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Assembly Source File
796 lines
; ·
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; version 1.0a
; Code by SHAYDE/REALITY Feb 95
; - * -
; Feel free to use/hack this code about as much as you like. In the good old
; dayz of Amiga, ALL tracker writers gave away player source-code so that the
; coder could do what he/she wanted with it. On PC every tracker writer thinks
; their player code should be protected and they either don't release a player
; or they release it in .OBJ format which means if you need to make changes to
; the code to fit in with your demo/intro you're fucked!!! So message to all
; tracker writers out there:
; source-code form to reduce head-aches!
; - * -
; This source-code doesn't contain any segment directives so it is only
; INCLUDEable in other source-code. Also it requires a minimum of a 286
; to run. I avoided using ASSUMEs so that the code that INCLUDEs this code
; doesn't lose it's ASSUMEs, hence variables are accessed via CS:. You can
; save a few bytes by dropping them (which you'll need to do if you want to
; use this player in protected-mode), although I use DS: to reference the
; tune segment.
; - * -
; To initialise the player, call "InitPlayer".
; To stop play, call "EndPlayer".
; To play music, call "PlayMusic" 50 times a second (18.2/sec for a
; "slow-timer" tune).
; Tracker commands
cmPortamentoUp = 1 ; Portamento up
cmPortamentoDwn = 2 ; Portamento down
cmToneSlide = 3 ; Tone Slide: xx is speed of slide
cmToneVolSlide = 5 ; Tone slide of 00 + Vol. Slide
cmVolSlide = 10 ; Volume Slide: <50=down, >50=up
cmSetVol = 12 ; set volume
cmJumpToLine = 13 ; Jump to line in next track
cmSetSpeed = 15 ; set speed
FreqStart = 156h ; low end of frequency in each octave
FreqEnd = 2aeh ; high end of frequency in each octave
FreqRange = FreqEnd-FreqStart
; This routine initialises the player.
; IN:
; ES: - points to .RAD module to play
; OUT:
; Carry - set on error (such as invalid module)
InitPlayer: pusha
call EndPlayer ; clear Adlib ready for tune
; initialise certain Adlib registers that aren't changed
mov ax,0120h ; allow waveforms
call Adlib
mov ax,0800h
call Adlib
mov ah,0bdh ; no drums, etc.
call Adlib
; check to see if it is a RAD file first
cmp word ptr es:[0],'AR'
jnz @@err
cmp word ptr es:[2],' D'
jnz @@err
cmp byte ptr es:[16],10h ; correct version?
jnz @@err
mov cs:ModSeg,es ; keep the segment of module
; read initial speed
mov al,es:[17]
mov ah,al
and al,1fh
mov cs:Speed,al
; see if there's a description to skip
mov si,18
test ah,80h ; description flag
jz @@lc ; no description
xor al,al
jmp @@le
@@ld: inc si
@@le: cmp es:[si],al ; look for null-termination
jnz @@ld
inc si ; move past null
; create table of instrument pointers
@@lc: xor bx,bx
@@la: mov bl,es:[si] ; instrument no.
inc si
add bx,bx
jz @@lb ; no more instruments
mov cs:InstPtrs-2[bx],si ; record pointer to instrument
add si,11
jmp @@la
; record offset of order list
@@lb: xor ax,ax
mov al,es:[si] ; no. of orders in order-list
mov cs:OrderSize,ax
inc si
mov cs:OrderList,si
xor bx,bx
mov bl,es:[si] ; first pattern to play
add bx,bx
add si,ax ; move to end of list
; record table of pattern offsets
mov cs:PatternList,si
mov ax,es:[si+bx] ; first pattern offset
mov cs:PatternPos,ax ; pointer to first pattern
; initial pointers
xor ax,ax
mov cs:OrderPos,ax ; start at position 0.
mov cs:SpeedCnt,al
mov cs:Line,al ; start at line 0
jmp @@lx ; successful initialisation
@@err: stc
@@lx: popa
; This stops music playback (stops sound channels).
EndPlayer: push ax
mov ax,020h shl 8
@@la: call Adlib
inc ah
cmp ah,00f6h
jb @@la
pop ax
; This routine does the actual playing. It MUST be called 50 times a second
; to maintain accurate music playback. Refer to accompanying timer source-code
; for ways of providing a 50/sec timer service.
