Kompuutteri Kaikille K-CD 2002 #7
Text File
212 lines
1000 Preference
1001 Background
1002 Grid Color
1003 Shadow Color
1100 Double Accuracy
1101 Standard Accuracy
1102 %s [%s] of %s
1200 [%s] [%dx%d pixels] [%d bits]
1201 Arial
1202 Pixia Image-[%s]
1203 History has been cleared.
1204 Clipboard error!
1205 Memory shortage!
1300 Alpha channel [%s] is illegal, will be deleted!
1301 Saving file failed!
1302 Opening file failed!
1303 Making new file failed!
1304 Making new canvas failed!
1305 No data in clipboard!
1306 TWAIN Data Source Manager cannot be used!
1307 TWAIN Data Source cannot be used!
1308 Dual launch of Pixia is not possible!
1309 Failed to obtain starting folder!
1310 Pixia does not work on 16/256 color environments!
1400 Cannot make change of layer positions that would change the size of base layer!
1401 Cannot move layers while smooth zoom is in effect!
1402 Cannot change size of layers while smooth zoom is in effect!
1403 Cannot make a drop shadow on layers with no transparency!
1404 Save changes to the file?
1405 Mask will be cleared.
1406 Transparency will be cleared
1407 Cannot use this file name.
1408 This Plane will be cleared
1409 Overwrite OK?
1410 Delete Plane[%s]
1500 Use the image as tip of pen?
1600 Color
1601 Blur
1602 Rub
1603 Stir
1604 Blur 2
1605 Filter
1606 Eraser
1700 Bezier
1701 Spline
1702 Straight
1800 Red
1801 Green
1802 Blue
1803 Cian
1804 Magenta
1805 Yellow
1806 Hue
1807 Saturation
1808 Value
1809 RGB
1900 Curve
1901 Channel
1902 Points
1903 Initialize
1904 Save...
1905 Load...
1906 OK
1907 Cancel
2000 Same as
2001 Other than
3000 Selection
3001 Mask
4000 Condition
4001 Channel
4002 Plane
4003 Initialize
4004 Reverse
4005 Sampling
4006 Execute
4007 Cancel
4008 by Displayed Colors
5000 Red
5001 Green
5002 Blue
5003 Brightness
5004 Mask
5005 Transparency
5006 Selection
6000 Change would make image size go below zero. Will be aborted.
7000 File
7001 Edit
7002 Selection
7003 Paint
7004 Image
7005 View
8000 Dropper
8001 Undo Pen
8002 Selection
8003 Straight Line
8004 Fill
9000 Mask [%s] will be deleted. Continue?
9001 Transparency [%s] will be deleted. Continue?
9002 Delete layer [%s]?
9003 Base layer cannot be deleted.
11000 Image
11001 Mask
11002 Transparency
11003 Alpha%d
12000 Hide
12001 Normal
12002 Overlay
12003 Lighten
12004 Darken
12005 Luminosity
12006 Hue and Saturation
12007 High Light
12008 Difference
13000 Histgram
13001 Initialize
13002 OK
13003 Cancel
14000 Close
14001 Pen Tip Size
14002 Size (Small)
14003 Size (Medium)
14004 SIze (Large)
14005 Boundary
15000 [Position]
15001 [Zoom]
15002 Reading file... %03d%% Complete
15003 Saving file... %03d%% Complete
15004 Processing... %03d%% Complete
15005 -
15006 =
15007 [%d,%d]-[%d,%d], Size [%dx%d], Center[%d,%d]
15008 Push[ESC]key to cancel
16000 *%s
17000 Edit
17001 Add and Delete...
17002 Untitled
18000 New
18001 Open
18002 Save
18003 Print
18004 --
18005 Undo
18006 Copy
18007 Paste
18008 --
18009 FreeHand(connect)
18010 FreeHand
18011 [Selection] - Box
18012 [Selection] - Line
18013 [Selection] - Circle
18014 [Selection] - Polygon
18015 [Selection] - Connect Line
18016 [Selection] - Spline Curve
18017 [Selection] - Wire
18018 [Selection] - SeedFill
18019 Deselect
18020 Show outdide Border
18021 --
18022 Fill
18023 Line
18024 Loope
18025 Text
18026 --
18027 Tone Filter
18028 Color Adjustment
18029 Blank Sheet
18030 --
18031 Filter
18032 Settings
18033 Zoom In
18034 Zoom Out
18035 ----
19000 2 Colors
19001 1 Color
19002 256 Colors
19003 FullColor
19004 Unknown
20000 %d x %dpixels %s
20001 LayerCount %d
20002 File not selected
20003 Selection[*.PXS]/*.PXS/
20004 AdjustCurve[*.CRC]/*.CRC/
20005 All Image Files
21000 original size:%d x %d
22000 None
22001 StartPosition
22002 UpperLeft Color
22003 White
22004 Black
23000 Box
23001 Line
23002 Circle
23003 Polygon
23004 SeedFill
23005 Connect
23006 Wire
23007 Spline
24000 Range
24001 Border
24002 Current
25000 Paint
25001 Tablet
25002 C Mask
25003 S History
26000 Virtual
26001 Physical