Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3
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C/C++ Source or Header
330 lines
#include "string.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "io.h"
#include "fcntl.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#define CONVERT(x,y) (x=y,(char*)&x)
/* The SHUFFLE macros move the buffer pointer x to a specified
position y, convert the value there to the proper format, and then
put the buffer pointer back at its original position */
#define SHUFFLE(x,y) ((char*)x+y)
#define ISHUFFLE(x,y) *((int*)((char*)x+y))
#define DSHUFFLE(x,y) *((double*)((char*)x+y))
int BIFF_fp; /* file handle */
typedef struct {
unsigned long a:24;
typedef char BYTE;
int create_BIFF(char *filename)
/* Creates a new BIFF file, replacing any files by the same name. The
entire filename is required (basename + suffix) */
int i;
if ((BIFF_fp = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY | O_CREAT, 0000400|0000200)) >= 0) {
/* This section writes the BOF record */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,9), (unsigned)2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,4), (unsigned)2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,2), (unsigned)2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,0x10), 2);
int open_BIFF(char *filename)
/* Opens an existing BIFF file in readonly mode */
return(BIFF_fp = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY));
void dimension_BIFF(int frow, int lrow, int fcol, int lcol)
/* sets the dimension record in the BIFF file */
int i;
/* This section writes the dimension record */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,0), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,8), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,frow), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,lrow+1), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,fcol), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,lcol+1), 2);
void save_BIFF(int type, int row, int col, char *data)
/* saves data to a previously created BIFF file */
unsigned int i;
static ATTR attribute = {0x000000};
switch(type) {
case 1:
/* Writes a blank cell */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,1), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,7), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,row), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,col), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, (char *) &attribute, 3);
case 2:
/* Writes integer data */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,2), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,9), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,row), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,col), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, (char *) &attribute, 3);
write(BIFF_fp, data, 2);
case 4:
/* Writes data of number type */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,3), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,15), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,row), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,col), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, (char *) &attribute, 3);
write(BIFF_fp, data, 8);
case 8:
/* Writes a label */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,4), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,8+strlen(data)), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,row), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,col), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, (char *) &attribute, 3);
/* this next write depends on low byte order */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,strlen(data)), 1);
write(BIFF_fp, data, i);
case 16:
/* Writes boolean type data */
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,5), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,9), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,row), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,col), 2);
write(BIFF_fp, (char *) &attribute, 3);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,(*data?1:0)), 1);
write(BIFF_fp, CONVERT(i,0), i);
int close_BIFF()
/* Writes an EOF record, and closes the file */
unsigned long int i = 0x000000a;
write(BIFF_fp, (char *) &i, 4);
void read_BIFF(int gettype, int (*handler)(int, char *, int))
/* Reads all data records of a certain type */
int type; /* the BIFF type of the currently read record */
int length; /* the length of the current record */
int intype; /* the Library type of the current record */
static BYTE buff[2080]; /* buffer containing the current record */
static int map[7] = {0,1,2,4,8,16,32};
int typeflag;
BYTE boolflag;
/* the map array serves to map the BIFF record types (e.g.
