Magazyn Internet 2001 September
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Text File
970 lines
lev0 = new Array ("xx-small","1",true,false,"white","black","White","Verdana","gray") ;
lev1 = new Array ("xx-small","1",true,false,"white","black","White","Verdana","#669966") ;
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lev3 = new Array ("xx-small","1",true,false,"white","black","White","Verdana","#669966") ;
lev4 = new Array ("xx-small","1",true,false,"white","black","White","Verdana","#669966") ;
lev5 = new Array ("xx-small","1",true,false,"white","black","White","Verdana","#669966") ;
mn1 = new Array
"<font color=\"yellow\">@t - spis tre╢ci</font>","spis.htm",0
,"Internet (1)","6_index.htm",1
,"Internet (2)","6_index.htm",1
,"W sieci","13_index.htm",1
mn1_2 = new Array
,"Bezp│atna prenumerata","2_01.htm",0
,"Jak zostaµ redaktorem","2_03.htm",0
,"Niekomercyjna reklama","2_04.htm",0
,"<font color=\"red\">Grupa dyskusyjna @t'a</font>","2_08.htm",0
,"Ankieta - wyniki","2_10.htm",0
,"Pomocna d│o±","2_12.htm",0
,"Strony czytelnik≤w","2_14.htm",0
,"@t CD","2_15.htm",0
mn1_3 = new Array
,"Literatura informatyczna","3_09.htm",0
mn1_4 = new Array
"Paint Shop Pro 7","4_01.htm",0
,"IrfanView - wielki ma│y program","4_02.htm",0
,"Napisy w Photoshopie","4_03.htm",0
,"Przyciski w Photoshopie (cz. 2)","4_04.htm",0
,"Windows Whistler","4_05.htm",0
,"Windows XP","4_06.htm",0
,"NiezbΩdnik (Service Pack)","4_07.htm",0
,"Orange Book","4_08.htm",0
,"System operacyjny przysz│o╢ci","4_09.htm",0
,"System operacyjny przysz│o╢ci II","4_10.htm",0
,"System przysz│o╢ci - przemy╢lenia","4_11.htm",0
,"Wirus w notatniku","4_12.htm",0
,"Spos≤b na nudnego Explorera","4_14.htm",0
,"Microsoft Word - skr≤ty","4_15.htm",0
,"Baza prenumerator≤w","4_16.htm",0
,"Quintessential - pogromca WinAmp'a ?","4_17.htm",0
mn1_5 = new Array
"NapΩdy wymienne","5_01.htm",0
,"Walka pamiΩci","5_02.htm",0
,"Rozw≤j akceleracji 3D","5_03.htm",0
,"RAMBUS - niewypa│","5_04.htm",0
,"Co dwie g│owy to nie jedna","5_05.htm",0
,"Riva TNT2 Vanta pod lup▒","5_06.htm",0
,"nVIDIA nForce","5_07.htm",0
,"Pentium IV XEON","5_08.htm",0
,"Pentium IV Itanium","5_09.htm",0
,"AMD Athlon 4","5_10.htm",0
,"AMD Duron Overclocking","5_11.htm",0
,"Chipsetowe wojny","5_12.htm",0
,"GlobalWin CAK38","5_13.htm",0
,"Dyski cz.2 - budowa","5_14.htm",0
,"GeForce2 MX","5_15.htm",0
,"Kom≤rka cudem techniki","5_16.htm",0
,"PodkrΩcanie procesora","5_17.htm",0
,"Twardziele vs. wstrz▒sy","5_18.htm",0
,"Akceleratory - s│ownik","5_19.htm",0
mn1_6 = new Array
"Anatomia WWW","6_01.htm",0
,"Szybszy Internet","6_02.htm",0
,"IRCowe logowanie","6_03.htm",0
,"Nie taki wilk straszny","6_04.htm",0
,"Smileys :)","6_05.htm",0
,"Konie troja±skie","6_06.htm",0
,"Internetowy dysk","6_08.htm",0
,"Chat na stronie","6_09.htm",0
,"Ludzie Internetu","6_10.htm",0
,"Co mnie denerwuje w Internecie...","6_11.htm",0
