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Windows OnLine - Main File Database
Dir # Description
20 WINDOWS Graphic, Draw & Charting
21 WINDOWS Graphic, Paint/Design/CAD
22 WINDOWS Networking
23 WINDOWS For Workgroups
24 WINDOWS Communications A-L
25 WINDOWS Communications M-Z
26 WINDOWS Icons A-G
27 WINDOWS Icons H-P
28 WINDOWS Icons Q-Z
29 WINDOWS Icons Apps/Utils
30 WINDOWS Screen Blankers
31 WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In A-G
32 WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In H-M
33 WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In N-S
34 WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In T-Z
35 WINDOWS Accessories A-G
36 WINDOWS Accessories H-M
37 WINDOWS Accessories N-S
38 WINDOWS Accessories T-Z
Pg 1
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 20 │WINDOWS Graphic, Draw & Charting │
│ # of Files: 90 │ Bytes: 11,237,878 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
ABCFLOW.ZIP 302009 10-13-91 ABC FLOWCHARTER for Windows, a complete
"working model". A WYSIWYG drawing package
designed specifically to create, edit, and
print flow diagrams.
(Last Revised: 10/13/91)
ANIM8.ZIP 77387 06-19-92 Graphics/Animation Program for MS Win 3.x.
Last revision date in archive: 06-19-1992.
AT1INF.ZIP 11614 07-24-92 CorelDraw! 3.0 Adobe Type1 Information.
Information on OPENING old files, PRINTING &
trouble shooting using CorelDRAW! 3.0 & Adobe
Type 1 Fonts. The file is in Windows 3.1
WRITE format.
(Last Revised: 07/24/92)
BITFLICK.ZIP 274449 08-02-92 Flicks through a whole directory of BMP files
in a slide show fashion. Windows 3.X program.
(Last Revised: 08/02/92)
BMPFMT.ZIP 6529 10-19-90 Text describing the format of the Windows BMP
graphical format. 10/90
CADVAN10.ZIP 133121 10-23-92 CAD VANTAGE v1.00 <ASP> - The 1st affordable
CAD program for Windows 3.1. Drawing elements
include: lines, arcs, circles, points and
text. Edit options: select, cut, copy, paste,
rotate, scale and undo. Line type, width and
color can be set. Full text font control.
Element snaps, on-line help, zoom, pan,
scaled plots and much more. Gamma Software
(Last Revised: 10/23/92)
CARD1.ZIP 52230 03-25-92 A Kid Birthday Card You Can Customize.
Requires Coral Draw Vers 2.00 to View And
(Last Revised: 03/25/92)
CD-NEW20.ZIP 1989 11-18-90 List of new features of Corel Draw 2.0!
CD-WIN31.ZIP 232580 05-14-92 Files for Corel DRAW 2.0L direct from Corel
support BBS - Includes .WRI text file, NEW
Mosaic, NEW WFNBOSS, and SCODL Filter all
(Last Revised: 05/14/92)
CD20SPEC.ZIP 3060 11-22-90 List of Corel Draw 2.0 features &
explanations. More detailed.
CDR3VI.ZIP 17986 12-08-92 Corel Draw Viewer v1.1. This program allows
you to look inside the .CDR files you have on
disk to determine: page size and orientation
font usage CorelDraw version number see the
thumbnail image of the drawing The 1.1 verion
fixes a bitmap-being-hidden problem, and runs
in Visual Basic 2, which is much faster.
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
CDRCHK12.ZIP 71129 03-26-93 CDRCheck v1.2: MS-Windows util used to
determine what fonts, if any, are used by a
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 2
particular CDR file (CorelDRAW); req
VBRUN200.DLL; 03/26/93
CDRW_FLT.ZIP 193527 10-26-92 Import and export filters for CorelDRAW 3.0
Revision B. They offer improved performance
for TIFF, HPGL, DXF and TTf files. NOTE:
These only work with rev. B.
(Last Revised: 10/26/92)
CDTEMPL.ZIP 42817 07-14-93 Hot-key template and Windows Recorder File
for use with CorelDRAW! 4.0.
(Last Revised: 07/14/93)
CDWFONTS.ZIP 9981 10-28-92 Three .Wri Files With 165 Corel Fonts Printed
With The Corel Name & The More Common Name.
(Last Revised: 10/28/92)
CHART103.ZIP 159273 04-27-93 CHARTIST v1.03 <ASP> - A comprehensive flow
charting and org charting package for Windows
3.x. Features full color and font support,
multiple symbol and border styles and
automatic routing of lines in multiple
styles. Also supports hypertext jumps to
import of bitmaps into symbols and export of
data to other applications.
(Last Revised: 04/27/93)
CHART104.ZIP 146820 01-05-93 CHARTIST v1.04 <ASP> - A comprehensive flow
charting and org charting package for Windows
3.x. Features full color and font support,
multiple symbol and border styles and
automatic routing of lines in multiple
styles. Also supports hypertext jumps to
import of bitmaps into symbols and export of
data to other applications.
(Last Revised: 01/05/93)
CLP25610.ZIP 14226 12-29-91 Clip256 displays 1,16 & 256 color BMP files
under Windows 3.0. It is a VB app and uses a
custom control(incl). It also displays
(Last Revised: 12/29/91)
COLPAL21.ZIP 16328 10-18-92 WIN3: Interactive 16/256 color palette
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
COREL3.ZIP 6053 06-11-92 Description of CorelDRAW! 3.0! It looks
great. Direct from Corel Forum on CIS.
(Last Revised: 06/11/92)
COREL3BU.ZIP 79980 08-27-92 Small Update plus Info Files for Corel 3 B
(Last Revised: 08/27/92)
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
CORELBUG.ZIP 2338 10-27-92 Bug in corel 3.0b causes loss of system
resources. Description and workaround.
(Last Revised: 10/27/92)
CORELFIX.ZIP 381929 01-13-93 Various fixes for Corel 3.0b from CompuServe
Many updated import/export filters, etc.
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
CORELSHO.ZIP 304019 07-26-92 CORELSHOW v3.0a - Runtime version for playing
.SHW animations created with CorelSHOW v3.0a
- This program requires Windows
(Last Revised: 07/26/92)
CORELTEC.ZIP 29124 09-22-91 Tech manual for using Corel Draw. Manual is
in Word for Windows format.
(Last Revised: 09/22/91)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 3
CORELUD.ZIP 210212 04-10-92 Updates To Coreldraw! 2.01L Files For Windows
3.1. Includes A Tirade About The Win31
Postscript Driver. Fresh From The Corel
02/28/92 Uncompressed Size: 658,188 Bytes.
(Last Revised: 04/10/92)
CORELUTL.ZIP 823883 05-11-91 Corel Draw Samples and Utilities, also many
GREAT Windows Utilities. Some Font Files,
Some Drawing files, Some PCX files and Some
TIF files.
(Last Revised: 11/08/92)
(Last Revised: 10/15/92)
CRL30UP1.ZIP 505099 07-22-92 Coreldraw 3.0 Updates From Corel BBS
(Last Revised: 07/22/92)
CTAMR2.ZIP 399127 05-26-93 ChartTamer 2.0 This replaces the current
version of ChartTamer on this BBS. Previous
Zip file was corrupt and the program would
not run correctly. ChartTamer is a full
featured presentation graphics program that
will create 3D Bar,Line,Area,Pie, and over
40 other chart types. Unique "What If" mode
allows you to change the value of a single
data point by just clicking on it! Allows you
to add any bitmap as a background to your
chart. Perfect for company logos or a
special bitmap dealing with the chart topic.
Perfect for notebook users who need to create
quality charts since the program is only
200K. Requires VBRUN200.DLL which is not
included in this Zip File but available on
this BBS. Upload by the author -
Software Excellence By Design The same folks
that gave you Zip Manager 4.0 The upgrade to
to the ORIGINAL Zip Manager For Windows.
If you had prev DL'D ChartTamer please DL
this file so you can see how easy and
powerful this program is!
19 files - New:05-26-1993 Old:05-26-1993
CTMR101A.ZIP 320461 01-29-93 ChartTamer v1.01A: powerful MS-Windows chart
creation program enabling you to create
presentation quality bar, pie, area, line,
and a variety of other chart types; special
effects include the ability to add any bitmap
as a background to your chart; perfect for
company logos, photos of the subject the
chart covers or use a custom 3D bitmap and
tile it behind your chart for a unique look;
VBRUN200.DLL is reqd.
(Last Revised: 01/29/93)
CVBMP.ZIP 7171 09-07-90 Converts window bitmaps to OS2 bitmaps.
CVIEW97.ZIP 200654 06-20-92 ColorView v. 0.97 for Windows 3.x High Speed
JPEG/JFIF, GIF, BMP Viewer. JPEG Is A Highly
Compressed 24 Bit "True Color" Picture File
Format Which Has More Colors And A Smaller
File Size Than GIF Files.
(Last Revised: 06/20/92)
DIGI138.ZIP 105561 06-21-93 This program does the reverse job of a
plotting program (Un-Graphing), it can
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 4
import a scanned X,Y plot and digitize
it to end up with a text file containing
the X,Y points. >>> Wolly sez: If you have
ever wanted to reverse engineer a plot, you
have got to get this thing. For Windows.<<<
(Last Revised: 06/01/93)
DODOT.ZIP 300780 02-01-91 Shareware Graphics conversion program,
NICE... For Windows 3.0
13 files - New: 02/01/1991 Old: 04/26/1990
DOTS10.ZIP 59590 02-16-92 Doodles on the Screen v1.0 - Random VGA art
generator - nice wallpaper. Can be run within
Windows as a screen blanker
(Last Revised: 02/16/92)
DXF.ZIP 36478 07-08-92 Updated .DXF Filter for COREL 3.0
(Last Revised: 07/08/92)
EXTRUDE.ZIP 11866 04-08-91 For Corel Draw only: Graphical explanation of
Corel's Extrude Command. A must have for
Corel Draw Users.
(Last Revised: 04/08/91)
FIXFONTS.ZIP 276343 06-21-91 Fixed set of fonts for Corel Draw 2.00. From
Corel BBS.
Last revision date in archive: 06-21-1991.
FLRNCE-W.ZIP 17175 10-27-90 Hand-writing type font for Corel Draw.
Pretty nice.
2 files - New: 10/27/1990 Old: 10/27/1990
17 files - New: 03/28/1991 Old: 03/22/1991
GRAPHER.ZIP 25532 01-06-91 Grapher for Windows 3.0 - Graph f(x)
functions in a 2-dimensional cartesian
coordinate system using 'x' as horizontal and
'y' as vertical. Nice program with
customizable grid.
Past revision date in archive: 01-06-1991.
GVIEW11.ZIP 22067 05-14-92 Graphic Viewer v1.1: MS-Windows program that
allows you to view bitmaps, icons, metafiles
and compressed bitmaps; requires VBRUN100.DLL
05/14/92; M. Nordan.
HDWDEMO.ZIP 1039102 10-22-91 Harvard Draw for Windows - DEMO. Drawing
prog. ala CorelDraw or Micrographics Designer
etc. This Demo and animation is an
interesting (mostly watch) demo with very
good graphics and will run from the DOS
prompt or under Windows. If you are looking
at top line drawing programs get this self-
running demo for a free look.
(Last Revised: 10/22/91)
HPGLFILT.ZIP 61167 10-09-92 CorelDraw 3.0b Export/Import filters for HPGL
(Last Revised: 10/09/92)
IMHPGL.ZIP 39777 07-26-92 Updated HPGL Import filter for CorelDRAW 3.0
(Last Revised: 07/26/92)
IMPDXF.ZIP 38836 07-26-92 Updated DXF import filter for CorelDRAW 3.0
Direct from CorelBBS
(Last Revised: 07/26/92)
IMPPCX.ZIP 13709 07-26-92 Updated PCX Import filter for CorelDRAW 3.0
(Last Revised: 07/26/92)
IMPTGA.ZIP 12004 12-16-92 New Targa Import Filter For Corel Draw 3.0b.
(Last Revised: 12/16/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 5
INSTORG.ZIP 335579 10-08-91 Instant ORGcharting for Windows, a complete
"working model" of Instant ORGcharting. For
your organizational charting needs.
(Last Revised: 10/08/91)
KWDRW130.ZIP 76987 09-25-92 KwikDraw v1.30: object oriented drawing pgm
for MS-Windows; includes extensive online
help 09/25/92; Paul Schimpf/The Human
12 files - New: 02/17/1991 Old: 02/16/1991
MACMAINE.ZIP 37094 08-25-91 A beautiful calligraphic type font to be used
with Corel Draw.
5 files - New: 08/25/1991 Old: 08/25/1991
MCD_JUNE.ZIP 24203 07-01-93 Four articles from the June issue of the
Mastering CorelDRAW newsletter.
(Last Revised: 07/01/93)
MDRAW05.ZIP 75379 03-21-93 Mdraw v0.5: object-oriented drawing package
for MS-Windows with toolbar/pallete, drawing
tools, cut/copy/paste/delete/join/unjoin/move
resize, snap grid, hyperlinks, picture export
and printing. (Last Revised: 03/21/93)
MDRAW06.ZIP 70529 06-10-93 MDraw v0.6: object-oriented drawing package
for MS-Windows with toolbar/pallete, drawing
tools, cut/copy/paste/delete/join/unjoin/move
resize, snap grid, hyperlinks, picture export
& printing; 06/10/93.
MWIKDRAW.ZIP 55516 03-09-32 An object oriented drawing program for Win3
NETLOGOS.ZIP 16102 07-04-93 Network TV logos in CorelDRAW! .cdr format.
(Last Revised: 07/04/93)
NEWCOREL.ZIP 225754 05-27-92 Files For Corel Draw 2.0l Direct From Corel
Support BBS - Includes .Wri Text File, New
Mosaic, New Wfnboss, And Scodl Filter
(Last Revised: 05/27/92)
NEWSCODL.ZIP 21307 07-08-92 Updated SCODL Export Filter for Corel 3.0.
(Last Revised: 07/08/92)
PADRAW20.ZIP 60502 12-20-92 4A Draw v2.00: basic drawing program for
MSWindows that can be used in place of a
doodle pad; req VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 12/20/92)
PCHART.ZIP 33307 05-05-91 Bar and Pie charts for Windows 3.0 includes
source for Turbo Pascal for Windows
10 files - New: 05/05/1991 Old: 05/02/1991
PCS102.ZIP 140185 03-12-93 Professional Capture Systems v1.02:
combination of both Windows & DOS pgms that
will simplify your screen capturing; allows
for the capturing of a defined area, full
screen, window, or client area; capture can
be sent to any combination of the clipboard,
printer and disk & can be saved using the
formats BMP GIF, PCX, PIC, TGA, TIFF, or WPG
(PCX for DOS version); req '286/VGA
(Last Revised: 03/12/93)
PIES.ZIP 2454 03-10-91 Text file from Jeff Day about using pie
charts in toolbook.
PROLOGCD.ZIP 6609 07-08-92 Updated PROLOG.CMP for Corel 3.0 direct from
Corel's BBS
(Last Revised: 07/08/92)
PSHAPE21.ZIP 111630 08-30-91 ProShape v2.1: a Win3 drawing program
(Last Revised: 08/30/91)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 6
QDRW12.ZIP 21629 12-02-92 QwikDRAW! V1.2: MS-Windows 3.1 package that
adds an icon box containing 25 icons to Corel
Draw v3.0; the icons are all shortcuts for
commands in Corel Draw; the icon box floats
above Corel Draw so that you can still work
on your drawing at all times; requires
(Last Revised: 12/02/92)
REALTYP1.ZIP 4016 01-06-91 Free patch for Corel Draw's INI file causes
font names to be displayed in Corel as the
names of hte fonts they emulate; for example,
what Corel calls Toronto is really Times.
(Last Revised: 01/06/91)
RFFLOW.ZIP 107011 05-17-90 Flow charting program for Win 3.0
2 files - New: 05/17/1990 Old: 01/17/1989
SCRIB101.ZIP 7778 08-21-92 Scribble v1.01: drawing program for Windows
that can be used in place of a doodle pad;
req VBRUN100.DLL; 08/21/92; 4A Software.
SETDRW21.ZIP 139438 04-13-93 SetDRAW v2.1: MS-Windows program especially
designed for Corel DRAW 3.0 users that loads
and displays over 100 settings that control
how DRAW performs, handles fonts, imports/
exports and prints; has extensive online
help, safety & backup features; VBRUN200.DLL
is required; 04/13/93; David Brickley
SPACE1B.ZIP 17436 03-01-92 Font corel draw.
(Last Revised: 03/01/92)
SPORTHOB.ZIP 17644 03-01-92 Font corel draw.
(Last Revised: 03/01/92)
ST000000.ZIP 12319 03-01-92 Font corel draw.
(Last Revised: 03/01/92)
STAB110.ZIP 221332 04-30-92 Stable Technical Graphs V1.1 Win 3.x.
(Last Revised: 04/30/92)
STEELF.ZIP 5019 12-19-91 .wfn font for corel draw, steel brush semi-sc
(Last Revised: 12/19/91)
T2SDRW11.ZIP 40915 10-13-92 T2S Draw for Windows v1.1: simple
objectoriented drawing pgm; doesn't import
anything but can copy to clipboard;
copy/move/resize objects.
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
TEMPLET.ZIP 2404 03-26-92 This is A Coral Draw Templet With Which You
Can Make Your Our Custom Layout Using Coral
(Last Revised: 03/26/92)
TIFILT.ZIP 26294 11-05-92 New tiff import filter for corel 3.0b.
(Last Revised: 11/05/92)
TTF_INFO.ZIP 9178 07-24-92 Corel Technical Note: Use True Type fonts
with Corel v3.
(Last Revised: 07/24/92)
WCARTOG.ZIP 62458 03-28-92 Windows app: draws and prints world maps
(Last Revised: 03/28/92)
WFIT122A.ZIP 129872 06-23-93 Windows curve fitting program.
(Last Revised: 06/07/93)
WINDRAW.ZIP 136640 05-14-91 Demo version of good Windows drawing program.
4 files - New: 05/14/1991 Old: 04/20/1991
WINJP200.ZIP 240927 01-24-93 WinJPEG 2.0 - shareware JPEG/TIFF/Targa/GIF/
PCX/BMP viewer/converter for Windows. New
features include cropping, faster scrolling,
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 7
improved slideshow and resize, and more.
(Last Revised: 01/24/93)
WINJP230.ZIP 273002 06-06-93 Winjpeg Image File Viewer For Windows.
(Last Revised: 06/06/93)
WINLAB12.ZIP 357398 06-28-93 WinLab v1.2 beta is a general purpose image
previewer/converter for windows 3.1 It
supports several image format (BMP, TIFF,
GIF, TGA, ..) including Jpeg.
(Last Revised: 06/28/93)
WINQU102.ZIP 77772 07-06-93 WinQuilt v1.02: MS-Windows symmetric fractal
generator that will output PCX or BMP files
that have surprising equivalencies to the
works of man; 07/06/93; Saul Scudder.
XVTDRAW.ZIP 79840 09-11-90 XVT for Win3 allows C prgms. to be written 4
OS/2 Presentation Manager, MS-Windows, Mac &
X Window System that are 100% portable. XVT
is an example. Dated 9/90
ZGRWIN37.ZIP 148136 12-30-92 W31 charting graphical program v 3.7.
(Last Revised: 12/30/92)
Pg 8
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 21 │WINDOWS Graphic, Paint/Design/CAD │
│ # of Files: 119 │ Bytes: 30,489,863 │ Updated: 08/08/93 01:54 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
ARTTBK.ZIP 12138 06-13-90 ARTBOOK for Toolbook, requires runtime ToolBK
and Win3.
AUTOSKCH.ZIP 1171640 06-04-92 Limited working model of AutoSketch for Win.
(Last Revised: 06/04/92)
BBVIEW.ZIP 22810 04-12-91 A GIF Viewer program that run under Windows
3.0, it supports most graphics format (GIF,
PCX, BMP, and etc). It also can cut and paste
for your applications and can convert from
GIF to BMP or other format and vice-versa.
It supports 256 colors only the driver of the
display card is used...
2 files - New: 04/12/1991 Old: 04/12/1991
CAMWIN1A.ZIP 629664 03-16-93 ECAM for Windows v1.0 Improved the draw to
flash conversion algorithm to handle drawn
pads that are not exactly the same. Setup
System you can enter a tolerance. Clear
silkscreen command was improved to handle
any line at any angle regardless of the pad
shape. (Last Revised: 03/16/93)
CAMWIN1B.ZIP 491463 03-16-93 ECAM for Windows v1.0 (Part 2 of 2)
(Last Revised: 03/16/93)
CB-EVAL.ZIP 136674 09-09-91 Clipbook Clip Art Organizer For Windows.
Print, Index, Cut/Paste. Launch Programs.
Seamless Clipboard Interface. Shareware. $40
Registration. $80 With 500+ Pictures.
Requires Toolbook or Toolbook 1.5 Runtime
(Included in Tbookrt1.ZIP And Tbookrt2.zip
Parts 2 And 3 of This Package) 9/8/91
CCFACT.ZIP 63020 07-05-91 Color creation Factory for Visual Basic.
CHAOSV2.ZIP 351883 05-09-93 Newest version of Chaos for Windows. Lots of
new features, even some multimedia support if
you have a sound card!
(Last Revised: 05/09/93)
CRAYONS2.ZIP 485981 08-28-92 Toolbook runtime files for CRAYONS1
(Last Revised: 08/28/92)
DEMO3D.ZIP 287150 03-01-93 Sculptura for windows demo sculptura is a new
3d modeling package. features- -based on easy
object manipulations via mouse -solid
rendering with shading and smoothing -dxf
file input and output. -support for the vivid
and pov raytracers load/save and solid
rendering disabled. (newest file date:
DES31_1.ZIP 1008545 05-14-91 Micrografx Designer Version 3.1 Working Demo,
a presentation/illustration program with lots
of new features such as, Under Windows 3.0
installation, Text on Curve, Blending, 256
Color screen driver support, and etc.
Disk 1 of 3
41 files - New: 05/14/1991 Old: 09/04/1990
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 9
DES31_2.ZIP 1042423 05-14-91 Micrografx Designer ver 3.1 Working Demo,
Disk 2 of 3
40 files - New: 05/14/1991 Old: 05/14/1991
DES31_3.ZIP 341253 05-14-91 Micrografx Designer ver 3.10 Working Demo,
Disk 3 of 3
9 files - New: 05/14/1991 Old: 05/01/1990
DRFXCAD.ZIP 866680 02-10-92 Drafix Windows CAD v2.0 Working Model/Demo
Faster, with a new interface, enhanced macro
(Last Revised: 02/10/92)
DROPVIEW.ZIP 24039 01-04-93 Multi-window drag&drop bitmap program for
Win3.Reads\writes all bitmap types,cut,
paste,Img. Processing,sets Wallpaper.Supports
24 bit color. Shareware, $14.95 with upgrade.
(Last Revised: 01/04/93)
DROPVW1.ZIP 24137 01-04-93 Drag&Drop multi-window bmp editor for Win 3.1
User can drag multiple bitmaps from File Mgr.
And each will be displayed in it's owm
window.Image Processing, 24 bit support, can
load any .bmp or rle as Wallpaper in one step
(Last Revised: 01/04/93)
DTP25.ZIP 314913 05-07-92 Desktop Paint v2.5: bitmapped paint program
for those using desktop publishing software
such as Ventura Publisher, PageMaker, Publish
create/modify monochrome bitmapped graphics
for use as stand alone pictures or for
inclusion in other docs; supports MAC, IMG,
PCX, TIFF & WPG formats; EMS support;
requires mouse and either Hercules, EGA or
VGA display adapters; 05/07/92
(Last Revised: 05/07/92)
FATBIT.ZIP 7669 12-10-91 Pixel magnifier program for MS-Windows 3.0;
(Last Revised: 12/10/91)
FG20A.ZIP 1183002 04-27-93 Freelance Graphics For Windows Release 2.0
Working Model [1/3]
(Last Revised: 04/27/93)
FG20B.ZIP 1427314 03-03-93 Freelance Graphics For Windows Release 2.0
Working Model [2/3]
(Last Revised: 03/03/93)
FG20C.ZIP 1036448 03-03-93 Freelance Graphics For Windows Release 2.0
Working Model [3/3]
(Last Revised: 03/03/93)
FPOST11.ZIP 15188 10-13-92 Fractal Poster Master v1.1: MS-Windows app
that allows you to create wall sized posters
of your favorite part of the mandelbrot set;
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
FRACPNT.ZIP 68585 12-16-90 FRACTAL PAINT - Microsoft Windows program
which combines elements of a paint program
with a fractal drawing program (12/90).
FRACTR.ZIP 22590 01-16-92 Fractal Tree Designer v1.00 for MS-Win 3.0:
This application is a Windows 3.0 application
which enables the user to create realistic
tree silhouettes.
(Last Revised: 01/16/92)
FRACTREE.ZIP 45665 04-01-93 Windows 3.1 Recursive Fractals Study Program.
Allows For Changing The Formulas to Produce
'trees' And Other Black And White Fractal.
(Last Revised: 04/01/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 10
FRACVIEW.ZIP 20105 06-19-92 Fractal Viewer for MS Win 3.X.
Last revision date in archive: 06-19-1992.
GIFV32.ZIP 204412 11-30-92 Views, Edits, And Prints Gif, Pcx, And Bmp
Files Better Than Vpic And Cshow Combined
Supports Ems And Xms And A Powerful Script
Language For Slide Shows And Works With
(Last Revised: 11/30/92)
GISP10.ZIP 188508 04-29-92 Gsip V1.0 Editor For 8-Bit Gray PCX Images
Edit/Save/print/view PCX Images.
(Last Revised: 04/29/92)
GRAF21.ZIP 46883 01-28-92 Graphic Viewer: displays 1,16,256 & 24-bit
color PCX & BMP files under Windows 3.0. It
is a VB app and uses a custom control (incl).
Minor bug fix.
(Last Revised: 01/28/92)
GWSWN11D.ZIP 467707 04-11-93 Graphic Workshop for Windows v1.1d The best
graphics manipulator - does everything - on
IFF/LBM, BMP, RLE, Targa, and more.
(Last Revised: 04/11/93)
GWSWN11E.ZIP 503043 05-02-93 Graphic Workshop for Windows 1.1e Complete
graphics files manipulation, wreaks special
effects on MacPaint, IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF,
Kodak Photo-CD, ART, Targa, EXE and TXT
files. Now with thumbnail previews.
(Last Revised: 05/02/93)
GWSWN11F.ZIP 556644 07-16-93 Graphic Workshop for Windows 1.1f The best
Workshop yet! Converts prints views dithers
transforms flips rotates scales crops colour
adjusts scans quantizes and wreaks special
files. Has thumbnail previews & Photo-CD
support. From Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
(Last Revised: 07/16/93)
HARVWIN.ZIP 1099940 04-01-92 Demo of Harvard Graphics For Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/01/92)
HGLOGO.ZIP 57003 02-17-93 A trio of alternate opening screens for
Harvard Graphics 3.0. (.PCX)
(Last Revised: 02/05/93)
HGW1.ZIP 146529 02-23-92 Harvard Graphics For Windows. Slide Templates
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
HGW1TEMP.ZIP 190995 03-14-92 Templates For Harvard Graphics For Windows
(Last Revised: 03/14/92)
HGWBF.ZIP 75139 03-14-92 Blue Gradient Background For 35mm Slides For
Harvard Graphics For Windows
(Last Revised: 03/14/92)
HGWDEMO.ZIP 1099975 12-09-91 Harvard Graphics for Windows - DEMO.
Presentation graphics, charting, drawing
editing and HyperShow. This Demo is an
interesting (mostly watch) demo with very
good graphics and will run from the DOS
prompt or under Windows. It shows you how to
make a very nice chart. If you are in the
market get this for a free look.
(Last Revised: 12/09/91)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 11
HGWFAQ.ZIP 4859 03-05-93 Harvard Graphics For Windows Faq
(Last Revised: 03/05/93)
HGWQ.ZIP 4908 03-26-92 HGWQUIT for use w/Harvard Graphics for
Windows v1.0 Screenshows. HGW v1.0 can run a
screenshow from an icon or DOS prompt, but
when the screenshow ends, you are in the
Slide Editor. To run the screenshow from an
icon and return to Program Manager when the
screenshow ends, use HGWQUIT.EXE. HGWQUIT
allows you to do this through the Launch Appl
feature of HGW (requires VBRUN100.DLL).
(Last Revised: 03/26/92)
HGWRF.ZIP 74839 03-14-92 Red Gradient Background For 35mm Slides For
Harvard Graphics For Windows
(Last Revised: 03/14/92)
IMGCON.ZIP 64266 11-27-92 Image Conversion Utility for MS-Win 3.1: Drag
& drop pic file converter. Supports
GIF/TIFF/BMP/PCX/WPG and many other formats.
Easy to use and seems to work well. "Demo"
version but no limits documented and none
(Last Revised: 11/27/92)
(Last Revised: 12/05/92)
IPHOTO30.ZIP 280362 01-04-91 IPhoto v3.0 for Windows. This image converter
working model is limited in the graphic
formats supported but otherwise quite
impressive. Get this one.
(Last Revised: 01/04/91)
ISLAND.ZIP 9698 02-28-91 Creates a fractal map similar to landscape
of an island for window 3.0
ISLANDS.ZIP 11954 04-30-91 A landscape fractal generator for Win 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 04-30-1991.
JPGWIN.ZIP 237749 07-09-92 JPEG & LEAD image compression, decompresiion,
Viewer, Format conversion, Image processing
(Resize, Rottae, Darken, Lighten, Etc) images
JTIF, JPG), LEAD. Color or gray 8, 16, 24, or
32 bits. View multiple images at one time.
Compress images up to 255:1. Optimize pallete
Full eval EXE's that will expire. README DLL.
(Last Revised: 07/09/92)
JPGWIN2.ZIP 237777 07-13-92 LeadView for Windows Demo - Graphic Data
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
JURACAD2.ZIP 445881 07-14-93 Jurassic Cad 2.0 for Windows. Major upgrade
to America's hottest download. New tool bar
with over 50 items. Better dinosaurs. Totally
serious Windows drawing program, that happens
to have dinosaurs on toolbar.
(Last Revised: 07/13/93)
JURASCAD.ZIP 503524 06-27-93 Jurrasic Cad for Windows. Dinosaur drawing
program with toolbar and full complement of
draw features. Superb for teaching someone
CAD while having fun. Shareware.
(Last Revised: 06/26/93)
LATHE151.ZIP 101052 05-25-92 Micro Lathe v1.5.1. A Windows modeling tool
that allows you to create 3-D images using
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 12
the metaphor of a carpenter's lathe.
(Last Revised: 05/25/92)
LISSAJOU.ZIP 23689 05-07-91 Lissajou graphics display for windows 3.x.
Last revision date in archive: 05-07-1991.
MACDRAFT.ZIP 436660 02-14-92 MacDraft now also runs under Windows(tm),
Conversion software for moving MacDraft doc-
uments between Windows and Macintosh systems
is available from IDD. This Demo Disk
contains a version of MacDraft For Windows
that has some features removed. For example,
it will print drawings, but it will not
save drawings to disk. Feel free to pass the
demo version along to anyone you know who
might be interested in precision scaled draw-
ing under Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/14/92)
MAKOVR.ZIP 134197 09-02-92 FINALLY! Makeover (Working Model) for Window.
Last revision date in archive: 09-02-1992.
MANDLBRT.ZIP 30501 03-20-92 The Mandelbrot Set For Windows 3.X; 256
Color, Fast, Color Animation, Beautiful.
(Last Revised: 03/20/92)
MOUNFRAC.ZIP 12294 07-08-91 Terrian drawing with fractals for Windows
(Last Revised: 07/08/91)
MP03.ZIP 64001 10-03-92 MagniPaint V3.0: Graphic editor for creating
and manipulating small graphic images.
Read/Write PCX and Windows ICONS. Features a
paint program look with a number of drawing
tools. Draw dots,lines,
preview image. Features 16 and 256 color
support. Requires VGA/SVGA and Mouse.
(Last Revised: 10/03/92)
MPEGEXE.ZIP 35025 08-14-92 Mpeg Viewer From Xing Technologies. This
Viewer Requirees Windows 3.X And The
Appropriate Mdll*.Zip For Your Video Card.
(Last Revised: 08/14/92)
MWCHAOS.ZIP 139571 02-04-92 Graphical Chaos function generator for
Windows & DOS graphics. Includes source.
(Last Revised: 02/04/92)
MYCOLOR.ZIP 31432 01-17-93 My Coloring Book is a children drawing and
painting program for Windows 3.x. It has
predefined pictures, crayons, and brushes
which are easy for kids to use.
(Last Revised: 01/17/93)
OFOTO.ZIP 333020 06-05-92 Ofoto by Light Source - Demo Professional
One-Button Scanning. Minimum Requirements For
This Demo: Windows 3.0/3.1, 80286-12 Mhz
Processor, VGA, 2mb RAM, 1mb Free Hard Drive
Space And A Mouse.
(Last Revised: 06/05/92)
ORIGIN.ZIP 921246 02-06-92 Origin Working Model Version 1.2 Scientific
Graphics in Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/06/92)
PAINT1W1.ZIP 102420 08-28-92 Shareware Windows 3.x Paint Program - Crayons
for Windows-Electronic Coloring Book
DunsonWare Shareware 1/2
(Last Revised: 08/28/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 13
PAINT1W2.ZIP 485867 08-28-92 Shareware Windows 3.x Paint Program 2/2
(Last Revised: 08/28/92)
PALLETTE.ZIP 4567 05-31-90 Shows available pallete colors in Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 05/31/90)
PARAGEN.ZIP 174504 03-07-91 beta .01 PARAGEN, "a parametric composer"
some kinda Win3.0 CAD program with demos.
PBBAR.ZIP 7093 10-13-92 PaintBrush Quick Menu for Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
PCPB5DRV.ZIP 6127 12-29-92 Vesa Drivers For PC Paintbrush 5+.
(Last Revised: 12/29/92)
PCX2BMP.ZIP 15545 11-30-92 MS-Windows application that converts between
PCX and BMP files, in both directions; req
VBRUN200.DLL and Windows PaintBrush;
(Last Revised: 11/30/92)
PCXALBUM.ZIP 34905 10-17-91 PCXALBUM 1.0 organizes .PCX files into pages
of an album from which access to the .PCX
files can be made by random viewing or by
slide viewing. In addition, PCXALBUM plays
recorded messages for each .PCX file if a
sound board is installed. Shareware ($15)
(Last Revised: 10/17/91)
PCXPATCH.ZIP 6892 07-13-92 This is a program to fix PCX files which have
one less line of image data than they think
they do. This turns up occasionally in FAX
systems and such. Complements Graphic
Workshop and Graphics Workshop for Windows.
From Alchemy Mindworks BBS.
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
PHOLAB18.ZIP 126569 04-24-93 PhotoLab, W31 Image processing v. 1.8
Many advanced features for modifying scans.
(Last Revised: 04/24/93)
PICMAN15.ZIP 400964 12-30-92 Picture Man v1.5: image processing tool for
MS-Windows 3.x; designed for true color image
enhancement, painting, retouching, etc;
offers 46 different bitmap operations, allows
you to process an image in a selected area
with sharp or smooth edge; supports/converts
palette optimization, color and
black-andwhite dithering and printing, and
much more.
(Last Revised: 12/30/92)
PIDEMO.ZIP 1254314 09-10-92 Ca-Cricket Paint & Image Self Running Demo
For Windows. Requires VGA, Svga is Better.
UnZIP Into A Directory And Type "demo"
Windows Not Needed For Demo.
(Last Revised: 09/10/92)
PIXFOL2B.ZIP 511093 01-30-93 Pixfolio image catalog system ver 2.0 windows
3.1 graphics utility. shareware. reads bmp,
cgm, fli, pcx, gif, mac, iff/lbm, img, jpeg,
tif, tga, eps, ico, wmf & wpg formats.
maintain and print catalogs, search by
keywords or file attributes. resize, mirror,
flip, dither, cut & paste, bright- ness &
contrast images. format conversions.
