alias dr "nl -IqF*"%6s %p %d %n %e*" -D *"%-9.9A %B*" []"
alias ddir "nl -qtigmsr -C *"\n\f3\b2Directory of \s1%-41.41s\f3\b2 at %02d-%.3M-%02y %02H:%02N:%02S\o\n*" []"
;Notice how the date characters are in the -X header line and not in a -D.
;A %s in the header string -X signifies the current directory
alias mlist "nl -lLzsn []"
alias list "nl -lz []"
alias dirking "nl -lzF *"%-18.18n %6k %6b %8s %p %d %e*" -D *"%-9.9A %B*" -C *"\n\f3Directory of \f1\'%s\'\f3 on \f1%D %A \f3at\f1 %B %I\n\n\f3\s1\s4\s1\s4F i l e N a m e Keys Blocks Bytes Flags Date Time \o\n*" []"
; a very long alias that shows how useful aliases are (insted of typing
; this every time :-)
; NOTE: commodore aliases chop off after 220+ chars.