,"Za darmo w sieci","6_12.htm",0
,"Ethernetowe szale±stwo","6_13.htm",0
,"Internetowe aukcje","6_14.htm",0
,"Dobry start","6_15.htm",0
,"Ankieta na temat zarabiania w sieci","6_16.htm",0
mn1_7 = new Array
"Przewodnik po stronach WWW (3)","6_17.htm",0
,"Wirtualna Polska","6_20.htm",0
,"Teleport Pro","6_21.htm",0
,"Internet przez CyfrΩ +","6_22.htm",0
,"Szybsze ╢ci▒ganie","6_23.htm",0
,"W│asny serwer WWW","6_24.htm",0
,"Skompresowany strumie±","6_25.htm",0
,"Portale internetowe","6_26.htm",0
,"Identyfikacja w sieci","6_27.htm",0
,"Hackerzy vs chacke┐y","6_28.htm",0
,"IRC - jak zacz▒µ","6_29.htm",0
,"Portal marze±","6_30.htm",0
,"Szukamy (czΩ╢µ II)","6_31.htm",0
mn1_8 = new Array
"Bramka SMS","7_01.htm",0
,"Co potrzebne webmasterowi ?","7_02.htm",0
,"Programy do WWW","7_03.htm",0
,"Start strony","7_04.htm",0
,"Wyb≤r narzΩdzi","7_05.htm",0
,"Grzechy Webmastera","7_06.htm",0
,"Zmiana kursora","7_07.htm",0
,"Kolorowe suwaki","7_08.htm",0
,"JavaScript dla pocz▒tkuj▒cych","7_09.htm",0
,"Java Klik","7_10.htm",0
,"JavaScript - ochrona has│em","7_11.htm",0
,"Kurs Flash\'a (1)","7_12.htm",0
,"Podaj imiΩ","7_13.htm",0
,"Porada dnia","7_14.htm",0
,"Ciekawe zdarzenia w JS","7_15.htm",0
mn1_9 = new Array
"IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder 4.0","8_01",0
,"Dystrybucje Linuxa","8_02.htm",0
mn1_10 = new Array
"Visual Basic(10)","9_01.htm",0
,"ASP (3)","9_02.htm",0
,"SVG (4-ost)","9_03.htm",0
,"C++ (1)","9_04.htm",0
,"Asembler - pierwsze kroki","9_05.htm",0
,"Pascal - przerwania","9_06.htm",0
,"Pascal - pΩtle","9_07.htm",0
,"Borland C++ Builder - Tutorial 1","9_08.htm",0
,"Borland C++ Builder - Tutorial 2","9_09.htm",0
,"Liczba 32-bitowa","9_10.htm",0
,"Automaty kom≤rkowe","9_11.htm",0
,"S│ownik programowania","9_12.htm",0
mn1_11 = new Array
"Kurs od podstaw","10_01.htm",0
,"Wzmacniacz audio od podszewki","10_02.htm",0
,"Lampa plazmowa raz jeszcze","10_03.htm",0
,"Super wy│▒cznik raz jeszcze","10_04.htm",0
,"Sterowanie silnikiem krokowym","10_05.htm",0
,"Ster. silnikiem krokowym","10_06.htm",0
,"Energia z kosmosu","10_07.htm",0
,"Wzmacniacz mocy","10_09.htm",0
,"ú▒czenie komputer≤w - karta sieciowa","10_10.htm",0
,"System obecno╢ci domownik≤w","10_11.htm",0
mn1_12 = new Array
"Fifa 2001","11_01.htm",0
,"Fallout Tactics","11_02.htm",0
,"Stunt Car Racer","11_03.htm",0
,"Zeus - Pan Olimpu PL","11_04.htm",0
,"The Settlers IV","11_06.htm",0
,"Skoki narciarskie 2001","11_07.htm",0
,"Gra marze±","11_08.htm",0
,"Tanie granie","11_09.htm",0
,"Sztuczki w Quake 3","11_10.htm",0
,"DBZ-me 2","11_11.htm",0
,"Gangsters2: Vendetta","11_13.htm",0
,"Moja pierwsza gra","11_14.htm",0
,"Serious Sam: Pierwsze starcie","11_15.htm",0
,"Prisoner of ice - solucja","11_16.htm",0
,"RollerCoaster Tycoon","11_17.htm",0
,"Red Alert 2","11_18.htm",0
,"SimCity 3000","11_19.htm",0
mn1_13 = new Array
"\"Mafia\" TPSA spuszcza z tonu","12_01.htm",0
,"TPSA vs. NOM","12_02.htm",0