(Last Revised: 01/30/93)
PLAB16.ZIP 125018 03-13-93 PhotoLab v1.6: MS-Windows image processing
system that allows you to view/modify scanned
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 14
or digitized images w/crop, rotate, mirror,
flip, negative, color/brightness/contrast
adjust, resize & resample, as well as a
variety of effect filters; HP ScanJet IIc
scanner support is also included; req's 256+
color video capabilities; 03/13/93
PMASTER1.ZIP 17224 09-01-91 This is a Windows interface I wrote in Visual
Basic for viewing pictures. This version can
only use Vpic, but I plan to change that in
the near future. It basically generates a
slideshow file and presents those pics listed
in the file. Let me know what you think,
suggestions, etc. Geoff Faulkner.
Last revision date in archive: 09-01-1991.
POVCAD1B.ZIP 39561 03-27-93 POVCAD 1.0b Small object modeling;tool create
scene files for POV Raytracer 1.0. Requires
Windows 3.X and VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 03/27/93)
PS202.ZIP 96948 05-24-91 PAINT SHOP v.2.02 Windows 3.0 based paint &
screen capture program. 5/24/91
PSP2.ZIP 216459 02-23-93 Paint Shop Pro a good convertion and graphics
PWVIEW.ZIP 21722 05-28-92 Gif File Viewing Program For Windows.
(Last Revised: 05/28/92)
RGBVU099.ZIP 66006 12-21-92 RGBVUE v0.99: MS-Windows pgm that quickly
views multiple image GIFs w/full support for
multiple instances on graphics displays with
1/4/8/15/16/24 bit color; auto window
resizing/centering; online help/docs;
interlaced GIF support; gray shades
conversions for laptops/portables; req
(Last Revised: 12/21/92)
ROPS.ZIP 13962 06-16-90 Program: ROps GR37.0
Raster Ops Image Loader is a Windows
3 viewer/translator for .BMP, .DIB,
.RLE, and .RGB picture formats. Can
copy and paste from the clipboard,
print, etc. Bannerware **
1 files - New: 06/16/1990 Old: 06/16/1990
SCULPTR.ZIP 252870 05-01-93 3-D Modler For Windows Producing Pov And
Vivid Output. A Fantastic Utility For Ray
Tracing. Similar to Pov3D.
(Last Revised: 05/01/93)
SGDEMO.ZIP 768840 03-02-93 This is a demo of the most exellent Stanford
Graphics program. (Last Revised: 03/02/93)
SHG123.ZIP 26684 05-31-91 GIF File Viewer For Windows
(Last Revised: 05/31/91)
SKYW111R.ZIP 199388 07-09-92 Planetarium simulation for Windows 3.x Very
complete - if you are intrested in astronomy
get this - Shareware.
(Last Revised: 07/09/92)
SMARTPIC.ZIP 684964 07-28-92 SmartPics Sampler for Windows....
(Last Revised: 07/28/92)
STRETCH.ZIP 36963 08-16-91 Windows 3.0 program for stretching, resizing,
mirroring, etc. graphical images
(Last Revised: 08/16/91)
TIEDYE_.ZIP 170290 02-04-92 Make some Tie Dyes for Windows.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 15
(Last Revised: 02/04/92)
TRUEV10.ZIP 33867 08-16-91 True view v1.0: targa (.tga) file viewer for
ms-windows 3.0; uses bps(tm) shading and a
uniform palette to view multiple images at
once; also views bmp files; requires vermont
microsystems x/series 256, cobra elite
spectrum, or design master vga graphics
controllers to view high quality,
photorealistic images.
Last revision date in archive: 08-16-1991.
TSCAD1.ZIP 4858 09-22-92 Tommysoftware cad/draw 1.05 (part 1 of 5) ***
first unpack tbcad0.zip *** *** and read
readme.txt !!! *** cad/draw is a powerful cad
and drawing system for Windows 3.x. features
are: - associative dimensioning - user
defined hatchings - library management
(Last Revised: 09/22/92)
TSCAD2.ZIP 181326 09-21-92 Tommysoftware cad/draw 1.05 (part 2 of 5) ***
first unpack tbcad0.zip *** *** and read
readme.txt !!! *** cad/draw is a powerful cad
and drawing system for Windows 3.x. features
are: - associative dimensioning - user
defined hatchings - library management
(Last Revised: 09/21/92)
TSCAD3.ZIP 318180 09-22-92 Tommysoftware cad/draw 1.05 (part 3 of 5) ***
first unpack tbcad0.zip *** *** and read
readme.txt !!! *** cad/draw is a powerful cad
and drawing system for Windows 3.x. features
are: - associative dimensioning - user
defined hatchings - library management
(Last Revised: 09/22/92)
TSCAD4.ZIP 168953 09-21-92 Tommysoftware cad/draw 1.05 (part 4 of 5) ***
first unpack tbcad0.zip *** *** and read
readme.txt !!! *** cad/draw is a powerful cad
and drawing system for Windows 3.x. features
are: - associative dimensioning - user
defined hatchings - library management
(last revised: 09/21/92)
TSCAD5.ZIP 189766 09-07-92 Tommysoftware cad/draw 1.05 (part 5 of 5) ***
first unpack tbcad0.zip *** *** and read
readme.txt !!! *** cad/draw is a powerful cad
and drawing system for Windows 3.x. features
are: - associative dimensioning - user
defined hatchings - library management
(Last Revised: 09/07/92)
TSCDQA.ZIP 3510 09-30-92 Windows Shareware Tommy's CAD frequently
asked Q/A TSCAD.
(Last Revised: 09/30/92)
TSCDTE.ZIP 3972 09-30-92 Windows Shareware Tommy's CAD explanation all
(Last Revised: 09/30/92)
VPT15.ZIP 34018 01-15-93 ViewPoint v1.5: MS-Windows app that provides
you with a quick/easy way to browse/manage
graphics files; supports BMP/RLE/DIB/ICO/ WMF
formats allowing you to resize the viewer to
fit the size of the image; VBRUN200.DLL is
(Last Revised: 01/15/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 16
WECJ.ZIP 65294 01-22-93 FAST! JPEG viewer for Windows 3.1 Supports
very fast 256-color output; fastest with
greyscale viewing of JPEG files.
(Last Revised: 01/22/93)
WECJ1_1.ZIP 43052 05-22-93 Winecj Version1 This Is A Major Bug-Fixed
Version Of Winecj, A Fast Windows Jpeg
Viewer. (Last Revised: 05/22/93)
WFRACT31.ZIP 190289 10-06-92 Winfract (Fractint for Windows) 3.1 Fractal
image generator for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 10/10/92)
WG10BS.ZIP 25732 03-06-91 Source to Windows GIF reader
WGF11A.ZIP 35796 04-09-92 GIF File Viewer For Windows
(Last Revised: 04/09/92)
WGPLT338.ZIP 257424 10-31-92 GNU Plot for windows Version 3.38 Excellent
plotting package for 2D and 3D.
(Last Revised: 10/31/92)
WGV.ZIP 43105 05-15-92 Windows Graphic Viewer. For displaying,.
(Last Revised: 05/15/92)
WIN-VIEW.ZIP 149062 02-28-93 █▓▒░ Windows Image Viewers ░▒▓█ This is a
collection of small image file viewer
applications from the book Windows Bitmapped
Graphics. Included are viewers for Macpaint,
BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, WordPerfect WPG, TIFF,
WPG and Windows ICO files.
(Last Revised: 02/28/93)
WINF1726.ZIP 442189 07-05-92 Latest fractint for windows 3.1 may contain
some map files in prev verisons but beta
prgm. Last revision date in archive:
(Last Revised: 07/05/92)
WINGIF14.ZIP 69015 08-05-91 Gif Viewer program that runs under MS Windows
3.0. It can converts Gifs into other format
such as PCXs, RLEs, BMPS and etc.
3 files - New: 08/05/1991 Old: 08/03/1991
WINJP210.ZIP 242845 03-21-93 Multi-Format Viewer/Converter/manipulator -
Jpeg, .GIF, .PCX, .BMP 03/21/93
WINJP220.ZIP 268588 05-04-93 WinJPEG 2.2 - shareware JPEG/TIFF/GIF/Targa/
PCX/BMP viewer/converter for MS Windows 3.x.
Changes include faster loading/saving and new
options like Full Palette.
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
WINJP231.ZIP 273533 07-02-93 WinJPEG v.2.31 - shareware JPEG/TIFF/GIF/PCX/
Targa/BMP viewer/converter for Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 07/02/93)
WINLAB.ZIP 277426 05-07-93 A graphics conversion program for Windows
(Last Revised: 05/07/93)
WINSRC17.ZIP 320042 02-01-92 FRACTINT v17.0 for Windows 3.0 fractal art
generation and display. C and ASM source code
files with support for BC++, MSC+SDK, and
QCWIN. See WINFRA17.ZIP for latest
(Last Revised: 02/01/92)
WINTRACE.ZIP 317145 02-20-93 First Attempt at A Raytracer For Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 02/20/93)
WINWP_A.ZIP 183058 06-23-93 Word Perfect Graphics for Windows in color.
(Last Revised: 12/13/92)
WIT0_43.ZIP 272482 11-10-92 "WIT" Windows (Medical) Image Tool, V0.43. A
very prerelease of an image display and
proecessing tool for the medical community. A
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 17
Windows 3.1 application that is best with
SVGA. I have included 3 sample image files,
including a beating heart and 3D brain.
(Last Revised: 11/10/92)
WMF2BMP.ZIP 15668 12-04-92 WMF2BMP v1.0: converts WMF files to BMP files
one at a time w/full scaling capabilities;
reqs VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 12/04/92)
XMASTR.ZIP 7593 12-07-91 Windows graphic utility. Will create a
Christmas tree with blinking lights as an
(Last Revised: 12/07/91)
Pg 18
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 22 │WINDOWS Networking │
│ # of Files: 104 │ Bytes: 9,149,022 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
10WIN.ZIP 45525 04-15-91 The Windows 3.0 interface for DCA/Tiara 10NET
inclusive enhanced mode.
Last revision date in archive: 04-15-1991.
5STARNSF.ZIP 346888 05-27-93 Lotus Notes V 3.0 database of Artisoft 5 Star
(NSF file). (Last Revised: 05/27/93)
AN101A.ZIP 50222 02-15-91 Netware/Windows Technical Notes (Text File)
(Last Revised: 02/15/91)
AN110D.ZIP 21480 10-10-91 Novell Note: History/DOS Shell & Windows
(Last Revised: 10/10/91)
ANSMACH.ZIP 47200 07-15-92 Answering Machine for Windows. Replaces
NWPOPUP.EXE on a Netware 386 LAN and is far
more versatile. Also requires MS Windows.
(Last Revised: 07/15/92)
ARTIWIN3.ZIP 8314 07-24-91 Tips on how to use Windows 3.0 with Artisoft
1 files - New: 07/24/1991 Old: 07/24/1991
BINDSC10.ZIP 26206 07-22-92 BindScan (Bindery Scanner) v1.0: NetWare
utility that shows you exactly whats what in
your 2.15, 2.2 or 3.11 bindery and runs under
MS-Windows v3.1; filters can be introduced to
let you see exactly what's what, connections
can be made or broken w/other file servers;
(Last Revised: 07/22/92)
BLTS1017.ZIP 225027 11-13-91 Artisoft Bulletins as of 11-17-91. Explains
about all of the newest LANtastic products
such as LANtastic for Windows, LANtastic for
Novell Netware & lots of hints on using
(Last Revised: 11/13/91)
COMPEX.ZIP 11113 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Compex network adapter
drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
CONMAN.ZIP 13641 03-24-91 Connection Manager (LAN) for WIN 3.
Last revision date in archive: 03-24-1991.
CONMGR.ZIP 20693 05-21-91 Gage, the Windows network connection manager.
Allows you to connect and disconnect your
network connections directly from within
Windows; much easier than File Manager.
Shareware, $15.00
4 files - New: 05/21/1991 Old: 05/20/1991
COUNT_26.ZIP 23313 02-15-93 Win 3.x Network Application License Counter
Enforces "Simultaneous Use" Network licenses
written by Ed Derzawiec 2/15/93.
COUNT_27.ZIP 26555 04-25-93 Win 3.x Network Application License Counter.
Enforces "Simultaneous Use" Network licenses.
v 2.7. (Last Revised: 04/25/93)
CTETH.ZIP 16158 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Cabletron Ethernet network
adapter drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
CTTOK.ZIP 51931 10-21-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Cabletron Token Ring network
adapter drivers; 10/21/92; Microsoft Corp.
DCA586.ZIP 10189 10-21-92 MS-Windows 3.1 DCA network adapter drivers;
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 19
10/21/92; Microsoft Corp.
DCTL11.ZIP 19695 07-07-93 Dameon Central v1.1 - Win Prog to Watch for
Flag File. (Last Revised: 07/07/93)
DP13.ZIP 25226 07-03-92 Disk Police v1.3: MS-Windows pgm designed to
manage shared disk space, typically on a
network file server, that finds "disk hogs",
users who consume too much space on the
shared disk; 07/03/92; Douglas E. Phillips.
DRDOS600.ZIP 4025 10-26-91 Patch to make Windows run with DrDos6.0 and
(Last Revised: 10/26/91)
DRSND231.ZIP 37317 07-02-92 DRSEND v2.31: util for Novell Netware that
can be used instead of the Novell SEND cmd to
broadcast one-line messages to other users;
displays a list of the users currently logged
in & lets you scroll to and toggle the users
you want to send a message to; allows
searching by name; supports NetWare
2.15c/3.11 and MS-Windows; 07/02/92
EMAIL260.ZIP 45160 01-27-93 Email v2.60: MS-Windows network e-mail pgm
that sends text messages, attaches files, pop
up notification (you can turn if off),
archive messages, creates distribution lists,
etc req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 01/27/93)
EMAIL267.ZIP 47031 05-22-93 Email v2.67: MS-Windows network e-mail pgm
that sends text messages, attaches files, pop
up notification (you can turn if off),
archive messages, creates distribution lists,
etc. Req VBRUN200.DLL; 05/22/93.
EXPMAIL.ZIP 156296 10-19-92 Express Mail for Windows v1.0a. A full
featured electronic mail program for Novell
Networks and MS-Windows. Works with Pegasus
Mail. Offers address books, lists, mail
boxes, internet mail, drag and drop file
attachment. Very easy to set-up, uses NetWare
user names and access to features is
controled by network supervisor.
(Last Revised: 10/19/92)
HPLAN.ZIP 26922 10-28-92 MS-Windows 3.1 HP network adapter drivers;
10/28/92; Microsoft Corp.
IBMNET.ZIP 17515 10-21-92 MS-Windows 3.1 IBM PC network adapter
drivers; 10/21/92; Microsoft Corp.
IBMPCM.ZIP 13378 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 IBM PCMCIA-NIC network adapter
drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
INIUPD10.ZIP 104906 03-09-93 INI Update and Edit Utility v1.0: MS-Windows
pgm intended for use by net administrators
in maintaining Win & WinApps on LANs that
enables you to edit/update INI files.
(Last Revised: 03/09/93)
INTHUB.ZIP 11220 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Intel EtherExpress TPE hub
network adapter driver; 10/19/92; Microsoft
Corp. Last revision date in archive:
IPX.ZIP 11547 06-30-92 Version 3.10 of IPX.COM, Novell's IPX/SPX;
w/Windows 3.1 and packet driver support;
6/30/92. No DOCS (but do you need 'em?).
IRMA.ZIP 29541 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 DCA IRMAtrac Token Ring
network adapter driver; 10/19/92; Microsoft
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 20
Corp. Last revision date in archive:
KWANMAIL.ZIP 26306 09-04-91 Kwan Network Mail v1.00: MS-Windows mail pgm
to send/receive mail via a Novell network;
(Last Revised: 09/04/91)
LAN4WIN.ZIP 3758 05-22-91 Prelim. spec sheet Lantastic for Windows.
2 files - New: 05/22/1991 Old: 05/08/1991
LANBLD.ZIP 314549 09-16-92 Lan Designer Enter Spec's And Software
Configures. Requires Windows
(Last Revised: 09/16/92)
LANPRT21.ZIP 68890 08-29-92 LANPrint v2.1: user-friendly util to simplify
the task of connecting/disconnecting network
printers from within MS-Windows; also offers
a quick/simple means of changing the Windows
default printer; uses Windows API calls to
achieve the network connections &
disconnections; 08/29/92; Aleph Systems.
LANTOOL.ZIP 75509 12-07-92 Lantool For Window 3.1 Using The Sigma Nos
Dll For Windows. This Demo Program
Demonstrates The Sigma Nos Dll For Windows
3.1 And Lantastic. This Nos Dll Contains
Functions To Access Most Lantastic Services
Pia Windows 3.1. The Complete Development Kit
For Windows And Msc Includes All Source And
(Last Revised: 12/07/92)
LK112.ZIP 34169 06-04-92 LOCKER controls the number of concurrent
users that may access an DOS executable
file. When someone tries to access the
file when maximum number is being used,
they are put in a queue. Both Windows and DOS
versions included. Dated 6/4/92
MADGE.ZIP 55438 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Madge Networks Smart network
adapter drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
MSGTRP.ZIP 12995 06-13-91 Traps Novell msgs for Windows clients.
(Last Revised: 06/13/91)
MSJNET.ZIP 51865 03-01-92 Msj code for Netbios and windows.
(Last Revised: 03/01/92)
MWCH24.ZIP 78990 01-11-93 MailWatch v2.4: MS-Windows email management
pgm designed to give comprehensive reports
about your email system and perform some mgmt
functions to help reduce the amount of space
it utilizes; designed to work w/Pegasus Mail
by David Harris and Charon by Brad Clements;
(Last Revised: 01/11/93)
NAI15.ZIP 127690 03-02-92 Windows Network Install Program.
(Last Revised: 03/02/92)
NATSEM.ZIP 17475 10-21-92 MS-Windows 3.1 National Semiconductor network
adapter drivers; 10/21/92; Microsoft Corp.
NBB119.ZIP 19068 02-13-93 Network bulletin board v1.19: add-in product
for ivory tower software's network email that
allows you to post public messages on the
bulletin board and browse messages by topic;
req vbrun200.dll.
(Last Revised: 01/28/93)
NCRSTR.ZIP 12781 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 NCR StarCard (8-bit) network
adapter driver; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
NETBIOS.ZIP 30727 11-08-91 Netbios Dll/Network Chat Utility For Windows
(Last Revised: 11/08/91)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 21
NETPHO.ZIP 725372 10-08-92 Multi User, Network Phone Book for Windows.
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
NETWIN.ZIP 56672 06-27-91 A utility for window30 and novell network,
lets user connect drives and check status of
7 files - New: 06/27/1991 Old: 01/16/1991
NOKIA.ZIP 11010 10-26-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Nokia Data/ICL EtherTeam 16
network adapter driver; 10/26/92; Microsoft
NOVELL.EXE 251457 05-01-92 Windows 3.1 Novell updates from MicroSoft BBS
Files: 16 Oldest: 11/20/91 Newest: 3/26/92
NS2DEMO.ZIP 179753 11-19-91 Network Scheduler II Demo For Win 3.0
(Last Revised: 11/19/91)
NVCBT3.ZIP 271345 07-31-92 Maintenance update for novell system manager:
v3.1 cbt running under windows 3.1. prevents
title bar from appearing.
(Last Revised: 07/31/92)
NWPC12.ZIP 68176 10-30-92 Password Changer for NetWare v1.2: MS-Windows
pgm that allows you to quickly change Novell
NetWare passwords; req VBRUN100.DLL;
(Last Revised: 10/30/92)
NWTOOLS.ZIP 1161315 06-24-91 Netware 3.11 tools for windows.
Last revision date in archive: 06-24-1991.
NXZIP.ZIP 3391 01-06-93 Lantastic /Excel Macro For Lantastic For
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
PDIETH.ZIP 11367 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Pure Data network adapter
drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
PROTEO.ZIP 35933 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Proteon ProNET - 4/16 p1892
network adapter driver; 10/19/92; Microsoft
PROXIM.ZIP 16880 10-26-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Proxim RangeLAN Wireless
network adapter driver; 10/26/92; Microsoft
PWVERFY.ZIP 54434 12-16-92 Sample code to verify Netware password using
Visual Basic. Use this simple call to add
Netware security to you LAN based
Last revision date in archive: 12-16-1992.
QM.ZIP 19994 08-28-91 Queue Manager for Windows 3.0, Now look at
and manage Netware queues from Windows.
Last revision date in archive: 08-28-1991.
QVTNET28.ZIP 244165 10-14-92 Windows TCP/IP services- QVTNET v 2.85
provides FTP/RCP/Telnet/LPR/MAil/News
services for windows - uses Clarkson packet
(Last Revised: 10/14/92)
RNGSTT10.ZIP 37384 12-10-92 RingStat v1.0: MS-Windows tool that provides
computer-aided design and analysis for
TokenRing network performance modeling;
calculates LAN utilization levels, waiting
times, & the RI/RO cable plant lengths; req
(Last Revised: 12/10/92)
SHELLW.ZIP 8328 02-22-91 ShellWin, Version 1.01 Novell utility to test
for Windows compatible shell.
(Last Revised: 02/22/91)
SMBTRC30.ZIP 29090 07-14-93 SMBTrace Utility for IBM LAN Server V2.0.
(Last Revised: 07/14/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 22
SMC.ZIP 9154 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 SMC network adapter drivers;
10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
SUPER311.ZIP 228832 10-20-92 SuperMenu 3.11 for Windows! Novell Admin
Utility for Windows. Allows Multi-Windowed
Network Monitoring plus access to Novell and
Windows Utilities! Supports Netware 286 and
386! Another Great One from Mini-Tech
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
SYSNEWS.ZIP 6801 01-18-93 Network login information screen utility for
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
TCCARC.ZIP 10074 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Thomas Conrad Arcnet network
adapter drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
TCCTOK.ZIP 12087 10-26-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Thomas Conrad Token Ring
network adapter drivers; 10/26/92; Microsoft
TIARA.ZIP 10681 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Tiara EtherStar LanCard/E
network adapter driver; 10/19/92; Microsoft
TULIP.ZIP 11411 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Tulip NCC-16 network adapter
driver; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
UB.ZIP 38499 10-26-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Ungermann-Bass network adapter
drivers; 10/26/92; Microsoft Corp.
VBPES.ZIP 24511 05-29-91 Win 3.0, Another Visual Basic for Windows
sample from Steve Gibson, example of the PES
operating system for Networks. Just a sample,
does not require a network. Requires the
Visual Basic runtime DLL to run.
4 files - New: 05/29/1991 Old: 05/16/1991
VIPX.ZIP 48330 12-06-91 Novell Windows Ipx Driver Set V1.1
(Last Revised: 12/06/91)
VNSWIN.ZIP 19247 05-26-92 Some Vines 1.0 And Above User Utils For
Windows 3.1. (Last Revised: 05/26/92)
VW003.ZIP 149188 08-25-92 Win 3.1 MicroSoft Network ViewNotes
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
WAVELN.ZIP 20034 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 NCR Wavelan & Pure Data
network adapter drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft
WDML211.ZIP 124214 07-09-92 Wind-Mail v2.11: MS-Windows E-Mail system
for users connected to a LAN;
(Last Revised: 07/09/92)
WEBNT255.ZIP 204138 04-03-92 Complete "peer to peer" Network software pgm.
(Last Revised: 04/03/92)
WIN3-NFS.ZIP 6890 10-29-90 Network software for Win3 -- Connect to Sun.
Last revision date in archive: 10-29-1990.
WIN31.ZIP 6065 05-05-92 Using Lantastic with Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 05/05/92)
WINADM.ZIP 152310 06-05-92 Windows Based Lan Administration for MS Lan
Manager Networks. Use instead of Net and Net
Admin. Now you can administer you network
from windows instead of OS/2 or DOS.
(Last Revised: 06/05/92)
WINMATCH.ZIP 185336 01-15-92 Multiuser, networkable, address/data book
with full data encryption, for Windows.
Last revision date in archive: 01-15-1992.
WINMESS.ZIP 6166 12-19-91 Send Novell messages from Windows. Last
revision date in archive: 12-19-1991.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 23
(Last Revised: 12/19/91)
WINMIN.ZIP 5701 11-20-91 Windows 3.0 Mail minder for lans using 3COMs
mail program. Excellent utility.
(Last Revised: 11/20/91)
WINNET01.ZIP 33901 11-04-91 Windows Based Network Management Utility
(Last Revised: 11/04/91)
WINNET02.ZIP 40915 03-17-92 Windows based Net Access Software WinMail &
WinNet v1.01. Allows logins & device
redirection for Windows 3.x in Protected mode
& Lantastic.
(Last Revised: 03/17/92)
WINPM1.ARJ 394331 06-18-93 Finally!!! The 1st Windows Version of Pegasus
Mail a/k/a WinPMail!!! This is really the
best EMail program for Novell NetWare and now
available for Win - Still Freeware!!! For
features start WGUIDE.EXE included in this
archive - too numerous to mention here!
(Last Revised: 06/09/93)
WINPM992.ARJ 349937 06-17-93 Pegasus Mail for Windows 0.99BETA2, a/k/a
WinPMail. This is the 2nd beta of the Windows
version of the best available EMail program
for Novell NetWare. Still unbelievable good,
loads of features and FREE!!! 05/10/93
WINPRES.ZIP 57687 04-06-92 Administering Windows on NetWare presentation
(Last Revised: 04/06/92)
WINSTL20.ZIP 203372 04-19-92 WINSTALL (formerly N.A.I.) v2.0: network
application installer for Windows offers an
inexpensive way to completely automate the
installation of Windows apps on any network,
allowing you to completely install/remove a
Windows app w/a click of the mouse, making a
breeze out of the the configuration of new
nodes or the upgrading of apps on all nodes;
04/19/92; Aleph Systems.
WINUP7.ZIP 205378 12-08-92 New Windows Netware drivers, from NETWIRE.
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
WINW11.ZIP 163338 10-06-92 WINW11.ZIP is the latest maintenance PTF for
Novell NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for
Windows. It currently contains PTF 347.
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
WIN_NET.ZIP 10384 11-15-92 Tip for running Windows on Novell Netware
(Last Revised: 11/15/92)
WMENU14C.ZIP 23663 01-10-92 WinMenu v1.4C: for use on Novell networks
running MS-Windows, it can be used as a menu
(Last Revised: 01/10/92)
WMLOGO.ZIP 27559 11-20-91 Novell logout utility - checks for user
inactivity for x minutes [second] and then
logs user off network. Programs included are
for DOS and Windows.
(Last Revised: 11/20/91)
WNBFF14A.ZIP 16806 02-13-93 Winbiff4a Mail Notification Utility For
Windows 3.X. Use With Uupc, Fsuucp, Waffle,
Or Pc-Nfs.
(Last Revised: 02/13/93)
WNBIFF1H.ZIP 7465 08-28-92 WinBiff mail status program. Version 1.0h
WinBiff is a Windows 3.x version of
the well-known Un*x biff program,
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 24
designed for use in conjunction with
mail delivery programs such as
(Last Revised: 08/28/92)
WNETMSG.ZIP 5072 11-13-92 Use Novell's send in Windows to send a
message on network.
(Last Revised: 11/13/92)
WNM20S.ZIP 22564 12-12-91 Windows Net Manager For Lantastic
(Last Revised: 12/12/91)
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
WSWIN1.ZIP 609171 04-30-93 Netware Vlm Windows Client Part 2 of 3
(Last Revised: 04/30/93)
WVOLINFO.ZIP 11951 03-10-92 Novell NetWare user volume information for
Windows 3.0.
(Last Revised: 03/10/92)
WWORDNET.ZIP 19133 02-20-91 Documentation on networking word for Windows
(Last Revised: 02/20/91)
PX09Downloaded @X0B<2>@X09 times.
XIRCOM.ZIP 43478 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Xircom Pocket Ethernet network
adapter drivers; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
Pg 25
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 23 │WINDOWS For Workgroups │
│ # of Files: 39 │ Bytes: 5,904,235 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
CHST103C.ZIP 73284 11-03-92 Chastity v1.03C: MS-Windows 3.1 control pgm
that uses drag/drop, has an integrated todo
list for each user, users may login with or
without passwords; has DOS without DOS; req
(Last Revised: 11/03/92)
DAVINCI.ZIP 774405 01-19-92 Davinci E-mail for Windows demo.
(Last Revised: 10/19/92)
DP14.ZIP 26416 05-11-93 Disk Police v1.4: MS-Windows pgm designed to
manage shared disk space, typically on a
network file server, that finds "disk hogs",
users who consume too much space on the
shared disk; 05/11/93; Douglas E. Phillips
EMAIL262.ZIP 45193 03-04-93 Email v2.62: MS-Windows network e-mail pgm
that sends text messages, attaches files, pop
up notification (you can turn if off),
archive messages, creates distribution lists,
etc req VBRUN200.DLL; 03/04/93
EXPWIN.ZIP 141025 09-17-91 E-mail program for windows 3.0.
(Last Revised: 09/17/91)
IBMTOK.ZIP 10212 11-17-92 MS-Windows for Workgroups IBM Token Ring
(Last Revised: 11/17/92)
MAILWT20.ZIP 36867 02-11-93 Mail Watcher v2.0: mail notify application
for MS-Mail for Windows; req VBRUN200.DLL;
02/11/93; Larry Waller/DLW Consulting, Inc.
MS_MAIL.ZIP 1071043 08-06-92 Working Model of Microsoft Mail for Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/06/92)
NDISDOS.ZIP 148679 10-09-92 Latest NDIS drivers for Cabletron ethernet
cards. These work better with Windows for
Workgroup than the drivers supplied from
(Last Revised: 10/09/92)
P2P-2.ZIP 7573 02-17-93 Modest Additions Including Alphabetised List
Of Necessary Win31 Files To Run In Enhanced
Mode. Mean And Lean For Novell Lite/And
Winlite Concept For Peer To Peer Networking.
(Last Revised: 02/17/93)
PFWAPPNT.ZIP 22395 10-26-92 Several Microsoft application notes on
Windows for Workgroups.
(Last Revised: 10/26/92)
SECWFW.ZIP 6340 01-04-93 Windows for Workgroups Security Q&A. Uploaded
by Microsoft Canada.
(Last Revised: 01/04/93)
W4WLANT.ZIP 5262 01-05-93 Windows For Workgroups And Lantastic
(Last Revised: 01/05/93)
WA0585.ZIP 3987 03-01-93 Microsoft application note on running ms-mail
for windows' schedule+ from the network.
Microsoft corp. (newest file date: 03-01-93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 26
(Last Revised: 02/08/93)
WA0643.ZIP 105977 02-09-93 MS MAIL IMPORT.EXE V3.03 UPDATE 1.
(Last Revised: 02/09/93)
WA0728.ZIP 8897 02-11-93 Microsoft Application Note designed to help
you troubleshoot/correct common problems
encountered with the Microsoft Mail
Connection gateway; 02/11/93; Microsoft Corp.
WA0729.ZIP 24643 02-12-93 Microsoft Application Note contains Simple
MAPI files for MSC/MS-Visual Basic that are
replacements for the Simple MAPI files
included w/MS-Mail for PC Networks v3.0;
02/12/93; Microsoft Corp.
WFWGRK.ZIP 2645 01-08-93 Microsoft Windows for Workgroups Resource Kit
announcement and information.
(Last Revised: 01/08/93)
WFWNEWS.ZIP 18854 01-04-93 Windows for Workgroups Newsletter. Uploaded
by Microsoft Canada.
(Last Revised: 01/04/93)
WFW_DEMO.ZIP 1100601 10-02-92 Autodemo of Windows for Workgroups. Windows
3.1, 386, 2MB RAM required.
(Last Revised: 10/02/92)
WG0666.ZIP 8288 05-11-93 Windows for Workgroups Application Note
Compares Win 3.1 to WFW
1 files - New:05-11-1993 Old:05-11-1993
WG0670.ZIP 69122 12-10-92 Microsoft Windows for Workgroups App Note
that contains the Intel SOFTSET util, that is
for use with Intel's EtherExpress line of
network adapter cards - used to configure the
network interface card (NIC) & diagnose
potential hardware problems.
(Last Revised: 12/10/92)
WG0689.ZIP 6180 10-21-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
setup, network card settings and important
preliminary troubleshooting steps questions
and answers; 10/21/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG0690.ZIP 4183 10-26-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
questions and answers on connecting to Novell
NetWare resources; 10/26/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG0691.ZIP 3390 10-23-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
questions and answer on connecting to MS-LAN
Manager resources; 10/23/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG0692.ZIP 4578 10-23-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
questions and answers on Mail and Schedule+;
10/23/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG0693.ZIP 4416 10-23-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
questions and answers on Clipbook Viewer;
10/23/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG0694.ZIP 3154 10-23-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
questions and answers on sharing CD-ROMs and
Printers; 10/23/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG0695.ZIP 3538 10-23-92 Windows for Workgroups Appnote that contains
questions and answers on using third-party
utilities; 10/23/92; Microsoft Corp.
WG666.ZIP 7419 10-26-92 Windows For Workgroups Applications Notes
Setup Information.
(Last Revised: 10/26/92)
WG667.ZIP 3497 10-14-92 Windows For Workgroups Applications Notes
Peer-To-Peer Vs. Client-Server Networks.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 27
(Last Revised: 10/14/92)
WINGRP1.ZIP 823375 09-20-92 Demo of MS Windows for Workgroups. The new
Windows operating system with integrated
networking. Disk 1 of 2. Required to run:
386+,DOS5,Windows3.1,7mbs,and MPC or Snd Brd.
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
WINGRP2.ZIP 611130 09-16-92 2/2 of MS Windows for Workgroups. File
sharing, printer sharing, resource sharing,
e-mail, schedule group meetings
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
WINOUT10.ZIP 247485 07-12-93 WIN/OUT v1.0 10-USER DEMO - WIN/OUT is a
Windows-based electronic IN/OUT board where
companies can track the status of employees
(IN vs. OUT of the office). For Novell LANs.
(Last Revised: 07/12/93)
WKGRP.ZIP 19867 12-09-92 Microsoft's Workgroup Strategy. Word for
Windows version 2.0.
(Last Revised: 12/09/92)
WNMAIL.ZIP 210600 02-15-92 Windows e-mail program.
(Last Revised: 02/15/92)
WSO173.ZIP 113823 05-19-92 Sign-Out Board v1.73: MS-Windows electronic
equivalent of the office sign-out board for
LANs, allowing users to have immediate access
to the current status of all members of their
work group; provides plenty of room to
describe where you are, when you will be
back, and how you can be reached and provides
while you were out messages; 8-user version;
online help; req VBRUN100.DLL; 05/19/92; Rob
Potter/Danielson Computer Services.
(Last Revised: 05/19/92)
WYWO3B.ZIP 102720 04-14-92 "while You Were Out" Office Messaging System
For Windows And DOS Compatible Lan
(Last Revised: 04/14/92)
Pg 28
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 24 │WINDOWS Communications A-L │
│ # of Files: 107 │ Bytes: 9,550,258 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
#ORA113.ZIP 394880 01-16-93 Orator Ver1.13 QWK off-line reader for
Windows 3.1. Many new functions. Existing
users should dload #ORA113U.ZIP. Features
Offline configuration of Qmail door,
Unlimited Conference support, Unlimited
Message limit, Archive Folder system, Tagline
Theft, UseNet mail facilities, Facility for
3rd party spell checker + Loads more!!!
WARNING: Read READ.ME file before installing.
Last revision date in archive: 01-16-1993.
#ORA113U.ZIP 335760 01-16-93 This is for those using the new PKZIP 2.04c
Orator Ver 1.13 Upgrade util. Upgrades 1.12
users to ver 1.13. WARNING: Read the Read.Me
file before installing.
Last revision date in archive: 01-16-1993.
201.TXT 4105 07-17-93 Info on FREE upgrade to Xtalk for Windows
2.0.1, if you have a registered copy.
20BFIX.ZIP 4473 02-14-93 Crosstalk for Windows fix
(Last Revised: 02/14/93)
2NDPW100.ZIP 2589 10-20-92 2NDPW.Was v1.00: Procomm for Windows Aspect
script that starts a second session of PW on
another port.
