// all wave files other than PCM are _REQUIRED_ to have a fact chunk
// telling the number of samples that are contained in the file. it
// is optional for PCM (and if not present, we compute it here).
// if the file is not PCM and the fact chunk is not found, then fail!
if (wio.dwDataSamples == -1L)
if (lpwio->wfx.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
#if 0
goto wio_Open_Error;
// !!! HACK HACK HACK !!!
// although this should be considered an invalid wave file, we
// will bring up a message box describing the error--hopefully
// people will start realizing that something is missing???
u = MessageBox(NULL, "This wave file does not have a 'fact' chunk and requires one! This is completely invalid and MUST be fixed! Attempt to load it anyway?",