\\\\//Fall From Grace\\//// ////by Liam the lemming\\\\ Yet another converted SoundTracker module... Hmm. Can't think of much to say about this one. So I'll wibble on about something else instead... If you want to tell me what you think of my modules, praise or criticism, I'll be reachable at... cmslhes1@vaxc.livjm.ac.uk ...for some time yet. Until September 95, to be exact! And if anyone's wondering where all my modules from ftp.brad.ac.uk went, the answer's simple; they ran out of room and had to get rid of something. The mods had to be ditched. The guy in charge (Paul Sutton) was kind - he even wished me luck uploading elsewhere! Hello's to everyone I know from LJMU, especially Bryan Jones, Lee O'Brien, Shereen Walters, Ian Slavin, Chris Bruce, Russ Threadgold, Ste Jones, Dave Wild, Dave Adamson, Dave Roberts, Rachel and Sarah Duxbury and Ruth Jump. And a big special hi to Christine and Simes Carter-Warren. ;D (Only kidding Smes! *grin*) Happy listening, everyone! And remember... erm, damn. I forgot. :) ________________ Liam the lemming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~