... MeMBeRS oF MaYDaY ... P R e S e N t S - LiTtLe TeKK miX - --------------------------- hY therE! ThIZ iS juST a LiTTlE MiX oF sOmE tEchNo-styLes.. RaVe, TraNcE, HarDteKK 4 moRe SouNDs caLL oUr WHQ, the LoTUS SoUND BBS! +49 40 555 1813 HaMbuRG/GerManY We aRe alsO searChinG morE MebErS.. CompoSr , COdeR, GfX-aRtisTs and so on... reAd reAl.TxT 4 more NfO's! Ok .. groUp greeTz 2: HBE, CE , TBD , SDI , RR , X-PosUrE , AzuRE sKY --- and 2 all dist-sysOp's! CrEDz : KEiTH.303 , CysToR , MesCaluM , Mel.D , MasTerBeAT.... CyA l8eR DuWdZ... SPiKE 3/95