,"╝le siΩ dzieje w @t ?","12_03.htm",0
,"Czy to ju┐ jest \"Matrix\"?","12_04.htm",0
,"Perpetum mobile ?","12_05.htm",0
,"Walczymy z TPSA!","12_06.htm",0
,"Piractwo - za i przeciw","12_07.htm",0
,"Piractwo vs. orygina│y","12_08.htm",0
,"Piraci z Doliny Krzemowej","12_09.htm",0
,"Licencja dla kupuj▒cego","12_10.htm",0
,"Przysz│o╢µ PC","12_11.htm",0
,"Nowy format - OGG","12_12.htm",0
,"Przemoc w grach","12_14.htm",0
,"Jeden wielki ba│agan","12_15.htm",0
,"To m≤j komputer !","12_16.htm",0
,"XXI wiek","12_17.htm",0
,"Wywiad z na│ogowcem","12_18.htm",0
,"Re: Informatyka w szko│ach","12_19.htm",0
mn1_14 = new Array
,"Memories Service","13_02.htm",0
,"Dlaczego tak ma│o ?","13_04.htm",0
,"Jak siΩ tu znale╝µ","13_05.htm",0
imgStr = "<IMG SRC=\'st.gif\' BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 ALIGN=RIGHT>" ;
if (isFrames)
if (NS4)
loader = parent ;
loader = parent.document.body ;
loader = window ;
loader.onload = beg ;
stStr = new Array ('\\','|','/','-'+'-')
stPos = 0 ;
areCreated = false ;
menuLoc = null ;
trgLoc = null ;
topCount = 1 ;
beingCreated = false ;
isOverMenu = false ;
currentMenu = null ;
oldLinkEl = null ;
function beg ()
if (isFrames)
menuLoc = eval("parent.frames." + mainFrName) ;
trgLoc = eval("parent.frames." + trgFrName) ;
menuLoc = window ;
trgLoc = window ;
if (NS4)
menuLoc.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN) ;
menuLoc.document.onmousedown = clicked ;
if (IE4)
if (mout)
menuLoc.document.onmouseover = clicked ;
menuLoc.document.onmousedown = clicked ;
beingCreated = true ;
while( eval ("window.mn" + topCount))
if (NS4)
createMnIE(0,false,topCount) ;
status = "" ;
areCreated = true ;
beingCreated = false ;
function createMnNS (lev,isChild,menuCount,parMenu,parItem)
tempArray = eval("mn" + menuCount) ;
if (!isChild)
menu = createEl("elMenu" + menuCount,menuWidth,null,null) ;
menu = createEl("elMenu" + menuCount,null,parMenu,null) ;
menu.lev = lev ;
menu.array = tempArray ;
menu.setMenuTree = setMenuTree ;
menu.setMenuTree(isChild,parMenu) ;
while (menu.itemCount < menu.maxItems)
menu.itemCount++ ;
if (++stPos == stStr.length)
stPos = 0 ;
status = "úadowanie... " + stStr [stPos] ;
prevItem = (menu.itemCount > 1) ? menu.item : null ;
itemName = "item" + menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount ;
menu.item = createEl (itemName,null,null,menu) ;
menu.item.prevItem = prevItem ;
menu.item.setup = createIt ;
menu.item.setup (menu.itemCount,menu.array) ;
if (menu.item.hasMore)
createMnNS (lev+1,true,menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount,menu,menu.item) ;
menu = menu.parentMenu ;
menu.lastItem = menu.item ;
menu.setup (isChild,parMenu,parItem) ;
function createMnIE (lev,isChild,menuCount,parMenu)
menu = createEl ("elMenu" + menuCount) ;
menu.array = eval ("mn" + menuCount) ;
menu.lev = lev ;
menu.setMenuTree = setMenuTree ;
menu.setMenuTree(isChild,parMenu) ;
