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# $VER: Newlist8.2 (27-Sep-93) German language
# by Andreas Jung
# IMPORTANT: kill old file in memory if you edit or change this file
# with 'nl -K'
# This language file should copied to S:NEWLIST.config and newlist8.1
# should be run.
# Preferences Section #
# #
# This section allows you to define your #
# personal preferences on how newlist will #
# behave. Consult the 'Internal String #
# Editing' chapter of Newlist.doc for more #
# information. #
# This is the color of highlighted text #
# and \C constant. You MUST define this #
# first or your colors will be mixed with #
# the default \f2's 1 string #
_NAMECOLOR: #this defines \C constant
"\f2" #white
"\s1" # (new) monochrome color--bold
# Various config setting for non-flagged items. #
# #
# USAGE: n = No y = Yes #
# #
# Bit 0123456789a Bit 0 Long mode [-l] default? #
# ||||||||||| Bit 1 Variable Column [-q] calculation? #
# "yyyyyyynnnn Bit 2 Lsjr dirs-on-the-side for [-q]? #
# Bit 3 [-qt] Expands links? #
# Bit 4 Use/check/force Envoy/Mufs? #
# Bit 5 System Requestors off? #
# Bit 6 Default to Use Assign Add's? #
# Bit 7 Help [-?] uses paging? #
# Bit 8 Merge similar paths? #
# 1 string Bit 9 Recurs. in ass-add uses extnd. headers #
# (new) Bit a Help -? uses longhelp only #
"yyyyyyynnnn" # defaults...see above
# Default flags for newlist #
# long: used when long output #
# quick: used when [-q] quick output is given #
# cond: used by both long and quick but when #
# no flags are given or [-e] #
"-Ju -T2" # formerly ENV:NEWLIST_LONG
"-JIt -T2" # formerly ENV:NEWLIST_QUICK
"-sd" # formerly ENV:NEWLIST
# 6 Default print and date formats #
" %U %c %d %4b @7v %n%L %e" # ls [-l] long format
"%-11.11T %3.3M %02d %2y %T %5.5B" # ls [-l] date format
"%U %c %4b @7s %d %n%L %e" # expert mode [-I] long format
"%.3M %2d %5v" # expert mode [-I] date format
"%-22n @7v %p %d %c%L %e" # commodore [-z] format
"%-9A %.5B" # commodore [-z] date format
# This is the default wildcard filter #
# 1 (hide icons and .name files) #
# Doing ls -a will show them #
"(.#?|#?.info)" # the filter pattern
# 7 strings Allows changing of dir and link print styles and color #
"\C" # long directory color and style (colored)
"\C\s1" # long dir link color and style (bold and colored)
"\s1" # long file link color and style (bold only)
"\C" # quick directory color and style (colored)
"\o\C\s1" # quick directory link color and style (bold and colored)
"\o\s1" # quick file link color and style (bold only)
#\o above is in so dir.links wont be both have dir style AND link style
"\s1" # Envoy/mufs User/Group name style(bold)
"" # file (non-dir) style (no color or style)
# Styles for matching filenames [-U] #
# Upto 20 pairs of a pattern with a style #
# #
# Whenever the wildcard matches a file, #
# the file will be highlighted. #
"newlist#?" "\b3\f1" # highlight newlist*
"phil#?" "\b3\f1" # highlight phil* :-)
"#?.lha" "\b1\f2"
"#?.c" "\b1\f2"
# Styles for Matching Datatypes [-V] #
# Upto 20 pairs of a datatype with a style #
# #
# Whenever a datatype for a file matches #
# one below, it will be highlighted. #
"picture" "\b1\f2"
"sound" "\b1\f3"
"anim" "\b1\f4"
"text" "\b1\f5"
"*guide*" "\b1\f6"
