Labels:audio cd | cd rom | clock | door | monitor | person OCR: public radio of TV broadcast or diffusion of this disc lending hiring copying, accon caine form any oduced dISC DIGITAL DATA MICHAEL DOAN [Star Trek The Next Geng DISC CRI PATAICIA CHARBONNEAU S.p ON reserved. NLEGEND raduced copyrlght ENTERT AINMENT COMP ANY oimnany All righte MT cradomerk 4JOA Ldond iinmnt womp.ny. 7 Exaiunivcly aitrlsutnd by 10 Virgin lnterective Ent rtuinmant (Europe) P7 pue 91 15onbal available performance fadio prohibited dise sote ICOMPACT OISC Gengraten LEGEND eracpmmrk Laond Entot compuny Exalu voly distributod interective rainmeht producer 15anbajuo