Labels:bench | bulletin board | road | sky OCR: LEIA'S RECURRING NIGHIMARE awaken sweaty panic Again horrible images have invaded her sleep The cool iatooin night chills her to the bine dream once more of watchine Fer beloved helpless Han Solo being lowered into the carbon -freezing chamber 0 Bespin Leia coul hea Chembacca roar anguish could see the traitorous Lando Catrissian stand could feel the evil presence ot Darth Vader as his bicding was done It's been months since she'd seen Boba Felt's Slare escape from Cloud Cit wit Han aboard frozen carbonite But sh knows he is WA alive- the? even! will not c SHADOL S EANPIRE FiFes NIGHTMARE awakens watching Calrissian biding Fett Slave City SHADO EAMPIRE