# ^notice that datatype wildcards can be given as well !!!
# 8 Date Format (-d0..7) strings. #
"%.3M %2d %5v"
"%-9A %.5B"
"%-9.9T %02y.%02m.%02d%T %B"
"%-9.9T %02m/%02d/%02y%T %B %I"
"%-9.9T %02y.%02m.%02d%T"
"%-9.9T %02m/%02d/%02y%T"
"%3.3C %3.3M %02d"
"%3.3C %3.3M %02d %5v"
# upto 10 print formats -f0..9 #
"%U %c %4b @7s %d %n%L %e"
"%c %U %o %g %d %-9B @7v %n%L %e"
"%-10.10e %4b %U %d %n"
"%-20.20n %6k %6b @8s %p %d %e"
"%20.20n @7.7v %D %B %T %G %I" # Shows all Datatype info for a file
"%20.20n @7.7v %U %o %g %e %E %f %F %h %H" # Shows all networking stuff
# Internal Strings Section #
# #
# This section allows you to change the #
# internal strings as well as their #
# color etc. Consult Newlist.doc #
# in the 'Internal String Editing' #
# section for more information. #
# 10 Regular (non ANSI) strings. #
"\nVerzeichnis von %R\"%s\" am %A %.5B\n" # Long Header
"\n%R%s\n" # Quick Header
"%s - Nicht gefunden\n" # Bad path
"%s - " # IoErr() string
"%ld Dateien - %ld Verzeichnisse - %ld Links - %ld Blöcke - %ld Bytes\n" # Totals
"Benutzt %4ld Bytes - Frei %4ld Bytes\n" # Usage
"\nGesamt: %ld Dateien - %ld Verzeichnisse - %ld Links - %ld Blöcke - %ld Bytes\n" # Grand Totals
"\n/* %s */" # Comment str
"%ld Dateien %ld Verzeichnisse %ld Bytes: Weiter (spc/ret/n/q):" # Pager
" -> " # link separator
"\n%R%s\n" # Expert mode long header format
"\n%R%s\n" # Expert mode quick header format
# 10 ANSI (colored) strings. #
"\n\CVerzeichnis von\o %R\"%s\" \Cam\o %A %.5B\n" # See Above
"\C%s\o - Nicht gefunden\n"
"\C%s\o - "
"%ld \CDateien\o - %ld \CVerzeichnisse\o - %ld \Clinks\o - %ld \CBlöcke\o - %ld\C Bytes\o\n"
"\CBenutzt \o%4ld \CBytes\o - \CFrei \o%4ld \CBytes\o\n"
"\nGesamt: \C%ld\o Dateien - \C%ld\o Verzeichnisse - \C%ld\o Links - \C%ld\o Blöcke - \C%ld\o Bytes\n"
"\n/* %s */"
"\f2\b1%ld \CDateien\f2 %ld \CVerzeichnisse\f2 %ld \CBytes: Weiter(spc/ret/n/q):\f1\b0"
" -> " # link separator
"\n\C%R%s\o\n" # Expert mode long header format
"\n\C%R%s\C\o\n" # Expert mode quick header format
# (new) <35 Short help (for novices) nl -? #
"\n NewList\o [Optionen z.B. -rqt -p] <paths and wildcards>\n"
" \Cl\o Wechsle zw. langer/kurzer Ausgabe \Ca\o Show all files\n"
" \Cq qs qt\o Schnelle Verzeichnisanzeige \CZ\o Keine ANSI Sequenzen\n"
" \Cs ss\o Sortiere nach Name oder Filegröße \Cr\o Umgekehrte Suche\n"
" \Csc sr\o Sortiere nach Kommentar oder as-read \CR\o 1 Ebene anzeigen\n"
" \Csd sn\o Sortiere nach Datum oder gar nicht \CH\o Suche nach Dateien\n"
"\Cgd gf gl\o Zeige NUR Verz., Dateien, oder Links \Cp\o Benutze Pager-Programm\n"
" \CK\o Sprachen Puffer löschen \Cz\o C= List Verzeichnisstil\n"
" \CF\o Gebräuchl. Anzeigefor.\"%@pUdbksvcCNnPogDBTGIeEfFhH \\Cnte' \\f#b#s#o\"\n"
" nl -?? for complete usage.\n"
# upto 35 Newlist Usage (nl ?) strings. #
"\nNewList\o [Optionen z.B. -rqt -p] <paths and wildcards>\n"
" \Co\o Ignoriere _FLAGS* Variable \Ce\o Hänge _FLAGSCOND:\n"
