Micro R&D 1
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Text File
136 lines
# this is the ccdata.txt file. Crittur Cauldron reads this file before starting
# up, to get many different settings which can effect the development of the
# ecology.
# birth energy coefficient: This value is the divisor in the equation:
# (parent's energy) / (birth energy coefficient)
# This equation dictates how much of the parent's energy is emparted to a
# newborn.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 1 - 6
# mutant_coefficient: This value modifies how often mutations occur. This
# value is the number of normal births for every mutation (approximately,
# since mutations occur randomly).
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 5 - 200
# speed_coefficient: This value is the divisor in the equation:
# (speed) / (speed coefficient)
# This equation dictates how much it costs each turn, in life energy, to have
# this trait. The larger the number is, the less it will cost a species to
# mutate into a faster form, making them more efficient at reaching prey.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 1 - 6
# age_coefficient: This value is a modifier to how long-lived all creatures
# are in Crittur Cauldron. The larger the number, the longer each creature can
# last before dieing of old age.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 10 - 50
# birth_range_coefficient: This value is the divisor in the equation:
# (birth range) / (birth range coefficient)
# This equation dictates how much it costs each turn, in life energy, to have
# this trait. The larger the number is, the less it will cost a species to
# send its children far enough away to escape predators.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 1 - 20
# cell_size : this number is the distance in screen pixels between points in the
# world. As the number gets smaller, the world gets bigger, since the world
# always fills up the display area. As the number gets smaller than the size
# of the letters (8x8), the letters will begin to overlap, which can cause some
# confusion, but doesn't hurt anything.
# valid values: 1 - 150
# recommended values: 6 - 15
# sun : this is the amount of energy given to every plant in the world every
# cycle. Plants which share the same space, however, share this energy, too.
# valid values: 0 - ?
# recommended values: 2 - 7
# birth_coefficient: This value is the divisor in the equation:
# (genotype energy cost) * (birth coefficient)
# This equation dictates how much it costs, in life energy, to give birth.
# All creatures must collect this much energy before they can give birth.
# Making this number bigger will make births happen less often, and will keep
# creatures from having as many children before they die.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 1 - 20
# These next numbers are the starting statistics for Eve, the single plant which
# begins the world.
# eve's speed : her genotype speed. Since she is a plant, the most efficient
# speed for her would be 0. However, giving her a speed greater than 0 will
# insure that sooner than later a herbivore mutation will appear that can move
# (herbivores with a speed of 0 can survive, but only if plants keep throwing
# their children at it).
# valid values: 0 - ?
# recommended values: 0 - 6
# eve's letter : The letter which represents her on the screen.
# valid values: A - z
# recommended values: A
# eve's energy : the energy she starts with.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 1 - 50
# eve's birth range : the maximum range she can create children at.
# valid values: 1 - ?
# recommended values: 1 - 5