1) Make sure you have a program that can open .zip files. I suggest you download and install WinZip from http://www.winzip.com
2) Right-click on the Windows "Start" button, and choose "Find..." Type "sheep.zip" in the "Named:" box. Select "Local Hard Drives" in the "Look in:" box then click the "Find Now" button. Your computer will search for the Sheep vs Gravity screensaver. If finds a file, double click on it. This will open WinZip. Then choose "Install" and follow the directions.
3) If your computer doesn't find "sheep.zip" or "sheep", what web browser are you using? If it's Netscape or Internet Explorer, try holding the "shift" key down and clicking on the "sheep vs gravity 1.07" link. This should ask you where you'd like to save the .zip file to. Choose "Desktop" and click the "Save" button. Once it's completed the download, look on your desktop for a "sheep.zip" or "sheep" file. Double click on it. This will open WinZip. Then choose "Install" and follow the directions.
Good luck to you and let me know how you make out.