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
ACCMSG.ZIP 11136 08-08-92 ACCIS for Windows utility -- reindexes
messages for you. As your message base grows,
this program is useful.
(Last Revised: 08/08/92)
ACCS30A1.ZIP 207098 11-30-92 Compuserve menu for windows (1 of 4)
(Last Revised: 11/30/92)
ACCS30A2.ZIP 220547 11-30-92 Compuserve menu for windows (2 of 4)
(Last Revised: 11/30/92)
ACCS30A3.ZIP 224835 12-02-92 Compuserve menu for windows (3 of 4)
(Last Revised: 12/02/92)
ACCS30A4.ZIP 237838 09-09-92 Compuserve menu for windows (4 of 4)
(Last Revised: 09/09/92)
ACCUPD.ZIP 102046 12-07-92 A patch for ACCIS from CIS.
Last revision date in archive: 12-07-1992.
AL12XW.ZIP 16707 01-23-91 Windows 3.X.Crosstalk script.
(Last Revised: 01/23/91)
ALERT100.ZIP 2262 10-14-92 Alert.Was v1.00: Procomm for Windows Aspect
script that will provide a visual alert to
Pou when a connection in the dialing dir is
made & will bring PW to the foreground of the
desktop if it is in the background.
(Last Revised: 10/14/92)
ALFACON1.ZIP 3972 09-29-92 Alfacon.Was v1.00: Procomm for Win Aspect
script which will convert mixed alpha-numeric
phone numbers into all numeric.
(Last Revised: 09/29/92)
ANNTPL.ZIP 6074 03-19-93 File from WUGNET forum, WINCIS section on
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 29
Compuserve; replaces WINCIS.TPL, captures
forum announcements into the main message
file. (Last Revised: 03/19/93)
ARTSCR.ZIP 1638 02-19-93 Procomm + For Windows And Articom Scripts
(Last Revised: 02/19/93)
ASPWAS06.ZIP 42094 07-29-92 Program to assist you in converting an ASPect
script to a WASpect script for Procomm for
(Last Revised: 07/29/92)
ASSA00.ZIP 39555 12-31-92 Voodoo / Assassin is a Windows utility that
helps programs share COM ports. By inserting
Assassin in the Command Line of existing
Program Manager items, you can terminate a
"24 hour" program (such as a fax program)
temporarily, run a "short term" EMAIL or
other comm program, and then let Assassin
restore the "24 hour" program. Shareware.
(Last Revised: 12/31/92)
ASTROT12.ZIP 6413 03-13-92 AstroTime v1.2: CrossTalk for Windows clock
setter that calls the US Naval Observatory in
Washington DC and polls the nuclear clock for
GMT, which is then corrected for local time
(Last Revised: 03/13/92)
ATCEXTRA.ZIP 297930 05-04-92 Demo of Attachmate's Extra! Extended for DOS
and Windows 3270 connectivity sodtware.
(Last Revised: 05/04/92)
AUTCS101.ZIP 55321 12-09-92 AutoCIS.WAS v1.01: Procomm for Win Aspect
script file for logging onto CompuServe via
Hhe local CIS number which will then GO to a
specific area, search for information or
upload/download files that are defined ahead
of time off line; up to five activities can
be accomplished during one CIS session;
(Last Revised: 12/09/92)
AUTODI.ZIP 8283 08-29-90 Auto Dialer For Crosstalk For Windows
(Last Revised: 08/29/90)
B2MLK100.ZIP 16944 03-12-92 Create Microlink Dialing Directory From BBS
List, Includes Format Examples
(Last Revised: 03/12/92)
BANKBAL.ZIP 3203 04-05-93 BANKBAL.WAS is an ASPECT script which calls
the bank's automated information machine to
provide your current balance using the modem
speaker; provision is made to pick up the
telephone handset after connection if you can
not hear on your modem speaker. (Procomm/win)
(Last Revised: 04/05/93)
BBSDIAL2.ZIP 53513 07-09-93 BBS DIALER v2.0 for Smartcom for Windows! The
ultimate dialing directory script for calling
BBSs. Support for dialing prefixes, credit
card dialing, call waiting, SoundBlaster,
much, much more! If you call BBSs with
Smartcom you must download this!
(Last Revised: 07/09/93)
BCOM22.ZIP 137962 01-07-93 BComm telecommunications/terminal program for
Windows 3.x. Trial version limited to
60-minute sessions
(Last Revised: 01/07/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 30
BPS11.ZIP 35058 06-04-93 Estimated Transfer Time (BPS.EXE)-BPS.EXE is
designed to give you an estimate of how long
it will take to transfer a file via serial
communications. The program provides
information on speeds from 300 bps to 115200
bps, both best and worst case scenarios. You
can select one file or a group of files to
analyze. This program is Freeware. Requires
vbrun200.dll. (Last Revised: 06/04/93)
CASZDLL.ZIP 33899 01-29-93 Ultrafax Help File And Updated Casz.Dll.
(Last Revised: 01/29/93)
CATCS11A.ZIP 156288 04-18-93 CatCIS v1.1A: MS-Windows pgm to be used with
TAPCIS catalog files containing Data Library
Catalogs from CompuServe's forums; provides a
convenient way to view catalog items & write
download scripts for TAPCIS and also provides
for pruning catalog items from a catalog file
enabling you to reduce the size of your
catalog files by removing unwanted catalog
item descriptions & more; 04/18/93
CCDIAL10.ZIP 6546 10-22-92 CCDIALER.WAS v1.00: Procomm Plus for Windows
script designed to automate the dialing of
long distance credit card numbers
Datastorm Technologies, Inc.
(Last Revised: 10/22/92)
CDRV310A.ZIP 7623 10-01-92 Win 3.1: Update of MS-Win 3.1's
communications driver. Internally identified
as 3.10a and dated 10/1/92, but I have no way
to verify that this is for real and it comes
with no update notes. Anybody have any more
(Last Revised: 10/01/92)
CELLO.ZIP 247281 06-30-93 Windows telnet/ftp/news program.
(Last Revised: 06/30/93)
CHCOMB.ZIP 4342 05-05-92 Win 3.1 substitute comm driver that's
supposed to take advantantage or 16550 chip.
(Last Revised: 05/05/92)
CIMNVB.ZIP 66791 02-24-93 Allows conversion of threads from DOS and
Windows CIS Information managers into ASCII
Last revision date in archive: 02-24-1993.
CISMNAV.ZIP 17427 02-19-93 Procomm Plus for Windows script that enables
you to download CIS data directly into an
Excel spreadsheet; this script is called by
an Excel macro; 02/19/93; Philip Troiano.
(Last Revised: 12/03/92)
CLIPDIAL.ZIP 6393 02-02-92 Have modem dial numbers from Windows
(Last Revised: 02/02/92)
CLZCOM30.ZIP 6035 02-18-92 CLZCOM v3.0: MS-Windows sample application
that allows you to force a comm port (1-4)
closed that was left open by another applica-
tion - mostly useful when developing a commu-
nications application.
(Last Revised: 02/18/92)
CMM21S.ZIP 162878 05-20-92 Cinetec Mail Mgr. for Windows: Internet
capable. Keywords: CINETIC MAIL MANAGER
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 31
Cinetic Mail Manager 2.1 - Win 3.1 shorter
archive. Formerly known as EZ-Mail, this is a
full featured mail reader/composer that let
you manage Internet mail under Windows. Works
with popular UUCP packages for DOS and with
PC-NFS (or equivalent) network software. It
is fully configurable and support multi-user
(Last Revised: 05/20/92)
CMOTION1.ZIP 676252 06-21-93 ComMotion 1.0 Fully functional (Data)
evaluation copy of a Windows Fax/Data
Communications program. You haven't seen a
Windows Communications program like this -
the first truly integrated Fax and Data
communications package for Windows.
Evaluation version has fully functional data
(terminal/protocols etc.) capabilities
although Fax facilities are disabled. [1/3]
(Last Revised: 06/03/93)
CMOTION2.ZIP 696940 06-21-93 Commotion 1.0 Fully Functional (Data)
Evaluation Copy of Windows Fax/Data
Communications Program. [2/3]
(Last Revised: 06/21/93)
CMOTION3.ZIP 537659 06-21-93 Commotion 1.0 Fully Functional (Data)
Evaluation Copy of Windows Fax/Data
Communications Program. [3/3]
(Last Revised: 06/21/93)
CMOTIOND.ZIP 55277 06-22-93 ComMotion - MS Write doc about Windows fax/
data comms program. You havn't seen a Windows
comm program like this - the first truly
integrated fax&data comm package for Windows.
Eval version has fully functional data
(terminal/protocols, etc.) capabilities
although fax facilities are disabled.
(Last Revised: 06/03/93)
CO121A.ZIP 201604 06-15-92 CallOut v1.21A: MS-Windows flexible telephone
dialer that allows you to use your modem to
make voice telephone calls while you continue
to work on other applications; multiple fone
lists/phone numbers; user-defined prefixes;
call logging, ASCII import/export and online
help; 06/15/92; CoCo Systems Ltd.
COMDEM.ZIP 46678 07-11-91 Small Communications Program with Source Code
for Visual Basic. dated 7/11/91
COMM56.ZIP 7984 09-28-92 COMM56.DRV v1.1: MS-Windows 3.1 comm driver
that maps 600 baud into 57,600 baud; requires
16550-class uart; 09/28/92; Jan Bottorff.
COMMAN10.ZIP 2851 10-14-92 ComMan.WAS v1.00: Procomm for Win Aspect
script file that monitors COM port activity,
displaying # of chars in the receive/transmit
buffers, state of CD (high or low), and state
of flow control (clear, XOFF, or CTS);
(Last Revised: 10/14/92)
COMMDEM2.ZIP 50778 02-05-92 Communications demo using Visual Basic -
Illustrates how to use VBasic with COM
(Last Revised: 02/05/92)
COMMDEMO.ZIP 115852 06-13-91 Demo of VBComm - Communications library for
Microsoft Visual Basic - features background
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 32
file transfers - from MicroHelp, Inc.
3 files - New: 06/13/1991 Old: 05/28/1991
COMMDRV.ZIP 7450 10-01-92 Update of Windows 3.1's communication driver
(Last Revised: 10/01/92)
4 files - New: 05/09/1991 Old: 09/10/1990
COMMOPIF.ZIP 1420 06-15-91 A .PIF that makes {COMMO} run in a window. It
works well for me, and, I don't have to throw
out my favorite communications program.
1 files - New: 06/15/1991 Old: 06/15/1991
COMRST.ZIP 7816 12-15-90 Small program to reset your COM port(s) if
they hang. Use when exiting Windows to reset
(Last Revised: 12/15/90)
COMSET.ZIP 2943 04-06-91 This is a one page text file downloaded from
Compuserve that gives step by step
instructions to change the Windows System.INI
to acknowledge a modem or device on Com3 or 4
(also see setcom.zip for a bios write utility
if these steps are unsuccessful)
COUNTER.ZIP 8746 08-01-91 Win 3.0, Counter 1.0, is a handy little
Visual Basic program that will countdown to a
time you specify and then sound an alarm.
Counter is useful for those long up/download
sessions. After your file transfer has begun,
simply note how long it will take,
and set Counter for a few minutes less.
As your file transfer nears the
end, Counter will time-out and give you a few
moments notice so you can prepare for the end
of the transfer. Counter may also be used for
any other application that you see fit.
2 files - New: 08/01/1991 Old: 08/01/1991
CSNEWS.ZIP 3648 03-21-92 This is a simple phonebook entry and script
for XTalk for Windows to quickly download the
latest news from the Associated Press
Headlines News service on Compuserve.
(Last Revised: 03/21/92)
CVTT100.ZIP 55887 01-04-93 CONVERT TELCOM v1.00 for Win 3.x converts
directories between Procom and Telex phone
directories. Read/Write Procomm, Procomm +
and Telix phone directories.
(Last Revised: 01/04/93)
DATSTRM.ZIP 149453 03-02-93 Collection Of Files For Procomm Plus For Win.
(Last Revised: 03/02/93)
DEACT102.ZIP 3607 12-03-92 DEACTV v1.02: Procomm Plus for Windows script
that will provide a timeout feature when
connecting to services that do not provide it
-after a specified amount of time w/no
activity on the port, will disconnect the
session; 12/03/92; Arthur Yousif/Datastorm
DELEVO.ZIP 22297 08-29-91 Excellent auto dialer for windows 3.0 - nice
interface, works well.
Last revision date in archive: 08-29-1991.
DIAGS100.ZIP 3849 10-13-92 Diags.Was v1.00: Procomm for Windows Aspect
script that displays diagnostic files for
help in debugging problems;
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 33
Datastorm Technologies, Inc.
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
DIALBK.ZIP 2353 10-09-92 Procomm+ for win waspect script for dialback.
(Last Revised: 10/09/92)
DIALW120.ZIP 61622 07-23-92 Windows 3.x Speed Dialer
(Last Revised: 07/23/92)
DIGI8.ZIP 5284 12-17-92 Digi8.dlc is a dynamic link connection module
that allows Procomm Plus for Windows to
operate with a digiboard digichannel pc/4 or
pc/8 card; req digiboard pc/4 pc/8 windows
comm driver. datastorm technologies, inc.
(Last Revised: 12/17/92)
DIRLIS13.ZIP 3354 10-27-90 Win 3.0, Crosstalk For Windows Phone
Directory Lister 1.3, Script to list out your
phone entries, to disk/printer/screen.
DNLOAD31.ZIP 47808 05-04-93 Download Pro 3.11 (Procomm Plus for windows
script) Use with Qmail door and PcBoard BBS.
Script display newfiles list from Qmail
Packet, lets you select files to download,
save the selected list to a file, delay the
download for later time, all automated. Also
included is ZipPro: unzips .ZIP files to
there own dir. All setup scripts. Ne need to
modify scripts. easy to use. Check it out.
15 files - New:05-04-1993 Old:04-17-1993
DOWNLOAD.ZIP 2010 11-21-92 Procomm Plus for Windows script to automate
your downloads. USe with a PCBoard BBS in the
expert mode. Just click the names into the
file clipboard and run the script. I assigned
it to a Meta key to make it easier. You can
start it any way you like.
(Last Revised: 11/21/92)
DRAKEB.ZIP 82071 04-28-92 Windows 3.0 program for controlling a Drake
R8 shortwave radio.
(Last Revised: 04/28/92)
DYNACOMM.ZIP 667193 03-12-91 Dynacomm 3.0Z Working Model. A
communications program with many protocols
and scripting options. Unzip this file to a
floppy disk and then select the File:Run
option of the Program Manager. Type a:setup
for automatic installation within Win 3.0
EXCAL03.ZIP 360176 07-15-93 Excalibur Win 3.1 BBS terminal software v.03!
EXCALIBR.ZIP 4050 03-03-93 New Bulletin Board Software Too Good to be
True? This File Describes The First 100% True
Gui And Multitasking BBS Software Available.
Runs Entirely Under MS Windows.
(Last Revised: 03/03/93)
EXCALOVR.ZIP 99364 03-26-93 Overview of The New Excalibur BBS For Windows
Excalibur is The 1st True GUI And
Qultitasking BBS. This File Contains Sample
Graphic Screens.
(Last Revised: 03/26/93)
EZML201S.ZIP 162215 04-17-92 EZ Mail for Windows mailer.
(Last Revised: 04/17/92)
FAXITDLL.EXE 88963 05-08-92 Updated FaxIt for Windows DLL For FAXit V2.1
ONLY Fixes hangs. Dated 1/31/92
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 34
FAXITNOW.ZIP 307299 10-02-92 This file contains many fax cover sheets that
can be used with a fax/modem or a regular fax
machine. The fonts are true type so scalling
is not a problem. These files are in a .pcx
(Last Revised: 10/02/92)
FAXMOD.ZIP 27801 04-15-92 Update (3-25-92) to WinFax Pro v2.00 MOD.EXE
This is from the Gateway BBS and is for their
Telepath modem. I assume it's also your best
shot with other Rockwell chipset modems. As
for any other Class 1 or Class 2 devices, got
me. PPI's BBS still has MOD.ZIP (1-16-92 rev)
posted and that's still posted here as well.
It worked for me, and I can't test this newer
one because you folks are now using the PP,
not me! Anybody know what Supra is giving out
on their BBS or on CIS?
(Last Revised: 04/15/92)
FAXSUP21.EXE 66560 03-14-93 New ver 2.1 Corrects various installation
problems, added Network support
Take the worry of out using your FAXmodem. No
longer will you accidentally send a document
to the FAXmodem when you wanted a hard copy.
With this system you just have to
point-and-click on the output device and the
rest is automatically taken care of. You can
even choose to FAX and Print the document
without having to go back to the print menu
twice. shareware Dated: 02-22-93
FBAC12.ZIP 49420 04-29-92 FileBoy's AreaCodes v1.2: area code database
which supports all area codes in the U.S.,
Canada, and the U.S. Caribbean islands;
user expandable - cities/area codes may be
added/ edited/deleted; requires VBRUN100.DLL
& DLLs in FBRUN.ZIP; 04/29/92.
FONBOOK.ZIP 162622 08-27-91 Phone Book for windows.
(Last Revised: 08/27/91)
FONE11.ZIP 19918 10-29-91 PHone v1.1: MS-Windows dialer that will dial
internal, local, local long distance and long
distance calls from a directory list; stores
names in alphabetic order, in an ASCII file;
VBRUN100.DLL req.
(Last Revised: 10/29/91)
FORUMF10.ZIP 32569 12-18-92 Forum Folder v1.0: Procomm Plus for Windows
program that lets you choose the Compuserve
forum name you wish to log into.
(Last Revised: 12/18/92)
FREEDM15.ZIP 61311 05-01-93 PCB Freedom 1.50 - second release of PCB
Freedom for Windows (ProComm) Aspect scripts.
Mail handling, automated, scheduled, file
downloading, integration with GHOST BBS 2.00.
(Last Revised: 05/01/93)
G20UPD.ZIP 27039 05-25-93 Ghost v2.00 fix - Fix for the excellent host
mode script for Procomm Plus for Windows.
(Last Revised: 05/25/93)
GHOST200.ZIP 94536 05-06-93 GHOST BBS 2.00 for ProComm/Windows - replace
the DS Host with one with a little class <GG>
Zmodem batch file downloading, improved
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 35
speed, display, mail and reliability. Better
security, private directories for certain
security levels, many enahancements.
(Last Revised: 05/01/93)
GMAI13.ZIP 44313 10-12-91 A Crosstalk for Windows script with source to
auomate Qmail and MarkMail transfers.
Replaces GMAIL12.ZIP.
(Last Revised: 10/12/91)
GOPLACES.ZIP 2860 12-28-92 Procomm Plus for Windows script that takes
you to your favorite forums on Compuserve w/a
click of a mouse;
(Last Revised: 12/28/92)
GWTW101.ZIP 46938 01-28-92 Global War Windows Term Program v. 1.01
Special Support for Global War in Windows -
Makes Mouse use a cinch
(Last Revised: 01/28/92)
HELLD107.ZIP 125153 10-21-92 HellDiver v1.07. From Australia comes this
MS-Windows-based Internet Mail reader &
newsreader for Waffle systems. A delight to
use by Waffle system sysops (& others who
have set up a Waffle system to support their
Internet access via UUCP). This is NOT yet
available for users of the UUPC pkg.
(Last Revised: 10/21/92)
HIDEXFER.ZIP 1829 07-16-92 Hide the file transfer window in PCPLUS for
(Last Revised: 07/16/92)
HOST.ZIP 7025 01-03-91 A better HOST script for Xtalk Windows -
As d/led from Cserve. No Docs, needs hacking
(I'm working on it.)
HOST1E.ZIP 27535 12-04-92 Procomm+ Windows Host Mode v1.0e
(Last Revised: 12/04/92)
HOT806.ZIP 1588 03-22-92 XTalk/Win Dialog Box Tech Tip #806.
(Last Revised: 03/22/92)
HOT807.ZIP 1780 03-22-92 Intel Satisfaction Fax/Modem And XTalk/win.
(Last Revised: 03/22/92)
HOT809.ZIP 2217 03-22-92 XTALK/Win tech tip for USR V.32 and ZModem
(Last Revised: 03/22/92)
HS-PROW.ZIP 3580 09-02-92 Use Hs/Link With Procomm For Windows
(Last Revised: 09/02/92)
HSD114B0.ZIP 75591 05-21-93 Windows DLP HS/Link v1.14ß0: high speed full
streaming full-duplex, bi-directional batch
file xfer protocol w/advanced full-streaming
error correction & dynamic-code-substitution;
Procomm Plus for Windows version; 05/21/93.
HSD114B2.ZIP 54463 06-15-93 Windows DLP HS/Link Protocol BETA
This is a special version of HS/Link designed
for use with ProComm Plus for Windows in
the Windows environment.!
(Last Revised: 06/15/93)
HSD114B6.ZIP 55043 07-19-93 Windows DLP HS/Link Protocol BETA As of 3:33p
Monday, July 19, 1993 This is a special
version of HS/Link designed for use with
ProComm Plus for Windows.
(Last Revised: 07/19/93)
HSPW.ZIP 4128 04-19-93 Install HS/Link in ProComm Plus for Windows
(Last Revised: 04/19/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 36
ICOMPIF1.ZIP 2840 11-01-91 PIF file for ICOM(0.93) & WIN3.0 Allows
background file xfer using Intellicomm & WIN
(Last Revised: 11/01/91)
ICOMWIN.ZIP 2325 08-06-92 Make Intellicom 1.0 work with Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 08/06/92)
IPWIN106.ZIP 197598 06-21-93 InfoPop for Windows v1.06: utility designed
to help you use Telenet and/or your modem to
reach a variety of info systems; Internet,
CompuServe, the Well and a couple 100 BBSes
are covered; 06/21/93; Clyde W. Grotophorst.
(Last Revised: 06/21/93)
KERMIT07.ZIP 51947 11-24-92 Kermit for windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 11/24/92)
KERNEL.ZIP 3909 09-24-91 A program information file and icon that I
created to run Geoworks from within Windows
3.0. You can now connect to America Online
from Windows and download files in the
background easier than America Online for Dos
from Windows.
Last revision date in archive: 09-24-1991.
POWRCOMM.ZIP 56814 03-30-92 Power Communications For Windows.
(Last Revised: 03/30/92)
PROWIN1.ZIP 249470 03-25-93 Maintenance release which will bring
currently installed versions of ProComm Plus
for windows from version 1.0 upto 1.01.
(Last Revised: 03/25/93)
Pg 37
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 25 │WINDOWS Communications M-Z │
│ # of Files: 173 │ Bytes: 24,456,540 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
MAINT1.EXE 247880 09-13-92 PROCOMM PLUS for Windows version 1.01 update.
Dated 8/28/92.
MAPXWS.ZIP 4140 05-01-91 Great script for Xtalk Windows and Cserve.
Connects, gets a current weather map,
downloads it, and pops up WINGIF to display
it. (Need to already have WINGIF). Very
handy. Neat maps.
MBFONE11.ZIP 26617 08-28-92 Micro-Fone v1.1: MS-Windows automated
telephone dialer that includes a database
where you may have multiple phone books for a
variety of applications; names may be added,
modified, deleted, or...?; dialer will dial
or redial, & you can toggle the long distance
prefix on/off; req VBRUN100.DLL; 08/28/92;
MERIT.ZIP 550436 03-03-93 Merit's "Cruise of the Internet" is a
computer-based tutorial for new as well as
experienced Internet "navigators." This
tutorial requires Windows 3.1 running in
enhanced mode with 640x480 and 256 colors.
(Last Revised: 03/03/93)
MHSALT22.ZIP 35374 02-03-92 MHSAler v2.2: MS-Windows utility to aert MHS
users when they have email waiting; can
automate the pickup/delivery process;
(Last Revised: 02/03/92)
MINFX10B.ZIP 2363 01-11-93 MiniFax v1.0B: quick/dirty macro enabling you
to send a fax from WinWord 2.0; requires
WinFax Pro; 01/11/93.
(Last Revised: 01/11/93)
MLK104A.ZIP 219064 12-08-92 Microlink 1.04a- Snappier, bug-free Shareware
version of Stephen Leitner's excellent
Windows telecommunication program. From the
Mlink support BBS, 404-640-9225.
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
MNTBK47.ZIP 602426 02-27-93 Modemnews Magazine Issue #47 for Windows
The Alternative Press for BBS's With MIDI
Music While You Read!
Adventures at Kent's Place Southwestern Trip
Log Us Government BBS List Info-Mac Magazine
(Centris Computer) Vaporware Aunt Amiga
Reader Comments Recipes for Your Kitchen New
Lists From the Internet the Night of the
Waterheads Curing Aids Randy's Rumor Rag
Vaporware Humor and Fun!
(Last Revised: 02/27/93)
MNTBK49.ZIP 583003 04-30-93 ModemNews Magazine Issue #49
The Alternative Press for BBS's
ModemNews for Windows
(Last Revised: 04/30/93)
MOD1.ZIP 26818 05-29-92 Latest MOD.EXE file for WinFAX Pro. 05/28/92.
Fixes problems with high speed modem/faxes,
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 38
like PPI PM14400.
MODC2.ZIP 28542 01-25-93 Patches for WinFax. From Zyxcel BBS.
(Last Revised: 01/25/93)
MODEM.ZIP 18273 10-02-91 Example of a phone dialer in TPW! Includes
source and executable files. It doesn't do
much at this point, but it should be a good
starting point.
Last revision date in archive: 10-02-1991.
MRUN211.ZIP 240748 05-01-93 MailRun 2.11: Procomm Plus for Windows script
to automate BBS communications. It provides
a graphical user interface, complete with an
icon bar and custom menus, that allows you to
easily create a list of BBSs to call and
tasks to perform on each BBS. You can use
MailRun to get and send QWK mail, upload and
download files, perform special commands, and
execute your own scripts. For BBSs that send
a new file scan in their QWK packets, MailRun
will even keep a database of available files
so that you can add downloads to the list
with the click of a mouse button.
27 files - New:05-01-1993 Old:05-01-1993
MSDN.ZIP 7403 06-03-93 MicroSoft add on to Compuserve's WINCIM to
get you into MicroSoft's forums on CIS.
(Last Revised: 06/03/93)
MSGM301.ZIP 117543 06-14-92 MSgmstr V3.01 Windows 3.1 Message Reader.
(Last Revised: 06/14/92)
NEWSCR.ZIP 17371 02-23-93 New scripts for WinCIM v1.0.1. Unzip into
script subdirectory of WinCIM and run. Make
sure you overwrite existing scripts.
Last revision date in archive: 02-23-1993.
NOSCROLL.ZIP 2760 06-13-92 For Procomm For Windows. Faster Page Updates
(Last Revised: 06/13/92)
OLVR_11.ZIP 52494 03-31-91 Win 3.0, Oliver 1.1, the first message
editor for Microsoft Windows! A relocatable
message related commands 'ToolBox'. Unlimited
messages per conference. Message printing.
OEM font support. Selectable/Cancelable Gate
routing. Origin lines in
NetMail and conferences are now optional
Oliver now 'remembers' his window size and
position. 'Phone Home' feature to simplify
contacting the author. Individual 'signature
files' for each conference. 3/31/91
OZDOC.ZIP 176444 07-05-92 OzCIS docs in WfW format, incl. Index and
Per. 1.2a Readme file.
(Last Revised: 07/05/92)
PAGEW.ZIP 7674 03-01-93 Procomm Plus for Windows scripts that show 1
of many ways to setup a menued pager that
gives a choice of three pagers to call and a
choice of three messages to send to the
selected pager number; 03/01/93; Paul Heim.
PARTNER.ZIP 271993 07-24-93 Windows Utility which works in Cojunction w/
Rumba - AS/400 Terminal Emultion Software for
Windows. This utilitys allows capture of
AS/400 screens to a PC disk file. VB
(Last Revised: 07/24/93)
PAT102.ZIP 4099 06-21-93 Patch for Procomm Plus for Windows v1.02
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 39
fixes capture file GPF.
(Last Revised: 06/03/93)
PBBSW222.ZIP 457613 06-21-93 PowerBBS for Windows v2.22 - Newly Updated
Complete WINDOWS BBS. Run a BBS in the
background, and use your computer all at
once! Supports up to four lines/computer.
EASIER than ever to INSTALL & USE!
Development Kit available including the
SOURCE CODE to the package! X/Y/Zmodem;
Full-Screen Editor; Menus configurable; File
Enclosures; MULTI-LANGUAGE; FIDO; MultiNode.
(Last Revised: 05/31/93)
PCA_CM.ARJ 2525 06-05-93 pcAnywhere for Win v 1.0 update Fixes T/Port
bug with new AWCM8250.DLL Posted on the
Symantec BBS 5/19/93
PCA_DLL.ZIP 37354 04-16-93 pcAnywhere for Win DLL replacement Posted on
Symantec BBS 04/23/93
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
PCA_SCR.ARJ 37273 06-05-93 pcAnywhere for Win v 1.0 update Contains new
PCA_UPDT.ZIP 12275 04-12-93 PCAnywhere for Win Modem Definition Update
(Last Revised: 04/12/93)
PCB51A.ZIP 19829 09-20-92 Aspect Script For Procomm+ For Windows. Mail
Upload And Download From PC-Board Qmail
Doors. Fully Configurable
(Last Revised: 09/20/92)
PCODE123.ZIP 40480 05-07-92 Windows shareware program to find the Area
Code of a given city or vice versa...best one
I've seen. Requires VBRUN100 Also displays
time data.
(Last Revised: 05/07/92)
PCOMM400.ZIP 63789 01-12-93 Newest version of Power Comm for Windows
communication program and its freeware.
(Last Revised: 01/12/93)
PCOMWPAT.ZIP 267798 12-29-92 Patch to upgrade Procomm Plus/Windows 1.00 to
1.01. Downloaded from Datastorm's BBS.
(Last Revised: 12/29/92)
PCPLUS.ZIP 72793 02-17-93 Lastest Modems.Dat & PCinstal For 14.4k
Modems From Datastorm BBS
(Last Revised: 01/07/93)
PCPLUSUP.ZIP 247666 11-23-92 Update for Procomm for Windows.
(Last Revised: 11/23/92)
PCPW101.ZIP 4162 11-09-92 Two patches for Pc+ Windows 1.01 - Don't use
on V.1.0.
(Last Revised: 11/09/92)
PCPWHOST.ZIP 65692 10-09-92 Procomm+ for windows host mode fixes.
(Last Revised: 10/09/92)
PCWCCKML.ZIP 2553 07-27-92 ProComm+ for Windows script for logging onto
this BBS and using Kmail door. Upl/author:
Richard Wexler.
(Last Revised: 07/27/92)
PCWINTLS.ZIP 18527 05-05-93 Hs/Link utilities for Procomm Plus for
Windows. (Last Revised: 03/26/93)
PHMSM1.ZIP 13585 07-07-91 Windows phone messages.
Last revision date in archive: 07-07-1991.
PHONEV11.ZIP 149157 11-22-92 PhoneVu v1.1: MS-Windows phone call tracking
utility that will record phone call
conversations on screen, organize the
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 40
information after hanging up, & later recall
conversation details by searching a call
database; requires VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 11/22/92)
PIFINF.ZIP 17926 08-17-91 Save a .PIF file to DOS. Easily read format
for later viewing or printing. Great for
attaching or importing into an E-Mail.
Last revision date in archive: 08-17-1991.
PMD_WIN.ZIP 7123 11-09-91 Windows ICON and PIF files for PMDBM off line
mail reader.
(Last Revised: 11/09/91)
PONY.ZIP 59327 04-20-92 Beta version of a Windows E-mail package that
is semi-Pegasus mail compatible. Requires
Novell Netware. 4/20/92.
PPI.ZIP 2234 03-22-92 Practical Peripherals 9600SA setup for
(Last Revised: 03/22/92)
PRCM_EXT.ZIP 3679 01-05-93 Script To Allow Running Of External Protocols
From Procomm+ Windows.
(Last Revised: 01/05/93)
PRNTBOOK.ZIP 1772 05-26-92 Xtalk/win script to print out phone book.
(Last Revised: 05/26/92)
PROHSTFW.ZIP 80216 06-13-93 New host script for Procomm for Windows...
Almost a BBS includes 13 dir's Newsletter,
Bulletins and user Ansi graphics... 06/13/93
PROHSTV1.ZIP 142737 06-20-93 ProHost for ProComm for Windows. This small
Aspect script improves your host mode
included with ProComm. It includes Color,
user made menus, Newsletters, Bulletins,
Mail, Several Dir's, and batch downloading.
(Last Revised: 06/20/93)
PROWIN12.ZIP 24173 07-30-92 Updates to ProWin11.zip
(Last Revised: 07/30/92)
PRTNR101.ZIP 28606 07-26-93 Dance Partner v1.01: MS-Windows pgm that will
float on top of your AS/400 Rumba Session
window, providing you w/the ability to
quickly & easily capture the data currently
being displayed to an ASCII text file;
VBRUN300.DLL is req'd; 07/26/93.
PVCS10A.ZIP 146015 10-27-92 PhoneVu v1.0A: MS-Windows phone call tracking
utility that will record phone call
conversations on screen, organize the
information after hanging up, & later recall
conversation details by searching a call
database; requires VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 10/27/92)
PW100.EXE 359027 05-20-93 Procomm Plus for Windows Update! Updates
PROWIN to v1.02. This update works only with
v1.0. Will not work with v1.1. From
Procomm's forum on Cserve.
5 files - New:05-10-1993 Old:05-10-1993
PW102.ZIP 268937 05-10-93 Maintenance Upgrade for Procomm Plus/Windows.
Upgrades from v1.01 ONLY to v1.02. Unzip,
copy to your PROWIN directory, execute, then
run Upgrade. (Last Revised: 05/10/93)
PWFAX.ZIP 2455 08-15-92 StartUp/Exit.Was are Procomm for Win Aspect
script files that will automatically shut
down your fax software (e.g. Winfax Pro) when
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 41
you start PW & restart your fax software when
you exit PW.
(Last Revised: 08/15/92)
PWFON.ZIP 35315 10-29-92 Procomm+ Windows fix. Corrects problem with
fonts when used with WIN3.0 or OS/2
Dated 10/29/92
PWHOST.ZIP 33131 10-23-92 New host script files in ProComm Plus for
Windows allows a remote user to shell to DOS.
(Last Revised: 10/23/92)
PWHOSTB.ZIP 33121 06-11-93 New Procomm for Windows Host mode script
files allow user to shell to DOS. Fixes
problem in PWHOST that caused computer to
lock when opening DOS window.
(Last Revised: 06/11/93)
PWMODEM.ZIP 30138 06-30-93 Latest WMODEMS.DAT for Procomm for Windows,
from Datastorm. If you couldn't find your
modem on the pick list when you got Procomm
for Windows, you will probably find it here.
This file is MUCH larger than the original.
(Last Revised: 06/30/93)
PWMSPD.ZIP 9423 10-18-92 This patch eliminates the slow character
pacing that Procomm Plus for Windows (Version
1.01) forces for all modem commands, thereby
making the program more responsive. Be
warned that this patch may not work with all
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
PWNCS101.ZIP 13430 12-18-92 Pwncsi.dlc v1.01: dynamic link connection
module that allows procomm plus for windows
to operate in conjunction with programs such
as asynchronous communications servers (acs)
that support the ncsi/nasi api; you can
access a shared pool of modems &
communications devices as if they were
attached to your local pc. datastorm
(Last Revised: 12/18/92)
A NCSI Dynamic Link Connection Module
for Use with PROCOMM PLUS for Windows
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
PWZMOD11.ZIP 15870 05-21-93 A batch u/l builder Procomm Plus for Windows;
batch uploads in PC+/Win quickly and easily.
Use a "smart" directory pick list to navigate
your drive. Made for DSZ(tm), but use for
whatever you want! (Last Revised: 05/21/93)
PW_HOST.ZIP 35650 06-22-92 Fixes to Host Mode for Procomm Plus for
Windows. Self-Extracting Archive, Direct
(Last Revised: 06/22/92)
PW_MODEM.ZIP 16234 06-22-92 Current Modem Configuration File for Procomm
Plus. May be used with both DOS & Windows
Versions. 6/15/92 Self_extracting Archive.
