Roll m Up is a give away program of the Dutch brewery Dommelsch. You can download it for free at The site is hosting a high score table as well. Uploads to this site are prepared by the software - they don't work properly always, though. Some special features of this pinball table are a ventilator, a trampoline and a glass of beer.
2. Rules
Aim of the game is the completion of the word "Dommelsch". You can see the letters at the top of the pinball table.
To do so you need to fulfill 5 tasks:
Hit the 2 drop targets at "The Piano" twice for "D" and "o".
Hit the center beercan targets twice for the 2 "m".
Shoot the Trampoline ramp dor the letter "e".
Complete the barchair drop target bank for "l" and "s".
Hit the right beercan targets for "c" and "h".
After completion you can start a multiball mode by putting the ball into the blue Bonus sinkhole. Now each target will award you 1 Dommelsch.
Other features:
"Extra Ball" for each 3 M points.
"Ball Lock" below the right beercans. Release of the locked ball by hitting the 2 drop targets right of the center beercans. After sinking the right beercans 3 times you light a flash. Any ball that passes the flash line gets on fire. Shoot the fire ball into the beer glass to quench the fire. If youu don't succeed within a certain time the fire ball will explode and is lost. Relight kickbacks by shooting the pop bumpers or the targets behind.
3. Hints
3.1 After shooting the trampoline use the ventilator by moving the flipper to hold the ball in the upper half of the table!
3.2 Just wait - if possible - to avoid to get set your ball on fire by the flash!
3.3 Try to complete the tasks in the upper half of the table at last so that sinking the ball in the bonus hole is easier!
3.4 The spinning wheel above the flippers will start and stop depending only on time. So just wait to avoid drains!