY, HIDDEN, ARCHIVE
and the file date and time. The display is updated immediately
and shows the new settings.
Copy files
With this function you can copy a file, all selected files or a whole
After activating you can enter a destination path in the command line.
The path last entered is displayed as default. If you enter a new not
existing path the path will be created after a positive confirmation.
With this possibility you can create a whole path including subdirectories.
Destination : c:\text\x\y\z The complete path will be created.
If you enter a illegal path or press the CURSOR UP key, the directory
tree is displayed for choosing a destination path.
Delete Files
With this function you can delete files or directories.
If the cursor is positioned on a directory entry, the whole
directory including all subdirectories is delete after confirmation.
Search strings in files
This function searches strings in ASCII or binary files.
If the string is in the file, a window is displayed with the
text. The following commands are possible :
ESC : Cancel operation, no search operation in other selected files
s : skip File and continue searching in other selected files
i : invalid entry
h : change to hex display
e : edit file, the integrated editor jumps to the fist occurrence
of the search string in the specific file
Execute commands
Executes a command. With CURSOR UP a command history of the already
entered commands is displayed. You can choose one command of that
list with Cursor and Return.
If there is any combination of a command and the fileextension
defined in the preference file the command is added to the filename.
Define the filemask
Set the filemask for the file window. If you enter nothing *.* is default.
It is possible to enter multiple filemasks separated with ;. Even inverse
masks are available.
f.ex. : *.c;*.h;*.dok; = *.c + *.h + *.dok
or : <*.obj;<*.exe all files without *.obj and *.exe
Program quick start
The command defined for the given fileextension in the preference file
is immediately executed.
File rename
With this function you can rename a file or directory.
Set a file selection mask
Set a file selection mask. If you enter nothing *.* is default.
It is possible to enter multiple filemasks separated with ;. Even inverse
masks are available.
f.ex. : *.c;*.h;*.dok; = *.c + *.h + *.dok
or : <*.obj;<*.exe all files without *.obj and *.exe
Execute a command with all selected files
You can enter a command in the commandline. The filename
of all selected files are inserted at the place of the % char.
for example : pkzip -a dummy %
If you use 2 %, then the filename is inserted without
the fileextension.
for example : del \x\y\objs\%%.obj.
Move Files or directories
Move selected files or directories in another directory.
Edit Files
Edits one ore all selected files with the external editor. If
no external editor is defined in SETUP, the internal editor is used
Copy with subdirectories
Copies all files matching the filemask to the destination
directory including all subdirectories. The files in the current
directory are copied as well.
Count directory size
Its possible to calculate the size of a whole directory
including all subdirectories on directory entry in the file
list. In long display mode (ALT-F1 to toggle) the size is then
displayed just like a normal file size.
Its also possible to calculate the sizes of all directories
actually displayed in the file list. The display changes
automatically to long display mode.
With this function you can calculate the disk usage of certain
Refresh Directory
Read the current directory and refreshes the display.
Count All Directory Sizes
Calculates the sizes of all Directories actually displayed in the
file list. The display changes automatically to long display mode.
With this function you can calculate the disk usage of certain programs.
Next Filelist
A new filelist is opened on top of the actual one. All selections in
the active list are kept. You can see the list number in brackets.
ESC closes the list and returns to the previous list.
Make Directory
Makes one or multiple directories. You may enter a complete path
including several not existing subdirectories.
Change Display Mode
Changes the actual window display mode of JetCommander. SHIFT-F3 changes
the mode online.
File Autoview
Switch on/off the automatic file viewer. Running in 2 filelist
window mode, the actual file is displayed after a short time in the
window not active. TAB activates the Viewerwindow to scroll in the
Working in the Singlefilelist or Filelist/Treemode the file
is displayed on top of the Filewindow.
File Hexview
Shows the file in hex. The display toggles to normal ASCII mode
after entering H.
Print file(s)
Prints the current ore all selected files to the printerport defined
in SETUP. The printjob may be canceled with ESC.
Select files
All files, matching the mask are selected
Multiple masks may be entered separated with a ; . Inverse masks are
possible with a < character leading.
f.ex. : *.c;*.h;*.dok; = *.c + *.h + *.dok
or : <*.obj;<*.exe all files without *.obj and *.exe
Compare directories
Compares the contents of the two filewindows (if visibly) and marks
different files.
File -> Wordprocessing
Activates the program defined in SETUP->Wordprocessing with the current
or all files selected.
File -> Execute
Executes the current file or executes a command with all files selected.