PW_PATCH.ZIP 7864 06-26-92 Patches to Procomm Plus for Windows. Direct
from DATASTORM, Self-Extracting Archive. See
Patches.txt for Summary.
(Last Revised: 06/26/92)
QFCS24A.ZIP 142922 12-20-92 Quick Fax Cover Sheet v2.40A: MS-Windows pgm
for printing fax cover sheets; drag'n drop of
Senders, Receivers and saved cover sheets;
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 42
w/logo support, automatic report logging,
alignment adjustment, improved Quick-Icons;
req VBRUN200.DLL;
(Last Revised: 12/20/92)
QICQUO.EXE 26342 01-25-92 Quicken quote...Windows program to retrieve
stock quotes from compuserve and save them in
Quicken format... Self-extracting. 1/12/92
QKDIAL.ZIP 3719 12-17-92 Quick dial script for prowin.
(Last Revised: 12/17/92)
QVTNET34.ZIP 289646 04-16-93 WinQVT/Net ver 3.4 Telnet, FTP, etc. for Win
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
REFLECT.ZIP 89421 05-13-93 Reflect for Windows - file transfer and
synchronization program which keeps your
latest files updated and synchronized between
any two attached PCs or storage devices
requires DOS 3.3-6.0, Windows 3.x Shareware.
(Last Revised: 05/13/93)
RODENTFX.ZIP 2738 09-02-90 Text desciption for linking your mouse to
COM3 or COM4 in Windows v3.0.
RRWINPIF.ZIP 2406 04-18-92 Windows 3.1 PIF files for Rose Reader.
Includes Enchanced (386/486) and standard
mode (286) files.
(Last Revised: 04/18/92)
RS232D.ZIP 36865 10-24-92 Windows 3.1 application that lets you
transparently monitor your DOS application's
use of the RS232 port. Files: 3 Oldest:
10/24/92 Newest: 10/24/92
SCRIPTS.ZIP 96464 02-21-93 Collection of useful procomm/win script files
as well as a converter for dos scripts!!!
(Last Revised: 02/21/93)
SCRPT4WO.ZIP 11157 12-19-90 This is a .WRI file on how to use scripts for
this board. Includes a sample CrossTalk
script. It's my contest entry and a little
too long for posting.
SETCOM.ZIP 4344 12-10-90 This is a utility to to get Windows to
recognize devices on Com3 or Com4 by writing
their addresses into the BIOS. If you prefer
to do it manually with DEBUG, you have the
instructions to do it that way too. This is a
simple and to the point text file and utility
for a problem that a lot of people must have.
SETMDM.ZIP 15342 12-31-92 SETMODEM.WAS is a Procomm Plus for Windows
script that attempts to return the modem to a
more or less "standard" condition so that
Procomm will perform satisfactorilly after it
has been altered by some software pgm which
wrote conditions to NVRAM thereby destroying
parameter settings placed there by Procomm;
(Last Revised: 12/31/92)
SETTIM.ZIP 9648 01-06-93 Procomm+ Windows script to set system clock
Pith NIST ACTS or USNO time.
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
SFPLUS.ZIP 1011619 02-13-93 Softerm Plus is advanced Windows
Communications Software. It features DEC
VT340 and VT240/241 exact graphic terminal
emulations only found in software costing
over $400. Also included are DEC
VT320/220/100/52, IBM 3101-10/20, IBM ANSI,
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 43
ANSI 3.64, TTY, Scripting, Key Remap,
P/Y/Zmodem, Kermit, Profiling and much more.
(Last Revised: 12/14/92)
SOFTERM1.ZIP 227191 08-19-92 Windows based COM package - part 1
(Last Revised: 08/19/92)
SOFTERM2.ZIP 387542 08-19-92 Windows based COM program - Part 2
(Last Revised: 08/19/92)
SOFTERM3.ZIP 174037 08-21-92 Windows based Com program - Part 3
(Last Revised: 08/21/92)
SRCHR135.ZIP 56746 06-04-93 -- Download Searcher version 1.35 -- Windows
3.1 BBS download file list file searcher.
This program allows you to enter a search
string and a file spec and it will search for
any matches that have a file name on the with
the search string. It will then extract the
file name to a smaller window to be placed
into the clipboard. (Last Revised: 06/04/93)
SUPRABBS.ZIP 121762 01-25-93 Files and winfax patches from *supra* bbs-1/1
(Last Revised: 01/25/93)
SUPRAFX2.ZIP 2229 01-14-93 *Additional info* for supra/winfax fax
(Last Revised: 01/14/93)
SWIXO092.ZIP 25068 10-25-92 SwIXO 0.92 phone pager, 10-25-92 Final beta
of alphanumeric phone pager via modem. For
Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 10/25/92)
SYNC-IT.ZIP 133983 11-11-92 File transfer & Sync pgm for MS-Win3.x.
(Last Revised: 11/11/92)
TBK-COMM.ZIP 34173 03-28-90 Add Communications to your Toolbook apps.
I got this from Asymetrics BBS. They don't
offer any support for it though, so your on
your own. However there is a sample TBK with
the DLL.
2 files - New: 03/28/1990 Old: 03/27/1990
TEFS.ZIP 7653 03-02-93 Timed execution files for use w/Procomm Plus
for Windows. (Last Revised: 03/02/93)
TERMBOOK.ZIP 9704 08-02-90 Simple Toolbook comm program.
(Last Revised: 08/02/90)
TLX3-WIN.ZIP 4254 03-23-92 Settings suggestions for the operation of
Telix v. 3.15 under Windows 3.1, including a
default recommended TELIX.PIF file, direct
from Exis Inc. A 16550 UART chip is highly
recommended for reliable Windows operation.
(Last Revised: 03/23/92)
TMCFWR22.ZIP 266043 04-20-92 The Message Center for Windows v2.2:
comprehensive telephone messaging system for
Win30/ Win31: frequent Callers, multi-level
password protection, notes and 100s of other
features; single/multi-user; requires
VBRUN100.DLL; 04/20/92; Graphical Bytes, Inc.
UC31C_1.ZIP 367547 05-26-93 Unicom v3.1C: comm program for MS-Windows w/
Xmodem1K, Ymodem-G/Batch, Zmodem, Kermit,
CIS' B & Quick B & ASCII protocols; works in
backround; WinScript script language; rates
to 128Kb; auto-dl w/Zmodem & CIS B; [1/2]
(Last Revised: 05/26/93)
UC31C_2.ZIP 186236 05-26-93 Unicom v3.1C: comm program for Windows [2/2]
(Last Revised: 05/26/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 44
UC_CIS.ZIP 4837 07-15-93 WINFILE.SCR is a Unicom 3x script for
searching multiple CIS forum libraries by
date and (optional) keyword, with options for
how you want to store the log file; 07/15/93.
UNICOM31.ZIP 429762 12-28-92 The newest version of Unicom 3.1 for Windows.
Features include now GIF viewer, on-line
charge counter, external protocols, and much
more. (Last Revised: 12/28/92)
USRFAX.ZIP 2337 01-23-93 Instructions to Setup Winfax Pro With USR Fax
(Last Revised: 01/23/93)
UTIL04.ZIP 6387 12-03-92 UTIL04 v1.04: Procomm Plus for Windows script
provides a utility menu and button bar for
access to programs that are not conveniently
available. (Last Revised: 12/03/92)
UWWIN103.ZIP 47869 01-27-92 Windows communication program which allows
multiple windows when communicating with a
unix host using the uw server (see
(Last Revised: 01/27/92)
VBDIAL1B.ZIP 82967 06-04-92 Newest version of VB-Dial dialer for windows
Read "VBDIAL.BUG" doc file to solve previous
problems. If it hasn't run for you yet, now
it should!... Let me know!
(Last Revised: 06/04/92)
VBOLINFO.ZIP 3885 07-31-92 Info Files About VB/OnLine - Visual Basic
Last revision date in archive: 07-31-1992.
VBRSML14.ZIP 94412 01-27-93 VbReader Version 1.4 Offline Reader for Qmail
and Windows 3.1. Freeware. This is the
minimal distribution kit. Requires
VBRUN200.DLL. Also missing the taglines.
(Last Revised: 01/27/93)
VBTERM.ZIP 38327 04-12-92 Terminal program written in Visual Basic
(Last Revised: 04/12/92)
VIEWFAXW.ZIP 30837 05-26-92 Windows 3.X fax viewer 1.
(Last Revised: 05/26/92)
VISMOD34.ZIP 145226 08-27-92 Visual Modem v3.4; Great Windows 3.1 based
modem configuration program. Takes guesswork
out of viewing and setting modem parameters
by displaying all settings in textual format!
(Last Revised: 08/27/92)
VW006.ZIP 81220 12-12-92 Microsoft ViewNote on MS-Windows 3.1 & serial
communications; MS Multimedia Viewer is req;
(Last Revised: 12/12/92)
VW006A.ZIP 203107 02-23-93 Win 3.1 ViewNotes on Serial Communications
Posted on the MS BBS 2/23/93
W31THD.ZIP 25840 05-01-92 Tuning/making OzCIS work with Win 3.1, from
Compuserve; 05/01/92
WATO15.ZIP 167277 09-13-92 WinAto v1.5: MS-Windows app which provides an
interface to AUTOSIG, a comm pgm for
accessing CompuServe; provides forum and host
config maintenance, offline message
functions, script creation/editing, offline
library browsing and interfacing to ATO for
online activity; 09/13/92
WC-UPG.EXE 347379 01-31-93 WinCim update for those using the beta ver.
This will update to the release version.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 45
WC-UPG2.ZIP 349006 03-13-93 Upgrade for WinCIM v1.0.1 to 1.0.2. Unzip
this self extracting file into cserve
directory and run with command wc-upg.
Last revision date in archive: 03-13-1993.
WC104UPD.ZIP 371226 04-20-93 WinCIM v1.0.4 !!! Upgrade Only !!!
------------------------------------ You must
have WinCIM v1.0.1 already installed for this
to do you any good. 4/20/93.
WCP94D.ZIP 321358 07-20-93 WinCIS Beta v0.94D - PATCH for version 0.94C.
Windows Compuserve navigator - Visual Basic 3
Version! Requires VBRUN300.DLL! This file
contains replacements for files in the v0.94C
archive. New:10-21-1992 Old:04-28-1993
-WCUB is a WIN3.x application that allows
sysops to access ALLUSERS.DAT and browse
through a list of all users. A handy util for
sysops running WC under Windows.
Last revision date in archive: 12-16-1992.
WCUPG.ZIP 348497 01-20-93 Self extracting archive with upgrade for the
prerelease version of WinCIM. Unzip into the
wincim subdirectory and run with command
wc-upg. From CIS.
Last revision date in archive: 01-20-1993.
WCV31.ZIP 243983 06-11-93 WinCover 3.1 - If you send paper faxes or
use a fax modem, you need WinCover. Prints
high quality cover sheets and maintains
Receiver and Sender databases, history
logging, full printer support for bitmaps
(non-Postscript required), full font support,
Drag and drop file manipulations. Full
WYSIWYG page setup. Support for WinFax Pro.
31 bitmap available separately as WCVPIX.ZIP.
Shareware. Requires VBRUN200.DLL not incl.
Dated 6/11/93
WCVPIX.ZIP 207688 06-11-93 Image files for use with WinCover. 31 bitmap
images in .BMP format. If used separately
Dated 6/11/93
WD21.ZIP 176190 10-30-92 WinDial for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT. New
version 2.1 many improvements and new
features (multi phone listings, font and
color selection, single or multi column
etc.)Great Rolodex replacement.
(Last Revised: 10/30/92)
WEDIT200.ZIP 145465 12-04-91 Window Editor v2.0 Fido/Remote
Access/QuickBBS Windowed Message Editor
(Last Revised: 12/04/91)
WFAXAA.ZIP 2138 01-03-93 How to use WinFax and Silent Answer with
Supra Modems.
(Last Revised: 01/03/93)
WFX01.ZIP 29988 12-04-92 Update MOD for WinFaxPro v2.0, dated 12/4/92
WFX304.ZIP 434005 05-06-93 WinFax Pro 3.0, patch from Delrina, do not
use WFX305, from the main board. This
contains all the files from WFX305, and all
other files to make WinFax Pro 3.0 work.
4 files - New:05-11-1993 Old:01-19-1993
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 46
PRO 3.0 PATCH BETWEEN MAY 12/93 & May 20/93!
In Delrina's enthusiasm to post this
patch, they accidentally posted a late Beta
version of WFX304.ZIP. The differences
between the two patch versions are minimal.
You require the WFX305.ZIP if the date/time
of your MOD files are NOT 4/21/93 2:50pm
These files are to be placed in the WINFAX
sub-directory. Delrina apologizes for any
inconvenience this patch may have caused you.
(Last Revised: 04/21/93)
WFX306.ZIP 63063 06-07-93 Update for Win Fax Pro 3.0. This update is
only for the 4/21/93 release. Use Wfx304.zip
if you have an earlier version.
(Last Revised: 06/07/93)
WFXCOM.ZIP 8710 04-05-93 WFXCOMM.DRV - Windows Comm Driver Replacement
driver which resolves many WinFax problems
with 14.4 modems and 16550 UARTS From Delrina
Technology. (Last Revised: 04/05/93)
WIGWAM.ZIP 750282 02-14-93 WigWam for Compuserve. A Windows-based comm
program for accessing and navigating
CompuServe, similar to TapCis for DOS.
Working demo version.
(Last Revised: 02/14/93)
WIN100.ZIP 86438 07-27-91 Windows Kermit Version 1.00
(Last Revised: 07/27/91)
WINAC.ZIP 27850 10-26-91 Win 3 Areacode lookup program done in VBasic.
(Last Revised: 10/26/91)
WINAPPNT.ZIP 18139 10-20-92 Two Microsoft application notes on Windows
3.1, including a detailed look at
communications under Windows.
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
WINCIM10.ZIP 330626 01-07-93 If you have CompuServe's pre-release version
of WinCIM this will upgrade it to release
version 1.0. Just load the two files into the
CSERVE subdirectory WINCIM. Files: 2 Oldest:
12/29/92 Newest: 1/7/93
WINCIM4.ZIP 349826 05-05-93 upgrade WINCIM to 1.0.4 by unzipping into
wincim subdirectory and running with WC-UPG
1 files - New:05-05-1993 Old:05-05-1993
WINCOMM1.ZIP 3547 02-26-92 Industry Outlook on Communication Programs
Under The Windows Environment - PC World 3/92
(Last Revised: 02/26/92)
WINDOOR.ZIP 3337 02-24-93 PWDOOR.WAS is a Procomm for Windows ASPECT
script for providing transmission of the
ALTfunction keys when using a DOORWAY and the
PC emulation; 02/24/93; Ralph Deitrick.
WINEXP11.ZIP 346416 02-10-92 Winexpress V1.1 BBS For Windows Few Bugs
Fixed - Yet Still Not Perfect
(Last Revised: 02/10/92)
WINFAXUP.ZIP 267333 01-11-93 WinFax Ultra Lite - send faxes onlu from
Spinnaker's PFS:WindowWorks. Dated 1/11/93
WINFX923.ZIP 20034 10-23-92 Updated Winfax dos tsr as of 9/23/92. If you
cannot load the tsr, try using this one.
Although this file was targeted towards
Gateway modem users, it cured the problem I
was having loading it with my Boca 14.4
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 47
(Last Revised: 10/23/92)
WINFXPC.ZIP 8095 09-15-92 Utility for Delrina's WinFax software.
Converts sent or recieved faxes WinFax into
PCX files for processing, forwarding, etc. No
docs, type the program name for instructions
on use. (Newest: 09-15-92 Oldest: 09-15-92).
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
WINIRMA.ZIP 1066953 12-02-91 IRMA Workstation for Windows (Demo). Windows
3270 terminal emulation. If you need to
connect to an IBM host from NETBIOS, Novell
IPX/SPX, LAN Manager or AppleTalk LANS, only
DCA does it all.
(Last Revised: 12/02/91)
WINKERM.ZIP 35576 01-02-91 Windows implementaion of Kermit transfer
WINMDM.ZIP 75267 06-21-93 W31 Modem control program v. 3.0
(Last Revised: 06/12/93)
WINN103.ZIP 471327 02-18-93 WinNET Mail (tm) v1.03 <ASP> - Direct access
to the world-wide Internet and Usenet
networks with powerful Windows MDI E-Mail
System. Toolbar, Mail Folders, Message
Search, Binary Transfer, Scheduling,
Background Communications, Address Book, 57.6
Comm speeds, on-line help, easy to use.
Hundreds of Internet Special Interest Groups.
Automatic registration with WinNET gateway
in SF, CA. Beta Tested, Great Reviews.
\\\NOTE: This program is a front end to a
commercial service and can only be used with
a specific interface to internet. View
read-1st.txt before downloading.
Dated 2/18/93
WINPHN10.ZIP 20093 04-13-92 WIN3: comma delimited ASCII phone list
viewer. 04/13/92.
WINQ20B.ZIP 88308 08-22-92 WINQWK ver 2.0b update. .exe + .txt files
only. Downloaded from Author's BBS.
Last revision date in archive: 08-22-1992.
WINSUPRA.ZIP 28418 04-27-92 Patched MOD.EXE for WinFax Pro & Supra V32bis
FAXmodem. This copy is identical to that in
FAXMOD.ZIP but the text file from Supra
explains which ROMs it's for and promises a
new ROM on 5/31/92.
(Last Revised: 04/27/92)
WINVTT23.ZIP 824057 03-08-93 Nice VT Communication Program for Windows
(Last Revised: 03/08/93)
WLBETA.ZIP 354632 02-03-93 WizLink for Windows a Sharp Wizard PC based
accessory for archiving, and performing
Powerful manipulations on your schedule,
telephone directories, etc. that aren't
included in the puny Wizard applications.
(Last Revised: 02/03/93)
WML11A.ZIP 54504 11-14-91 New version 1.1a of winmail offline mail
reader for uupc/extended possible to get it
to work with other styles of mail packets ( i
have managed to get it to read cms ricemail
packets with a program i wrote myself ).
(Last Revised: 11/14/91)
WMOD0518.ZIP 29932 05-18-93 WMODEMS.DAT 05/18/93 for ProComm Plus Windows
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 48
(Last Revised: 05/18/93)
WNAV.ZIP 357166 06-23-93 NavCIS SE for Windows A CompuServe Navigation
program for Windows. From Dvorak Publishing
downloaded direct from CompuServe. Use the
"-d" option of PKUNZIP to extract subdirs
contained in the ZIP file.
This DEMO is reported to be crippled in a
major way -- beware!
(Last Revised: 06/08/93)
WNBFF15A.ZIP 16641 06-30-93 Mail notification utility for UUPC, Waffle
FSUUCP, or PC-NFS. Icon changes in response
to mail, or can show list of mail headers.
Can play .WAV file when mail received. For
Window 3.x. Version 1.5a.
(Last Revised: 06/30/93)
WNFAXPRO.ZIP 285813 09-24-91 WINFAX PRO is a fax communications product
for Microsoft Windows from Delrina Technology
Inc. This "Test Drive" version of WINFAX PRO
is designed to give you a preview of the
features in the full WINFAX PRO product.
(Last Revised: 09/24/91)
WNFXMOD1.ZIP 26724 07-16-92 Fix for delrina winfax pro 2 for v32 modems
such as sportster and courier fax ...
(Last Revised: 07/16/92)
WNKERM23.ZIP 203023 10-27-91 A version of Kermit for Microsoft Windows 3.0
has been made available for distribution by
Columbia University. The complete package
contains Windows program along with document-
ation, fonts, and complete sources. The basic
program, WIN100, contains a substantial emul-
ation of DEC VT100 and VT52 terminals and a
version of Kermit with enough features to
perform reliable file transfer as well as act
as a client to a Kermit server.
(Last Revised: 10/27/91)
WNQVT483.LZH 164979 06-16-93 WinQVT ver 4.83 VT220 Emulation + 5 Protocols
& More (Last Revised: 06/05/93)
WN_NEWS1.ZIP 181329 03-05-93 Winnet -- Excellent Interface With the
Internet (Newest File Date: 03-05-93)
WPATCH.ZIP 5814 06-27-92 This is the latest patch for Procomm for
Windows. After unzipping, simply copy the
files to the Aspect Subdirectory in Procomm.
Last revision date in archive: 06-27-1992.
WPATCHES.ZIP 6184 06-25-92 Originally WPATCHES.COM on the DataStorm BBS.
I put it in ZIP format so PCB boards would
take it. Its the first set of patches
directly from Datastorm for PC+ for windows
(Last Revised: 06/25/92)
WR22.ZIP 71075 05-29-91 Winread v 2.2 french reader off line under
Windows 3
3 files - New: 05/29/1991 Old: 10/31/1990
WRQDEMO.ZIP 932718 05-21-92 WRQ demo of REFLECTIONS Terminal Emulation
Program for DOS, WINDOWS, OS/2, UNIX, etc
(Last Revised: 10/07/92)
WTG-101.ZIP 81843 04-22-93 [Way To Go! Version 1.01 for Windows] America
Online for Windows util. Allows you to insert
user definable text, sounds, have 30 goto
keywords, and locate or send an instant
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 49
message to member online from a list of
people you have defined. Also has timer to
keep track of money/time, and the ability to
minimize WAOL during a download. Requires
vbrun200.dll. (Last Revised: 04/22/93)
WW0654.ZIP 14940 10-19-92 MS-Windows 3.1 Application notes on serial
communications; 10/19/92; Microsoft Corp.
WWAM.ZIP 539581 06-20-93 Excellent Windows Shell CIS Navigator.
(Last Revised: 06/05/93)
WWAX10.ZIP 5081 03-04-93 WWAX10 - WingWax v1.0: simple Procomm Plus
for Windows Aspect script for logging on to
Compuserve. (Last Revised: 03/04/93)
WXPRESS.ZIP 276760 02-02-92 Windows 3.0: Windows based BBS System with
mail, file transfers and multiple nodes.
(Last Revised: 02/02/92)
X00150.ZIP 105585 05-28-93 X00 Fossil Driver by Ray Gwinn V1.50.
(Last Revised: 05/22/93)
XMDMDLP.ZIP 14070 07-10-92 Procomm+ Windows example of external protocol
(Last Revised: 07/10/92)
XT20-DLL.ZIP 185112 12-08-92 Win31, several newer *.DLL files for Xtalk
for Windows 2.0. Downloaded from their DCA
Support BBS.
Last revision date in archive: 12-08-1992.
XTALK1.ZIP 557126 03-20-93 CROSSTALK for MS Windows: Update fixes bug.
Connects two PCs together.
(Last Revised: 03/05/93)
XTENWNB1.ZIP 192985 12-26-91 XtenWIN Beta Version 4.0B1 X10 CP-290 Windows
Control Program
(Last Revised: 12/26/91)
XTHOST.ZIP 6108 02-12-91 New Host script for Xtalk Windows - with DOCS
added by moi. Very good! PD
XTLKDEMO.ZIP 572948 01-14-92 Xtalk for windows demo. 1992 version
Crosstalk. Fully functional EXCEPT
disconnects relentlessly after 5 minutes...
(Last Revised: 01/14/92)
XTMAP2.ZIP 5675 04-09-91 CrossTalk For Windows, CompuServe Map Viewing
script, requires WinGif appl also to work.
XTSCRIPT.ZIP 2880 04-29-91 Two scripts I wrote for Xtalk for Windows -
one for a Chat mode and one for Windows
Online/Qmail access. Free to all.
ZIPPRO.ZIP 3950 12-10-92 ZipPro Ver.1.2. This is a Procomm + for
Windows script file to unzip your files. It
makes its own dir and unzips files into there
own dir. Try it out. Works great.
(Last Revised: 12/10/92)
Pg 50
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 26 │WINDOWS Icons A-G │
│ # of Files: 45 │ Bytes: 2,832,560 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
10KICONS.ZIP 446836 12-08-90 More windows icons .ico format.
(Last Revised: 12/08/90)
11ICONS.ZIP 5481 04-05-93 11 More Icons for WINDOWS 3.x. (Newest File
Date: 04-05-93)
1700ICO.ZIP 407387 02-06-91 LOTS!! of icons, well-indexed
32 files - New: 02/06/1991 Old: 01/29/1991
1858IDLL.ZIP 297636 04-17-93 1858 Icons in 4 DLL's which can be scanned.
(Last Revised: 04/17/93)
200ICONS.ZIP 80838 07-18-90 200 icons for windows.
26FLAGS.ZIP 4570 12-09-90 26 flags icons for windows.
(Last Revised: 12/09/90)
3D-ICONS.ZIP 42871 01-11-92 129 Three Dimensional Icons for MicroSoft
Windows. Icons have been gathered from
various sources.
(Last Revised: 01/11/92)
3_1ICO.ZIP 118089 04-13-92 MSWindows V3.1 icons.
(Last Revised: 04/13/92)
400ICONS.ZIP 120483 08-12-91 400 More Icons For MS-Windows - Some Newies!
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
500ICONS.ZIP 141066 11-14-91 A collection of 500+ Icons for Windows 3.x,
no dupes that I can see. Includes icons for
most popular apps so you can get rid of the
standard boring Windows DOS app Icon!
(Last Revised: 11/14/91)
900ICONS.ZIP 269509 10-31-90 900 icons for windows 3.0, 3.1.
(Last Revised: 10/31/90)
ANIMICON.ZIP 22055 12-31-92 Three sample animated Windows icons for
anyone wanting a taste of this.
(Last Revised: 12/31/92)
AOLICONS.ZIP 2248 11-30-91 Several icons downloaded from America On-Line
in December 1991 - good quality.
Last revision date in archive: 11-30-1991.
APDCKICO.ZIP 9169 08-09-91 Icons for use with Application Dock. Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/09/91)
APICONS.ZIP 35911 01-03-92 Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: AmiPro icons for use on
the Smart Icon bar. Some are common others
are for special purporses.
(Last Revised: 01/03/92)
AREACOD1.ZIP 1530 10-12-91 Telephone area code icon for Win 3.0.
(Last Revised: 10/12/91)
A_ICONS.ZIP 13832 09-15-92 Icon Library "A".
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
BARTEYE.ZIP 65923 10-12-92 An icon of Bart Simpson, his eyes follow the
(Last Revised: 10/12/92)
BBICONS.ZIP 4523 08-27-91 Emblems of several Al Baseball teams in ICON
(Last Revised: 08/27/91)
BCONS2.ZIP 2483 09-10-92 More Cool And Nifty Icons For Windows
Compatable With Iconmaster.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 51
PLast Revised: 09/10/92)
BCONS5.ZIP 3649 11-12-92 Some more great Icons from Bennett!!!
(Last Revised: 11/12/92)
PX09Downloaded @X0B<12>@X09 times.
BCONS7.ZIP 2493 11-28-92 More icons for windows, including a detailed
icon for iconmaster!!!! enjoy!!
(Last Revised: 11/28/92)
BEDFICON.ZIP 3002 10-09-91 Seven Bedford ICONS for Windows 30. By John
(Last Revised: 10/09/91)
BEERICON.ZIP 2102 09-24-92 3 BEER ICONS.
(Last Revised: 09/24/92)
BIGULMPS.ZIP 249572 07-09-93 3 large (approx 400 k each) icon libraries in
dll format. Makes it extremely easy to
manage large icon libraries.
New:07-09-1993 Old:07-09-1993
BIZ.ZIP 18314 07-14-93 Business icons for PC Tools 4 Windows
(Last Revised: 07/14/93)
BORICONS.ZIP 4037 11-03-90 Win3 Icons for BORLAND products
BORICXON.ZIP 22125 08-01-91 New Icons For Windows
(Last Revised: 08/01/91)
BUTTONS.ZIP 10248 11-16-91 Icons for the button metaphor desktop, like.
(Last Revised: 11/16/91)
COOLICON.ZIP 99502 07-22-90 1990 collection of icons for Windows
(Last Revised: 07/22/90)
CORELICO.ZIP 8819 06-15-92 The icons supplied with Corel 3.0 have
problems. This collection of .ICO files fixes
probs and supplies missing icons. From the
disk of the 3rd edition of Mastering Dickman.
(Last Revised: 06/15/92)
C_ICONS.ZIP 32999 09-15-92 Icon Library "C".
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
C_SUNSET.ICO 1024 12-10-92 Nice c-prompt icon with sunset
DLLICON2.ZIP 74049 05-13-92 Collection of Windows 3.x icons compressed
into DLL form.
(Last Revised: 05/13/92)
DOS1.ZIP 54311 06-30-91 100 icons for windows
(Last Revised: 06/30/91)
EYECON32.ZIP 7174 11-15-90 Icon with eyes that follow the mouse cursor
E_ICONS.ZIP 13181 09-15-92 Icon Library "E".
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
FLINTICO.ZIP 2535 09-11-92 Flintstone Icons For Windows. Add A Little
Humor To Your Desktop.
(Last Revised: 09/11/92)
F_ICONS.ZIP 17739 09-15-92 "F" Icon Library. .DLL file
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
(Last Revised: 04/26/93)
GAMEICON.ZIP 4092 07-19-90 A whole SLEW of icons for Windows!
9 files - New: 07/19/1990 Old: 06/27/1990
GAMICONS.ZIP 7627 01-06-93 Several new icons for Windows 3.x, mostly for
popular DOS shareware games.
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
G_ICONS.ZIP 8745 09-15-92 "G" Icon Library. .DLL file.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
HDCICON1.ZIP 8382 12-08-91 Here are some hDC Windows Express icons in
their specific format.
(Last Revised: 12/08/91)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 52
HUGICON.ZIP 79601 08-09-92 Over 500 icons in Windows 3.1 "DLL" format
(Last Revised: 08/09/92)
Pg 53
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 27 │WINDOWS Icons H-P │
│ # of Files: 158 │ Bytes: 10,085,919 │ Updated: 06/23/93 01:49 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
IC2276.ZIP 542012 04-11-91 A whole bunch of icons for Windows 3.0
IC411.ZIP 18976 11-28-92 More Windows icons created by IS114c in a DLL
(Last Revised: 11/28/92)
ICA1847.ZIP 238212 06-26-91 This is almost the same file as IC1847.zip,
but a little different. Lots & lots of Win3
icons, sorted alphabetically and stored in
the IconManager .ICA arcive vormat. This
makes it a lot easier to browse the icons,
while saving space, too! You WILL need to
have Icon Master to use these icons! With it,
you can extract individual icons and store
them singly, or multiple icons together in an
uncompressed file for use with the "next
icon" feature in Prog Man. There are a few
icons from the original file that could not
be read, but everything else is here. Enjoy!!
30 files - New: 06/26/1991 Old: 06/20/1991
ICL-#.ZIP 4552 07-20-92 Windows Icons Numbered Titles 1 of 16 Files
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL--C.ZIP 16381 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group C 4 fo 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-A.ZIP 10692 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group A 2 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-D.ZIP 9053 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group D 5 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-E.ZIP 6958 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group E 6 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-F.ZIP 9684 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group F 7 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-GH.ZIP 9542 07-20-92 Windows Icons Groups G And H 8 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-I-L.ZIP 11040 07-20-92 Windows Icons Groups i, j, K And L 9 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-M-O.ZIP 10665 07-20-92 Windows Icons Groups m, N And O 10 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-P.ZIP 14895 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group P 11 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-QR.ZIP 8901 07-20-92 Windows Icons Groups Q And R 12 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-S.ZIP 9978 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group S 13 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-T-V.ZIP 11772 07-20-92 Windows Icons Groups t, U And V 14 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-W.ZIP 11646 07-20-92 Windows Icons Group W 15 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICL-X-Z.ZIP 6207 07-20-92 Windows Icons Groups x, Y And Z 16 of 16
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
ICMICA.ZIP 50261 02-26-91 An ".ica" file to be used with icmn10.zip.
This is a icon library in the icon manager
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 54
arc format and contains some icons that are
available in the public domain. (1 of 2)
ICNS1000.ZIP 353258 10-15-92 Over 1000 icons for windows 3.X
(Last Revised: 10/15/92)
ICOART.ZIP 20606 11-11-91 Lots of icons for windows.
Last revision date in archive: 11-11-1991.
ICON-1.ZIP 71410 01-11-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
(Last Revised: 01/11/92)
ICON-A.ZIP 18975 02-22-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "A" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
ICON-B.ZIP 39431 02-23-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "B" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
ICON-C.ZIP 61973 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "C" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-D.ZIP 41525 02-23-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "D" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
ICON-DLL.ZIP 68584 11-19-92 More Icons for Windows 3.1 in >dll format
like moricons.dll. Games, business, cartoons+
(Last Revised: 11/19/92)
ICON-E.ZIP 17551 02-23-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "E" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
ICON-F.ZIP 30238 02-22-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "F" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
ICON-G.ZIP 14419 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "G" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-H.ZIP 19100 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "H" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-I.ZIP 11064 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "I" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-J.ZIP 4528 08-12-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "J" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
ICON-K.ZIP 5180 08-12-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "K" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
ICON-L.ZIP 15108 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "L" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-M.ZIP 28615 02-22-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "M" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
ICON-N.ZIP 14545 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "N" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-O.ZIP 4423 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "O" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-P.ZIP 60643 02-22-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "P" Icons
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 55
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
ICON-Q.ZIP 14339 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "Q" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-R.ZIP 16005 02-22-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "R" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
ICON-S.ZIP 52908 02-22-92 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "S" Icons
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
ICON-T.ZIP 35233 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "T" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-U.ZIP 6112 08-12-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "U" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
ICON-V.ZIP 9849 08-12-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "V" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
ICON-W.ZIP 43177 08-26-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "W" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
ICON-X.ZIP 9142 08-12-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "X" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
ICON-Y.ZIP 1677 06-28-90 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "Y" Icons
(Last Revised: 06/28/90)
ICON-Z.ZIP 3884 08-12-91 Super Windows Icon Collection
Letter "Z" Icons
(Last Revised: 08/12/91)
ICON1-10.ZIP 20307 09-19-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with number
Dated 9/19/91
ICON1.ZIP 266459 10-15-91 This is the first file in a collection of
icons. This file contains icons in seperate
.ico files.
Last revision date in archive: 10-15-1991.
ICON2.ZIP 272497 10-15-91 This is the second file in the large icon
collection. These are files starting with
Last revision date in archive: 10-15-1991.
ICON2000.ZIP 37001 07-09-90 Collection of ICONs for Microsoft Window
Version 3.0. Use them in place of .BMP
files. nice
ICON3.ZIP 247760 10-16-91 This is the third icons file. It has icons
beginning with the letters n-s.
Last revision date in archive: 10-16-1991.
ICON4.ZIP 158832 10-16-91 This is the fourth and last file in this icon
collection. It contains files beginning with
the letters t-z.
Last revision date in archive: 10-16-1991.
ICON400.ZIP 112593 07-27-90 400 icons for Windows 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 07-27-1990.
ICONALL.ZIP 269160 01-03-91 A complete Library of icons for windows
with two icon editors include. Close to 600
icons to choose from for all software
packages. <Many Dupes from other files>
ICONCOL.ZIP 8973 05-23-92 Collection of Windows Icons, collected from
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 56
various programs. In .DLL format.
(Last Revised: 05/23/92)
ICONLIST.ZIP 36582 07-06-90 A collection of more Windows 3.x icons. Nice
1 files - New: 07/06/1990 Old: 07/06/1990
ICONPAK1.ZIP 2380 02-03-92 Microsoft icons.
(Last Revised: 02/03/92)
ICONS-01.ZIP 177174 07-29-90 MORE THEN 604 ICONS!.
(Last Revised: 07/29/90)
ICONS.ZIP 144637 03-02-91 50 icons for windows 3.0 with viewer.
ICONS02.ZIP 8223 06-22-90 More Icons for Windows 3.0. Dated 6/90
ICONS1.ZIP 17432 11-11-90 40 Win3.0 Icons I made using WIN SDK. They ar
"real" icons using transparent and inverse
areas. There is a .WRI file included
explaining how to use the icons best. Also
look for my Icons2 file. There are some fun
icons there.
ICONS2.ZIP 15491 11-22-90 These are another 38 icons to make windows
look better. Made using SDK! They have
transparent and inverse areas!
