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/ Magazyn WWW 1999 April / cd24-www.iso / prez / sw / cards / sewide / x1b_3.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-02-07  |  39KB  |  400x213  |  16-bit (36,263 colors)
Labels: bird | mountain | person | plant | poster | sculpture | sky | traffic light | tree
OCR: the Soomp alreadu nu frarms the fonta rears FRONT and qet ready t0 unceremoniousy iumr its Jawa riders to the ground The pimch linp the atherJau hanging onto th reins Suinnng from the ronto's nect like 50m Tat poine Larzar vins The shot enlivened unth adel pede trian Pu buddings the horieon band spvera soarecraf fluing overhead Jaua other cawa also flying WIOrVIsiON