4 Do you want to uninstall MSN Explorer?\n\nUninstalling MSN Explorer will not cancel your account with your Internet Service Provider. However, if you signed up for dial-up Internet access using MSN Explorer or upgraded an existing MSN dial-up account then you may no longer be able to connect to the Internet after uninstalling.
5 Uninstall has detected that MSN Explorer is running.\n\nClick OK to have Uninstall close it for you.\nClick Cancel to close it yourself.
6 Uninstall is complete.
7 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
8 Add/Remove Programs Properties
9 You do not have administrator privileges on this computer. Please have the administrator uninstall this program.
10 Note: For information about how to connect to the Internet or use your e-mail, please open "Important MSN Explorer Information" on your Desktop.\n\nUninstall is complete.