ICONS276.ZIP 81155 07-12-90 276 wild icons for Windows
ICONS493.ZIP 27255 04-26-93 Just a few icons I have updated or created
while playing with my icon editor...
(Last Revised: 04/26/93)
ICONS593.ZIP 39191 05-23-93 More freeware icons for Windows...some of
them painted for new effects...in .ICO & .DLL
(Last Revised: 05/23/93)
ICONSA.ZIP 14311 08-10-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with A
Comprehensive collection/no duplicates
Compiled from Channel 1 postings Dated 9/1/90
ICONSA2E.ZIP 97826 09-08-90 340 icons for Windows that are either general
or program specific named from A to E.
(Last Revised: 09/08/90)
ICONSB.ZIP 23989 07-13-92 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with B 8/18/90
Comprehensive collection/no duplicates
ICONSB2.ZIP 67385 01-05-93 Windows Icons - more Bs
ICONSBSA.ZIP 8574 10-17-92 Scouting Icons and Bitmaps for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 10/17/92)
ICONSC.ZIP 46092 09-22-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with C 9/22/91
ICONSC2.ZIP 77383 02-07-92 Windows Icons - more Cs
ICONSD.ZIP 27159 08-27-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with D 10/16/90
ICONSD2.ZIP 76560 01-12-93 Windows Icons - more Ds
(Last Revised: 01/12/93)
ICONSDLL.ZIP 834753 04-06-93 4971 Icons in .dMl format! Enough to make
anyonM happy!!! (Newest file date: 04-06-93)
ICONSE.ZIP 14125 02-25-92 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with E 8/1/90
ICONSE2.ZIP 48722 01-13-92 Windows Icons - more Es
(Last Revised: 01/13/92)
ICONSF.ZIP 20981 08-01-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with F 8/1/90
ICONSF2.ZIP 73716 11-30-91 Windows Icons - more Fs
(Last Revised: 11/30/91)
ICONSF2P.ZIP 111504 04-23-91 380 icons for Windows that are either general
or program specific named from F to P.
(Last Revised: 04/23/91)
ICONSG.ZIP 10377 08-27-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with G 8/1/91
ICONSG2.ZIP 41885 02-07-92 Windows Icons - more Gs
(Last Revised: 02/07/92)
ICONSH.ZIP 15630 09-22-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with H 9/22/91
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 57
ICONSH2.ZIP 35659 01-13-92 Windows Icons - more Hs
(Last Revised: 01/13/92)
ICONSI.ZIP 77178 07-13-92 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with I 7/13/92
ICONSI2.ZIP 32151 11-29-91 Windows Icons - more Is
(Last Revised: 11/29/91)
ICONSJ.ZIP 4004 08-29-90 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with J 7/26/90
ICONSK2.ZIP 11566 09-09-91 Windows Icons - more Ks
(Last Revised: 09/09/91)
ICONSL.ZIP 13477 08-10-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with L 8/1/91
ICONSL2.ZIP 33175 01-13-92 Windows Icons - more Ls
(Last Revised: 01/13/92)
ICONSM.ZIP 20199 08-01-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with M 8/1/91
ICONSM2.ZIP 80423 02-07-92 Windows Icons - more Ms
(Last Revised: 02/07/92)
ICONSMSC.ZIP 19811 09-17-91 Windows Icons - Miscellaneous
(Last Revised: 09/17/91)
ICONSN2.ZIP 36331 01-07-92 Windows Icons - more Ns
(Last Revised: 01/07/92)
ICONSO2.ZIP 15288 11-21-91 Windows Icons - more Os
(Last Revised: 11/21/91)
ICONSP.ZIP 39295 07-13-92 all icons starting with `p'
icon collections: state of the art
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
ICONSP2.ZIP 129554 01-01-93 Windows Icons - more Ps
(Last Revised: 01/01/93)
ICONSQ.ZIP 9759 01-19-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with Q
(Last Revised: 01/19/91)
ICONSQ2.ZIP 35266 11-08-91 Windows Icons - more Qs
(Last Revised: 11/08/91)
ICONSQ2Z.ZIP 88149 04-22-91 290 icons for Windows that are either general
or program specific named from Q to Z.
(Last Revised: 04/22/91)
ICONSR.ZIP 12593 08-05-91 all icons starting with `r'
icon collections: state of the art
(Last Revised: 08/05/91)
ICONSS.ZIP 26524 02-20-92 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with S
(Last Revised: 02/20/92)
ICONSS2.ZIP 102315 01-14-92 Windows Icons - more Ss
(Last Revised: 01/14/92)
ICONST.ZIP 26913 07-13-92 all icons starting with `t'
icon collections: state of the art
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
ICONST2.ZIP 79297 12-31-92 Windows Icons - more Ts
(Last Revised: 12/31/92)
ICONSU.ZIP 5081 08-01-91 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with U
(Last Revised: 08/01/91)
ICONSU2.ZIP 11837 01-12-93 Windows Icons - more Us
(Last Revised: 01/12/93)
ICONSV.ZIP 9238 03-07-92 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with V
(Last Revised: 03/07/92)
ICONSV2.ZIP 18525 11-30-91 Windows Icons - more Vs
(Last Revised: 11/30/91)
ICONSW.ZIP 80062 04-13-92 Windows 3.x Icons beginning with W
(Last Revised: 04/13/92)
ICONSW2.ZIP 46299 01-15-92 Windows Icons - more Ws
(Last Revised: 01/15/92)
ICONSX2.ZIP 16878 12-07-91 Windows Icons - more Xs - XTalk, XTree, etc
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 58
(Last Revised: 12/07/91)
ICONSXYZ.ZIP 8379 08-05-91 all icons starting with `xyz'
icon collections: state of the art
(Last Revised: 08/05/91)
ICONSZ2.ZIP 12125 01-14-93 Windows Icons - more Zs
(Last Revised: 01/14/93)
ICONS_2.ZIP 45797 01-17-92 Many new icons for many new and old programs
for Microsoft Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 01/17/92)
ICON_ALL.ZIP 412615 07-13-92 The ICON*.* files bundled in one. For Windows
3.x A mighty collection w/ no dupes....
(Last Revised: 07/15/92)
ICON_DLL.ZIP 324690 02-24-92 Compilation of all Windows icons in
DLL formatted files
(Last Revised: 02/24/92)
ICON_NIL.ZIP 121602 01-03-92 More than 800 icons for Windows in Norton
Desktop .NIL format. This ZIP contains three
*.NIL libraries. 0-9.nil a-l.nil and m-z.nil.
(Last Revised: 01/03/92)
ICTOON.ZIP 14167 09-14-90 Icon cartoons for Win3.0
IKES.ZIP 49902 11-22-91 A collection of icons for windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 11/22/91)
IMICONS.ZIP 3217 10-13-92 Several icons compiled with Icon Manager for
various programs, mostly games.
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
IMOV.ZIP 16543 05-16-91 Icon movies for Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 05/16/91)
1 files - New: 06/11/1991 Old: 06/11/1991
JFMICON.ZIP 6909 11-13-91 All new, all original Windows icons includes
Christmas theme icons, cat & dog icons, more!
Last revision date in archive: 11-13-1991.
JOEICO.ZIP 3802 08-14-91 Lotto icons for windows, new procomm icon
8 files - New: 08/14/1991 Old: 08/11/1991
J_ICONS.ZIP 3046 09-15-92 "J" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
KEENICON.ZIP 2273 02-06-92 Windows icons for KEEN 1,2,3.
(Last Revised: 02/06/92)
KEEN_ICO.ZIP 2703 06-02-92 Commander Keen Parts 1,2,3 Icons for Windows
(Last Revised: 06/02/92)
KICKICO.ZIP 7318 11-24-92 Various icons from newer games out on the
market. They were made by capturing gif
pictures directly from the game and
converting them into icons
(Last Revised: 11/24/92)
KIDICONS.ZIP 78289 01-05-93 Icons for kids' programs. Compiled and
created from a wide variety of sources.
Includes many icons suitable for games.
(Last Revised: 01/05/93)
K_ICONS.ZIP 4592 09-15-92 "K" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
LBICONS.ZIP 12718 10-01-92 Here are a few icons that I have created. I
have made icons for such games as: Eye Of The
Beholder I & II, The Ultima's, and others. I
have also made better icons for games that
had poor ones. Upload and check it out; they
are really quite good.
(Last Revised: 10/01/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 59
L_ICONS.ZIP 9200 09-15-92 "L" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
MAILDLL.ZIP 5150 10-24-92 A collection of mail icons for windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 10/24/92)
MANICON.ZIP 9686 08-09-92 Over 100 icons in Windows 3.1 "DLL" format
(Last Revised: 08/09/92)
245 files - New: 06/22/1991 Old: 05/25/1990
MEGAIC3A.ZIP 238861 04-19-91 Mega Icons MS-Win 3.0 1/3.
Last revision date in archive: 04-19-1991.
MEGAIC3B.ZIP 267265 03-25-91 Mega Icons Over 2,000 .ICOns 2/3.
Last revision date in archive: 03-25-1991.
MEGAIC3C.ZIP 179667 12-15-90 Mega Icons ( 3rd release ) 3/3.
Last revision date in archive: 12-15-1990.
MIKES3.ZIP 32505 03-15-92 More Icons in Mike's Icon series. 100+ more
icons from Microsoft's BBS.
(Last Revised: 03/15/92)
MIKONS.ZIP 5383 05-08-91 10 icons for Windows including Calvin/Hobbes.
11 files - New: 05/08/1991 Old: 03/28/1991
MISCDLL.ZIP 21730 10-24-92 A dll file full of unique icons for windows
PLast Revised: 10/24/92)
MOREICON.ZIP 406186 01-16-91 Collections of 1700 icons for your MS Windows
MSGICO.ZIP 26893 11-11-92 Message Icon For Windows 3.X.
(Last Revised: 11/11/92)
MYICON.ZIP 2987 11-30-91 An assortment of icons created 11/91 from
CompuServe's Windows New Users Forum.
Last revision date in archive: 11-30-1991.
M_ICONS.ZIP 17382 09-15-92 "M" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
NDW-500I.ZIP 58976 11-29-91 500 Icons for Norton desktop for Windows
(Last Revised: 11/29/91)
NEWICONS.ZIP 313166 10-25-92 More Icons For Windows 3.1 In A DLL Format
(Last Revised: 10/25/92)
NFLHLMT.ZIP 11598 09-26-92 Icons Of All Of The Nfl Teams Helmets For
Windows. (Last Revised: 09/26/92)
NILICON1.ZIP 189486 01-13-93 Norton Icon Library Icons from Symantec BBS.
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
NILICON2.ZIP 174518 01-13-93 Norton Icon Library Icons from Symantec BBS
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
NN_CPL.ZIP 5655 03-15-93 Add-on icons for your Windows 3.x Control
Panel. These .CPL files cause Control Panel
to display icons from which you can run the
following: Adobe Type Manager control panel,
DSOUND control panel, Sysedit editor, and
Registration Editor. 03/15/93
N_ICONS.ZIP 8495 09-15-92 "N" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
O_ICONS.ZIP 3239 09-15-92 "O" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
P_ICONS.ZIP 32593 09-15-92 "P" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
Pg 60
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 28 │WINDOWS Icons Q-Z │
│ # of Files: 41 │ Bytes: 914,907 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
PBIC10.ZIP 13156 06-21-90 PBIC v1.0 is a Paintbrush type file, icon
converter. Dated 6/90
PC.ZIP 18828 05-04-91 This is a collection of icons for programs
beginning with the letters pc (such as
pcpaint, pctools .. Etc) enjoy.
(Last Revised: 05/04/91)
POPICONS.ZIP 5290 03-13-91 ICONs for popular DOS programs
PROFICON.ZIP 35976 08-12-92 Professional suite of modified icons and
original designs for Windows 3.0/1 to give
Program Manager a more organized look. PM
field color of Teal (or light grey if your
monitor's teal is too saturated) is
recommended. Brought to you by T. Gleason.
Get rid of eye strain and color vibration,
give your eyes a rest! MAIN MENU.
(Last Revised: 08/12/92)
QBAS-ICO.ZIP 3953 02-15-92 Qbasic icon for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 02/15/92)
QICO.ZIP 2092 12-06-91 QEdit icon for windows.
(Last Revised: 12/06/91)
Q_ICONS.ZIP 8563 09-15-92 "Q" Icon Library.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
RDSIGN2.ZIP 8554 11-03-92 Roadsign icons for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 11/03/92)
REARTH.ZIP 3994 06-24-91 Revolving earth on an icon.
Last revision date in archive: 06-24-1991.
ROUTEICO.ZIP 51111 08-08-92 Over 150 Icons For Use With Route121.ZIP
(Last Revised: 08/08/92)
SETIME1.ZIP 1487 10-29-91 "Set Time" ICON for Win 3.0.
(Last Revised: 10/29/91)
SEXYICOS.ZIP 5275 10-30-90 A set of sexy icons for Win3
10 files - New: 10/30/1990 Old: 07/02/1990
SIERRAIC.ZIP 9614 12-15-91 A selection of Sierra game icons for Win 3.
(Last Revised: 12/15/91)
SPRTICO1.ZIP 32313 08-16-92 Sports Team Icons for Windows 3.1 Go Team!
(Last Revised: 08/16/92)
STICONS.ZIP 8401 07-16-93 A collection of Star Trek and Star Wars icons
27 icons in file.
(Last Revised: 07/16/93)
T&A.ZIP 31289 02-28-92 Fun little window icon
(Last Revised: 02/28/92)
TFEICO.ZIP 2559 11-05-91 The Family Edge icons for MS-Windows;
(Last Revised: 11/05/91)
TNSICON.ZIP 2017 10-09-91 Three Tennis ICONS for Windows 3.0. John
(Last Revised: 10/09/91)
TOYB-ICO.ZIP 22312 06-16-92 Toybox 2 Icons. Icons for the Toybox menu
program, uploaded recently as TOY2.ZIP. Lots
for kids' programs and games. Converted from
Windows to Toybox .ICN format.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 61
(Last Revised: 06/16/92)
TOYICN01.ZIP 104380 06-23-92 Icon collection for Toy Box II - set of 360
icons to use with that programs displays.
(Last Revised: 06/23/92)
TOYICONS.ZIP 28099 01-16-93 TOYBOX II icons, already converted - 109 !
(Last Revised: 01/16/93)
TRASHI.ZIP 2134 01-26-92 Three Trashcan Icons
(Last Revised: 01/26/92)
TREKICNS.ZIP 3290 01-13-93 Neat Next Generation Icons for win zipped
with ver 2.0 ...
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
TRI-ICON.ZIP 1666 06-28-92 An Icon for TriBBS in windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 06/28/92)
T_ICONS.ZIP 17861 09-15-92 "T" Icon Library. .DLL file.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
ULTICONS.ZIP 18294 09-13-92 Over 150 icons in windows "dll" format
(Last Revised: 09/13/92)
UNITS1.ZIP 1445 10-30-91 Unit Conversion ICON for Win 3.0.
(Last Revised: 10/30/91)
W3ICONS.ZIP 12479 06-07-90 More Win3 icons to use. Dated 6/90
WIN31-B.ZIP 28582 04-28-92 More Windows 3.1 Icons, if You Have Windows
3.1 These Icons Can be Found in A File Named
(Last Revised: 04/28/92)
WIN31IC.ZIP 17751 04-14-92 49 New Windows 3.1 Icons.
(Last Revised: 04/14/92)
WINCONS.ZIP 6397 03-07-92 Windows Icons
(Last Revised: 03/07/92)
WINENG.ZIP 11233 10-18-90 WIN 3 : Icons for Engineers.
(Last Revised: 10/18/90)
WINICON.ZIP 16715 02-28-91 Large library of Windows 3.0 icons.
51 files - New: 02/28/1991 Old: 06/24/1989
WINICON2.ZIP 4716 06-09-90 A few more icons for Win3.
WINICONS.ZIP 42629 06-26-90 Lots of icons for Win3.
WIN_ICON.ZIP 6233 04-21-92 Some New, Some Old Windows Icons.
(Last Revised: 04/21/92)
WIZFLAG4.ZIP 12483 05-04-93 ICONS OF AFRICAN FLAGS --> Very accurate.
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
WIZICONS.ZIP 11896 11-10-92 Windows 3.x icons.
(Last Revised: 11/10/92)
WLF3DICO.ZIP 2770 08-09-92 Three Wolfenstein 3D icons for Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 08/09/92)
WNDOW886.ZIP 263035 01-18-92 Windows 3.0 886 Windows Icons
(Last Revised: 01/18/92)
ZICONS1.ZIP 34035 08-27-91 New icons for Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/27/91)
Pg 62
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 29 │WINDOWS Icons Apps/Utils │
│ # of Files: 97 │ Bytes: 5,992,075 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
1400ICON.ZIP 321280 03-18-93 1400 Icons grouped by letter of the alphabet
For MS Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 05/16/92)
ANIMAT.ZIP 64017 05-22-93 Animate icons when a program is minimized.
From Pc Magazine. (Last Revised: 05/21/93)
ANSICO10.ZIP 11041 02-26-91 Convert Windows 3.0 ICOns files into ANSI
Screen. Project of BBS door behind this
small utility.
AZICED18.ZIP 50864 08-25-92 AZ Icon Edit v1.8: MS-Windows app that lets
you create/modify 16 color icons for use with
Program Manager; cut/paste to/from the
clipboard, transparency, capture, fill, image
shifting, line size selection, & 9 different
drawing tools; online help included; 08/25/92
BMPFILE.ZIP 133147 04-12-93 Cartoon Bmp Files For Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/12/93)
BRICON11.ZIP 193347 09-08-91 Icon browser for Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 09/08/91)
CATALO.ZIP 42057 07-15-91 Catalog, sort, and print WIN3 .ICO's
(Last Revised: 07/15/91)
CVTICONS.ZIP 31340 09-14-91 Convert Icons -- Will convert Icons from
windows. Convert icons from windows format to
PM format and vice versa. Also extracts icons
from windows EXE, and DLL's. Source included.
FreeWare. Tested with win 3.0 and OS/2 1.3.
(Last Revised: 09/14/91)
DOSIC110.ZIP 16695 04-15-92 DOSICON v1.10: utility to add variety to the
DOS icon on the WINDOWS 3.0 desktop; displays
minimized DOS applications with user defined
icons; can be hidden or displayed on desktop
as icon; enhanced or standard mode; 04/15/92;
DRIFT.ZIP 10194 11-09-91 Drift 0.01 - This gimmick for Windows makes
all of your Icons and Windows drift on
(Last Revised: 11/09/91)
DROP_04.ZIP 28032 10-04-92 Put Programms In Icons On Windows 3.1 Desktop
(Last Revised: 10/04/92)
DUPICON.ZIP 12328 03-21-91 DUPlicate ICON Processor v1.0: Find/delete
MS-Win 3.0 .ICOs that are exact dupes. K.
Last revision date in archive: 03-21-1991.
FBUILD14.ZIP 26388 01-29-92 Build your own ICONS for Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
GIF2ICON.ZIP 12579 02-19-93 Converts gif files to win 3.x icons.
(Last Revised: 02/19/93)
GRPBIG.ZIP 429540 10-11-92 GrpIcon 2.0 - The Group Icon Customizer ZIP
BIG zip file - read GRPICON.TXT for details
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 63
(Last Revised: 10/11/92)
GRPICO.ZIP 28756 08-18-91 Assign icon to windows program group
3 files - New: 08/18/1991 Old: 08/17/1991
GRPMED.ZIP 317777 10-11-92 GrpIcon 2.0 - The Group Icon Customizer
(Last Revised: 10/11/92)
PP09Downloaded @X0B<5>@X09 times.
ICCH13.ZIP 21433 09-20-91 Icon Chooser V1.0 by Keith Ledbetter. A Handy
Program to Manage All Those Icons You Have
Collected. Requires Vbrun100.dll in Order to
Run. (Visual Basic Run Time Library Which is
Here in Dir 5 as Vbrun100.ZIP)
(Last Revised: 09/20/91)
ICM33.ZIP 149169 07-12-93 Icon Manager v3.3: MS-Windows application
that allows you to read/write icon resource
files, libraries and archives, and extract
icons from Windows pgms; open up to 50
windows simultaneously; view a full screen of
icons, drag/drop to organize them; 07/12/93.
ICNMAGIC.ZIP 37328 03-29-91 Icon Magic gives you the ability to make
professional icons for Microsoft Windows. The
numerous drawing tools allow you to create
your own 16-color (icluding Clear and Inverse
icons, edit standard icon (*.ICO) files, and
modify icons captured from executable (*.EXE)
files or directly from the screen. Icon Magic
can directly assign your custom icons to your
applications with built-in DDE support to
Program Manager, allowing you to bypass File
ICNMVE10.ZIP 5374 03-07-93 Icon Move v1.0: MS-Windows pgm designed to
help manage large icon libraries; icons can
be copied from any directory or drive to any
directory or drive; req VBRUN200.DLL;
03/07/93; Wendy Sarrett/Caro Software.
ICNPWR25.ZIP 45849 04-17-92 IconPower v2.5: MS-Windows 3.x util pgm that
allows for the viewing/mgmt of multiple Win
icon files; w/intuitive drag & drop interface
to seamlessly replace Program Manager icons;
view/replace icons w/in an EXE/DLL file;
edit/ copy/move icons; online help and more;
04/17/92; AZ Computer Innovations.
ICNVMP25.ZIP 12205 01-16-93 ** Icon VuMaster Pro 2.50 - Icon Viewer for
Windows that allows you to view up to 1100
icons by scrolling through them 100 at a
time. This is a really great program that no
one should be without. Written by Sean Bishop
Last revision date in archive: 01-16-1993.
ICNVW10A.ZIP 5903 05-30-92 Icon View v1.0A: MS-Windows util for viewing
.ICO files; displays a directory & file
listing of all specified files and
automatically displays icon files as they are
encountered; 05/30/92
ICOBMP.ZIP 8744 01-11-92 ICOBMP for Windows. Quickly and easily
converts one or many icon files to BMP files
of the same size, colors, etc. Quick and easy
conversion! Written in Visual Basic, requires
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 64
VBRUN100.DLL to operate. Source code
included, but all you really need to run it
is ICOBMP.EXE and VBRUN100.DLL. Enjoy!
Last revision date in archive: 01-11-1992.
ICOCHZ10.ZIP 22993 06-08-91 GREAT icon viewer/chooser for WIN 3
ICOEX111.ZIP 22489 09-28-92 Extract icons from dll and exe files Needs
windows 3.X and vbrun100.dll
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
ICOMAN.ZIP 62780 01-09-93 Iconman is an application which modifies how
Windows handles iconized applications.
(Last Revised: 01/09/93)
ICONB215.ZIP 27638 01-14-93 VB Icon Browser v2.15: MS-Windows icon mgr
Phat allows you to view up to 36 icons at
once and scroll through all icons in a dir;
copy, rename & delete icons using the visual
drag and drop method; search, sort & print;
01/14/93; James Robinson/Valley Programming.
ICONBLS1.ZIP 8777 01-25-93 Icon blaster v.1--view, then erase unwanted
(Last Revised: 01/25/93)
ICONBR20.ZIP 37901 09-28-92 View and print icons needs windows 3.X and
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
ICONC101.ZIP 40329 01-08-92 ICON_C Version 1.01, This program is intended
to allow you to manage your icons in a simple
and intuitive way. You can group icons in
special catalog files for easier reference.
Then you can use the icons in these catalogs
to replace Windows 3.0 Program Manager icons
directly as well as icons in any other
Windows 3.0 file.
(Last Revised: 01/08/92)
ICOND12.ZIP 31480 07-16-90 Icon Drawer version 1.2
ICONDLL.ZIP 9902 02-03-91 convert those *.ICO windows 3.0 icons to .DLL
2 files - New: 02/03/1991 Old: 02/03/1991
ICONDRAW.ZIP 30631 06-26-90 This utilily lets you edit and creat Windows
icon files. It can be used with Program
Manager to let you create spedcial icons for
both DOS and Windows applications. It works
by itself or in conjunction with Icontamr
1 files - New: 06/26/1990 Old: 06/26/1990
ICONES.ZIP 57208 02-07-93 Icon Ease 1.15, Trivializes Icon Attachment
For The WPs.
(Last Revised: 02/07/93)
ICONFIX.ZIP 14886 04-13-91 Retains selected ICON, even in minimized mode
(Last Revised: 04/13/91)
ICONGEN.ZIP 23921 09-07-92 Icon generator and editor. similar to
(Last Revised: 09/07/92)
ICONHOLD.ZIP 38597 05-31-91 Excellent utility from TSunami Software
(freeware). Holds 200 hi quality Win 3.0
icons in an exe so you can store and/or
install them using properties feature within
Windows. Best approach yet.
5 files - New: 06/21/1991 Old: 10/19/1990
ICONIS14.ZIP 17770 04-11-92 Icon Eyes v1.4: MS-Windows pgm that displays
a pair of eyes that follows the cursor;
04/11/92; Stephen Rakonza.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 65
ICONLB.ZIP 60811 07-29-90 This is my favorite collection of icons that
includes the program to run it also. Pretty
neat stuff if you like icons.
21 files - New: 07/29/1990 Old: 06/12/1990
ICONLINK.ZIP 48457 06-16-91 Icon Link for Windows 3.0 - 6/16/91
ICONMA.ZIP 13302 04-25-91 Windows 3.0 Util That Scans All .EXE And .dll
Files And Allows The User to View All Icons
Last revision date in archive: 04-25-1991.
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
ICONPWR.ZIP 49370 08-01-92 ICON POWER for Windows 3.0/3.1 . You can view
multiple Window Icon files at a time.
(Last Revised: 08/01/92)
ICONS3.ZIP 14326 01-23-91 Icons3 is here! Sorry it took so long to get
out, but you know how it is... There are, or
at least should be 34 icons in the file and a
readme.wri file telling you how to use them
in Windows. If you move some of the icons
around on the screen, you might just see some
different and unexpected things...ie, look at
eclipe.ico, you'll see (nothing disgusting,
just fun!) There are also some replacement
icons for those somewhat (YAWN!) less
colorful and not as humorous icons. I'm going
to try to bring out a "complete line" of
these "replacements" later in the year. It
just seems to me that some of the graphic
artists in those big companies have no idea
that windows is all about color...You know
who you are!
ICONTBK.ZIP 42110 06-24-91 Toolbook app w/140 icons you can paste into
your books. The icons are *.ICO files
converted into bitmap/paint objects and can
be scripted just like anything else in
Toolbook..you need full version of Toolbook
to use this..upl. by author.
1 files - New: 06/24/1991 Old: 06/24/1991
ICONUTIL.ZIP 164620 04-27-93 Small package of Icon utilities for Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/27/93)
ICONVC15.ZIP 68066 02-17-93 The Icon Vacuum (IconVac) v1.5: MS-Windows
app that enables you to display, extract,
edit icons; req VBRUN200.DLL; 02/17/93
ICONVIEW.ZIP 3770 06-27-91 A tool for browsing the Visual Basic Icon
Library , or any other Windows 3.0 icons,
On-Line. Handy if you don't happen to have
the Programmer's Guide at hand. A Copy Name
button lets you save the path name of the
desired icon into the Clipboard; where you
can simply paste it into your program.
Written in VB. Needs VBRUN100.DLL.
Last revision date in archive: 06-27-1991.
ICONWRK5.ZIP 75030 06-28-93 IconWorks by Microsoft is a freely
distributed, full-featured .ICO icon editor
for Windows 3.1 that rival many shareware and
commercial packages. Release 5 by L.A.M.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 66
Requires VBRUN300.DLL, not included.
(Last Revised: 06/28/93)
ICONX111.ZIP 19487 05-28-92 Icon Extractor v1.11 for Windows 3.x -
extracts embedded and dynamic link icons as
individual icon files. Reqs VBRUNDLL.ZIP
(Last Revised: 05/28/92)
ICON_170.ZIP 56329 03-31-93 Icontool vs 1.70. Manipulate with Icons on
Your Desktop. Now O.k. For OS/2
(Last Revised: 03/31/93)
ICOS115.ZIP 106142 03-23-93 IcoShow v1.15: Icon viewer and manager for
MS-Win 3.1. Quite sophisticated.
(Last Revised: 03/23/93)
ICOSHO.ZIP 79502 08-02-92 Complete icon browser and extractor for
Windows 3.1. Will find and allow use of icons
buried in EXE or DLL files.
(Last Revised: 08/02/92)
PX09Downloaded @X0B<10>@X09 times.
ICOTOBMP.ZIP 8870 02-15-93 Converts .ICO files to .BMP format.
Last revision date in archive: 02-14-1993.
ICOVIEW.ZIP 228823 06-04-92 Windows Icon viewer...Next 3-D look..very
nice. With animated buttons.
(Last Revised: 06/04/92)
ICREATOR.ZIP 104174 08-01-91 Icon creator for windows 3.1. Great!!.
(Last Revised: 08/01/91)
ICTAMER.EXE 43728 04-12-91 Windows Icon manager from Moon Valley
Software. Works with Paintbrush, IconDraw,
SDK Paint and other Graphics program. View,
edit,Delete, and convert icons from color to
monochrome. Good documentation too. get this
IEDIT31.ZIP 68038 02-18-91 IEdit v3.1 is a full featured tool for
creating & editing icons for Windows. Req DOS
3.0 or greater, VGA, a mouse & a 286 to run.
IEXTRACT.ZIP 28177 01-08-91 Extract Win 3 icon from an .exe file (1/91).
IFX110.ZIP 16512 10-07-91 Customize DOS program icons in Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 10/07/91)
IINJECT.ZIP 33026 02-11-91 Change Icons in Windows EXE files
permanently-works on minimized icons too! PD
IKE.ZIP 14139 02-28-91 IKE Icon Editor for Windows 3.0 - Better than
IKONIZ.ZIP 73709 01-25-93 Ikonize v1.20. Create Windows icons and
wallpapers by screen capture.
(Last Revised: 01/25/93)
ILIB_11.ZIP 58431 04-09-93 The Icon Librarian v1.1 by Keith Ledbetter.
The successor to the popular "Icon Chooser";
Manage up to 100,000 icons in up to 100 user-
defined categories. ASP Member, Shareware.
(Last Revised: 04/09/93)
IMSTR12D.ZIP 122497 05-31-92 IconMaster v1.2D: comprehensive/user friendly
MS-Windows icon management & editing utility;
supports 10 different icon file formats; full
support for Norton Desktop for Windows; fast/
compact Library formats; automatic Zipping &
unZipping to save space; full icon editor w/
transparency; drag'n drop icon sorting,
editing, & Program Manager/NDW icon
installation; online help; 05/31/92
IPAL.ZIP 55645 09-30-92 Icon Palette v1.4 Drag and Drop Pop up icons
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 67
palette for Windows 3.1 or higher.
(Last Revised: 09/30/92)
IPARSE.ZIP 15793 03-31-91 Extract Windows 3.0 Icons from win progs
more than 10,000 icons w/in over 50 windows
(dirs) from icon files & libraries (exe/dll/
nil/icl); prints, copies and moves icons (or
all icons selected from a window), installs
them into program manager, renames or edits
icons one by one and writes them to libraries
(with more than 2,700 icons in one library).
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
JFLASH11.ZIP 59588 06-08-93 JJ Flash - Locate and launch icons by typing
a portion of the name. Simple, elegant
Windows utility. Makes Program manager a
breeze. Can be called up from any Windows or
DOS program with a single key. <ASP>.
(Last Revised: 06/08/93)
LISTICO.ZIP 31844 08-24-90 LISTICO - Win 3 icon viewer. Runs under DOS
(not windows) and shows many Win 3.0 icons
on screen at once. Needs EGA or VGA.
LISTICON.ZIP 13419 02-12-91 Utility to display icons from DOS prompt.
Last revision date in archive: 02-12-1991.
MBAR.ZIP 33945 02-26-92 Allows an ICON to represent file or program.
(Last Revised: 02/26/92)
METER.ZIP 21521 01-10-92 Utility as seen in February 1992 Windows
magazine that places icons on your screen for
each drive that contain the amount of free
disk space (percentage) on each drive.
Last revision date in archive: 01-10-1992.
MRICON.ZIP 51457 12-04-91 A nice utilitiy for Window icons.
(Last Revised: 12/04/91)
MSGICO20.ZIP 36659 03-03-93 MsgIcon v2.00: Replaces the standard icons of
MS-Win 3.1 (Info, Question, Exclamation &
Stop) with an animated icon. You can create
your own if you're unemployed or otherwise
have too much spare time.
(Last Revised: 03/03/93)
NAPICO11.ZIP 38902 04-04-93 NAPICO version 1.1 will take a specially prep
NAPLPS drawing and insert Windows 3 icons int
it as NAPLPS bitmaps. Includes sample images.
(Last Revised: 04/04/93)
NICON05.ZIP 56424 03-31-93 Nicon V2.2: Icon Editor for MS Windows. Draw
dots, lines, squares, circles, and paint.
Clip, flip, or scroll icons in any direction.
(Last Revised: 03/31/93)
NILBUILD.ZIP 5930 01-13-93 Norton Desktop for Windows icon library
builder... uses the batch language with the
iconeditor to collect ico's together to make
new mil's from Symantec bbs.
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
NODOS2.ZIP 50023 04-18-91 Version 2.11 of NoDOS, the 'DOS' icon
Eliminator, from New World Software! Display
DOS apps as any icon you choose - not just in
the Program Manager, but when minimized on
the Windows desktop! Works with .COM, .EXE,
NORGRID.ZIP 2052 08-29-91 A grid to line up icons for Norton Desktop.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 68
Last revision date in archive: 08-29-1991.
PHISH.ZIP 63385 01-06-92 PhishEdit version 1.3 Icon Editor for Windows
3.0 has lots of unique options to edit & draw
your own icons, including the ability to edit
up to eight different icons at one time.
Last revision date in archive: 01-06-1992.
PIFHELP.ZIP 11459 06-22-91 PIF Helper 2.0 is a Windows utility that
eliminates the need for different
application icons for different start-up
directories. Add PIFHELP to the icon command
line and start your application on any start-
up directory using only a single icon.
Shareware ($39.95) from Digital Solutions.
2 files - New: 06/22/1991 Old: 06/22/1991
PPLOADER.ZIP 31142 07-30-91 Windows 3.0 utility to load groups of
programs from one icon. Supports minimized &
maximized + hidden program loading.
Last revision date in archive: 07-30-1991.
RESTLS.ZIP 79806 11-23-91 Mr Icon v1.2 and Mr Bitmap v1.1: MS-Windows
pgms that will allow you to view all icons
and bitmaps within that pgm; currently
displayed icon or bitmap can be replaced by
an icon or bitmap of any size, or can be
saved into a separate icon or bitmap file, or
its group can be saved into an icon or bitmap
(Last Revised: 11/23/91)
SUPERICO.ZIP 18739 12-26-91 Multiple icon view with zip and unzip
capabilities. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. Delete,
view, unzip and re-zip icon library files.
(Last Revised: 12/26/91)
TILECON.ZIP 13028 11-17-92 Tilecon: Simple Utility That Converts
Microsoft Icons Into Mah Jongg Tiles And Vice
Versa. Includes Pascal Source Code.
(Last Revised: 11/17/92)
V12N11.ZIP 195906 05-17-93 PC-MAG's ANIMAT∙EXE: ICON ANIMATOR, a Windows
3.1 utility that lets you bring an icon to
life by displaying a timed sequence of icon
frames in place of the usual static icon∙
Also included are VCOPY2.BAT, HELPRINT.BAT,
(Last Revised: 05/13/93)
VBICONBR.ZIP 44334 05-30-92 View, Maintain & Print Icons, Needs VBRUN.ZIP
(Last Revised: 05/30/92)
VI101.ZIP 22373 11-07-90 View Icon is a Win3 utility program which
allows the viewing of multiple icon files
contained within a directory specified by the
VIEWICO.ZIP 43878 06-26-91 Windows 3.0 icon viewer and extractor
1 files - New: 06/26/1991 Old: 06/26/1991
VIEWICON.ZIP 3080 09-29-91 Viewer is Written in Visual Basic For Win 3.0
And Need The File Vbrun100.Dll to Run
W3ICO_ED.ZIP 28048 01-01-91 Create your own Windows 3 ICONs, browse, or
edit existing icons with a simple pixel level
graphics editor for use with .ICO files. A
Non-Windows Application.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 69
WINTLICS.ZIP 339338 06-24-91 Tools for implementing Windows Icons.
