Description : A small Dukematch level with sparse weapons and health in order to allow players to use a little strategy instead of outright carnage. There's a couple of secret places to make it challenging. Its got a gothic look to it with a cool set of doors between the main sectors.
Additional Credits to : Cterrian, Brett Gmoser and 3D Realms
Hints : I would advise incremental backups when making your own level. Doing that saved me shitloads of headaches. I had about 50 backups myself.
* Where to get this MAP file *
Wherever you can find it on the web.
Copyright stuff:
Do what you want with this level. If you want to take the time and e-mail me some feedback on what you think of this level, I would appreciate it. Tell me what you like or dislike about it. If you think it sucks, let me know why. If you alter it, send me a copy so I can see what you did.