PlayMusic: pusha
push ds
mov ds,cs:ModSeg ; segment of module
cmp cs:SpeedCnt,0
jz @@la ; play a line of music
dec cs:SpeedCnt
; no new line, so just update any effects
call UpdateNotes
jmp @@lx
; switch off any effects that are in operation
@@la: mov si,8
xor al,al
@@laa: mov cs:PortSlide[si],al ; reset any slides
mov cs:VolSlide[si],al ; reset any slides
mov cs:ToneSlide[si],al ; reset any slides
dec si
jns @@laa
; playing a new line, PatternPos should have been set-up already
mov si,cs:PatternPos
or si,si
jz @@lb ; rest of this pattern is blank
mov al,[si] ; line indicator
and al,7fh ; eliminate bit 7
cmp al,cs:Line ; is this current line?
jnz @@lb ; haven't reached it yet
test byte ptr [si],80h ; last line?
jz @@lc ; no, still more to check
mov cs:PatternPos,0 ; mark rest of pattern as blank
@@lc: inc si ; move to first channel
; play channels
@@lf: mov cl,[si] ; channel we are processing
push cx
and cl,7fh ; get rid of bit 7
mov ax,1[si] ; AL=octave/note, AH=inst/command
add si,3
test ah,15 ; if there's a cmd, there'll be a param.
jz @@le ; no parameter byte
mov ch,[si] ; read parameter
inc si
@@le: call PlayNote ; play the note
pop cx
jc @@lg ; skip rest of line, AX has new line
test cl,80h ; last channel to play?
jz @@lf ; not yet
mov cs:PatternPos,si; keep position in crunched track
; update pointers
@@lb: mov al,cs:Speed ; needs to be set AFTER note playing
dec al
mov cs:SpeedCnt,al ; for new speeds to take effect!
inc cs:Line
cmp cs:Line,64 ; end of pattern?
jb @@lx ; nope
mov cs:Line,0 ; top of next pattern
call NextPattern
@@lx: pop ds
; jump to line AX
@@lg: mov bl,cs:Speed ; needs to be set AFTER note playing
mov cs:SpeedCnt,bl ; for new speeds to take effect!
mov cs:Line,al
; find start of next pattern
call NextPattern
jz @@lx ; there isn't any data in next pattern
; find line that is greater or equal to the current line
@@ll: mov cl,[si] ; line id.
and cl,7fh ; ignore bit 7
cmp cl,al
jae @@lh ; found line
test byte ptr [si],80h
jz @@li ; not last line
xor si,si
jmp @@lh ; ignore rest of pattern as it's last
; skip to next line definition
@@li: inc si
@@lj: mov cl,[si]
add si,3
test byte ptr cs:[si-1],15 ; is there a valid command?
jz @@lk
inc si ; skip parameter
@@lk: add cl,cl
jnc @@lj ; wasn't last channel spec.
jmp @@ll ; check next line
@@lh: mov cs:PatternPos,si
jmp @@lx
; Advances pointers to next pattern in order list.
NextPattern: mov bx,cs:OrderPos
inc bx
cmp bx,cs:OrderSize
jb @@ld
xor bx,bx ; end of tune, move back to start
@@ld: mov cs:OrderPos,bx
mov si,cs:OrderList
mov bl,[si+bx] ; no. of next pattern
test bl,80h
jz @@lda
and bl,7fh
jmp @@ld ; bit 7 = jump to new order
@@lda: mov si,cs:PatternList
add bx,bx
mov si,[si+bx] ; offset of next pattern
mov cs:PatternPos,si
or si,si
; Plays a note on a channel.
; IN:
; AL - Octave (high nibble), Note (low nibble)
; AH - instrument (high nibble), command (low nibble)
; CL - channel to play note on (0..8)
; CH - parameter byte if command is non-zero
; OUT:
; CARRY - set if a line is to be jumped to
; AX - line to jump to if CARRY set
; Note: don't use SI or segment regs., otherwise registers do not need saving.
PlayNote: mov di,cx
and di,15
mov dh,ah
and dh,15 ; command
or al,al
jz @@lb ; no note playing, process command
; check to see if we are actually performing a tone slide
cmp dh,cmToneSlide
jnz @@lt ; nope, play note
; note/octave are used as parameters then (instrument ignored)
mov bx,ax
and bx,15 ; note
shr al,4
and ax,7 ; octave
dec bx ; we want 1..12
cmp bx,12
jae @@lx ; not a valid note (probably KEY-OFF)
imul ax,FreqRange ; scale octave
add bx,bx
add ax,cs:NoteFreq[bx] ; add frequency of this note
sub ax,FreqStart ; so range starts from zero
mov cs:ToneSlideFreqL[di],al ; destination frequency
mov cs:ToneSlideFreqH[di],ah
; set tone slide speed
mov byte ptr cs:ToneSlide[di],1 ; switch tone slide on
or ch,ch
jz @@lx ; use last speed setting
mov cs:ToneSlideSpeed[di],ch
jmp @@lx
; KEY-OFF the previous note
@@lt: push ax
mov al,cs:OldB0[di] ; old register value
and al, not 20h ; clear KEY-ON bit
mov cs:OldB0[di],al ; so slides after KEYOFF work correctly
mov ah,cl
add ah,0b0h
call Adlib
pop ax
; load instrument (if any)
mov dl,ah
add al,al
rcr dl,1
shr dl,3 ; instrument no.