(Last Revised: 06/24/91)
WMICON.ZIP 91623 12-03-92 WindowMagic 1.0b lets you easily change
Windows Program Manager group and application
icons. It uses a simple drag and drop
interface and can read icons from any .DLL
or .EXE file. Contains application list and
launch feature. Shareware ($19.95+ $5.95 S&H)
Dated 12/3/92
Pg 70
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 30 │WINDOWS Screen Blankers │
│ # of Files: 101 │ Bytes: 5,243,454 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
AD-MODS.ZIP 160559 10-08-92 Additional Screen Savers For The After Dark
Screen Saver Program
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
AD-WAR.ZIP 1946 08-04-91 New add in module for PC Afterdark screen
saver. 08/04/91
AD20_C.ZIP 385325 04-23-93 Updates After Dark 2.0 for Windows to 2.0C.
This is a file patch only!!
(Last Revised: 04/23/93)
AD3PTY.ZIP 2316 05-08-93 Collection of After Dark Screen Saver Modules
Made by 3rd Party Organizations. All The
Modules Have Been Tested And Work, Except For
"dollars," Which Causes A Gpf on my machine.
(Last Revised: 05/08/93)
ADCPL.ZIP 18492 02-11-92 Control Panel Launcher for After Dark lets
you configure After Dark from the Win 3.1
Control Panel; 04/17/92; New World Software.
(Last Revised: 10/07/91)
ADMODS.ZIP 21444 11-05-91 Sleep modules for AfterDark, the ultimate
MS-Windows screen saver by Berkeley Systems;
inc "HeartBeat" and "Icon Hunter" by Bill
Stewart/Ian MacDonald & "Splat" by Rick Sands
(Last Revised: 11/05/91)
ADRKW20C.ZIP 525055 07-01-93 Updates any version 2.0x of AfterDark for
Windows to version 2.0c.
(Last Revised: 07/01/93)
ADWFIX.ZIP 34673 04-20-92 Bug fixes for After Dark/Win ver 2.
(Last Revised: 04/20/92)
AD_DLL.ZIP 8256 10-02-92 After dark latest ad_snd.dll file from berkel
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
AUTOPAK.ZIP 26211 07-26-92 Autodim rev 2.00 dos & windows screen blankr.
(Last Revised: 07/26/92)
AUTOS.ZIP 58786 06-17-93 SCR Windows Screen Saver of two cars crashing
headon. Sound effects of a crash with a sound
card. New:06-17-1993 Old:06-17-1993
BALL.ZIP 22172 09-29-92 "Crazy Balls" (ahem) MS-Win 3.1 desktop
blanker .SCR. You can adjust their number &
size (it's cheaper than Proscar).
(Last Revised: 09/29/92)
BARTIZ31.ZIP 66062 12-13-91 BARTEYES v3.1: mouse tracker/screen blanker
for MS-Windows;
(Last Revised: 12/13/91)
BB11.ZIP 46603 03-01-92 Blink Blank v1.1: MS-Windows screen blanker
that can display a message on your PC during
the time you are away; thru a series of
intuitive menus you can build/store up to 99
common messages to be displayed & if someone
stops by while you're away, they can type a
message which will be displayed to you when
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 71
you return, automatically time-stamped; req
(Last Revised: 03/01/92)
BEAT-AD.ZIP 9536 09-28-92 After Dark .AD module - Heartbeat
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
BLANK51A.ZIP 58599 03-29-92 Blank-It v5.1a Screen saver for DOS or
Windows. Mouse support. (3-92).
(Last Revised: 03/29/92)
BLANKER.ZIP 7593 02-14-91 A screen blanker. No special effects, but
saves disk space! For Windows 3.0
3 files - New: 02/14/1991 Old: 02/14/1991
BLANKNOW.ZIP 16769 10-20-92 Blank Now V1.5 For Win 3.x. Activate Screen
Blankers on Demand From This Icon. From Cis.
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
BLIND2.ZIP 14518 07-09-92 Screen saver module for screen saver included
with Win 3.1 desktop. New version, replaces
ssblind.zip. Blinds slide shut over windows.
Sound board suuport, source code included.
(Last Revised: 07/09/92)
BLNK11.ZIP 12856 01-28-92 Blank v1.1: simple MS-Windows screen blanker
that blanks the screen until the time out
limit you specify expires or you move your
mouse cursor all the way down to the lower,
right corner of the screen - at that point,
Blank blacks out the screen and begins moving
an icon (configurable) around at a speed you
specify; 01/28/92; Steven Van Riper.
(Last Revised: 01/28/92)
BUGS.ZIP 39639 09-24-92 Bugs eat your screen - PC Mag add-in for 3.1
Screen Saver
PLast Revised: 10/06/92)
COOLSCR.ZIP 110496 07-15-93 Four screen savers for Windows 3.1. Includes
a neat one called "Food Fight!" Files: 6
(Last Revised: 07/15/93)
DANCBEAR.ZIP 19293 03-06-93 Dancing bear screen saver for windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 03/06/93)
DANPIG.ZIP 10338 05-23-91 Module for Screen Saver Intermission
2 files - New: 05/23/1991 Old: 05/01/1991
ENCE.ZIP 5780 06-07-91 Another Intermission 2.0 screen saver module
(Last Revised: 06/07/91)
ENGAGE10.ZIP 48921 11-04-92 ENGAGE! V1.0 for Windows 3.1 - Utility that
places an icon on your desktop, simply
doubleclick on the icon to ENGAGE the Windows
3.1 screen saver. Requires Windows 3.1 and
the VBRUN100.DLL file. FREEWARE.
Last revision date in archive: 11-04-1992.
EXPLO210.ZIP 228319 10-02-92 Explosiv 2.10 is the one screen saver that
addresses all your DOS(R) and Microsoft(R)
Windows(TM) computing needs. You'll find it
both entertaining and practical as beautiful
displays save your computer screen from
harmful burn-in. Compatible on machines
running DOS 3.x and up, Windows 3.x and up,
and PC networks. Explosiv now includes the
complete set of displays in this file.
(Last Revised: 10/02/92)
FIRE54.ZIP 20595 02-17-91 Win 3.0, Firework 5.40, screen blanking
program displaying fireworks. This version is
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 72
being released as "freeware".
FIREW-AD.ZIP 16058 09-28-92 After Dark .AD module - Fireworks
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
FISH@.ZIP 90532 08-14-91 Windows Screen Saver
(Last Revised: 08/14/91)
FPLACE.ZIP 30829 03-21-90 Fireplace graphic for W3.0
1 files - New: 03/20/1990 Old: 03/20/1990
FWCOPY.ZIP 6601 03-09-92 Copy Utility to Make Alternative Screen
Blanker Displays For Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 03/09/92)
GORGE.ZIP 21527 12-04-92 AfterDARK screen saver module -- windsurfing
in the Columbia River Gorge. Watch out for
the barges !!
(Last Revised: 12/04/92)
HALMOD.ZIP 1973 05-08-93 After Dark Screen Module That Emulates Hal's
Computer Display in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Comes With A Multimodule Which Combines The
Hal Display With Other ad Screensavers For an
Interesting Console Display.
(Last Revised: 05/08/93)
HOTSPO.ZIP 14755 04-02-92 Windows 3.1 ONLY - enable/disable screen
saver w/mouse.
Last revision date in archive: 04-02-1992.
HSAVER.ZIP 88200 09-16-92 Installable screensavers for Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 09/16/92)
HSCRBLNK.ZIP 19420 02-20-91 Screen Saver for Windows V3.
IMXADR.ZIP 12441 04-10-92 Import Filter For Intermission 2.0+ to Import
After Dark Modules Version 1.0 Thru 2.0
Includes Sound Support!
(Last Revised: 04/10/92)
KALDEMO.ZIP 9238 03-25-91 Win 3.0, Kaleidoscope v2b13, screen saver
and a very colorful aray of color pixels.
LIMBO.ZIP 13107 03-29-92 LIMBO Screen Saver module for AfterDark Your
program icons dance around the screen in
"limbo" while your screen in being saved.
(Last Revised: 03/29/92)
MAGIC140.ZIP 46888 03-06-92 Latest upgrade to Magic Screen Saver for
Windows! Feel free to evaluate for 15 days
for free. If you like it, send us $25, and
we'll send you the latest version of Magic,
Installer, and manual. The version you
receive will not ask for the shareware fee as
the evaluation version does. Enjoy!!
(Last Revised: 03/06/92)
MAGIC_SS.ZIP 49920 03-06-92 A windows 3.x screensaver (newest file date:
MANYTHNG.ZIP 25006 04-15-93 PD screen saver with Visual Basic 2 source
code. (Last Revised: 04/15/93)
MARQSL10.ZIP 28455 04-27-92 Marquee Selector v1.0: MS-Windows utility to
instantly change your screen saver marquee to
suit your mood, or leave an informative
message to your coworkers about why you're
away from your computer; store/retrieve up to
25 different marquees plus 3 default
marquees; 04/27/92; Tim Worley.
MARTIN10.ZIP 35545 02-28-93 Windows (.scr) screen saver by Phil Robinson
Draws Martin Fractals. Free.
(Last Revised: 02/28/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 73
MODS01.ZIP 171549 11-15-91 For After Dark Windows, a group of Scren
savers including: Japanese, Airhead,
Meltdown, and other
(Last Revised: 11/15/91)
MOONTARC.ZIP 74009 09-25-92 Moontool for Windows 3.x. Phases of the moon
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
MORESPX.ZIP 14128 09-25-90 More Windows wallpapers for Screen Peace
Screen Saver.
MS20B.ZIP 21024 05-01-91 Monitor Saver 2.0b - An excellent Windows 3.0
screen saver.
5 files - New: 05/01/1991 Old: 07/04/1990
MSWINSAV.ZIP 156853 08-11-92 16 .SCR files for MS Windows' built-in screen
saver that is accessed through Control Panel.
(Last Revised: 08/11/92)
MVTIME.ZIP 40052 03-25-93 ▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒
new Movie Time Screen Saver is the best
screen saver yet! Play AVI movies or display
still graphic in .gif, .pcx, and .bmp
formats. You can customize Movie Time with
passwords, and turn the sound on and off.
The movies play in "full screen" AVI mode.
(Last Revised: 03/25/93)
MVTIME10.ZIP 39806 03-25-93 Movie Time v1.0: MS-Windows screen saver that
enables you to play AVI movies or display
still graphics in GIF, PCX, & BMP formats;
customize w/passwords and turn the sound on &
off; movies play in full screen AVI mode.
(Last Revised: 03/25/93)
MWSCRN.ZIP 8360 05-23-90 Another microsoft window saver.
MYCLOCK.ZIP 116458 07-05-92 Clock program and screen saver windows.
(Last Revised: 07/05/92)
NEWSPX.ZIP 22122 08-12-90 And even more screen savers from Screen Peace
PRESTO10.ZIP 8096 02-08-93 Presto Saver v1.0: allows you to activate the
default MS-Windows screen saver instantly;
(Last Revised: 02/08/93)
QIXSPX.ZIP 9610 08-29-91 New .SPX module for Screen Peace screen saver
(MS Windows 3.0) - QIXREC.SPX 8/91.
(Last Revised: 08/29/91)
RR306.ZIP 21635 11-13-90 RETINA RELIEF v.3.06 11/90 Windows 3.0
screen saver w/password and many different
animations to brighten your day.
RS100.ZIP 69585 04-17-92 RandScrn v1.0: MS-Windows 3.1 screen saver
that allows you to run screen savers randomly
04/17/92; David A. Feinleib.
SANTASCR.ZIP 26166 12-14-92 Screen Saver for Windows 3.x of Santa
flying on the screen.
(Last Revised: 12/14/92)
SAVER.ZIP 110902 07-12-91 Win 3.0 Screen Saver Randomly Displays
Chinese Characters on Your Screen
(Last Revised: 07/12/91)
SAVERAFD.ZIP 2054 09-12-92 A few neat screen savers for windows
afterdark, these are multi-module, and i use
them frequently.
(Last Revised: 09/12/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 74
SAVERS.ZIP 70380 04-17-92 Screen "savers" in MS-Win 3.1 desktop format:
Includes one which will randomly select all
others. Options include changing Win's
wallpaper every time you return from the
saver (oh, gee). But, his FISHES and CLOCK
are cute. The EXE in here self-extracts.
(Last Revised: 04/17/92)
SAVERS31.ZIP 72570 04-14-92 Additional screens for the built-in screen
saver in Windows 3.1 Shareware 04-14-1992.
SAVNOW.ZIP 13649 05-01-92 SaveNow is an MS-Windows 3.1 screen saver in
Windows self-extracting form; 05/01/92;
SAVR1.ZIP 7839 06-01-90 Saver is a Win3 screen blanker. Dated 6/90
SB3DLL.ZIP 72090 03-27-92 Down Loaded From Compuserve For After Dark,
Screen Blanking Program. I'm Sure it Cost A
(Last Revised: 03/27/92)
SBLIND.ZIP 14142 07-07-92 Windows 3.1 Screen saver.
(Last Revised: 07/07/92)
SCPL12.ZIP 23712 05-07-92 Screenplay v1.2: MS-Windows screensaver that
has a variety of controls/presets to allow an
infinite number of designs to be shown and
the designs can also be animated on the
desktop as wallpaper; 05/07/92
SCRNAC12.ZIP 23720 08-03-92 Screen Saver Activator v1.2: MS-Windows util
program that will activate the screen saver
built into Windows 3.1, useful in allowing
you to quickly conceal sensitive information
on the screen or lock your computer; can run
as either a hidden window or an icon;
08/03/92; Chris Rossi.
SCRPE12.ZIP 34542 06-30-90 Screen Peace v 1.2. Awesome screen saver for
Windows 3.0. Expandable! Get SPX2.ZIP and
NEWSPX.ZIP for additional saver additions.
Author has revamped it into the
now-commercial version, Intermission.
SCRSHW12.ZIP 90189 05-07-92 ScreenShow v1.2: MS-Windows screen saver that
will play .FLI/.FLC animation files as well
as display .BMP, .RLE and .DIB files; the
flics and image files can be combined into a
script file which allows fade, looping, speed
control and other control parameters;
includes password and autoload features;
05/07/92; Kamyan Software.
SCRUTL91.ZIP 6929 08-21-91 Scrutil v9.1 update to egautil. Supports ega/
vga/8514/a card. Screen blanker & windows
blanker dll.
Last revision date in archive: 08-21-1991.
SEASCA.ZIP 169872 01-23-93 Seascape V1.1, a screen saver for Windows 3.1
displays relatively realistic fish (Srgt.
Majors) which swim around and eat small food
creatures. This saver works with WIN 3.1
built in screen saver function. 1/23/93.
SEASCA13.ZIP 174010 05-14-93 SEASCAPE 1.3 - Relatively Realistic Fish
Seascape is a Windows 3.1 screensaver which
displays relatively realistic fish and tiny
animals on which they feed. <ASP>
(Last Revised: 05/14/93)
SEQIMX.ZIP 5585 02-10-91 Sequencer Intermission addition- Cycles
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 75
through screen savers every xx minutes.
SHOW21.ZIP 86967 04-16-92 Show v2.1: BMP presentation program that can
be used to display presentations of
information to others or can be used as a
screen saver, displaying your favorite
pictures; fully functional but is limited to
5 BMP images in this version; MS-Windows is
required 04/16/92; Ted Ott.
SKATT.ZIP 72980 11-03-92 MS-Win 3.1 .SCReen saver: PC Week/Spenser.
(Last Revised: 11/03/92)
SLEEPR.ZIP 9383 08-29-91 Updated Norton Desktop Sleeper Module.
Last revision date in archive: 08-29-1991.
SLWIN20.ZIP 45807 12-13-92 ShowLogo v2.0: screen saver for MS-Windows;
instead of just blanking your screen, it
displays a logo (or other scanned or painted
image), or allows you to leave a message or
lock the system; requires VGA or better;
12/13/92; Bill Mann/Desert Frog Software.
SMELT.ZIP 6820 10-07-92 Win 3.) Screen saver. Screen appears to melt.
(Last Revised: 10/07/92)
SPX2.ZIP 44688 07-06-90 More screen savers for Screen Peace
SS211.ZIP 44546 07-08-91 Screen Saver V2.11 For Win 3.0
(Last Revised: 07/08/91)
SSBAT.ZIP 19804 08-11-92 Bat-Blinds is a screen saver module for
MSWindows' built-in screen saver;
organo-metalic bands wrap around each of your
windows to protect them from prying eyes
w/opt whiplike sound; 08/11/92; Paul Gyugyi.
SSCORP14.ZIP 35365 02-14-93 Corporate Logo Screen Saver v1.4. A screen
saver for Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 02/14/93)
STARRY_T.ZIP 1764 04-04-92 Starry Toasters AfterDark module for Win 3.
(Last Revised: 04/04/92)
STARSAVE.ZIP 17547 03-04-91 Screen saver for Win3.0.
Past revision date in archive: 03-04-1991.
SUPSLIM.ZIP 8359 04-02-92 Super Slim Screen Saver For Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/02/92)
THREE_AD.ZIP 14857 04-11-92 Three new modules for After Dark. Weave does
not work in demo mode.
(Last Revised: 04/11/92)
V11N17.ZIP 72235 09-24-92 PC Mag v11n17: BUGS - MS-Windows 3.1 screen
saver utility that creates voracious "bugs"
that gradually eat away the display on your
screen when your monitor stays idle for more
than a few minutes; MIDPLA/RENVER/WINAPP/
SAVENO/RENVER; 09/24/92.
VRTLMN10.ZIP 73467 01-15-92 This is a small program that allows Windows
users to see more than one screen saver or
screen at a time. It is sort of like Wide
angle, but can do 12 screens instead of 9.
It is neat. Supports a alot of the popular
screen savers. It is small, but real neat....
It does need Windows to operate! 1/15/92
WALIENS.ZIP 59270 02-23-93 Win Aliens - New Screen saver for Windows 3.1
Has nice animations.
(Last Revised: 02/23/93)
WBLNKRX1.ZIP 38298 12-28-90 Screen Blanker v1.00B for Windows 3.0
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 76
Features Roving Clock, Shuffle Puzzle, Melt,
Multiple Flashlights, Particle Orbits, etc.
WIN3FISH.ZIP 88479 02-28-91 Fish in Windows.
Last revision date in archive: 02-28-1991.
WINDIM12.ZIP 86227 07-10-92 New type of screen blanker for Win 31 slowly
darkens the screen after n min. Of
(Last Revised: 07/10/92)
WNBLN315.ZIP 34244 05-03-92 Harry's Screen Blanker v3.15: MS-Windows 3.0
screen blanker; password protection;
quickblanking when mouse is in upper left
corner; tells you how many times someone
tried to enter in a password to unblank
(Last Revised: 05/03/92)
WNPAK1.ZIP 157990 01-29-93 This is a package containing 8 original
Windows 3.1 animated Screen Savers. Comes
complete with a quick and easy "setup"
program. Simply run "setup" and then
activate these Win3.1 screen saver add-ons
via the Windows Control Panel/Desktop. This
package contains exciting new animation,
and offers optional password security and
user-selectable timeout values. Developed
by a member of the ASP. Dated 1/29/93
WP_SPX.ZIP 5929 08-25-91 New .SPX module for Screen peace screen saver
(MS Windows 3.0) - WPINVADE.SPX 8/91.
(Last Revised: 08/25/91)
YASS10.ZIP 19921 04-14-92 YASS (Yet Another Screen Saver) v1.0: screen
saver for Windows 3.1; 04/14/92
Pg 77
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 31 │WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In A-G │
│ # of Files: 164 │ Bytes: 16,358,292 │ Updated: 08/21/93 02:36 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
!WDK413A.ZIP 191811 07-15-93 WinDisKlone v4.13 for Windows 3.x Single pass
diskette copier with cooperative multitasking
for true background operation. That is, you
can do other things while copying diskettes.
Automatic "upsizing" too! Puts PM's diskcopy
& format to shame. Compressed file images,
compare, clean, fastformat, etc. Single,
multi, and network versions available.
(Last Revised: 07/15/93)
#MASSOC1.ZIP 223683 02-10-93 ┌───[ MULTIPLE ASSOC. V1.0 FRALEY COMP ]───┐
(Last Revised: 02/10/93)
2D10.ZIP 28427 10-25-91 Another Windows File Manager.
(Last Revised: 10/25/91)
4ALNCH10.ZIP 9174 01-01-93 4A Launch v1.00: Ultimate app launcher for
MS-Windows that allows you to browse all your
floppy/hard drives for applications to run &
you can choose whether that pgm is launched
Maximized, normal, or minimized).
VBRUN200.DLL is req'd. 01/01/93
4WIN106B.ZIP 31133 07-15-91 Win3.0 A shell to accomplish many of the
tasks done in a DOS window, but has many of
(the 4DOS niceties (history, global, exclude)
The program is great for those that can't run
DOS in a window and it saves everyone 600K as
it only needs 40K. Best of all, it's
3 files - New: 07/15/1991 Old: 06/28/1991
ACADV.ZIP 698206 02-10-93 Maintenance Patch for Xtree for Windows 1.0
(Last Revised: 02/10/93)
ACCESS31.ZIP 200908 11-01-92 New version of the popular task manager.
(Last Revised: 11/01/92)
ACCMATE.ZIP 7186 09-21-91 Accessory Mate 1.0 for Windows is a program
that allows you to have instant access to all
of the Microsoft Windows programs that were
shipped with Windows. You can now Launch
these programs from a single Icon, instead of
a slew of Icons cluttering
and hogging your Valuable Desktop
space. Accessory Mate creates a large window
with check-box listings for all of the
standard Windows accessories. It requires the
VBRUN100.DLL module to run. 9/21/91
ADCK300S.ZIP 67538 10-15-91 This is an advanced, lightweight, easy to use
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 78
alternative to the program manager! Much
time, thought, and effort went into the
production of this fine front-end for
Last revision date in archive: 10-15-1991.
ADVCMD.ZIP 7552 06-20-92 Norton Batch Builder advanced commands
documentation for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 06/20/92)
ALFRED.ZIP 11362 04-21-93 This is a neat Windows utility that stays on
the screen in minimized form and by clicking
on it, the user can access various windows
applications. Its a shareware utility.
(Last Revised: 04/21/93)
AMISH.ZIP 125862 11-05-91 Windows task switcher - great !!!!
(Last Revised: 11/05/91)
AMW11.ZIP 170839 11-01-92 Arcmaster 1.1 for MS-Win 3.1: Front-end shell
from Newlin for various compression utils
(DOS programs, so this program will end up
exec'ing non-Win apps).
(Last Revised: 11/01/92)
ANIMTE.ZIP 245782 11-13-92 Servantware announces the animation kit. the
kit contains robust samples illustating how
to add bitmap, text, and cursor animation to
your applications. complete with help file
and installation program. $20 (us) -- visa,
mastercard accepted. requires windows 3.1,
SDK etc.
(Last Revised: 11/13/92)
APDCK410.ZIP 63387 10-20-92 Application Dock for Windows 4.10 The
latest release of the original icon-bar
program launcher for Windows. Enhanced
Functionality. Requires Windows 3.1
Last revision date in archive: 10-21-1992.
APLAUNCH.ZIP 21044 07-24-91 Visual Basic alternative to desktop of icons.
Requires vbrun100.dll. Freeware..
4 files - New: 07/25/1991 Old: 07/23/1991
APPBAR33.ZIP 133365 09-03-92 Version 3.3 of this great application bar for
windows. Freeware.
(Last Revised: 09/03/92)
APPDIR11.ZIP 75366 07-31-92 Applications Director v1.1 - A Windows
application launch utility with a powerful
desktop menu system. The menu is easily
configured, supports one level of sub-menu
items, and includes a powerful Run
Application dialog with history. It can be
run as a shell in place of Program Manager.
(Last Revised: 07/31/92)
APPMAN.ZIP 13866 12-28-91 Install Windows 3 applications from a script.
(Last Revised: 12/28/91)
APPPAD37.ZIP 372867 05-14-93 This program provides you with an alternative
to Windows' Program Manager. It is an
an application pad that stays on one side of
your screen. You can launch your favorite
programs from it. It comes with a digital
clock, a calender, an X-EYES, a screen
blanker and more! (Last Revised: 05/14/93)
ARCH08.ZIP 182458 07-04-91 Do you hate the clumsy filemanager in
Windows? A super file manager good for
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 79
networks and much more. Protected mode
version 286 and up.
archive: 07-04-1991.
14 files - New: 07/14/1991 Old: 07/03/1991
ARCHP11.ZIP 291420 07-28-92 Archon v1.10: desktop information storage/
retrieval system for MS-Windows; manage all
files by storing in a database on harddisks,
floppies, networks; fast retrieval; text,
spreadsheet and archive files have fulltext
index; 68 built-in & unlimited user-defined
file formats; drag & drop; 4DOS/NDOS
descriptions support; 07/28/92; ErgoSoft AG
Program Files [2/2].
ARCHW102.ZIP 73316 11-05-91 Archiver v1.01 Zip & Arc front end for
Windows. Requires Visual Basic runtime lib.
Last revision date in archive: 11-05-1991.
ARCMAN10.ZIP 56059 12-25-92 Combination Archive/File Manager For Windows
(Last Revised: 12/25/92)
ARCMST01.ZIP 255337 07-16-92 File/Archive/Program manager for Windows.
(Last Revised: 07/16/92)
ARCWN222.ZIP 63434 01-07-93 Latest edition of Miller-Ware Windows based
file archiver using PKZIP or LHZ. Good
looking front-end. Reasonably intuitive.
(Last Revised: 01/07/93)
ARJNDW.ZIP 38263 06-24-92 The ArjNdw Interface is an easy to use, menu
driven WINDOWS interface for ARJ that uses
plain english (instead of DOS switches) to
give you access to many of the more
frequently used features of ARJ; will allow
basic operation of PkZip, PkunZip, Lha and
Pak; written using Norton's Batchbuilder & as
such may be easily customized; 06/24/92
ARUN10.ZIP 7737 10-01-91 Window 3.0 Autorun V1.0 - Simplifies the
setting and changing of the programs that
auto execute opon booting windows,windows
will auto run all programs in the group name
(Last Revised: 10/01/91)
ATTRUB.ZIP 26388 08-11-92 File attribute manager for Windows, supports
drag and drop
(Last Revised: 08/11/92)
AUTOSTUB.ZIP 4331 07-08-92 This is A Replacement For Winstub.EXE That
Will Automatically Load Windows if The Pgm is
Run From The DOS Prompt, Rather Than Just
Saying "this Program Requires Microsoft
Windows". Version 1.2; Includes Source Code.
(Last Revised: 07/08/92)
AWIN220.ZIP 414434 11-16-92 ARCHIVER for Windows v2.20: MS-Windows
environment for PKZIP/PKUNZIP/LHA/ARJ &
supports ZOO/ARCE decompression pgms &
SCAN/VIRx virus detection pgms; has many
advanced features including format
conversion, self-extract creation, selectable
file viewer, launch pad, system info, error
trapping and more.
(Last Revised: 11/16/92)
AWLOCK36.ZIP 63323 07-26-93 WinLock for Windows v3.06 - Winlock protects
your Microsoft Windows and LAN environment
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 80
from unauthorized users. The easy to use
security features lock Windows at start up,
on demand, and automatically when you're not
at your desk. Intruders are confronted with
a flashing red screen, an audible alarm, and
deterrent messages. Includes a security audit
trail and screen blanker. Is compatible with
most screen savers. TeraVision, Inc. $19.00
(Last Revised: 07/26/93)
AXESS200.ZIP 100760 10-19-92 Open Axess for windows - enhances the file
selection dialog box with last file/dir
choice. Useful.
(Last Revised: 10/19/92)
BBAR.ZIP 108288 05-05-92 ButtonBar Plus is a Windows Program Launcher
that utilizes a Tool Bar concept.
(Last Revised: 05/05/92)
BCHREF.ZIP 23264 06-20-92 Interactive tutorial for Norton DeskTop for
Windows backup using WBT.
(Last Revised: 06/20/92)
BCKMN232.ZIP 85282 03-11-92 BackMenu v2.32: allows you to define a popup
menu on the Windows 3.0 background and use it
to quickly run applications and tools;
(Last Revised: 03/11/92)
BDLX32.ZIP 266470 01-06-93 ButtonStar Deluxe v3.2. Full featured program
launcher for Windows 3.1. Requires
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
BLAUNCH.ZIP 15209 01-21-92 Blaunch.exe v1.1 Windows Shell Program Launch
all your Windows executables with a click of
a button. Augment the speed of the File
Manager and save on System Resources. Instant
access to a "run" command line on the
Last revision date in archive: 01-21-1992.
BROWSER.ZIP 8470 02-08-92 A unique Windows file manager V1.0, nice VB
program. Requires VBRUN100.DLL
(Last Revised: 02/08/92)
BSTAR2.ZIP 155892 09-09-92 ButtonStar Plus. Program launcher for
Windows.Needs VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 09/09/92)
BTM_09.ZIP 92091 06-01-93 The Byzans Task Manager (BTM) is a
replacement Task Manager for MS Windows 3.1.
BTM combines the functionality of the Windows
Task List and Program Manager. It provides
access to your favorite applications as well
as to the commonly used Windows accessories.
You can easily launch programs from the
command line, which has a buffer of twenty
items. You can also arrange the windows on
your desktop. BTM is available on demand at
any moment during your Windows session.
(Last Revised: 06/01/93)
BUILDER.ZIP 11962 11-03-90 Makes an Icon that sits on the desktop. A
double click and it will launch your
applications. Useful tool and configurable.
Last revision date in archive: 11-03-1990.
CAPTASK.ZIP 6510 02-27-93 Norton Desktop for Windows v2.0 Batch File to
Put Time & Date in caption bar, plus offer
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 81
access to Task List & more....
(Last Revised: 02/27/93)
CATCH.ZIP 39373 01-31-93 A Batch Language For Microsoft Windows 3.X.
(Last Revised: 01/31/93)
CB170.ZIP 221651 11-24-92 The Latest Incarnation Of Clysmic Software'S
Clysbar For Windows 3.1. In My Opinion, The
Best Of The Toolbars For Windows. The
Toolbars Can Be Any Length And/Or Nested,
With Many Other Features.
(Last Revised: 11/24/92)
CBSDK10.ZIP 23103 12-18-92 ClySmic Icon Bar (Clysbar) Add-In Software
Development Kit v1.00: designed to help you
create your own Add-Ins (.CLB files) for
Clysbar; examples are in TP for Windows and
Borland C; requires Win31, Clysbar 1.70 and
suitable compiler that can create Windows DLL
files; 12/18/92; Ralph B. Smith Jr/ clySmic
CCIZIP20.ZIP 221256 09-02-92 Best Windows archive manager
(Last Revised: 09/02/92)
CDR.ZIP 6237 07-27-92 NDW 2.0 Updated Viewer for Corel 3.0
(Last Revised: 07/27/92)
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
CONTENTS.ZIP 6622 11-01-91 Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Release 1.00
This simple program used to list the contents
of a directory. It allows you to delete, and
edit any file. It is far more useful than it
sounds. Use this small app, instead of having
to drag out File Manager, while using another
application. Requires VBRUN100.DLL =-=
Last revision date in archive: 11-01-1991.
COPYIT12.ZIP 28648 01-27-91 Copyit v1.2 for Windows 3.0, is a file
management program that will let you copy,
delete, rename, move, and many other items.
COUNTERP.ZIP 102289 02-16-91 Counterpoint Graphical Menu System v.2.3 A
graphicaL menu system that uses icons but
doesn't requires Windows. EGA only in this
demo version. (commerical version supports
CGA, Herc, EGA and VGA. Includes icon editor
to ask your own icons. Can passwork protect
individual icons.
(Last Revised: 02/16/91)
CP-80G.ZIP 365030 11-16-92 Command Post - A powerful text-based shell
for Windows. Programmable menus, built-in
batch language, super file manager, file
viewer and more. $49.95.
Last revision date in archive: 11-16-1992.
CPTAPE11.ZIP 125059 03-24-93 Tape Backup Manager For Central Point
Software Under Windows. 03/24/93
CPY4U231.ZIP 31974 02-04-93 COPY4U v2.31: MS-Windows 1-pass, multitasking
disk copy and format program; 02/04/93;
CT221.ZIP 172645 08-16-92 CT-Shell v 2.21: for Windows 3.1, and higher,
is a small, convenient and fast program
launcher, windows batch file processor, file
manager, command line interface and dos
command processor, event scheduler, alarm
clock, configurable menuing system, file
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 82
listing utility and file encryption system.
Batch file processing of Dos, Windows and
CT-Shell internal commands is new in this
Last revision date in archive: 08-16-1992.
CYBER.ZIP 13105 11-01-91 Wierd access to applications in Windows 3.0 a
3-D maze of iconic icons.
Last revision date in archive: 11-01-1991.
C_LINE32.ZIP 94010 03-08-93 Upgrade to the Windows 3,1 Command Line
Processor and program launcher. Now combines
CLine files into one, faster operation,
solves the few nagging problems found in ver
3.1. Well done software. J.R.
(Last Revised: 03/08/93)
DB101U.ZIP 110652 10-20-92 UPGRADE DASH BOARD FOR WINDOWS V1.0 TO V1.01.
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
DC111.ZIP 25781 03-15-91 MS Windows 3.0 - disk copier v1.11
DCFILE.ZIP 73496 09-26-92 New WINDOWS(r) File Management Utility. Great
Graphics and animation - PLUS - Truly easy to
(Last Revised: 09/26/92)
DDLNCH10.ZIP 26069 01-02-93 Drag Drop LauNCHer v1.0: drap and drop app
launcher for MS-Windows; req VBRUN200.DLL;
PLast Revised: 01/02/93)
DDSV101.ZIP 142514 06-20-92 Disk Directory Sorter V1.01 (Windows 3.x) Use
to organize your software library.
(Last Revised: 06/20/92)
DESKNV24.ZIP 67064 05-30-90 Desktop Navigator for Windows 3.0. Dated 5/90
DESUTL20.ZIP 71814 11-29-91 Dragon's Eye Utilities v2.0: collection of of
MS-Windows utilities that allows you to
execute several applications at the same time
clears the Windows clipboard and squeezes as
much memory from Windows as it can so that
you can run those memory hungry applications,
allows you to close down Windows applications
that the Task Manager can't (TSRs), allows
you to exit to DOS from Windows without the
Program/File Manager.
(Last Revised: 11/29/91)
DFREEW12.ZIP 50422 04-03-92 DFREE (for Windows) v1.2: assists in
performing disk utilization analysis for all
hard & floppy drives on a stand-alone or
networkbased system; features pie/bar graphs
in both 2D or 3D that clearly display the
drive size, free space, & disk utilization;
VBRUN100.DLL is required; 04/03/92
DH14A.ZIP 37684 07-09-92 The Desktop Helper v1.4A: Windows 3.0 desktop
utility providing a convenient pop-up menu at
the click of a button, pop-up menu available
from any window, configurable launch list of
frequently executed programs, switch to or
terminate a task, even if the task is not
currently visible, pop-up file selector
browser to choose a file to run, small memory
usage; 07/09/92
DIFFX.ZIP 74813 05-05-92 Snapshot/Compare - DOS Batch Files, .Wbt
Files And Necessary Utilities That Will
Compare Your System Settings (Autoexec,
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 83
Config.Sys, Win.ini, System.ini) Before And
After A New Software Installation. Provides
Info on What Went Where And What Changed so
You Can do A "clean" Uninstall. For Windows.
(Last Revised: 06/13/92)
DIP20.ZIP 121346 05-27-93 Diskette Information Program (DIP) v2.0:
MS-Windows filing cabinet with search and
print features; req VBRUN100.DLL; 05/27/93.
DIRCLIMB.ZIP 51050 03-03-93 Macintosh-like file display/execution for
Windows 3.x. Suitable for a Program Manager
replacement shell. Shows all files as icons;
you change directories by clicking on the
directory (to go down) or on the ".." (to go
up). (Last Revised: 03/03/93)
DISKDUP1.ZIP 25512 01-18-91 Disk Copy Windows Application Allows You to
Make Multible Copies of The Same Disk Without
Readind The Original Again. This Program
Works on dd And HD 5.25 And 3.5 Disks.
