ocr: FORLE Ustlis Obi-Wlan Lpes, Leno - - - - - - HNIMOICOE PHILLIPS BSAI MRE JUURUB trained by the Jedi Naster Yoda, 0b-wan Henoui was an: eremplary Vedi Anignt and a hero ann the Od Republic with the ise of the Galacticumpire, Kenobi went inta ding on atoone, and uattned ouer luke shyualher as he greul, Years later, ben berame luke's! mentor, and ame to leia arganas aid aboard thel Weath Star, Alter disabling the stations tractor beam, Henoo was hilled by his eN- student, the puil Oarth Uader. Vs Rac