Shay (Mustang), Laurence (Cype), and Jeremiah (Squished)
---for the *huge* amount of hours in LAN playtesting the versions during development.
And yes, there were many other testers on TEN at different times, and I thought about listing evryone, but I didn't want to accidently leave anyone out, so in leu of that, I very much thank you all for the help.
Siege is a quick-paced dukematch style level. It's a bit large for 2 players, though possible, and can easily support any other number to the full 8 players, if your network can too. It works equally well for "teams" and "shoot everyone" matches. This level is not for single-player gaming. It is dukematch only; I don't make single-player maps.
SECRETS: I didn't make secrets or secret areas to give an edge to people w ho know where they are. I placed things in certain areas to make them harder to get to in times of need. For those of you reading this, you get a nice list of where these less-known items are:
In the Moat: Chaingun & 30% Medi-kit on one end, 50% Health Atom on the other
Facing the inner wizard's tower (the round tower insode the castle), go into the building to the right of the tower which contains a shotgun. Using a jetpack fly up near the cieling to find a little niche containing a 50% healing atom.
In the litte storage room containing the lift into the inner wizard's tower, there is a discolored wall seciton, it is a secret door to a small crawlspace. In the space is a chaingun and 50% healing atom.
Shoot the crack in the outer castle wall by the siege tower to gain another entrance inside.
Everything else should be quite obvious with a little playing and exploring. Good Luck.
The Question of LAG. Siege is large, and because of this there can be a lag problem at times where players are looking over the entire field at once. This map has been tested both on local ether LANs running IPX and on the latency-plagued TEN system. The results of these tests are as follows. For LAN play, you can add players to it till your local net can't support it, 7-8 is still usually fine, the MAP will not be a problem. However if you areplaying online on TEN, for example, 3-5 players tends to be the standard. YES, this map is playable on TEN with 5 in real time. We had 4 "Good" connections and the creator had Excellent." It was fantastic. It's fine to have "Ok" connections with 3 players; with 4 players "Ok" can sometimes make the map slower. But it's not really much different from other large RPG/flying maps like LA Rumble or the later Assaults.
This is my first Duke Nukem 3D map. I've made level doe DOOM, and this is actually one that "began" in DOOM. I was forced to quit working on it because the 3D engine for DOOM was not able to support the features I needed. The Build Engine still has it's flaws for this complex a design, but nonetheless, I finally pulled the idea off.