Copies The Disk to RAM or Hard Drive And Then
(Last Revised: 01/18/91)
DISKFAC1.ZIP 85020 03-15-93 Disk Factory V1.0 * A Windows-Based, High-
Speed, Multitasking Copy/Compare/format
Utility! It's Time to Start Spending More
Time Using Your Computer And Less Time
Waiting For it to Complete Simple Tasks! Let
Disk Factory Churn Out Copies While You Use
You Use Your Word Processor, Spreadsheet,
Etc.! Shareware For Microsoft Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 03/15/93)
DISKMAN.ZIP 131847 06-28-93 DiskMan For Windows v2.1 <ASP> - Disk
Cataloger and Labeler for Windows. The
easiest way to produce professional quality
labels and to catalog your disk library. File
search, label graphics, catalog reports, and
much more. (Last Revised: 06/28/93)
DISKTOOL.ZIP 21140 05-23-91 Windows file copy utility
2 files - New: 05/23/1991 Old: 05/13/1991
DISKZIPW.ZIP 410397 12-29-92 Disk Zip for Windows - zips and unzips floppy
disks with volume labels, full directory
structure, hidden and system files using
PKZIP or ARJ. No more zip command lines to
(Last Revised: 12/29/92)
DISTBU.ZIP 292253 02-12-91 Trial version of Distinct Back-Up for
Windows. This is the only stand alone back up
for Win 3 that I know of. Unzip to a floppy.
This demo works just like the real product.
You can use it to back up up to 50 files or
1MB of data.Insert the floppy into drive
A:,type install and then press enter.
DM100.ZIP 32799 12-18-91 Replace Window's Program Manager, Use Less
Memory, And More Efficient.
(Last Revised: 12/18/91)
DMENU.ZIP 15493 02-24-93 *** D'menu *** The ULTIMATE time saver for
users of Windows 3.x. No more minimizing,
maximizing and searching for the app you
needed two minutes ago! This fully
configurable popup menu is available
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 84
instantly from within any application!
(Last Revised: 02/24/93)
DMENU1.ZIP 50862 07-01-93 An efficient replacement or addition to the
Program Manager. Provides a menubar at the
top of the Windows desktop with menu headings
defined by you to represent the categories of
applications you typically need to access. A
simple interface allows you customize the
look and feel of the useful system utility.
(Last Revised: 07/01/93)
DREKTR12.ZIP 60395 10-20-91 Director v1.2: MS-Windows file manager to
copy/delete/rename/move/etc; icon viewer;
system information and more; req VBRUN100.DLL
(Last Revised: 10/20/91)
DRGZP240.ZIP 138009 06-08-93 Drag and Zip v2.40: Zip shell for MS-Win 3.1
supports file manager or any other drag &
drop program. I presume the perfect companion
to DragNZip would be Dinosaur & ARC, eh?
(Last Revised: 06/08/93)
DROPZIP.ZIP 28616 11-26-92 Windows 3.1 drag & drop pkzip shell.
(Last Revised: 11/26/92)
DROP_12.ZIP 55473 03-22-93 Dropper 1.2 - Minimal-resource use Freeware
Windows 3.1 program launcher. Next-like Icon
Dock, fully supports Drag N' Drop, you'll
love it! 03/20/93
DSK234.ZIP 145920 06-02-92 Backdesk v2.34 Desktop Enhacement for
Windows. This package contains Backmenu,
BigDesk, Restart and WRun.
(Last Revised: 06/02/92)
DSKMN.ZIP 43989 01-14-92 Diskman 1.2, labels, lists, and catalogs all
your disks. Win 3
(Last Revised: 01/14/92)
DSKTRK22.ZIP 132478 06-11-92 DiskTrak for Windows Ver. 2.20: quick, easy
way to keep track of disks. A very full
function, yet easy to use diskette catalogger
with many options and features. Requires
(Last Revised: 06/11/92)
DSKTRK27.ZIP 185748 06-29-93 L DiskTrak for Windows v2.7: MS-Win 3.1 vrsn
of Peninsula Software's disk cataloger.
(Last Revised: 06/29/93)
DT321.ZIP 90998 02-02-91 Win 3.0, METZ Desktop Manager 3.21, is a
Windows application program that combines
several important and time-saving features
into one cohesive, menu operated program. A
single menu entry allows the user to
simultaneously call up and execute
both the application program and any data
file that corresponds to that application,
and move to a specified directory.
DTBOOK.ZIP 223067 04-16-93 Desktop Set Jr. 2/4 files
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
DTCAL.ZIP 187171 04-16-93 Desktop Set Jr. 3/4 files.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
DTHELP.ZIP 291258 04-16-93 Desktop Set Jr. 4/4 files.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
DTOKNA.ZIP 203962 04-16-93 Desktop Set Jr. (a subset of the Desktop Set
4.0 for Windows by Okna Corp. Distributed as
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 85
freeware - no registration required. Requires
a 386 or higher PC. First of 4 files.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
DTSW.ZIP 344244 04-14-93 Dtsearch for Windows - util for Win WP prgs -
Indexed/unindexed searches, boolean, wildcard
phrase and proximity, network support, etc.
(Last Revised: 04/14/93)
DUPE14.ZIP 94250 01-21-92 Find duplicate files -- Windows program. Lots
of options.
(Last Revised: 01/21/92)
DVV100S.ZIP 10921 01-01-90 Draggin' Viewer- Drag and Drop files to the
icon for easy viewing in Notepad or Write!
One of Wolly's Faves!!
New:11-09-1992 Old:08-07-1992
DWORKS.ZIP 181691 06-02-92 Dataworks v1.29. XBase File Manager for
(Last Revised: 06/02/92)
EASE10.ZIP 21758 10-16-91 EasE v1.0: MS-Windows util to format/copy/
compare diskettes; 10/16/91; Brett Gallant.
(Last Revised: 10/16/91)
EDIT_RUN.ZIP 16354 04-04-93 Edit or Run Batch Files from Windows File Mgr
(Last Revised: 04/04/93)
EDOS1.ZIP 18881 12-03-91 This is the upgrade to E.Zip. As I stated in
my review it is a very good program to put in
and forge. See review for more details.
This is a Windows DOS Box Command Enhancer.
Last revision date in archive: 12-03-1991.
EIW144.ZIP 69093 10-29-92 Encrypt-it v1.44 for Windows (file security)!
(Last Revised: 10/29/92)
ENGAGE3.ZIP 26801 08-24-91 Windows File Manager with lots of new
features such as BMP Viewer, Fantastic
Program Launcher, fully configurable. V3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 08-24-1991.
ETC130.EXE 379152 03-18-93 Etcetera v1.30 Batch Language Interpreter for
Windows (Last Revised: 3/11/93)
EXCL40.ZIP 18330 06-08-92 Updated Excel viewer for Norton Desktop for
Windows. Now supports Excel 4.0 format.
(Last Revised: 06/08/92)
EXCLAIM.ZIP 41855 03-04-92 A Windows application that is a replacement
for the DOS command line.
(Last Revised: 03/04/92)
EXPAND.ZIP 7621 04-22-92 Allows Norton Desktop for Windows to load
larger custom menus, allowing more items on
your custom menus. For use with both versions
1.0 and 2.0 - see read me file for details.
Last revision date in archive: 04-22-1992.
EZANVB.ZIP 31187 02-10-93 EasyAccess for Windows was designed for use
by office knowledge workers who need simple &
secure access to business apps in a shared
workstation environment; as a Windows shell,
it provides a point'n click, or tab & enter,
menu interface to specific apps defined for
each user; requires VBRUN100.DLL
(Last Revised: 02/10/93)
EZFILW30.ZIP 121020 02-05-92 File manager for Win 3.0/3.1 after the form
and function of Qfiler for DOS.
(Last Revised: 02/05/92)
FB100_.ZIP 98737 05-30-92 FileBUDDY v1.00: text, archive & image viewer
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 86
Supports ZIP/ARC/LZH/ARJ; if finds VGA/SVGA,
can view BIF (Binary), GIF, PCX, and TIF.
Supports Ext/Exp memory when loading images.
Images may be resaved to other supported
image formats incl EPS & printed to HP LJet/
compat. Customizable: RENamed from FB100.EXE
by Lenard Dean: $15.00 ASPware; 05/30/92.
(Last Revised: 05/30/92)
FBAT20.ZIP 77286 05-28-92 FileBoy's File Attributes v2.0: handy pgm for
changing file attributes, stamping a new file
date/time, or for putting a volume label on a
disk; req VBRUN100.DLL & DLLs in FBRUN.ZIP;
05/28/92; Marshal Bostwick/Homegrown Software
FBR20.ZIP 64405 03-22-92 FileBoy's Runway 2.0 with Menus for Windows.
(Last Revised: 03/22/92)
FBRUN.ZIP 58175 02-22-92 Runtime DLLs for and required by FileBoy
applications for MS-Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
FC-20K.ZIP 263960 11-27-92 File Commander 2.0K (ASP) Allows addition of
programmable menu items to the Windows 3.1
File Manager. Makes File Manager into a
super-powerful shell. $49.95.
(Last Revised: 11/27/92)
FC.ZIP 31713 11-01-90 A great virus detection program used with
Windows 3.0! Great!
4 files - New: 11/01/1990 Old: 11/01/1990
FD12.ZIP 29000 06-28-92 Windows 3 Disk fill v. 1.2.
(Last Revised: 06/28/92)
FDESK101.EXE 150544 06-27-93 File Desk 1.01 for Windows 3.x - From France
Facilitates visual management of Win files.
(Last Revised: 05/10/93)
FEDPRO13.ZIP 154539 05-14-92 New version 1.3 of Program Transporter, an
app launcher designed for Star Trek fans. Now
adds Sound support! Req VBRUN100.dll.
Last revision date in archive: 05-14-1992.
FEXTEN.ZIP 62016 12-24-92 File manager extender for win/nt iconbar.
(Last Revised: 12/24/92)
FEXTND16.ZIP 35864 12-23-92 FExtend v1.6: MS-Windows 3.1 extension
library for File Manager, adding trash can,
time/date stamp, attributes & properties;
(Last Revised: 12/23/92)
FILAPP.ZIP 104481 01-12-92 Great graphical file manager for Windows 3.0
with lots of options to move, copy, rename,
delete all files and directory in one pass,
much more.
Last revision date in archive: 01-12-1992.
FILECL.ZIP 64212 11-28-91 FileClip 3.0 for Windows file manager
replacement. Full clipboard support including
multiple pastes & undos. Advanced file
sorting capabilities & help system.
Last revision date in archive: 11-28-1991.
FILEFI33.ZIP 82628 01-11-91 Win3 File Finder
(Last Revised: 01/11/91)
FILEGNRL.ZIP 45717 10-06-92 File General: file mgr replacement Windows 3.
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
FILEMN24.ZIP 107000 07-09-92 FileMan v2.4 Windows 3.x file manager replace
ment. Does file copy,move, delete, search,&
views files. (8-9-92).
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 87
FILEOPEN.ZIP 176816 06-21-91 A great file management program for Windows
7 files - New: 06/21/1991 Old: 03/01/1991
FILER20.ZIP 28221 09-18-92 Filer v2.0: MS-Windows util that lets you
search for, preview & delete files; supports
wildcards; preview any file type, w/graphics
for .BMP/.ICO; print file lists & dir trees;
delete single files or an entire set;
requires VBRUN100.DLL; 09/18/92
FILEVI.ZIP 44953 12-10-90 FileView 1.11 for Win 3: browse files on your
HD or NET drives. Unlike others, this doesn't
load the file into memory, allowing you to
browse files while leaving room for other Win
apps to run.
FILEWARE.ZIP 8687 09-28-91 File management for Word for Windows
Last revision date in archive: 09-28-1991.
FILEZP10.ZIP 47579 07-08-92 File Zapper v1.0: MS-Windows pgm, working in
conjunction w/File Manager becomes an icon
that files/directories can be dragged to and
dropped on and deleted; mouse required;
07/08/92; Thomas W. Kellar.
FILLD1.ZIP 25506 10-07-91 Fill Diskette v1.0 for Windows 3.0. Fill
multiple floppies and disks to capacity by an
intelligent assignment of files. Very good
utility to have.
(Last Revised: 10/07/91)
FIND.ZIP 31424 06-23-93 PC Magazine's Find add-on for File Manager
(Last Revised: 06/16/93)
FINDR340.ZIP 28179 01-24-93 Finder 3.40: MS-Windows program which allows
you to swap between all of your active apps
w/tremendous ease; adds a control Icon to the
title bar of your currently active app,
adjacent to the control menu Icon; 01/24/93;
FINDT353.ZIP 95107 02-07-93 Find-It v3.53: MS-Windows disk file search
utility; given one or more file specs, date/
size options, & wildcard characters, the tool
will search ALL of the specified disks for
files matching the specification; will open/
scan ARC/ZIP/ARJ/LZH archives in search of
its files; 02/07/93; RME Enterprises.
FIXGRP10.ZIP 18356 07-11-92 Fixgroup V1.00 - A program to fix up Windows
3.x group files when you move the group
targets directory.
(Last Revised: 7/11/92 )
FLCH10.ZIP 68815 03-22-93 Free Launch v1.0: multiple file launching,
terminating & display mode switching
replacement for the Windows Task Manager
(Last Revised: 02/10/93)
FLDR4WIN.ZIP 81793 07-29-91 This is a program that allows windows to have
folders. This is similar to the Macintosh
Last revision date in archive: 07-29-1991.
FMAN.ZIP 12428 05-06-92 MS-Windows 3.x file manager replacement that
also allows you to remove a dir, specify a
search pattern when listing files, move files
and includes an ASCII file lister that dis-
plays BMP, ICO and WMF files;req VBRUN100.DLL
05/06/92;Paul Dubinsky/Minimalist Software
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 88
FMTC14.ZIP 6695 05-05-92 TrashCan Version 1.4 for Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 05/05/92)
FMTOOL10.ZIP 8438 08-20-92 This Is A Set Of Windows Utilities That Are
Integrated Into The Windows 3.1 File Manager.
Included Are A Trash Can, Attrubute Changer
and A Time & Date Stamp. This Program Adds An
Additional Menu Item To The File Managers
Pull Down Menus. It'S A Nice Little Set Of
Utilities. Vanlaningham.
(Last Revised: 08/20/92)
FMV2.ZIP 97460 02-24-93 file magician v2.0 ! Easily replaces any
file manager and winzip type programs! 169
configurable items, 72 push buttons, 22
functional menus, built in smart mode, 26
user defined program slots, archive
commander, and much more. The brute power of
this program is awesome. So easy to use, you
don't need the docs. .exe size 175k If you
miss this program, you've missed the boat.
all other programs are history!
(Last Revised: 02/24/93)
FMW11.ZIP 77621 07-23-93 MS-Win 3.1 version of Format Master, floppy
disk formatter from Newlin. V1.1
(Last Revised: 07/23/93)
FM_211.ZIP 47210 02-13-92 File Manager version 2.11 for Windows
Excellent replacement for Windows file
manager. Upgrade corrects formatting bugs in
version 2.10.
Last revision date in archive: 02-13-1992.
FOLDERS.ZIP 25420 07-05-92 Sample folders for folders program.
(Last Revised: 07/05/92)
FPZIPX02.ZIP 18530 11-14-91 WMS Windows 3+ UnZip Utl (FlashPoint 3.00.02)
(Last Revised: 11/14/91)
FREE20.ZIP 11338 07-13-92 From the developers of winshell - a free
registration - they hope to introduce you to
their software.
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
FREEZE10.ZIP 26010 01-05-92 Freeze v1.0: MS-Windows file compression util
that supports Window's non-preemptive
multitasking; will compress files in the
background as other applications execute in
the foreground.
(Last Revised: 01/05/92)
FRONTW20.ZIP 173089 04-22-92 Replaces File Manager in Win.
(Last Revised: 04/22/92)
FRUN100.ZIP 55740 11-13-92 File Runner v1.00: MS-Windows app that can
either be used stand-alone or as a Task Mgr
replacement that keeps a history list of the
last 15 programs that have previously been
run, allowing you to double-click on the pgm
that you want to rerun.
(Last Revised: 11/13/92)
FSRCHWIN.ZIP 267717 07-06-92 Powerful Text/File Search Util For Windows.
(Last Revised: 07/06/92)
FSTFND.ZIP 9973 10-16-92 Excellent file finder for Windows 3.x can
perform complicated searches with logic
(Last Revised: 10/16/92)
FSW2A.ZIP 132418 12-22-92 File Search For Windows Version 2. Features
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 89
Hypertext Help Andmany Search Parameters
(Last Revised: 12/22/92)
FTASK110.ZIP 39440 06-21-93 Excellent Freeware TaskManager for MS Windows
(Last Revised: 06/06/93)
FTASK112.ZIP 38117 07-19-93 Ftaskman Replacement For The Taskmanager of
Windows 3.1. (Last Revised: 07/19/93)
FULLV.ZIP 41914 02-09-92 New memory viewer for windows/dos/etc.-demo.
(Last Revised: 02/09/92)
FVIEW11C.ZIP 72731 06-06-93 File Viewer v1.1C: MS-Windows app that will
allow you to view ASCII/Hex files; drag and
drop, text/Hex search, fully customizable,
extensive help and much more; 06/06/93.
FW23.ZIP 186119 05-25-93 Fileware v2.3: suite of 13 file maintenance
document mgmt & program launching utilities
which integrate seamlessly into MS-Word for
Windows 2.x; 05/25/93; Daniel Goodman
GC0991.ZIP 13490 09-16-91 Garbage Can is a secure file delete program
for MS-Windows that ensures that the deleted
file cannot be recovered.
(Last Revised: 09/16/91)
GD11.ZIP 305811 04-11-93 Gravity Desk v1.1 for Windows. GIVE YOUR
TERS LONG! Easily run or load the "right"
files using their long names. Leap to deeply
nested directories using "Quick Dirs".
Morphable, drag and drop interface floats on
top, shows free resources, has an optional
clock. WinOnLine Review calls it a "jewel",
"commercial grade software". An America
OnLine "Top Pick", from Gravity Products.
(Last Revised: 04/11/93)
GDSDEM.ZIP 50680 04-08-92 Partially working model of toolbar for
Windows FileManager. All but the View and
Edit buttons are crippled.
(Last Revised: 04/08/92)
GFILE20A.ZIP 209365 04-08-93 Gfile V2.0a - Bug Fix to Galen's Gfile - a
Very Nice File/Program Manager-Type Utility
V2.X Has Been Rewritten in C From the
Original Visual Basic V1.X - For WINDOWS
(Last Revised: 04/08/93)
GOODY.ZIP 12169 01-12-92 Useful Windows 3.1 program that allows to add
a text editor to the file manager. Just click
on an entry in file manager and a the file is
loaded into a user defined word processor.
(Last Revised: 01/12/92)
GPZOOM12.ZIP 7681 01-30-93 GrupZoom v1.2: MS-Windows Program Manager
Navigation util that enables you to structure
your PM Groups and speed up switching between
the them.
(Last Revised: 01/30/93)
GRPICON.ZIP 29886 04-23-92 Group Icon Ver. 1.02 changes the repetitive
program manager group icons to whatever you
want. Works in Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 04/23/92)
GUL.ZIP 93703 09-04-91 Grep Unlimited v.1.0, Win 3.0 app that lets
you search a file or group of files for
specified text, displays the found files,
lets you view the files on a doubleclick.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 90
(Last Revised: 09/04/91)
QCDRUN1A.ZIP 400235 02-10-93 Qcd CD-ROM Library System For Windows Load
Your CD-ROMs by Point-and-shoot or Single
Commands Without Managing Individual Icons
(Last Revised: 02/10/93)
Pg 91
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 32 │WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In H-M │
│ # of Files: 40 │ Bytes: 5,059,801 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
HALT11.ZIP 24832 03-02-93 Halt v1.1: MS-Windows quick exit program;
03/02/93; Sawbuck Software.
HDC320.ZIP 299378 06-19-92 The update file HDC320.ZIP contains
HDCLIB.DLL version 0x0320 and MICROMAN.EXE
version 0x0212. HDCLIB.DLL is a function
library used by all hDC applications.
MICROMAN.EXE is the MicroApp Manager, the
program that launches and maintains
hDC MicroApps such as Power Toolbox, Icon
Designer and Memory Viewer. 6/19/92
HOTPOP.ZIP 17352 02-22-91 Windows 3.0 Background Menu. GREAT!
HOUSE105.ZIP 64976 01-15-93 Super Win Nav-Launch & menu. Unlimited
menus-200items each, Paint Fun too! So many
features..goback,doagain,timelog,much more!
Paint cities or zoom thru directories..HOUSE
is the place to keep your Windows! Req
Last revision date in archive: 01-15-1993.
HPNWBRG.ZIP 13997 08-01-91 HP NewWave bridges for MS Excel 3.0, Active
Life, Superbase 4 v1.21, and Adobe's
TypeAlign v2.0.
(Last Revised: 08/01/91)
HSHL11.ZIP 25769 03-14-92 Half-Shell v1.1: minimal replacement shell
for MS-Windows's Program Manager; its main
design goal is to free up memory for other
applications &, above all, make Windows load
faster; 03/14/92; Troy N. Stephens.
HTSPT1.ZIP 19205 08-23-91 Hot Spot file launcher for Windows
Last revision date in archive: 08-23-1991.
HUNT32.ZIP 92995 10-21-92 Windows fast file finder ver 3.2
(Last Revised: 10/21/92)
HUT101.ZIP 29730 02-10-92 Huntley Utilities for Windows. 5 Utilities,
and a menu program, copy any file, edit any
file, run any program, print labels, get a
dir, change path, delete file, more!
(Last Revised: 02/10/92)
HV107.ZIP 304259 01-09-92 New Win 3.x app. File and program manager
with mdi interface, file printing and
directory printing, file searching, max 255
icons per group.
(Last Revised: 01/09/92)
ICOBAR16.ZIP 23598 12-31-92 Another Windows toolbar. This one has a nice
'grabber' to install apps.
(Last Revised: 12/31/92)
ICONBAR1.ZIP 75439 05-25-93 This is a convenient button bar. It will
start or switch to DOS, Program Manager, File
Manager and the Control Panel. This is an
essential Windows tool!!
6 files - New:10-21-1992 Old:04-07-1993
INFOTG11.ZIP 54090 01-18-93 InfoTag v1.1 For Windows - Use to TAG up to a
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 92
255 character description to any file.
Enhanced to include a dynamic description
box. Requires VBRUN200.DLL. FREEWARE. From
Creative Solutions Inc.
Last revision date in archive: 01-18-1993.
IPAL22.ZIP 141239 11-15-92 Icon Palette v2.2: drop and drag, pop up pgm
launcher for MS-Windows designed as a Program
Manager enhancer; has 3D interface, 9
subgroups, allowing up to 99 pgms to be
stored for launching, toolbar w/9 preset
functions, autoload group, animated file
shredder, etc.
(Last Revised: 11/15/92)
IT13A.ZIP 219603 01-09-93 It Utilities v1.3: MS-Windows File Manager
extensions utilizing drag'n drop to enhance
it; includes a trash can that keeps files,
viewer for any size file, zip/unzip shell and
a loader that loads/unloads them when the
file manager is started or exited; enhanced
with sound and animation; 01/09/93; Allegro
Software [1/2]
IT13B.ZIP 136558 01-09-93 It Utilities v1.3: MS-Windows File Manager
extensions utilizing drag'n drop to enhance
it; includes a trash can that keeps files,
viewer for any size file, zip/unzip shell and
a loader that loads/unloads them when the
file manager is started or exited; enhanced
with sound and animation; 01/09/93; Allegro
Software [2/2].
KBDOCK20.ZIP 95258 03-14-93 KBDock v2.0: application bar replacement for
the Windows' Program Manager; reqs Win 3.1 &
VBRUN200.DLL; 03/14/93; Keith Burton
KSWIN20.ZIP 132916 12-20-92 The Kitchen Sink (KSWIN) v2.0: MS-Windows
interactive application, allowing you to add
up to 10 apps to KSWIN's main menu, allowing
you to run/launch these apps directly from
KSWIN; provides modules for financial and
numerical transactions/conversions & includes
a calculator; 12/20/92
L-271.ZIP 24506 01-08-93 Launch for Windows v2.71: offers a
configurable menu from which Windows users
can execute ("launch") programs; requires 10K
when running; configurable icons for DOS
apps; support for running .SCR screen savers;
(Last Revised: 01/08/93)
L-UTIL11.ZIP 5012 12-03-92 Launch Utility Set v1.1: MS-Windows utilities
that sets the desktop wallpaper from a bitmap
or RLE file, cleans the Windows desktop,
captures an image of the Win desktop into the
clipboard, automates execution of Win
recorder macros, & iconizes all windows &
arranges the icons.
(Last Revised: 12/03/92)
LAUNCH27.ZIP 24757 12-16-92 Launch, Progman Replacement File Launcher
(Last Revised: 12/16/92)
LECTBX10.ZIP 78104 11-22-92 Windows file launcher that makes a "toolbox"
of programs.
(Last Revised: 11/22/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 93
LHAWIN10.ZIP 27465 11-27-91 LHAWIN (LHA Windows Interface) v1.0:
MSWindows interface to LHA that allows
setting of LHA command and options by
point-and-shoot and executes LHA; extensive
help file describes all LHA commands &
options in detail.
(Last Revised: 11/27/91)
LI131.ZIP 191431 03-25-93 LI version 1.31 Shareware Windows file
utility to view (text/hex), find, grep,
launch, print, edit, delete files. String
search in text, hex, with AND, OR, NOT. MDI.
Online help. Win 3.1 drag & drop target.
Button bar. Clipboard support. User config.
Color, font, tab stop. Dir windows similar to
Win 3.1 file manager.(Last Revised: 03/25/93)
LNCHER23.ZIP 33251 04-14-93 Launcher v2.3: pgm launcher for MS-Windows
that lets you run pgms by directly entering
their path/filename; you can search for files
by using the two listboxes - one displays
drive/path info while the other displays the
files in the directory; supports wildcards.
(Last Revised: 04/14/93)
LS330.ZIP 299505 12-22-91 LSORT 3.30 Sort / Merge Utility (DOS,OS2,WIN3
Sort / Merge Utility for DOS, OS2, or
Microsoft Windows. Sorts files larger than
memory. Optional SAA like menu system. Merges
up to 9 files.
(Last Revised: 12/22/91)
MBBOOT50.ZIP 261919 02-06-93 MB-Boot v5.0: 10-level boot configurator for
MS-Windows; requires VBRUN100.DLL; 02/06/93;
MENU4WIN.ZIP 193308 07-19-93 This is a menu system for Windows 3.1 that
mimics the old DOS menus except that it uses
dialog boxes for menus and buttons for menu
items. Can be used as a tool bar set up with
applications you use the most. Comes with
help and documentations.
New:07-19-1993 Old:06-10-1992
METAPLAY.ZIP 139427 01-16-91 Windows metafile manipulation utility (newest
file date: 01-16-91)
METZ-DT.ZIP 87266 04-17-92 (Win3 Desktop) Metz Desktop Util (ver 3.20)
(Last Revised: 04/17/92)
MEXEC103.ZIP 52170 10-29-91 MEXEC v1.03: MS-Windows utility designed to
serve as a enhanced replacement for the RUN
command as well as including some rudimentary
file manipulation commands; VBRUN100.DLL is
(Last Revised: 10/29/91)
MHG0013S.ZIP 503294 07-20-93 MHG ArcLib V1.3 - A Windows/Visual Basic app.
that is a combination of an archive manager
front-end and an archive library. DOES NOT
windows DLL which implements Zip functions. A
2 week time limit on the DLL for shareware
evaluation. Can process Zip,Zip EXE's, ZOO,
ARC/PAK, ARJ, LHArc and LHA formats. Requires
VBRUN300. (Last Revised: 07/10/93)
MINSHEL3.ZIP 6420 03-05-91 Win 3.0, MinShell 3.0, is a bare bones Shell
to replace Program Manager. No icons or
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 94
anything fancy, just a plain screen.
MIXCS140.ZIP 25420 07-19-93 MixCase v1.40: file/clipboard mode MS-Windows
utility that opens a text file to convert to
mixed case, by first converting all chars to
lower case, then capitalizes the first letter
of sentences/table items; optionally
capitalizes the proper names/abbreviations
specified in the dictionary; req vbrun200.
(Last Revised: 06/19/93)
MPEGXING.ZIP 470095 05-30-92 MPEG viewer for Windows. 2 sample MPEG files
are included.
(Last Revised: 05/30/92)
MTM201.ZIP 596476 02-25-93 Metz task manager for windows. (newest file
date: 02-10-93)
MTOOLS.ZIP 121503 07-17-93 MicroTools Launcher for Windows
(Last Revised: 07/17/93)
MVWIN.ZIP 28153 07-22-91 MVWIN.zip for Win3 v1.0 allows files and
entire directories to be moved, copied or
deleted. A graphic trash can is used for
disposing of unwanted files.
2 files - New: 07/22/1991 Old: 04/26/1991
MXCAS122.ZIP 42057 05-28-92 MixCase v1.22: file/clipboard mode MS-Window
utility that opens a text file to convert to
mixed case, by first converting all chars to
lower case, then capitalizes the first letter
of sentences/table items; optionally
capitalizes the proper names and
abbreviations specified in the dictionary;
req VBRUN100.DLL; 05/28/92
UPD8R30.ZIP 77068 05-21-93 WinUpD8R v3.0: MS-Windows 3.1 util that lets
you keep files in multiple directories on two
or more machines up to date (directory trees
do not need to be similar); configurable.
(Last Revised: 05/21/93)
Pg 95
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 33 │WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In N-S │
│ # of Files: 104 │ Bytes: 14,605,202 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
NAV061.ZIP 246560 06-08-91 WinNAV FlashPoint Windows NAvigator,
v3.00.61. Provides an intuitive 3-D graphic
Magellan/PCTools interface/shell/file manager
for Windows 3.0. User configurable popup and
multilevel launch menu, hotkeys and push
NDWDEMO.ZIP 867612 06-29-92 Norton Desktop for Windows 2.0 Doesn't
require Windows to run. Nice Demo.
(Last Revised: 06/29/92)
NDWFIXES.ZIP 516070 11-06-92 Compatibility Update for Norton Desktop for
Windows Version 2.0. The Update contains
compat.exe dated 10/30/92. This update was
downloaded from the Symantec BBS.
(Last Revised: 11/06/92)
NDWLOG.ZIP 11161 11-10-91 Textfile of America On-Line Conference about
Norton Destop for Windows - lots of useful
information for NDW users.
Last revision date: 11-10-1991.
NDWMENUX.ZIP 7420 09-03-91 Increases size of custom menu file for Norton
Desktop from Windows. From Symantec BBS.
(Last Revised: 09/03/91)
NDWPAT.ZIP 500727 10-29-92 NDW patch - read read.me for install.
(Last Revised: 10/29/92)
NDWSCHED.ZIP 24771 03-27-92 Norton Desktop for Windows fix for multiple
event triggering for single events From
Symantec BBS.
(Last Revised: 03/27/92)
NDWTIME2.ZIP 19072 09-02-92 Norton Desktop for MS Windows 3.x Time and
Date utility places the time and date on the
title bar of the Norton Desktop for Windows
and can be used in place of the NDWTIME.WBT
file which was included with Norton Desktop
for Windows v1.0 as a sample .Batch Builder
file. 09-02-1992.
(Last Revised: 09/02/92)
NDWTUTOR.ZIP 1150070 12-20-92 Norton desktop for windows 2.0 tutor by
symantec - downloaded from norton utility
forum on compuserve
(Last Revised: 12/20/92)
NEWCAP18.ZIP 35363 11-02-92 NEWCAP v1.8: Program Manager/Norton Desktop
util that enables you to change the caption
from "Program Manager" or "Norton Desktop" to
whatever you want; you can also choose to
display the time and/or the date.
(Last Revised: 11/02/92)
NEWWAVE1.ZIP 1052221 03-15-92 New Wave 4.0 Working Model (most of the
features are here). [1/2]
(Last Revised: 03/15/92)
NEWWAVE2.ZIP 1021062 03-15-92 New Wave 4.0 Working Model [2/2]
(Last Revised: 03/15/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 96
NEXT31.ZIP 282725 06-24-92 Next Application Bar v3.11 for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 06/24/92)
NJWFN105.ZIP 43725 09-09-91 Nifty James' File Finder For Windows v1.05:
MS-Windows utility that allows you to search
for files by a wildcard file specification;
can search for files on any hard drive, and
can also search for files that are stored w/
(Last Revised: 09/09/91)
NONAG2.ZIP 6857 04-10-92 New version Windows shareware nag screen
buster. Clicks OK or I AGREE automatically.
(Last Revised: 04/10/92)
NO_A.ZIP 4133 11-30-91 MS-Windows program will make sure that you
never forget to remove a diskette from drive
A by replacing Program Manager's QUIT button
with its own; requires VBRUN100.DLL;
(Last Revised: 11/30/91)
ODESK11.ZIP 354929 01-10-93 Object Desktop for Windows
(Last Revised: 01/10/93)
OKNA-WIN.ZIP 144347 06-01-93 Windows for Windows (books,calculator etc.
(Last Revised: 10/12/93)
OM38A.ZIP 95837 06-14-92 Win 3.1 menuing system with tpas code.
(Last Revised: 06/14/92)
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
OUTSID2A.ZIP 14519 04-28-93 Outside! V2a: launch DOS programs from
Windows; perfect solution for those pesky DOS
applications that misbehave in Windows' DOS
session; launch a program from Windows, but
have it run "outside" with the full resources
of the computer and automatically return to
Windows when done; ideal for hires games and
sound applications that are less than ideal
in a DOS-box; 04/28/93; David Warren.
PAFVW11.ZIP 80691 05-26-92 The Personal Ancestral File Viewer for
Windows Version 1.1. This is a very
simple program which will allow Windows
users to look at their PAF data without
having to run a DOS application, like PAF.
You can't change any PAF information, just
look at it and print it. Dated 5/26/92
PCSWIN30.ZIP 117343 03-26-93 PCS Windows offers a powerful menuing
interface to the novice user as well as the
computer expert. By giving you 18 submenus
and 18 choices per menu you can group up to
324 of your favorite programs into one easy
to use interface. (Last Revised: 03/26/93)
PCTWDEMO.ZIP 1391489 04-08-93 PCTools/Windows demo
(Last Revised: 03/26/93)
PFS2_B91.ZIP 152415 04-11-93 Shell for Win 3.1 - Allow you to
copy/delete/create dir, move, etc...
(Last Revised: 04/11/93)
PKPRES12.ZIP 81551 04-06-93 PKpress 1.2 Scans for zip files,
recompresses them in maximum compression
saving MEGABYTES of hard drive space! Works
with 1.1 or 2.04g zip versions. Converts too.
(Last Revised: 04/06/93)
PL101.ZIP 196063 10-05-92 Prolauncher, Application Launcher For Windows
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 97
(Last Revised: 10/05/92)
PLUGN131.ZIP 130070 04-16-93 PLUG-IN FOR PROGRAM MANAGER v1.31 <ASP>
Dramatically improves Windows Program Mgr.
Instead of replacing ProgMan, Plug-In simply
makes it BETTER! Major features include
complete group management, run with history,
individual icons for groups, detailed system
info, system resource displays & alarms,
custom cursors, Save Settings Now, and LOTS
MORE! Won WinMag's 1993 WinAward.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
PMHK15.ZIP 9237 03-27-92 PM Hotkey 1.5. Windows 3.1 freeware utility
which allows one to HOTKEY to Program Manager
(Last Revised: 03/27/92)
PMM201.ZIP 37396 11-15-92 Program Manager Modifier - for Windows 3.1
Version 2.01
(Last Revised: 11/15/92)
POWRLITE.ZIP 43886 12-30-92 Enhance or Replace Windows Program Manager
Shell. Requires Vbrun200.dll
(Last Revised: 12/30/92)
PPD8R21.ZIP 56227 12-11-92 WinUpD8R v2.1: MS-Windows 3.1 util that lets
you keep files in multiple directories on two
or more machines up to date (directory trees
do not need to be similar); configurable;
(Last Revised: 12/11/92)
PRNT_D.ZIP 3635 08-13-92 Print directory wbt file for ndw.