jz @@la ; no instrument to load
call LoadInst
; load note into channel
@@la: mov bl,al
and bx,15*2 ; note * 2
cmp bx,15*2
jz @@lb ; just a KEY-OFF so we're done
mov bx,cs:NoteFreq-2[bx] ; frequency of note (BX-1)
shr al,3 ; octave
and al,7*4
or al,20h ; KEY-ON
or al,bh ; Frequency high byte
mov ah,0b0h
add ah,cl
mov cs:OldB0[di],al ; record the register value
push ax
sub ah,10h
mov al,bl ; Frequency low byte
mov cs:OldA0[di],al
call Adlib
pop ax
call Adlib
; process command (if any), DH has command, CH has parameter
@@lb: xor bx,bx
mov bl,dh ; command
add bx,bx
jmp cs:Effects[bx]
@@lx: clc
@@lxx: ret
; Portamento up
@@PortUp: mov cs:PortSlide[di],ch
jmp @@lx
; Portamento down
@@PortDown: neg ch
mov cs:PortSlide[di],ch
jmp @@lx
; Tone slide to note (no note supplied)
@@ToneSlide: or ch,ch ; parameter has speed of tone slide
jz @@lja ; keep last tone slide speed
mov cs:ToneSlideSpeed[di],ch
@@lja: mov byte ptr cs:ToneSlide[di],1 ; tone slide on
jmp @@lx
; Volume slide & Volume + Tone Slide
@@VolSlide: cmp ch,50 ; <50 = slide down, >50 = slide up
jb @@lga
sub ch,50
neg ch
@@lga: mov cs:VolSlide[di],ch
cmp dh,cmToneVolSlide ; just plain volume slide
jnz @@lx
mov byte ptr cs:ToneSlide[di],1 ; tone slide on
jmp @@lx
; Set volume
@@SetVolume: call SetVolume ; CH has volume, CL has channel
jmp @@lx
; jump to line in next pattern
@@JumpToLine: cmp ch,64
jae @@lx ; ignore as it is invalid
xor ax,ax
mov al,ch
ret ; skip rest of channels
; Set speed
@@SetSpeed: mov cs:Speed,ch
jmp @@lx
Effects dw @@lx
dw @@PortUp
dw @@PortDown
dw @@ToneSlide
dw @@lx
dw @@ToneVolSlide
dw @@lx
dw @@lx
dw @@lx
dw @@lx
dw @@VolSlide
dw @@lx
dw @@SetVolume
dw @@JumpToLine
dw @@lx
dw @@SetSpeed
NoteFreq dw 16bh,181h,198h,1b0h,1cah,1e5h ; 156h = C
dw 202h,220h,241h,263h,287h,2aeh
; Check each channel for ongoing effects to update.
UpdateNotes: xor bh,bh ; channel index
xor si,si
; process portamentos
@@la: mov bl,cs:PortSlide[si]
or bl,bl
jz @@lb ; no slide for this channel
call GetFreq
mov ch,bl
sar cx,8 ; sign extend 8bit->16bit
add ax,cx
call SetFreq
; process volume slides
@@lb: mov ch,cs:VolSlide[si]
mov cl,cs:Old43[si] ; contains current volume
and cl,3fh
xor cl,3fh
or ch,ch
jz @@lc
jns @@lba
; slide volume up
sub cl,ch
cmp cl,64
jb @@lbb
mov cl,63
jmp @@lbb
; slide volume down
@@lba: sub cl,ch
jns @@lbb
xor cl,cl
@@lbb: mov ch,cl
mov cl,bh ; channel to set
call SetVolume
; process tone slides
@@lc: cmp cs:ToneSlide[si],0
jz @@lx ; no tone slide
mov bl,cs:ToneSlideSpeed[si] ; shouldn't get wiped uc
; get current absolute frequency
call GetFreq
; sign extend speed/direction
mov dh,bl
sar dx,8
; get destination frequency
mov cl,cs:ToneSlideFreqL[si]
mov ch,cs:ToneSlideFreqH[si]
cmp ax,cx
jz @@le ; already at destination?!