" \Cp\o Benutze Pager-Programm \CZ\o Keine ANSI Sequenzen\n"
" \Cb k\o Zeige Blöcke oder disk keys \C@\o Kein 'Heute' ersatz\n"
" \Cu\o Zeige DEVICE Ausnutzung \Ch\o Kein Vorspann\n"
" \Cn\o Zeige Kommentare \Ct\o Keine Gesamtsumme \n"
" \Cgd gf\o Zeige NUR Verz., Dateien, oder Links \C!\o Erzwinge ANSI Modus\n"
" \Cgl gm\o Gemischte Ausgabe Verz. & Dateien \CX\o pat Muster ausschließen\n"
" \Cs ss\o Sortiere nach Name oder Filegröße \Cd\o0..8 Acht Datum/Zeit Formate\n"
" \Csc sr\o Sortiere nach Kommentar oder as-read \Cf\o0..9 Zehn Formate\n"
" \Csd sn\o Sortiere nach Datum oder gar nicht \CS\o Nur Gesamtsumme\n"
" \Cr\o Umgekehrte Suche \Cz\o C= List Verzeichnisstil\n"
" \CR\o Eine Ebene für Unterverz. anzeigen \CG\o Erzwinge Gesamtsumme\n"
" \CW\o Alle Ebenen für Unterverz. anzeigen \CJ\o Folge KEINEN Links nach\n"
" \CH\o Suche nach Dateien auf Datenträger \CK\o Sprachen Puffer löschen\n"
" \Cq qs qt\o Schnelle Verzeichnisanzeige \Cv\o Horiz. Schnellanzeige\n"
" \Cx\o# Max. # Verzeichnisebenen zu verfolgen \C=\o Trennungslinie\n"
" \Cy\o# Schnellanzeige mit # Spalten \CP\o Voller Pfadname\n"
" \C/\o Füge / an Verz., > an Links an \Cc\o pat Comment Wildcard\n"
" \C] [\o Zeige/Verstecke 'a' Bit \CB\o Relative Pfadnamen\n"
" \CT\o# Schelle Bildschirm-Ausgabe 0..N \CA\o Use assign add's\n"
" \CI\o Wechsle Experten-Modus \CU\o Stile für Filenamen\n"
" \CY\o pat Datatype Wildcard \CV\o Stile für Datentypen"\n
" \Cw\o# \Cj\o# Width and height in chars \CL\o# \CQ\o# Show files < or > # in bytes\n"
" \Cl\o Wechsle zw. langer/kurzer Ausgabe \Ca\o Show all files\n"
" \CN O\o dd-mmm-yy oder # Dateien angelegt nach/vor Datum oder # Tagen\n"
" \CC\o Gebräuchl. Vorspannformat \" %@Rs and all date formats \"\n"
" \CD\o Gebräuchl. Datumsformat \" %@ABCmdyvMDYhHNSItT \\Cnte' \\f#b#s#o\"\n"
" \CE M F\o Gebräuchl. Anzeigeformat\"%@pUdbksvcCNnPogDBTGIeEfFhH \\Cnte' \\f#b#s#o\"\n"
# 2 Dir strings. #
# lengths must be 8 and 5 ! #
" (Ver) "
# Miscellaneous strings. #
"** Mensch, reg dich ab!\n"
"Keine Übereinstimmung gefunden für \"%s\"\n"
"Keine Datei gefunden.\n"
"Zu wenig Speicher!\n"
"Führe aus: %s"
"\n ERROR: '%s' was not successful (%ld).\n Continue (y/n/=)? "
# 12 & 11 Date strings for non %A %B %C #
# 11 strings
# If _CENTER: is commented out,
# newlist will auto-center values for _DAYS: above for length 9
# If you would like to have _CENTER strings greater than 9, you must uncomment
# the section below, set the strings by hand, AND use a new date format.
# Below are the CENTER strings for german (length 11). To use them,
# uncommment the days and
# Simply add "%-11.11T %3.3M %02d %02y %T %02h:%02N" to your Default
# date format in _DEFAULTS:
# Long names set in defualts (02-Oct-93)
" Sonntag "
" Montag "
" Dienstag "
" Mittwoch "
"Donnerstag "
" Freitag "
" Samstag "
" Morgen "
" Heute "
" Gestern "
" Zukunft "