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Title : The Lair of the Leprechaun
Filename : Lepslair.map
Author : The Lusty Leprechaun
Email address : 72305.1100@Compuserve.com
Misc. Author info : This level is only fun with at least 3 players,
and teams is specifically what I designed it for.
So to get the most out of this level you have to
be a member of TEN (Total Entertainment Network),
or have your own ipx network (like me). Don't
worry, it's easy, just go to www.ten.net and
get registered, and the best thing is, it's free!
By the way, I kept it a bit simple to make it
smoother on TEN, but if enough people tell me they
don't hate it, i'll spiff it up with all kinds of
goodies and the whole shabang.
Description : It's a level set in the dark ages (with rpg's,
heh heh) representing the lair of my namesake
(somewhat at least).
Additional credits to : Well, i guess my dog barked a few suggestions...
Single player : If you enjoy this in single player, you need to
get out more....
Dukematch Level : Oh Yeah!
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented unless you play against me and
Blackbird1 in TEN.
Base : The best way, a new level from scratch.
Editors used : Build
Known Bugs : If you jump into the waterfall tower from some
odd angle, it warps you all the way down...
Where to find this level : www.kinglink.com and www.filefactory.com