You can enter the command in the command line
The filename of the selected files is placed
at the position of % .
f.ex. : copy % a:\xxx
If you choose 2 %% the filename is inserted
without the fileextension
f.ex. : del %%.obj
Setup editor
Please enter the complete path of the external fileeditor. After
Return the path is checked for existence of the program.
If no program is entered, the internal editor is used.
Setup file viewer
Please enter the complete path of the external fileviewer. After
Return the path is checked for existence of the program.
If no program is entered, the internal viewer is used.
Setup wordprocessing
Please enter the complete path of your wordprocessing program. After
Return the path is checked for existence of the program.
Setup hexeditor
Please enter the complete path of the external fileeditor. After
Return the path is checked for existence of the program.
Setup file differences
Please enter the complete path of the program for finding file
differences (diff). After Return the path is checked for
existence of the program.
Setup colors
Definition of all color settings. Change the background color with
CURSOR UP/DOWN and the foreground color with CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT.
You have to accept the new color setting for a specific color with
RETURN and save the setup.
The main window is redisplayed with the new color after restarting
the program.
Save setup
Save all setup data.
Setup sort mode
Defines the sort criteria for the filelist.
You can choose :
date and time
file size
file extension
mode /selected files in front
Setup darkscreen
Define a time in minutes before the screen display is switched off.
In darkscreen mode a random pixel picture is displayed.
Setup userlevel
In BEGINNER Level the files with SYSTEM- and HIDDEN attribute are not
displayed. This offers more security so that they can't be deleted
by an user error.
In PROFESSIONAL Mode files are deleted without security question !!.
And even on program exit no question occurred.
Setup function keys
This function allows the definition of commands for 18 function keys
three times F5 - F10.
For each function key a 9 character comment string is available.
After activating the function key assignment with INSERT this comment
is displayed.
Multiple commands are separated with a ';'. The actual file
is placed at the position of '%'. If you use '%%' the filename without
extension is inserted.
F.e: F05 Comment : ZIP
F05 : pkzip -a %%.zip %;del %
Setup Preferences
JetCommander allows the combination of Fileextension and commands via
preferences. After QUICK START or COMMAND the preference file is
searched. If the file extension is combined with a command, the command
will immediately executed or displayed in the command line.
Wildcards may be used in the extension to define a command for
several files. The example shows as last entry the definition
" * [JCVIEW]" to activate the internal viewer for all files
not matching previous definitions.
You may use the internal viewer with [JCVIEW] and the internal
editor with [JCEDIT].
Setup Display Mode
With this function you can select the display mode for JetCommander.
JetCommander offers 3 different display modes.
- One File Window
- File Window and Directory window
- Two File Windows
Setup Directories
It is possible to define 10 directories for quick access from the
file list using the hotkeys CTRL-F01...CTRL-F10. In addition to
this a dialog box pops up after entering a dot '.' for selection
of one directory.
Setup Clockdisplay
Clock display with or without seconds. In addition a 12/24 hours
display is available.
Setup Filedisplay
Select one of three possible display modes in the filelist,
normally switched with the space key. Saving setup stores this
for default.
Setup Videomode
Activate 80*25 or 80*50 Column/Line mode.
Attention : The mouse fields are treated correctly after a restart of
Setup Printer
Enter the number of the printerport you want to print to.
Setup Archiveprograms
To use the archive features JetCommander must know some definitions
of the archivers you prefer to use. These one are entered in a
external ASCII file JC2.ASE or JC.ASE for all archive types.
JetCommander works with ZIP, ARJ, LHA and ZOO Archive. JetCommander
distinguishes the following fileextensions :
The definitions includes :
- Path of the archive program for compression
- Path of the archive program for decompression
- Command to add a file to the archive
- Command to delete a file in the archive
- Command to extract a file from the archive
- Command to list archive
- Two dummy commands (for future use)
Save File
Stores the actual file. It is possible to enter a new name.
Quit File
Exit actual file without saving the file.
Save File and quit
Saves the actual File and quit. A new name can be entered.
Rename File
Load File
With this function a small filewindow is displayed to select a file for
editing. The basic function is similar to the normal file window.
Activate next/previous file
Command mode
Entering ESC opens at the bottom of the window a edit field for a
a command. If the command is not a internal editcommand, it is executed
from the operating system.
Start a shell
Exit to the operating system.
File print
Define Keywords
Five group of keyword colors are available (type 1-5). Comments
are treated separate. All word separators are single char
keywords and have to be defined, except the space character.
Special types :
Start of comment type 20
End of comment type 22
Single line comment type 21
All keyword definitions for all filetypes are entered in one
file. The F> statement shows the definition of the fileextension
for the following carate block. The keywords until the next F>
appears are all valid for the current file extension (type).
