home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; sviewng.cd
- ;
- ; ************
- ;
- ; SViewNG.c
- ;
- MSG_CliFileInfo (//)
- Multi-Gfx-Tool. Showing, Writing, Converting of Graphic Files.\n
- MSG_Usage (//)
- USAGE: \2330;33;40mSViewNG\2330;31;40m [-(Options=Tooltypes) | ?] <PicFileName(s)>\n
- MSG_CxFileInfo (//)
- Multi-Gfx-Tool.
- MSG_HotKey (//)
- Action Hotkey :
- MSG_YouNeed37 (//)
- You need OS V2.04+ !
- MSG_YouNeedIntuition37 (//)
- You need \42intuition.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedGraphics37 (//)
- You need \42graphics.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedGadTools37 (//)
- You need \42gadtools.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedSuperView (//)
- You need \42superview.library\42 V16+
- MSG_YouNeedSVSupport (//)
- You need \42superviewsupport.library\42 V8+
- MSG_YouNeedAsl37 (//)
- You need \42asl.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedCommodities37 (//)
- You need \42commodities.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedWorkbench37 (//)
- You need \42workbench.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedIcon37 (//)
- You need \42icon.library\42 V37+
- MSG_YouNeedAmigaGuide38 (//)
- You need \42amigaguide.library\42 V34+
- MSG_YouNeedLocale38 (//)
- You need \42locale.library\42 V38+
- ;
- ; SV_CxSubs.c
- ;
- MSG_CxFailed (//)
- Commodity-Install failed !
- MSG_CxNoMsgPort (//)
- Can't create MsgPort !
- ;
- ; SV_FileReqSubs.c
- ;
- MSG_FR_Request (//)
- SViewNG FileRequest
- MSG_FR_SelectShowPic (//)
- Select Picture :
- MSG_FR_SelectSavePic (//)
- Select Save-Name for Picture:
- MSG_FR_SelectLoadConfig (//)
- Select Load-Name for Config-File:
- MSG_FR_SelectSaveConfig (//)
- Select Save-Name for Config-File:
- MSG_FR_ViewGad (//)
- View
- MSG_FR_LoadGad (//)
- Load
- MSG_FR_SaveGad (//)
- Save
- MSG_FR_QuitGad (//)
- Cancel
- ;
- ; SV_IOSubs.c
- ;
- MSG_IO_Message (//)
- SViewNG Message
- MSG_IO_Confirm (//)
- Confirm
- ;
- ; SV_GuideSubs.c
- ;
- MSG_AG_OpenError (//)
- Error while opening AmigaGuide File !
- MSG_AG_NoSpecialHelp (//)
- No special Help available !
- ;
- ; SV_PortSubs.c
- ;
- MSG_PS_Request (//)
- SViewNG Request
- MSG_PS_ReallyQuit (//)
- Do you REALLY want to quit SViewNG ?\n
- MSG_PS_QuitMask (//)
- Hide|Quit|Cancel
- MSG_PS_OnlineHelp1 (//)
- Online-Help for Gadgets activated.\n
- MSG_PS_OnlineHelp2 (//)
- Press HELP again to stop !
- MSG_PS_NoFileLoaded (//)
- No File loaded.
- MSG_PS_AmigaGuideError (//)
- AmigaGuide Error. Unknown Message Type received.
- MSG_PS_InfoRequest (//)
- SViewNG InfoRequester
- MSG_NoMoreInformation (//)
- No more information
- MSG_ScrInfo_ScreenTitle (//)
- ScreenTitle
- MSG_ScrInfo_LeftEdge (//)
- LeftEdge
- MSG_ScrInfo_TopEdge (//)
- TopEdge
- MSG_ScrInfo_Width (//)
- Width
- MSG_ScrInfo_Height (//)
- Height
- MSG_ScrInfo_Depth (//)
- Depth
- MSG_ScrInfo_Colors (//)
- Colors
- MSG_ScrInfo_ScreenMode (//)
- ScreenMode
- MSG_ScrInfo_Flags (//)
- Flags
- MSG_ScrInfo_BitMapType (//)
- BitMapType
- MSG_ScrInfo_NoInfoAvailable (//)
- <no information available>
- MSG_EvaluationStarted (//)
- Started Unregistered Evaluation Version\nof SViewNG : Please register !\nRegistered Users may request an Update !\n
- MSG_EvaluationEnded (//)
- Ended Unregistered Evaluation Version\nof SViewNG : Please register !\nRegistered Users may request an Update !\n