Internet Magazine NZ 2002 April
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95 lines
NameOfTheLevel "acidmyth"
//palette stuff
MenuColorRemapPalette tritone.act
MenuColorRemapFader 1.0
GameGammaSettings L4.amp
//physics constants
WorldGravity 30.3
TrackGravity 3.0
GroundHeight 0.6
MaximumHeight 1.36
CollisionEnergyConservation 1.35
//physics variables dependent on velocity
FieldOfView 73.0
//camera constants
CameraHeight 1.0 //m
CameraDistance 4.6 3.9 //m
CameraDelay 0.07 0.007 //frames
TargetHeight 0.3 //m
CameraDelay2 0.07 0.12 //frames
CameraHeight2 1.6 //m
CameraDistance2 5.0 3.0 //m
TargetHeight2 0.2 //m
DeadLine 0.97 //fraction of best lap
DeadLineTime 193 //applied to qualify to extra laps(??)
DeadLineLap 69.0 // time trial first lap to qualify
StartOffset 0.0672 //location of startline
BeginSpacingOfCars 8.0 //~meters between cars in beginning
FirstCredit 7 // first lap to gain a credit from
CreditInterval 7 // 0 means no credits awarded ever
TrialShadowMinimumTime 35 // you will only see shadow at better laps
TrialShadowTimeScale 1.15 // 15% slower than record to show shadow
UnlockPosition 1 // when you are <= unlock next level
CCBoostGain 1.0 // amount of boost the computer racers will get
CCBoostGain3 1.0 // amount of boost the computer racers will get
SoundRange 0.121 // 1 full track, 0 none
BoostGainScale 1.0 // -(time difference)*BoostGainScale == gain
SoundSoft 200
SoundMedium 201
SoundHard 202
SoundCar 203
SoundEngine0 204
SoundEngine1 205
NetworkNameDisplayNear 0.04 // full intesity to this dist
NetworkNameDisplayFar 0.045 // faded out after this distance
NetworkNameDisplayOffset 2.0 // meters, the displacement acc. the car
ShadowHeight 0.3 // meters from base projection distance
ReflectionMap reflex.tga
UnlockEnhancedCraft5Time 1
UnlockEnhancedCraft6Time 1
UnlockEnhancedCraft7Time 1
UnlockEnhancedCraft8Time 1
ReleaseSpecialAITime 0.9 0.3 // seconds
AmbientColor 10 10 10
FinishLineNormalColor 0 255 0
FinishLineCreditLostColor 0 127 255
FinishLineGameoverColor 255 0 0
PickupActiveColor 255 255 255
PickupPassiveColor 75 75 75
NumberOfLapsInRace 5
PickupRadius 1.15 // meters
// first value is the location to which the magnetism draws towards (0 left, 0.5 mid, 1 r)
// second and third values are the location on the track
// fourth value is the strength of the magnet at begin (0 non, 1 max attract, -1 max repel)
// fifth value is the strength of the magnet at end.
NumberOfMagnetics 0
//Magnetic1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
UnlockSkillLevel 1
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