menu.itemStr = "" ;
while (menu.itemCount < menu.maxItems)
menu.itemCount++ ;
if (++stPos == stStr.length)
stPos = 0 ;
status = "úadowanie... " + stStr [stPos] ;
itemName = "item" + menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount ;
arrayPointer = (menu.itemCount-1) * 3 ;
dispText = menu.array [arrayPointer] ;
hasMore = menu.array [arrayPointer + 2] ;
htmStr = (hasMore) ? imgStr + dispText : dispText ;
menu.itemStr += "<SPAN ID=" + itemName + " STYLE=\"width:" + menu.menuWidth + "\">" + htmStr + "</SPAN><BR>" ;
if (hasMore)
createMnIE (lev+1,true,menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount,menu) ;
menu = menu.parentMenu ;
menu.innerHTML = menu.itemStr ;
itemColl = menu.children.tags("SPAN") ;
for (i = 0 ; i < itemColl.length ; i++)
it = itemColl(i) ;
it.setup = createIt ;
it.setup(i+1,menu.array) ;
menu.lastItem = itemColl (itemColl.length - 1) ;
menu.setup (isChild,parMenu) ;
function createIt (theItem,theArray)
this.onmouseover = itemOver ;
this.onmouseout = itemOut ;
if (NS4)
this.container = this.parentLayer ;
this.container = this.offsetParent ;
arrayPointer = (theItem - 1) * 3 ;
this.dispText = theArray [arrayPointer] ;
this.linkText = theArray [arrayPointer + 1] ;
this.hasMore = theArray [arrayPointer + 2] ;
if (IE4 && this.hasMore)
stInd = this.id.indexOf ("m") ;
this.child = eval ("elMenu" + this.id.substr(stInd + 1)) ;
this.child.parentMenu = this.container ;
this.child.parentItem = this ;
if (this.linkText)
if (NS4)
this.captureEvents (Event.CLICK) ;
this.onclick = linkIt ;
this.onclick = linkIt ;
this.style.cursor = "hand" ;
if (this.container.lev > maxlev)
levArr = eval ("lev" + maxlev) ;
levArr = eval ("lev" + this.container.lev) ;
fntSizNS = levArr [1] ;
fntSizIE = levArr [0] ;
fntBold = levArr [2] ;
fntItal = levArr [3] ;
fntFam = levArr [7] ;
if (NS4)
htmStr = this.dispText ;
this.document.tags.A.textDecoration = "none" ;
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htmStr = htmStr.bold () ;
if (fntItal)
htmStr = htmStr.italics () ;
htmStr = "<FONT FACE=\"" + fntFam + "\" SIZE=" + fntSizNS + ">" + htmStr+ "</FONT>" ;
if (this.linkText)
with (this.document)
linkColor = this.container.menuFontColor ;
alinkColor = this.container.menuFontColor ;
vlinkColor = this.container.menuFontColor ;
htmStrOver = htmStr.fontcolor (this.container.menuFontOver).link("javascript:void(0)") ;
htmStr = htmStr.link ("javascript:void(0)") ;
htmStrOver = htmStr.fontcolor (this.container.menuFontOver) ;
htmStr = htmStr.fontcolor (this.container.menuFontColor) ;
this.htmStr = (this.hasMore) ? imgStr + htmStr : htmStr ;
this.htmStrOver = (this.hasMore) ? (imgStr + htmStrOver) : htmStrOver ;
this.document.write (this.htmStr) ;
this.document.close () ;
this.visibility = "inherit" ;
this.bgColor = this.container.menuBGColor ;
if (theItem == 1)
this.top = borWid + itemPad;