label = record type 4) to the Library record type
(where label = type 8)
do {
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&type, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&length, 2);
intype = map[(type<7&&type>0) ? type : 0];
switch((gettype & intype) | (intype & 32)) {
case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16:
read(BIFF_fp, (char *) buff, length);
(*handler)(intype, (char *) buff, length);
case 32:
read(BIFF_fp, (char *) buff, length);
typeflag = ISHUFFLE(buff, 13);
boolflag = *SHUFFLE(buff, 7);
if (typeflag == 0xFFFF) {
if ((boolflag == 1) && (gettype & 16))
(*handler)(16, (char *) buff, length);
} else if (gettype & 4)
(*handler)(4, (char *) buff, length);
lseek(BIFF_fp, (long) length, SEEK_CUR);
} while(type != 0x0A);
int find_BIFF(int gettype, int row, int col, int (*handler)(int, char *, int))
int type; /* the BIFF record type of the current record */
int intype; /* the Library record type of the current record */
int length; /* the length of the current record */
int rw, cl; /* the row and column of the current record */
int flag = 0; /* used to determine if this is the first row
record in a certain block */
int rwMic, rwMac; /* the first and last(+1) row in a document */
int colMic, colMac; /*the first and last(+1) column in a certain row*/
int dbRtcell; /* the offset of the current row records */
long int offset; /* the cumulative offset for the row record */
static BYTE buff[2080]; /* buffer containing the record contents */
static long blockbuff[100];
/* contains row block indices, size is arbitrary */
static int map[7] = {0,1,2,4,8,16,32};
/* Maps BIFF record types to Library record types */
int typeflag;
BYTE boolflag;
/* Read the index record */
lseek(BIFF_fp, 8L, SEEK_SET);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&type, 2);
if (type != 0x0B)
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&length, 2);
lseek(BIFF_fp, 4L, SEEK_CUR);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&rwMic, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&rwMac, 2);
if(col < rwMic || col > rwMac-1)
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)blockbuff, (rwMac-1-rwMic));
/* move to the proper row block */
lseek(BIFF_fp, blockbuff[(row-rwMic)/32] , SEEK_SET);
do {
/* Read the current Row record */
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&type, 2);
if (type != 0x08)
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&length, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&rw, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&colMic, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&colMac, 2);
lseek(BIFF_fp, 5L, SEEK_CUR);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&dbRtcell, 2);
/* If rgbAttr field is present, move over it */
if (length == 20)
lseek(BIFF_fp, 3L, SEEK_CUR);
/* update offset (see BIFF document section
"Finding Cell Values" for more information */
if (flag == 0) {
offset = tell(BIFF_fp) + dbRtcell;
flag = 1;
} else
offset += dbRtcell;
} while (rw < row);
if (rw == row) {
if (col < colMic || col > colMac)
lseek(BIFF_fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
/* Read the row's records until the proper column is reached*/
do {
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&type, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&length, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&rw, 2);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *)&cl, 2);
lseek(BIFF_fp, (long)(length-4), SEEK_CUR);
} while (cl < col);
if (cl == col) {
/* Proper record is found. Call handler routine */
intype = map[(type<7&&type>0) ? type : 0];
switch((gettype & intype) | (intype & 32)) {
case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16:
lseek(BIFF_fp, (long)(-length), SEEK_CUR);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *) buff, length);
(*handler)(intype, (char *) buff, length);
case 32:
lseek(BIFF_fp, (long)(-length), SEEK_CUR);
read(BIFF_fp, (char *) buff, length);
typeflag = ISHUFFLE(buff, 13);
boolflag = *SHUFFLE(buff, 7);
if (typeflag == 0xFFFF) {
if ((boolflag == 1) && (gettype & 16))
(*handler)(16, (char *) buff, length);
} else if (gettype & 4)
(*handler)(4, (char *) buff, length);
void get_blank(char *data, int *row, int *col)
*row = ISHUFFLE(data,0);
*col = ISHUFFLE(data,2);
void get_integer(char *data, int *row, int *col, unsigned int *value)
int *ptr;
*row = ISHUFFLE(data,0);
*col = ISHUFFLE(data,2);
*value = ISHUFFLE(data,7);
void get_number(char *data, int *row, int *col, double *value)
/* We do not have to check for the formula record case because the
number value begins at the seventh byte in both cases. */
*row = ISHUFFLE(data,0);
*col = ISHUFFLE(data,2);
*value = DSHUFFLE(data,7);
void get_label(char *data, int *row, int *col, char **string)
int length;
*row = ISHUFFLE(data,0);
*col = ISHUFFLE(data,2);
length = *SHUFFLE(data,7);
*string = (char *) malloc((length+1) * sizeof(char));
strncpy(*string, SHUFFLE(data,8), length);
strncpy((char*)*string+length, '\0', 1);
void get_bool(char *data, int *row, int *col, int *value)
int typeflag;
*row = ISHUFFLE(data,0);
*col = ISHUFFLE(data,2);
typeflag = ISHUFFLE(data, 13);
if (typeflag == 0xFFFF)
*value = *SHUFFLE(data, 9);
*value = *SHUFFLE(data,7);