ocr: More than smpya sequels to6tar) wors, he Empire Stnikes Backuwo) was o troumabreasing Xconcepts. * APIRE exponsion of ideas, chorocters and introduced i the: first tin. 10 do justice lo this STRIKESBACK grondiose vision vopps nos increoseo the number of cards in this serids to 144 (Star warat widevison offered: 116 imoues from thet him)Once con ore production orl stlis-ond storyboards arel presented on the bocks Also onser agdin, S thonks to dand chnuelle of ucostim. Rck Harding andLou Levnson of the ielecine Research senter. Enjoy' dary derant, EOV3 ARE CRENN SA nan AI a ME a AS SNCNP UMNG OU ...