this.top = this.prevItem.top + this.prevItem.clip.height + sep ;
this.left = borWid + itemPad ;
this.clip.top = this.clip.left = -itemPad ;
this.clip.bottom += itemPad ;
this.clip.right = this.container.menuWidth - (borWid * 2) - itemPad ;
with (this.style)
padding = itemPad ;
color = this.container.menuFontColor ;
fontSize = fntSizIE ;
fontWeight = (fntBold) ? "bold" : "normal" ;
fontStyle = (fntItal) ? "italic" : "normal" ;
fontFamily = fntFam ;
borderBottomWidth = sep + "px" ;
borderBottomColor = "black" ;
borderBottomStyle = "solid" ;
backgroundColor = this.container.menuBGColor ;
function createEl (theEl,theWidth,theParent,theContainer)
if (NS4)
if (theWidth)
elWidth = theWidth ;
elWidth = (theContainer) ? theContainer.menuWidth : theParent.menuWidth ;
if (theContainer)
elWidth = elWidth - (borWid * 2) - (itemPad * 2) ;
if (!theContainer)
theContainer = menuLoc;
eval(theEl + "= new Layer(elWidth,theContainer)") ;
elStr = "<DIV ID=" + theEl + " STYLE='position:absolute'></DIV>" ;
menuLoc.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",elStr) ;
return eval (theEl) ;
function setMenuTree (isChild,parMenu)
if (this.lev > maxlev)
levArr = eval ("lev" + maxlev) ;
levArr = eval ("lev" + this.lev) ;
this.menuWidth = menuWidth ;
this.menuFontColor = levArr [4] ;
this.menuFontOver = levArr [6] ;
this.menuBGColor = levArr [5] ;
this.menuBGOver = levArr [8] ;
this.menuBorCol = borderCol ;
if (!isChild)
this.treeParent = this ;
this.startChild = this ;
this.treeParent = parMenu.treeParent ;
this.maxItems = this.array.length/3 ;
this.hasParent = isChild ;
this.setup = menuSetup ;
this.itemCount = 0 ;
function ensureVis ()
if (NS4)
winRight = menuLoc.pageXOffset + menuLoc.innerWidth ;
rightPos = this.left + this.menuWidth ;
if (rightPos > winRight)
if (this.hasParent)
parentLeft = this.parentMenu.left ;
newLeft = ((parentLeft-this.menuWidth) + this.childOverlap) ;
this.left = newLeft ;
dif = rightPos - winRight ;
this.left -= dif ;
winBot = menuLoc.pageYOffset + menuLoc.innerHeight ;
botPos = this.top + this.fullHeight ;
if (botPos > winBot)
dif = botPos - winBot ;
this.top -= dif ;
winLeft = menuLoc.pageXOffset ;
leftPos = this.left ;
if (leftPos < winLeft)
if (this.hasParent)
parentLeft = this.parentMenu.left ;
newLeft = ((parentLeft+this.menuWidth) - this.childOverlap) ;
this.left = newLeft ;
this.left = 5 ;
winRight = menuLoc.document.body.scrollLeft + menuLoc.document.body.clientWidth ;
rightPos = this.style.pixelLeft + this.menuWidth ;
if (rightPos > winRight)
if (this.hasParent)
parentLeft = this.parentMenu.style.pixelLeft ;
newLeft = ((parentLeft - this.menuWidth) + this.childOverlap) ;
this.style.pixelLeft = newLeft ;
dif = rightPos - winRight ;
this.style.pixelLeft -= dif ;
winBot = menuLoc.document.body.scrollTop + menuLoc.document.body.clientHeight ;
botPos = this.style.pixelTop + this.fullHeight ;
if (botPos > winBot)
dif = botPos - winBot ;
