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How to play ONO:
The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards by matching
either colors or numbers and face patterns. Player turns proceed in the
order indicated by the arrow at the left. Each player must either play
a card that matches the color or pattern of the upturned card at right,
play a special wild card, or draw a card if no matches or plays can be
made. To play a card in your hand, point to it with the mouse arrow
and click the mouse button. The card will be placed on the play stack
(if legal) and the next player will try to make a match. Special cards
Reverse: reverse the order of players' turns
Skip: force the next player to skip a turn
Draw2: force the next player to take two cards and lose a turn
Wild: the player dealing this card may pick the active color
Wild4: pick the active color and force the next player to
draw four cards and lose a turn! This card may only
be played if you cannot match the current color with
a regular card.
If you cannot play a card, click on the stack pile with the mouse. The
card that is turned up may either be played (if legal) by clicking on the
play pile or added to your hand by clicking on your cards. Thus, a drawn
card may be played right away or saved. To pick the color for a wild
card, click with the mouse on the desired color in the color box at the
right. Note that because wild cards have no color until you choose, they
may be matched with any other card, and you may choose to keep the same
color in play.
The command buttons at the left have the following uses:
Help - displays this help file
Sound - turns sound on or off
Sort - sort the cards in your hand by color and value
Manual/Auto - change the style of play, with "auto" advancing
turns and displaying messages after a certain length of time,
and "manual" waiting for a mouse click before action proceeds
Fast / Slow - change the rate at which "auto" play proceeds
Restart - redeal a new game
Quit - leave the program
Enjoy the game!