Labels:bulletin board | clock | crt screen | monitor | rock | sidewalk | sky | window OCR: Infoseek grizzly Microsof Inteinet Explorer Favorites Back Stor Refresh Horme beaicr Favorites Address Thttp://ww nfosecl /u03 Tes?sy=12%st=10 infosecl grizzly Grizly Bear -- Defenders TO Wildlife Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) photo: (450x300x256 35k jpg) photo:(474x383x256. 43k jpg) Status: Threatened. Description Humped shoulders. long snout long curved claws for 69% http://wuw defenders .org/ grizza html (Size 3.9K Document Date: 13 Jun 1996 Bear Attacks Could this happen to me The chances of being attacked by a bear are much lowet then having an accident and breaking an ankle getting cano comer an't Microsoft View Reiresh Home infoseel alizzl 474383256 Thre atened grizzs lower