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- Apply on: CRC: 0xF399554F File: sound-mix.list Date: Fri May 25 01:00:00 2001
- 1c1
- CRC: 0x4E8D035E File: sound-mix.list Date: Fri Jun 1 01:00:00 2001
- 9c9
- Last Updated: 30 May 2001
- 209,210c209
- 213,235c212,234
- Actors | Giancarlo Cairella <actors@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Actresses | Giancarlo Cairella <actresses@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Alternative Names | Duncan Smith <aka-names@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Alternative Titles | Michel Hafner <aka-titles@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Alternative Versions | Giancarlo Cairella <versions@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Biographies | Mathias Willerup <biographies@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Business | Giancarlo Cairella <business@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Cast Completion | Giancarlo Cairella <business@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Certificates | Rich Williams <certificates@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Cinematographers | Michel Hafner <cinematographers@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Color Information | Mark Harding <color@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Composers | Michel Hafner <composers@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Costume Designers | Duncan Smith <costumes@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Countries | Rich Williams <countries@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Crazy Credits | Mark Harding <crazy-credits@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Crew Completion | Giancarlo Cairella <business@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Directors | Duncan Smith <directors@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Distributors | Mark Bailey <prod-companies@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Editors | Duncan Smith <editors@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Genres | Jake Dias <genres@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Goofs | Jon Reeves <goofs@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Keywords | Jake Dias <genres@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Languages | Rich Williams <languages@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- 237,256c236,255
- Literature | Giancarlo Cairella <literature@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Locations | Mark Bailey <locations@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- MPAA Ratings Reasons | Jon Reeves <certificates@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Misc. Companies | Mark Bailey <misc-companies@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Misc. Filmography | Peter Simeon <misc-crew@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Movie Links | Ron Higgins <movie-links@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Movies | Michel Hafner <original-titles@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Plot Summaries | Colin Tinto <plots@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Producers | Andre Bernhardt <producers@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Production Companies | Mark Bailey <prod-companies@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Production Designers | Duncan Smith <prod-designers@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Quotes | Bob Glickstein <quotes@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Ratings | Mark Harding <feedback@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Release Dates | Mark Bailey <release-dates@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Running Times | Mark Harding <running-times@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- SFX Companies | Mark Bailey <prod-companies@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Sound Mix | Mark Bailey <sound-mix@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Soundtracks | Ron Higgins <soundtracks@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Tag Lines | Mark Bailey <tag-lines@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- Technical Info | Peter Simeon <technical@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- 258c257
- Writers | Duncan Smith <writers@imdb.com> | 05/18/01
- 667c666
- 3 noches (2000) Dolby Digital
- 1693c1692
- Africa Speaks -- English (1933) Mono
- 2019c2018
- Akvanavty (1979) Mono
- 3854a3854
- Anton Ivanovich serditsya (1941) Mono
- 7344,7345d7343
- 7368a7367,7368
- Belle-maman (1999) Dolby Digital
- Belle-maman (1999) DTS
- 9979c9979
- Boss of Big Town (1942) Mono
- 11005a11006
- Bros, The (2001) Dolby Digital
- 11052d11052
- 12433c12433
- Camino largo a Tijuana (1989) Mono
- 13739d13738
- 13761a13761
- Cent-kwestie, Een (1951) Mono
- 19471a19472
- Deadly Is the Female (1949) Mono
- 19512c19513
- Death (1997/I) Mono
- 22834a22836
- Duel d'Hamlet, Le (1900) Silent
- 23859c23861
- Emigrant (1910/I) Silent
- 30064c30066
- Gander at Mother Goose, A (1940) Mono
- 31102c31104
- Girl From Monterrey, The (1943) Mono
- 32461d32462
- 32464a32466
- Granddad (1913) Silent
- 33259d33260
- 33694d33694
- 37410c37410
- House of Secrets (1936) Mono
- 39093c39093
- In the Money (1933/I) Mono
- 42231d42230
- 42617c42616
- Killing Time (2001/I) Stereo
- 43355a43355
- Korei (2000) Dolby SR
- 44252c44252
- Largo Winch (2001) (TV) Stereo
- 45942c45942
- Little Bantamweight, The (1938) Mono
- 46525d46524
- 46529a46529
- Locuras del rock 'n roll, Las (1957) Mono
- 50509c50509
- Matrimony's Speed Limit (1913) Silent
- 56583a56584
- Nizlavi (1974) Mono
- 60340d60340
- 62897,62899c62897,62899
- Pluto Nash (2002) Dolby Digital
- Pluto Nash (2002) DTS
- Pluto Nash (2002) SDDS
- 67412c67412
- Resident Evil (2002) Dolby Digital
- 71459d71458
- 72026d72024
- 72353a72352
- Shabat sagamo (1975) Mono
- 74922c74921
- So This is Harris! (1933) Mono
- 75353,75355c75352,75354
- Someone Like You... (2001) Dolby Digital
- Someone Like You... (2001) DTS
- Someone Like You... (2001) SDDS
- 75364c75363
- Something Good -- Negro Kiss (1903) Silent
- 77727c77726
- Straußkiste II, Die (2001) Stereo
- 78079d78077
- 79375a79374
- Tainstvennyj ostrov (1941) Mono
- 79401d79399
- 80149d80146
- 80352a80350
- Telets (2001) Dolby Digital
- 80704c80702
- Terror Trail (1946) Mono
- 81200a81199
- Things You Do for Love: Sweet Dreams, The (1998) (TV) Stereo
- 81492c81491
- Three Little Bops (1957) Mono
- 87108c87107
- VH-1 Behind the Music: Grease (2000) (TV) Stereo
- 87580,87581c87579,87580
- Virilité (2000) Dolby
- Virilité (2000) DTS
- 88897c88896
- We, the Animals - Squeak! (1941) Mono
- 93884c93883
- "Ceo zivot za godinu dana" (1971) Mono
- 94858c94857
- "Largo Winch" (2001) Stereo
- 95713a95713
- "Seasons of Love" (1998) (mini) Stereo
- 96011d96010