this.style.pixelTop -= dif ;
winLeft = menuLoc.document.body.scrollLeft ;
leftPos = this.style.pixelLeft ;
if (leftPos < winLeft)
if (this.hasParent)
parentLeft = this.parentMenu.style.pixelLeft ;
newLeft = ((parentLeft+this.menuWidth) - this.childOverlap) ;
this.style.pixelLeft = newLeft ;
this.style.pixelLeft = 5 ;
function menuSetup (hasParent,openCont,openItem)
this.onmouseover = menuOver ;
this.onmouseout = menuOut ;
this.showIt = showIt ;
this.ensureVis = ensureVis ;
this.hideTree = hideTree ;
this.hideParents = hideParents ;
this.hideChildren = hideChildren ;
this.hideTop = hideTop ;
this.hasChildVisible = false ;
this.isOn = false ;
this.childOverlap = childOverlap ;
this.currentItem = null ;
this.hideSelf = hideSelf ;
if (hasParent)
this.hasParent = true ;
this.parentMenu = openCont ;
if (NS4)
this.parentItem = openItem ;
this.parentItem.child = this ;
this.hasParent = false ;
if (NS4)
this.bgColor = this.menuBorCol ;
this.fullHeight = this.lastItem.top + this.lastItem.clip.bottom + borWid ;
this.clip.right = this.menuWidth ;
this.clip.bottom = this.fullHeight ;
with (this.style)
width = this.menuWidth ;
borderWidth = borWid ;
borderColor = this.menuBorCol ;
borderStyle = "solid" ;
this.lastItem.style.border = "" ;
this.fullHeight = this.scrollHeight ;
this.showIt (false) ;
this.onselectstart = cancelSelect ;
this.moveTo = moveTo ;
this.moveTo (0,0) ;
function menuOver ()
this.isOn = true ;
isOverMenu = true ;
currentMenu = this ;
function menuOut ()
if (IE4)
theEvent = menuLoc.event ;
if (theEvent.srcElement.contains (theEvent.toElement))
return ;
this.isOn = false ;
isOverMenu = false ;
function popMenu (e)
if (!areCreated)
return true;
eType = (NS4) ? e.type : event.type ;
hideAll () ;
linkEl = (NS4) ? e.target : event.srcElement ;
currentMenu = eval(linkEl.menuName) ;
currentMenu.hasParent = false ;
currentMenu.treeParent.startChild = currentMenu ;
if (IE4)
menuLocBod = menuLoc.document.body ;
se = event.srcElement ;
xPos = se.offsetLeft ;
yPos = se.offsetTop ;
if (menuHorizontal)
yPos += se.offsetHeight ;
xPos += se.offsetWidth + (mout ? 0 : 6) ;
while (se.offsetParent)
if (se.offsetParent == se || se.offsetParent == document.body)
break ;
xPos += se.offsetParent.offsetLeft ;
yPos += se.offsetParent.offsetTop ;
se = se.offsetParent ;
xPos = e.pageX ;
yPos = e.pageY ;
if (menuHorizontal)
yPos += 6 ;
xPos += 20 ;
currentMenu.moveTo (xPos,yPos) ;
currentMenu.ensureVis () ;
currentMenu.isOn = true ;
currentMenu.showIt (true) ;
return false ;
function popUp (menuName,e)
if (!areCreated)
return ;
linkEl = (NS4) ? e.target : event.srcElement ;
if (linkEl != oldLinkEl)
oldLinkEl = linkEl ;
return ;
if (!beingCreated && !areCreated)
beg () ;
linkEl.menuName = menuName ;
popMenu (e) ;
function itemOut ()
if (IE4)
theEvent = menuLoc.event ;
if (theEvent.srcElement.contains(theEvent.toElement) || (theEvent.fromElement.tagName=="IMG" && theEvent.toElement.contains(theEvent.fromElement)))