ja @@ld ; tone slide down (source > dest)
; doing a tone slide up
add ax,dx
cmp ax,cx
jb @@lg ; still under destination
jmp @@le ; reached destination
; doing a tone slide down
@@ld: sub ax,dx
cmp ax,cx
ja @@lg ; still over destination
; reached destination so stop tone slide
@@le: mov ax,cx ; clip it onto destination
mov cs:ToneSlide[si],0 ; disables tone slide
; write new frequency back to channel
@@lg: call SetFreq
@@lx: inc bh
inc si
cmp si,9
jb @@la
; Returns the current absolute frequency of channel
; IN:
; SI - channel
; OUT:
; AX - frequency
; CX, DX
GetFreq: mov cl,cs:OldA0[si]
mov ch,cs:OldB0[si]
and ch,3 ; mask to get high frequency
sub cx,FreqStart
mov al,cs:OldB0[si]
shr al,2
and ax,7 ; mask to get octave
mov dx,FreqRange
mul dx
add ax,cx
; Sets the channel's frequency
; IN:
; AX - absolute frequency
; SI - channel
; CX, DX
SetFreq: mov cx,FreqRange
xor dx,dx
div cx ; extracts octave in AX and freq. in DX
add dx,FreqStart
mov ah,cs:OldB0[si]
and ah,11100000b ; keep old toggles
shl al,2 ; move octave to correct bit position
or al,ah ; insert octave
or al,dh ; insert high frequency
mov ah,bh
add ah,0b0h
mov cs:OldB0[si],al
call Adlib
sub ah,10h
mov al,dl ; low frequency
mov cs:OldA0[si],al
jmp Adlib
; Load in instrument data into a given channel.
; IN:
; CL - channel to load instrument into (0..8)
; DL - instrument no. (1..31)
LoadInst: push ax bx si
mov si,cx
and si,0ffh
mov ah,cs:ChannelOffs[si] ; Adlib register offsets
xor bx,bx
mov bl,dl
dec bx
add bx,bx
mov bx,cs:InstPtrs[bx] ; get instrument offset
or bx,bx
jz @@lx ; no instrument data ?!
mov al,2[bx]
mov cs:Old43[si],al ; old 43.. value
mov dl,4
@@la: mov al,1[bx]
call Adlib ; load carrier
add ah,3
mov al,[bx]
call Adlib ; load modulator
add bx,2
add ah,20h-3
dec dl
jnz @@la
add ah,40h ; do E0 range now
mov al,2[bx]
call Adlib
add ah,3
mov al,1[bx]
call Adlib
mov ah,0c0h
add ah,cl
mov al,[bx]
call Adlib
@@lx: pop si bx ax
ChannelOffs db 20h,21h,22h,28h,29h,2ah,30h,31h,32h
; Outputs a value to an ADLIB register.
; IN:
; CL - channel to set volume on
; CH - new volume
SetVolume: push ax bx
xor bx,bx
mov bl,cl
; ensure volume is within range
cmp ch,64
jb @@la
mov ch,63
; get old 43.. value
@@la: mov al,cs:Old43[bx]
and al,0c0h ; mask out volume bits
xor ch,3fh
or al,ch ; insert volume
mov cs:Old43[bx],al ; keep new 43.. value
; write new volume into Adlib
mov ah,cs:ChannelOffs[bx]
add ah,23h
call Adlib
pop bx ax
; Outputs a value to an ADLIB register.
; IN:
; AH - register no.
; AL - value
Adlib: push ax dx
mov dx,cs:AdlibPort
xchg ah,al
out dx,al
rept 6
in al,dx
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
dec dx
mov ah,22
@@la: in al,dx
dec ah
jnz @@la
pop dx ax
AdlibPort dw 388h ; default Adlib base port
InstPtrs dw 31 dup (0) ; offsets of instrument data
Old43 db 9 dup (0) ; record of 43.. register values
OldA0 db 9 dup (0) ; record of A0..A8 register values
OldB0 db 9 dup (0) ; record of B0..B8 register values
ToneSlideSpeed db 9 dup (1) ; speed of tone slide
ToneSlideFreqL db 9 dup (?) ; destination frequency of tone slide
ToneSlideFreqH db 9 dup (?)
ToneSlide db 9 dup (?) ; tone slide flag
PortSlide db 9 dup (?) ; portamento slide
VolSlide db 9 dup (?) ; volume slide
ModSeg dw ? ; segment of module (starts at offset 0)
Speed db ? ; speed (n/50Hz) of tune
SpeedCnt db ? ; counter used for deriving speed
OrderSize dw ? ; no. of entries in Order List
OrderList dw ? ; offset in module of Order List
OrderPos dw ? ; current playing position in Order List
PatternList dw ? ; offset of pattern offset table in module
PatternPos dw ? ; offset to current line in current pattern
Line db ? ; current line being played (usually +1)