Syntax of one carate definition
Example: Definition of some Keywords for *.C,*.CPP,*.H and *.HPP
/* ,20
// ,21
*/ ,22
% ,4
" ,4
. ,4
/ ,4
if ,1
do ,2
for ,2
while ,2
continue ,2
#undef ,3
defined ,3
sizeof ,4
default ,4
goto ,4
#pragma , 5
The color of the keywords may not be defined in this version.
Copy a block
Copies the marked block under the cursor position.
Delete a block
Deletes the marked block. This function works only in the actual file.
Move a block
Moves the marked block under the cursor position.
Mark a block
Marks a Block of lines. (right mouse button)
Unmark a block
Save marked block in file
Print block
The block marked is printed to the printer defined in SETUP.
Delete line
Deletes one line (CTRL-BACKSPACE)
Paste Screenpuffer
Search a test case sensitive
This function searches a text in the file for exact match.
All search hits are marked in the file.
Shortkey CTRL-S.
Search a text case insensitive
This function searches a text in the file case insensitive.
Shortkey CTRL-I.
Search text again
The text searched before is searched again in the same searchmode.
Shortkey CTRL-F.
Edited Files -> Picklist
This function shows a filelist with the last 100 edited files for
selection for editing.
Search brackets
If the cursor is placed on a Bracket {}[](), ALT-K searches the
closing/opening bracket.
With the integrated fileviewer, files can be shown in ASCII
and HEX-Mode.
H : toggles between ASCII/HEX mode
* : Shows only printable characters
A : Shows in ASCII Mode only Strings (strings in binary files)
w : Long lines are wrapped
CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT scrolls window
HOME/END/PAGE UP-DOWN to move cursor in the file
Setup userlevel
Advanced Userlevel
Display mode : One list
Only one big window with all files is displayed
Display mode: One list and directory tree
One file window and the directory tree are displayed together
Display mode: Two filelists
Two filelists are displayed parallel
Clock display without seconds
Clock display with seconds
Sort Filedisplay
File display with attributes
Long filedisplay
Compare files
Compare all selected files of the list (global list) with a destination
directory. File date, time size and existence will be compared.
Files with differences are selected after execution. The state of the
file is displayed as :
or OLD : source file older than destination file
or NEW : source file newer than destination file
- or --- : file not existent in destination directory
< or <<< : file smaller than in destination directory
but same date and time.
> or >>> : file bigger than in destination directory
but same date and time.
File differences
This command compared files using the program entered in setup
for file differences. The output can be redirected (CON for console default).
Locating files on one drive.
You have to enter the path and the search mask in the edit window,
for example
Search : c:\*.exe
Search : .\*.c
Search : .\*.[c-h]
The files matching the mask are displayed in a global filelist for
further executions with the normal program file functions.
If you enter nothing *.* is default.
If you don't enter a directory the search starts at the root \ .
Multiple filemasks are possible and have to be separated with a ;.
Even inverse masks are possible.
f.ex. : *.c;*.h;*.dok; = *.c + *.h + *.dok
or : <*.obj;<*.exe all files without *.obj and *.exe
Move files
Moves files and/or directories to another path/drive.
Command recursive
Enter a command and a filemask in the dialog box. All files matching
the file mask are executed with the given command.
Search Text Recursive
This function searches a text in all files matching the entered file
mask. The files are inserted to a global file list for further operations.
Split file
This functions splits big files into single smaller pieces, for storing
them f.ex. on a floppy disk. The single parts got the filename and a
numeric extension. If you select the option optimal size, the maximum
space on floppy disk is chosen for the file size.
Build file
This function builds the original big file out of the single files
generated by split files. The function must be activated with file
cursor on a splitted file (numeric Extension).
You can build the destination file directly from floppy disk to harddisk.
Write filelist
Saves the current filelist in a file for documentation purposes.
Entering PRN or LPTx prints the filelist. The filelist is saved in
the current display mode (with/without size...)
Open archive
Opens an archive (ZIP,ARJ,LHA,ZOO,LZH) just like a directory. Several
functions of the normal filewindow may be used directly in the archive.
The functions mentioned above need for temporary decompression the
directory TMP or TEMP set to a directory with enough free space.
Compress files
Compresses the current or all selected files to an archive. The
default archive type is ZIP. This may be overwritten entering a
new name with the desired extension (ARJ,LHA,ZOO,LZH).
(See Setup/Archiveprograms)
Drive information
Some useful drive information is shown for the available drives.
The drive letter, drive label, free drive space, total drive
space and the current directory is displayed.
Decompress archive
This function allows to decompress a complete archive to a
path specified with ALT-F6.