this.style.backgroundColor = this.container.menuBGColor ;
this.style.color = this.container.menuFontColor ;
this.bgColor = this.container.menuBGColor ;
with (this.document)
linkColor = this.container.menuFontColor ;
write (this.htmStr) ;
close () ;
function itemOver ()
if (IE4)
theEvent = menuLoc.event ;
if (theEvent.srcElement.tagName == "IMG")
return ;
this.style.backgroundColor = this.container.menuBGOver ;
this.style.color = this.container.menuFontOver ;
this.bgColor = this.container.menuBGOver ;
this.document.write (this.htmStrOver) ;
this.document.close () ;
this.container.currentItem = this ;
if (this.container.hasChildVisible)
this.container.hideChildren (this) ;
if (this.hasMore)
horOffset = this.container.menuWidth - this.container.childOverlap ;
if (NS4)
this.childX = this.container.left + horOffset ;
this.childY = this.pageY + 6 ;
this.childX = this.container.style.pixelLeft + horOffset ;
this.childY = this.offsetTop + this.container.style.pixelTop + 6 ;
this.child.moveTo (this.childX,this.childY) ;
this.child.ensureVis () ;
this.container.hasChildVisible = true ;
this.container.visibleChild = this.child ;
this.child.showIt (true) ;
function moveTo (xPos,yPos)
this.style.pixelLeft = xPos ;
this.style.pixelTop = yPos ;
function showIt(on)
if (NS4)
this.visibility = (on) ? "show" : "hide" ;
this.style.visibility = (on) ? "visible" : "hidden" ;
this.currentItem = null ;
function linkIt ()
trgLoc.location.href = this.linkText ;
if (isFrames)
hideAll () ;
return true ;
return false ;
function popDown (menuName)
if (!areCreated)
return ;
theEl = eval (menuName) ;
theEl.isOn = false ;
if (!NS4 && !IE4)
theEl.hideTop () ;
function hideAll ()
for (i = 1 ; i < topCount ; i++)
temp = eval ("elMenu" + i + ".startChild") ;
temp.isOn = false ;
if (temp.hasChildVisible)
temp.hideChildren () ;
temp.showIt (false) ;
function hideTree ()
if (isOverMenu)
return ;
if (this.hasChildVisible)
this.hideChildren () ;
this.hideParents () ;
function hideTop ()
theEl = this ;
if (NS4 || IE4)
theEl.hideSelf() ;
function hideSelf ()
if (!this.isOn && !isOverMenu)
this.showIt (false) ;
function hideParents ()
tempMenu = this ;
while (tempMenu.hasParent)
tempMenu.showIt (false) ;
tempMenu.parentMenu.isOn = false ;
tempMenu = tempMenu.parentMenu ;
tempMenu.hideTop () ;
function hideChildren (item)
tempMenu = this.visibleChild ;
while (tempMenu.hasChildVisible)
tempMenu.visibleChild.showIt (false) ;
tempMenu.hasChildVisible = false ;
tempMenu = tempMenu.visibleChild ;
if (!this.isOn || !item.hasMore || this.visibleChild != this.child)
this.visibleChild.showIt (false) ;
this.hasChildVisible = false ;
function cancelSelect ()
return false ;
function clicked ()
if (!isOverMenu && currentMenu!=null && !currentMenu.isOn)
theEl = currentMenu ;
theEl.hideTree () ;
oldLinkEl = null ;