(Last Revised: 08/13/92)
PROGLIST.ZIP 10384 01-11-93 Allows you to list program and groups simply
without the mess of Icons Win3.1 2.
(Last Revised: 01/11/93)
PROGMAN.ZIP 23040 12-30-91 Windows 3.0 Progman.exe replacement
(Last Revised: 12/30/91)
PROMNU10.ZIP 58373 03-24-93 ProMenu/S v1.0: MS-Windows app that provides
rapid-access 3-D menus at a click of your
mouse's right (secondary) button; 03/24/93
PRTDRAG1.ZIP 9618 10-10-92 Windows 3.1 utility by Dudley Atkinson. Drop
into the window or icon any number of files
from the File Manager, and this utility sends
those files straight to the printer specified
in your Win.ini file. Great for those
programs you saved to disk and want to print
later or somewhere else. Sends all file info,
including any printer control characters you
may have in your file! Freeware, but send a
postcard for good luck...
(Last Revised: 10/10/92)
PSHEL29E.ZIP 66339 05-18-92 Command-Line Interface For Windows.
(Last Revised: 05/18/92)
PTREE21A.ZIP 24017 05-28-92 Print Tree v2.1A: MS-Windows hard drive
directory tree utility; supports up to 512
dirs nested up to five levels deep, w/online
help; mouse support; 05/28/92
PWL300.ZIP 355877 04-19-93 Powerline v3.0: Command line interpreter for
both DOS & MS-Win 3.1. The DOS COMMAND.COM
replacement is similar in some respects to
4DOS, but the latter seems like a more mature
product. However, the Windows version of the
program is more unique and may offer a
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 98
command line interface and batch capabilities
that you find useful.
(Last Revised: 04/19/93)
PWRSTRIP.ZIP 62722 02-14-93 Power Strip, Icon-Bar Program Launcher
(Last Revised: 02/14/93)
PWRTBOX.ZIP 119403 06-24-92 21 floating toolboxes for popular Windows
apps. A FREE utility from hDC. May require
HDC320.ZIP; see PWRTBOX.TXT for details.
(Last Revised: 06/24/92)
QC16.ZIP 24832 04-29-93 Quiclick V1.6: Customizable Tool Bar That
Helps You Keep All of Your Most Used WINDOWS
Applications Right at Your Fingertips; You
Can Define Up to 25 Buttons to be Used To
Launch Apps, Make a Horizontal/Vertical Tool
Bar & Place it Anywhere on Your Screen, Etc.
Req. VBRUN200.DLL. (Last Revised: 04/29/93)
QFIND15.ZIP 45465 03-28-92 QuickFind v1.5: a fast file finding utility;
includes both a DOS version and a MS-Windows
version; 03/28/92; JebSoft and James E. Bell.
(Last Revised: 03/28/92)
QLANCH10.ZIP 33991 09-01-92 QuickLaunch v1.0: brings the convenience of
the Program Manager's "Run..." dialog box to
whatever pgm you're running at the touch of a
button; req VBRUN100.DLL; 09/01/92
QNZIP22.ZIP 112514 05-04-93 QuinZip v2.2 - a Windows archiver. Not a
shell! Supports drag and drop, extensive help
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
QRUN31.ZIP 8189 03-01-93 Quickrun 3.10 - file launch for windows. req.
vbrun200.dll. (newest file date: 03-01-93)
QS.ZIP 21380 04-04-92 Quick Switch v1.0: MS-Windows is a utility
designed to simplify the task of switching
windows; 04/04/92; K. Yoshimura.
QUINZIP.ZIP 106410 12-16-92 A true Windows Zip/Unzip utility - not a
Last revision date in archive: 12-16-1992.
QVIEW.ZIP 17163 08-09-92 Quick View for Windows 3.1 Incorporates Drag
& Drop features and supports 256 colors.
(Last Revised: 08/09/92)
RAF!.ZIP 459163 07-28-93 A fully functional demo of the commercial
product, Ready, Aim, FILE! for Windows is the
Ultimate file manager! Allows you to create,
store, and retrieve files using 256 character
file names! User defined file cabinet/folder
interface - just like the manual system!
Completely transparent to the user, and fully
network compatible. A must have!
(Last Revised: 07/28/93)
RAPCHG10.ZIP 13696 10-10-92 Rapid Attribute Changer v1.0: MS-Windows util
that allows you to quickly change file
attributes at the press of a button;
VBRUN100.DLL required; Miller Software.
(Last Revised: 10/10/92)
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
RCL113.ZIP 46991 03-15-93 RealCtrl [Lite] v1.1.3 - Real Control for
your Desktop Free Windows 3.1 to give you
control over your desktop! Set the icon
spacing, font and word wrap. Turn your screen
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 99
blanker on or off (handy for long installs)
or change the time delay. Turn the Windows
warning beep on or off. Much more.
(Last Revised: 03/15/93)
RECRUN30.ZIP 32954 08-20-91 Windows 3.0 Recorder utility.
Last revision date in archive: 08-20-1991.
REDBTN13.ZIP 10593 11-03-91 Red Button v1.3: application that gets you
out of Windows quickly.
(Last Revised: 11/03/91)
RIPBAR20.ZIP 146501 06-17-93 RipBAR v2.0: MS-Windows utility that is an
application/drag n drop launcher, memory and
resource tracker and clock.
(Last Revised: 06/17/93)
ROCKET61.ZIP 47599 05-04-92 Rocket File Launcher v6.1 for Windows 3.1
VBRUN100.DLL is required (Visual Basic Lib).
Last revision date in archive: 05-04-1992.
ROUTE1V3.ZIP 510680 05-14-93 Route 1 v 3.0 powerful shell for Windows 3.1
Customizable ButtonBar, 3-D interface,
drag-drop, password protection, much more!
(Last Revised: 05/14/93)
RTIME13A.ZIP 31649 04-01-93 Timed program runner for Windows
(Last Revised: 04/01/93)
RUMMGE21.ZIP 146145 05-09-93 Rummage v2.1. Update to Rummage. Seek and
destroy file duplicates that plague Windows
users. Scan multiple drives; printer
capabilities. Requires vbrun200.
(Last Revised: 05/09/93)
RUNNER22.ZIP 23831 06-12-92 Runner v2.2: MS-Windows app excecutive that
launches pgms for you; apps can be run in the
minimized state and can be used as a
replacement for the Program Managers File Run
dialog box; 06/12/92; Beacon Hill Software.
RUNPRG.ZIP 5046 10-23-91 Program launcher for Windows 3.0.
(Last Revised: 10/23/91)
RUNV11.ZIP 24256 12-16-91 Run Windows applications from the command
line of a DOS Window in 386 Enhanced mode.
(Last Revised: 12/16/91)
RUNWAY12.ZIP 47916 01-18-92 Runway Application Launcher; Shareware.
Written in Visual Basic.
Last revision date in archive: 01-18-1992.
RUN_PM.ZIP 14518 10-05-91 If you use Program Manager as your Windows
shell you have a problem. Try this: start
Windows and open the About.. window in
Program Manager. Make a note of free
memory and percentage resource space. Then
open and immediately close all of your
program groups, one at a time. Now open the
About.. box again. Your free memory should
be about the same, but check that resource
number. If you have a lot of icons in your
groups you might be shocked to find how low
the resource percentage has dropped.
Run_PM is a very simple shell program. It
does three things: executes any RUN= or
LOAD= lines in your WIN.INI file, loads
(and reloads) the Program Manager, and
terminates Windows when you close it.
(Last Revised: 10/05/91)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 100
S2TXT20.ZIP 23617 03-31-93 STN2TXT/STN2TXTF v2.0: MS-Windows utilities
that convert a Stickies! Export file into a
plain ASCII file; Looking Glass Technologies.
(Last Revised: 03/31/93)
SABDU231.ZIP 261378 07-03-93 ***** THE*MS*Windows*Diskette*Utility *****
***** SAB*Diskette*Utility*Version*2.31 *****
Format/copy/compare/save floppy diskette
images in foreground or background. Read a
diskette once and make multiple copies. Save
images to hard drive. Convert diskette image
formats while preserving boot and reserve
sectors. Create distribution sets with group
restores. Browse diskettes and saved
diskette images. Shareware from SAB.
(Last Revised: 07/03/93)
SALVT116.ZIP 244750 05-06-93 Salvation v1.16: comprehensive system mgmt
tool for MS-Windows; replaces File/Program
Manager, providing launch operations, file/
disk utilities, clock/timer functions,
clipboard support, info bar, Add-On's menu
for enhancements, full-function text editor,
password security, uninstall routine & more.
(Last Revised: 05/06/93)
SAMDU220.ZIP 69279 04-01-93 This is the sample program for using the
SABDU001.DLL that comes with SAB Diskette
Utility. SAB Diskette Utility must be
obtained seperately. It can be found on many
BBS's under the name SABDUxxx.ZIP where xxx
is the version number. It can also be found
on CompuServe under the name SDUxxx.ZIP where
xxx is the version number. Sometimes it can
be found under the name SABDU.ZIP.
(Last Revised: 04/01/93)
SCAVENGR.ZIP 20365 03-12-92 A Windows(TM) utility to drag & drop files to
a trashcan directory from which they are
deleted in the background. Makes deleting
with the File Manager much more convenient.
(Last Revised: 03/12/92)
SCRNFIX.ZIP 12222 09-18-92 This new version of the file XTWGTSY.DLL fixe
a problem that occurs when you run XTree for
Windows on video display adapters that can
show more than 256 colors simultaneously
(i.e., greater than 8-bit color). 9/18/92
SE103.ZIP 75690 11-17-92 Safe Erase v1.03: MS-Windows delete utility
that makes an image of the file before it is
deleted to allow your retrieval of the intact
file if you later change your mind; deleted
files are given unique names to allow for
multiple instances of a deleted file; file'
image can be optionally compressed and
autoerased after a selectable number of days;
(Last Revised: 11/17/92)
SEASHL08.ZIP 85542 02-20-93 SeaShell is a program launcher for Windows 3.
or greater that includes extensive status-
reporting capabilities. You can make buttons
for your favorite programs, and keep track of
things like system memory, disk space
available, Date and Time, etc. Dated 2/20/93
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 101
SECCOP30.ZIP 31899 05-02-92 Second Copy v3.0: MS-Windows utility that
periodically monitors your disk directories
for your important files and makes a 2nd copy
of those files to another disk or network
drive; automatically updates these 2nd copies
when you make changes/additions to your files
05/02/92; Centered Systems.
SECGRP11.ZIP 26465 07-19-93 Securegroup Lets You Protect Your Program
Manager by Protecting The Program Manager
Groups With Passwords And Setting
Restrictions to The Function of The Program
Manager. (Last Revised: 07/19/93)
SECUR090.ZIP 172860 09-10-91 SECURITY v0.90 (beta): MS-Windows 3.0+
security system; protects you from unwanted
users of your Windows system programs; you
have complete control over passwords and
special "Back Door" protection; 09/10/91;
MillerWare Development.
Last revision date in archive: 09-10-1991.
SETDRW.ZIP 1732 10-24-91 Set drive window size .BATch file for Norton
Desktop for Windows 3.
(Last Revised: 10/24/91)
SIDEBAR.ZIP 80387 02-12-92 SideBar Lite is an intensely simple, high
performance, closable MS-Windows shell;
provides program/task mgmt from a sleek,
expandable iconbar; w/DOS cmd-line, window
arrange buttons, pgn application menu, &
scrollable, resizable icon and disk views;
(Last Revised: 02/12/92)
SITBACKL.ZIP 137129 11-11-92 SitBack Lite. Backup pgm for Windows.
(Last Revised: 11/11/92)
SL-10.ZIP 13995 11-25-91 SuperLoad! V1.0: MS-Windows utility that can
launch programs normal, icon, maximized and
hidden and can also change your WORKING dir
before you run or launch an application;
(Last Revised: 11/25/91)
SLOOPMAN.ZIP 207932 01-22-92 Sloopman 1.2B from Sloop Software.Latest ver.
Execellent substitute for Windows
3.0/1 Program manager.Can create Subfolders
(Groups), user definable Run menu, improved
icon manager, help in dialog windows,more.
(Last Revised: 01/22/92)
SMISHL.EXE 70144 07-23-93 SmilerShell is a command line on the Windows
desktop. Unlike ProgMgr's RUN cmd, it
supports redirection, and it'll run anything:
Windows programs, DOS programs, or internal
DOS cmds. Has a built-in cmdline editor with
full history and search; aliases (type-in or
on Fn keys); and fast dir-change (like Norton
Change Dir) that works across multiple
drives. It can show a clock and/or curr dir
in titlebar, Windows mem/resources in
menubar. Takes very little screen space.
Self-extracting archive. Really nice!
New:07-21-1993 Old:07-21-1993
SMTCAT11.ZIP 232339 01-31-93 SMARTCAT v 1.1 A sophisticated new floppy
disk management system for Windows. Full
Windows MDI support, Virus scanner interface,
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 102
multiple drive support, both floppy and hard
disks, archive support for ZIP, ARC, LZH, PAK
and ARJ. Multiple discrete catalogs,
Sophisticated searching, and reporting
capabilities, plus sorting support. Full
Windows Help. By Oakley Data Services and
Shareable Software International. <ASP>.
(Last Revised: 01/31/93)
SOTCALC2.ZIP 94084 03-15-93 SOT-Calc v2.0 * The most feature-rich Windows
calculator ever developed! Features robust
Scientific, Business, Unit Conversion, and
Statistics modules, plus: a new "tape file"
Peature, nearly 100 new functions, a special
Hsmall window" mode, full clipboard support,
and much more! VBRUN200.DLL, VGA, WinK3.1 req
Hast revision date in archive: 03-15-1993.
SPACE101.ZIP 19720 01-08-93 Space v1.01: MS-Windows util that lists all
drives and bytes available; network friendly
w/timed updates.
(Last Revised: 01/08/93)
SPARTA10.ZIP 64568 03-08-93 Macintosh-like File Manager for Windows, with
trashcan. 03/08/93
SPEEDTXT.ZIP 2230 01-09-92 Tips on how to fine tune Norton Desktop for
MS-Win 3.0 from Symantec Corp.
(Last Revised: 01/09/92)
SPRBAR20.ZIP 261161 05-08-93 Version 2.0 of Jim Wood's excellent SUPERBAR
buttom bar utility for Windows 3.1 programs
with drop down menus.
16 files - New:05-08-1993 Old:02-08-1993
STATLN26.ZIP 39468 02-07-92 StatLine v2.6 for Windows. Gives a status
line which displays useful information, and
can launch programs. (2-7-92).
(Last Revised: 02/07/92)
STM301.ZIP 117498 06-01-93 SUPERTM.EXE v3.01 ASP - Super Task Man
replaces Windows' taskman.exe. This is the
taskman that should have come with Windows.
Features a run command with history list, an
enhanced tasklist that supports multi-select
operations, a configurable quick launch menu,
and system resource information.
(Last Revised: 06/01/93)
SUPBAR12.ZIP 99591 10-11-92 Superbar 1.2 SuperBar is a Windows program
for creating and editing user configurable
tool bars called SuperBars.
Last revision date in archive: 10-11-1992.
SUPRG102.ZIP 115261 06-01-93 SUPERG.EXE v1∙02 ASP - Display your PM groups
as Super Groups anywhere on your desktop.
Create toolbars, vertical lists, icon lists,
etc. Supports up to 5 different views. This
utility is so flexible, you can create Super
Groups within PM groups by selecting an
option from the main menu. Also supports a
Status Bar and sort options. Settings are
saved for each Super Group created.
(Last Revised: 06/01/93)
SWAPSHEL.ZIP 14004 05-14-92 SwapShell 1.0 for Windows. Allows easy
switching between various shells (i.e.,
Program Manager, Norton Desktop, etc.).
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 103
Last revision date in archive: 05-13-1992.
SWBOOK.ZIP 8702 07-04-91 Catalogue your software in WINDOWS 3.0 / Must
have VBRUN.DLL (Visual Basic run-time module)
1 files - New: 07/04/1991 Old: 07/04/1991
SWFT11.ZIP 21762 03-03-93 Swift Access v1.1: provides iconic repre-
sentations of your WinApps that can be repo-
sitioned, and support drag-and-drop launching
of application files; fully configurable.
(Last Revised: 03/03/93)
SWFT15.ZIP 54686 07-16-93 Swift Access v1.5: provides iconic
representations of your WinApps that can be
repositioned, and support drag-and-drop
launching of application files; fully
configurable; 07/16/93; Toggle Booleans.
SWZOOM23.ZIP 11480 01-30-93 SwchZoom v2.3: MS-Windows task mgr
enhancement which, upon activation, presents
you w/a task list of current apps & their
icons, allowing you to toggle between the two
views, switch_to/close an app, or Quit
Windows; 01/30/93; Rakesh Kelkar.
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
SYNCIT.ZIP 133845 09-23-92 Windows, keeps track of file transfers for
people who own multiple computers. tells
files that have been deleted from either syst
(Last Revised: 09/23/92)
SYSBACK.ZIP 24452 08-03-92 This program will automatically backup those
critical Windows files (*.ini, *.grp, *.pif,
autoexec.bat and config.sys) to a disk or any
directory. In addition, it will print out the
four important *.ini files.
Last revision date in archive: 08-03-1992.
SYSBCK23.ZIP 87532 03-20-93 Update to previous version. Quickly and
easily backup, print and edit *.ini, *.pif
and *.grp files, as well as adds ability to
backup any extensions from any directory.
Cheap and useful Shareware. Reviewed in
April's WindowsUser Magazine.
Last revision date in archive: 03-20-1993.
SYSH15.ZIP 94469 05-13-93 SysHook v1.5: small Windows utility that
allows you to run programs from the system
menu; appends two items to the system menu:
Program Groups - Your Program Manager groups
Run a program - Same as Program Manager's
File-Run command; this allows you to run
programs without first switching to ProgMan.
(Last Revised: 05/13/93)
VW1216.ZIP 76734 12-16-91 Paradox Lotus R3 viewers for Norton Desktop
for Windows 3.
(Last Revised: 12/16/91)
Pg 104
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 34 │WINDOWS File/Shell/Add-In T-Z │
│ # of Files: 120 │ Bytes: 14,100,702 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
LIBSH.ZIP 219837 05-03-93 Catalog your library - Up to 1,000 books!
(Last Revised: 05/03/93)
TASKER10.ZIP 108103 03-17-92 Tasker - Version 1.0 for Windows Req.VBRUN100
Great replacement Task Manager and file
browser with a drag-and-drop support,
including a trash can! Shareware.
(Last Revised: 03/17/92)
TASKMA40.ZIP 174661 07-16-92 TASKMAN v4.0: Easy to use task/project
tracking pgm w/online help, pop-up windows
flexible printing, file mgmt, database
verified resource and status codes, GANTT
charts; 07/16/92; Bill Moore.
TBK150D.ZIP 1125283 10-18-91 ToolBook v1.5 for Windows (Demo). A complete
product for building graphical user interface
for Windows. Dated 10-18-91
TBOX10.ZIP 332096 11-25-92 Tollbox V1.0: Open Desktop For Windows 3.1
That Replaces Pgm Mgr And Combines File Mgr
Into One Seamless Desktop, Many Extra
Features Bundled With Pgm.
(Last Revised: 11/25/92)
TERM20.ZIP 34742 08-22-92 Terminator v2.0: MS-Windows file deletion
utility similar to an "electronic shredder"
once it's gone, it's gone & can't be
recovered; online help; requires
VBRUN100.DLL; 08/22/92; R.J. Hill.
TLBAR111.ZIP 85438 06-25-93 Excellent toolbar for Windows 3.1 can be used
with or as a replacement for program manager
help file is in Spanish.
(Last Revised: 06/25/93)
TMPLUS.ZIP 194081 12-02-91 Task Manager Plus For Win.
(Last Revised: 12/02/91)
TN10A.ZIP 280094 07-13-92 TakeNote 1.0 Disk 1 of 2. Easy to use Windows
Personal Filer. Rolodex, auto dialer, address
book. 19 pre-defined cards including business
and home uses. Print labels, 3x5 cards,
reports. Search includes "sounds-like".
Import/Export Cardfile, ASCII, dBase, CSV,
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
TN10B.ZIP 156296 07-10-92 TakeNote 1.0 Disk 2 of 2. Easy to use Windows
Personal Filer. Rolodex, auto dialer, address
book. 19 pre-defined cards including business
and home uses. Print labels, 3x5 cards,
reports. Search includes "sounds-like".
Import/Export Cardfile, ASCII, dBase, CSV,
(Last Revised: 07/10/92)
TOILET.ZIP 48170 04-19-92 Toilet for Windows lets you "flush" old files
down the crapper. you can drop them in and
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 105
recover them later, but flush 'em and they're
down the tubes. Good fun and useful too!
Files: 1 Oldest: 4/19/92 Newest: 4/19/92
(Last Revised: 04/19/92)
TOOLQB11.ZIP 45710 07-07-93 Tool Qube v1.1 - Make custom toolbars in
Windows. New:07-07-1993 Old:03-18-1993
TOPDESK.ZIP 46940 07-13-92 TOPDESK virtual desktop uses VBRUNxx.DLL for
Win 3.1
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
TOY2.ZIP 131258 06-13-92 TOYBOX 2- New greatly improved icon based
menu system, ideal for children and everybody
else. Now includes icon editor and accepts
Windows icons for importing. Requires EGA or
VGA, 512 K RAM, hard drive. MS-Mouse is opt.
Type "TB2" to run. Very reasonalbe to
register : $29.00. Updated in March 92.
(Last Revised: 06/13/92)
TRALBLZR.ZIP 558474 07-31-92 Move it, merge it, find it, recycle it, copy
it, erase it, note it, shred it launch
it...quickly and easily with Trailblazer. It
integrates both file and program manager into
a seamless desktop. Combining a uniquely
elegant look with uncluttered drag-and-drop,
point-and-click simplicity. This is a working
demo of Trailblazer.
Last revision date in archive: 07-31-1992.
TRARCHIV.ZIP 69241 05-15-92 L*T.R. Archive v1.0: Shell for PKZIP etc. For
MS-Win 3.1. Awful lotta registration notices.
I can't imagine anybody putting up with those
long enough to decide whether to register.
(Last Revised: 05/15/92)
TRASH.ZIP 11614 06-14-92 New Trash can for Windows 3.x. Includes
animation and will also delete directories.
(Last Revised: 06/14/92)
TRASHMAN.ZIP 39281 08-25-92 Trashman 1.1 is another windows trashcan, but
with a difference. this one lets you play wav
files with the three different trashman
events. just drag the files you want to
delete to the icon. frank field ( ).
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
TRASHWIN.ZIP 14491 08-06-92 Another Window's trash can. Drag files on to
it to delete. You get a cute animation of
files flushing.
(Last Revised: 08/06/92)
PX09Downloaded @X0B<10>@X09 times.
TREEVW.ZIP 51897 06-18-93 Graphical Directory Display in Windows
(Last Revised: 06/18/93)
TRSHCN21.ZIP 57172 01-12-93 Animated trashcan deletion utility for
Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 01/12/93)
UDEL101.ZIP 72647 07-26-91 Windows 3.0 and DOS versions of a powerful
global delete program. It can delete entire
directory structures, so be careful!
9 files - New: 07/26/1991 Old: 07/26/1991
ULTMU36.ZIP 93146 01-07-93 UltraMenu Ver 3.60 from UltraSoft Computer.
Extensive Task Manager, capable of umlimited
control of complex Applications or tasks. Has
been called a smaller, faster Windows concept
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 106
but is not Multi-Task and frees 100% memory
for the application. Very simple to operate &
program.Alters Menus from the Main Menu scrn.
Very attractive graphics and screen blanking.
Extensive yet simple task manager. A MUST!
Last revision date in archive: 01-07-1993.
UNARJSW.ZIP 34610 11-29-92 Unarj shell 1.0 for Windows - extracts and
lists archives created with arj. requires
vbrun200.dll, the visual basic 2.0 runtime.
(Last Revised: 11/29/92)
UNITIL11.ZIP 46091 09-17-92 Unitile v1.1: universal toolbar for Windows
3.1, that consists of a universal tiler
(cascades, vertical or horizontal), red
button for fast shutdown of Windows,
configurable pgm launcher, save/restore
Windows workspace; 09/17/92; Robert Stefanz.
UNZIPPER.ZIP 8063 02-27-92 User Shell for PKUNIP. A first Visual Basic
program. Requires VBRUN100.DLL and PKUNZIP.
(Last Revised: 02/27/92)
UPD8R-21.ZIP 56261 12-17-92 Winupd8r V2.1 <asp>- -if You Use "floppy Net"
to Move Files Back And Forth Between
Computers, You Need This Program!! Winupd8r
Can Automatically Keep Your Files Up-To-date
on Multiple Machines While Providing (At
Least) Triple-Redundant Backup of Your Data
in The Process. No Cables or Modem Transfers
Necessary. Windows 3.1 Required. Shareware.
(Last Revised: 12/17/92)
USHER14C.ZIP 19068 08-07-91 Usher For Windows 3, V1.4c Allows Defining
Menus of Apps to Launch, as an Add-On or
Replacement For Program Manager
(Last Revised: 08/07/91)
UWIN11A.ZIP 125987 05-02-92 U/Win v1.1A: MS-Windows utilities that
perform functions similar to those found in
UNIX, using the concept of standard I/O, and
can be connected with pipes; batch or
interactive mode; 05/02/92
VDT.ZIP 341154 12-16-92 Program Manager Add-on for Win 3.1.
(Last Revised: 12/16/92)
VLFM090B.ZIP 41817 03-17-93 VLFM v0.90ß: MS-Windows File Manager
replacement which has a few twists; 03/17/93
(Last Revised: 03/17/93)
VU11R0.ZIP 158001 09-15-92 VU v1.1r0: file viewing program for DOS and
MS-Windows that allows you to look at files
quickly/easily without bringing them into an
editor; supports regular expression searches,
will list all occurences of a search
expression, highly configurable hex viewing
mode, SAA/CUA-style interface and more;
09/15/92; Mark E. Peterson.
(Last Revised: 09/15/92)
VXBTEST.ZIP 7759 12-04-91 Dataworks. Xbase - dbase files management for
Windows 3.0. File 3-3. All 3 files
(dwindows.zip, dwmaster.zip & vxbtest.zip
were downloaded from Compuserve MSBasic forum
as DWORKS.Zip.
(Last Revised: 12/04/91)
W31UPDFM.ZIP 154568 04-03-92 Updates Windows 3.1 FILE MANAGER with buttons
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 107
-- really neat! (from Microsoft, Inc.).
(Last Revised: 04/03/92)
WB-33G.ZIP 437034 07-19-92 WinBatch - Write your own Windows Batch
Files. Dialogs, automatic program control,
and powerful data manipulation lets you
control Windows. A must for the power user.
Over 200 functions let you do *anything* in
Windows! $69.95
(Last Revised: 07/19/92)
WB31B.ZIP 167730 07-06-92 WinBack v3.1: small/efficient backup program
that uses DOS' Backup/Restore from within an
MS-Windows menu driven interface; 07/06/92;
WC10B.ZIP 18035 03-22-93 WinCommand v1.00B: command line interpreter
for MS-Windows; 03/22/93.
WCMD101.ZIP 75472 02-19-92 Windows Command v1.01 - Command Line
Interface for MS Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/19/92)
WCR22G.ZIP 182470 02-23-92 Task Scheduler for Windows 3.0/3.10. Nice 3D
look interface. Designed to be as powerful
and flexible as its Unix conterpart.
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
WD110.ZIP 66937 03-01-93 WinDupe v1.10: MS-Windows based diskette
duplicator featuring single pass operation,
format conversion, background operation,
context sensitive help and on-line manual;
03/01/93; David Black/MaeDae Enterprises.
WDESKNAV.ZIP 92595 04-22-91 Windows Desk Navigator Version 2.52a
(Last Revised: 04/22/91)
WDISK.ZIP 125253 08-23-92 Windows 3.x disk archiver.
(Last Revised: 08/23/92)
WDK411TD.ZIP 144069 12-13-92 WinDisKlone v4.11 for Windows 3.x 1-pass
diskette copier with co- operative
multitasking for true background operation.
That is, you can do other things while
copying diskettes. Automatic "upsizing" too!
Puts PM's diskcopy & format to shame. Single
pass duplication of any DOS diskette.
Pompressed file images, compare, fast format,
format w/options. Single, multi, and network
versions available. EZ-DisKlone Plus for DOS
available too. See info contained in WDK 4.11
(Last Revised: 12/13/92)
WDLGEX.ZIP 55246 01-12-93 Expand the power of windows file select forms
(Last Revised: 01/12/93)
WEM32.ZIP 97814 01-22-93 Easy Menu for Windows. Complete replacement
for Program Manager.
(Last Revised: 01/22/93)
WFAPMENU.ZIP 18892 04-18-93 Wfapmenu is a File Manager Extension That Can
Add an Applications Menu to the WINDOWS File
Manager. (Newest File Date: 04-18-93)
WFILEZ10.ZIP 16443 07-20-93 FILEZ v1.00 - Shareware File Commander for
the Windows Environment. A fast and
easy-to-use file manager for Windows.
(Last Revised: 03/30/93)
WFILX115.ZIP 8357 10-22-92 WinFileX ver 1.15. A FileManager Extender.
Let you associate files easily.
(Last Revised: 10/22/92)
WFIND16.ZIP 25633 10-01-92 Find program for Windows.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 108
(Last Revised: 10/01/92)
WFREEZE.ZIP 26010 01-05-92 Freeze 1.0 Beta - Windows Native Compression
Program. Designed to MultitaskìF4~ ! Creates
.ICE Archives. Final version will also
extract .ZIPs. (Originally FREEZE.ZIP)
(Last Revised: 01/05/92)
WGREP12.ZIP 88893 05-01-92 Windows Grep v1.2: MS-Windows text search
utility modelled on the UNIX utility of the
same name; useful as a programmer's tool for
searching program source files for specific
variables or function calls; 05/01/92
WIN4HIER.ZIP 19443 02-22-92 Allows you to set up groups within groups for
easier file handling. Simple to set up & runs
from the load= line.
Last revision date in archive: 02-22-1992.
WINBACK1.ZIP 11244 09-18-91 WinBackup v1.0. Back up program for Windows.
Requires Visual Basic Runtime module.
(Last Revised: 09/18/91)
WINBTN12.ZIP 23033 11-05-92 WinButton is a button-bar launcher to be used
in place of the Program Manager in Win 3.x.
(Last Revised: 11/05/92)
WINCAN.ZIP 57989 07-21-92 Windows 3.1 TrashCan (MAC-like).
Last revision date in archive: 07-21-1992.
WINCAT22.ZIP 64679 05-20-92 Win 3: Wincat 2.2.Diskette catalogger.
(Last Revised: 05/20/92)
WINCD.ZIP 14735 10-03-91 Windows Change Directory - Add some
flexibility to Win 3.
(Last Revised: 10/03/91)
WINCHAIN.ZIP 28114 03-04-91 Run Windows 3 programs automatically from
the DOS prompt.
(Last Revised: 03/04/91)
WINCL302.ZIP 62693 01-29-92 WinCLI v3.02: MS-Windows 3.0 program that
creates a DOS-like prompt from which you can
launch DOS & Windows programs; w/copy, delete
rename, files, etc;
(Last Revised: 01/29/92)
WINCMD2.ZIP 64248 11-10-91 WINCMD -- Windows 3.0 program that provides
most functions available from a DOS prompt
within Windows. Good implementation.
(Last Revised: 11/10/91)
WINCNTRL.ZIP 83831 05-11-92 Windows Command-Line Interpreter...works
beautifully with 286 and better!
(Last Revised: 05/11/92)
WINDIR50.ZIP 78844 02-16-93 ** WinDir 5.00 for Windows 3.10 ** A great
utility that allows you to perform many tasks
within one simple program. You can Launch,
Copy, Move, Delete, Rename, View, Edit and
more to your files. You can view graphics and
play .WAV files, you can also keep notes that
are saved and when you reload WinDir next
time, it will load the notes for you to read.
This is an excellent addition to Windows for
anyone out there. From: Shortdog Inc.
Last revision date in archive: 02-14-1993.
WINDK151.ZIP 24379 04-05-92 WinDock 1.51. Terrific Windows-based
launching utility which takes the form of a
floating toolbar. Can replace Program
Manager quite nicely.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 109
(Last Revised: 04/05/92)
WINDRP.ZIP 88295 02-01-93 Windrop is a drag and drop program launcher
for windows, in the form of an icon bar.
(Last Revised: 02/01/93)
WINEXT.ZIP 43558 05-30-91 Extends the file association powers of MS WIN
3.0 File Manager, MS/DOS Exec. and Program
Manager .
14 files - New: 05/30/1991 Old: 04/06/1991
WINEZ3.ZIP 51486 05-03-92 Win EZ 3.0 Task Switcher
(Last Revised: 05/03/92)
WINF11.ZIP 38873 03-04-92 Win3x file mgr. With some intresting features
and 'C' source. Good programming example.
(Last Revised: 03/04/92)
WINFND.ZIP 21491 09-17-92 Windows 3.x find/search program v1.0.
(Last Revised: 09/17/92)
WINFST34.ZIP 26486 03-13-93 WIN FAST: Program launcher for MS-Win 3.1
organizes groups on drop down menu, displays
items on button bar.
(Last Revised: 03/13/93)
WINLAB2B.ZIP 232032 07-02-92 Good Windows disk labeler and library.
(Newest file date: 07-02-92).
WINMAN.ZIP 21416 05-08-93 Window Manager, a replacement for TaskMan
Hide/Unhide Windows and get Windows Info.
6 files - New:05-08-1993 Old:04-23-1993
WINMGR.ZIP 320499 06-28-93 Windows add-on for file manager. Excellent!
(Last Revised: 06/28/93)
WINNAV.ZIP 112528 11-25-91 Winnav, Improved File Manager From PC Mag,
(Last Revised: 11/25/91)
WINPM201.ZIP 44401 04-01-93 Add your own custom menu items to the Windows
Program Manager--or other Windows
applications--with Program Manager Modifier.
Then launch your favorite games or utilities
with ease. (Last Revised: 04/01/93)
WINPOWER.ZIP 181904 03-14-93 The CD PowerBox's Windows-based GUI! FREE -
use it with this shareware CD-ROM.
Last revision date in archive: 03-14-1993.
WINREC13.ZIP 119249 05-21-93 RECONCILE v1.30 - Selectively updates two
directories both ways. Up to 20 include and
exclude file masks. Script files. Supports
remote drives created with Interlnk, Brooklyn
Bridge and the like. Invaluable for users of
portables or offices with no network.
(Last Revised: 05/21/93)
WINRUN20.ZIP 37784 11-16-92 Andrew P. Duggan's WinRunner Version 2.0
WinRunner groups, loads, and places sets of
(Last Revised: 11/16/92)
WINSET10.ZIP 24225 07-15-92 Winset v1.0: when software for MS-Windows
installs itself, it writes a lot of files
everywhere - Winset tells you which files
were made so that you can group/delete/etc as
you see fit; 07/15/92; Dr. Masaaki Sawada.
WINSH21.ZIP 29037 07-16-92 WinShell v2.1ß A WINDOWS DOS Shell program
that reminds you that you are still in
WINDOWS, and will NOT let you run CHKDSK even
ith /SWITCHES ■ fixed the SAVE option, took
out the garbage characters. ■ displays time
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 110
while SAVE is active
(Last Revised: 07/16/92)
WINSHELL.ZIP 9725 10-01-91 Switch between norton desktop & program manag
(Last Revised: 10/01/91)
WINSHL13.ZIP 14578 01-01-92 Windows Command Shell v1.3: eases the task of
loading a DOS Box to see a subdirectory, or
of loading File Manager to delete a file(s);
looks like the Windows version of the
charbased DOS cmd shell
(Last Revised: 01/01/92)
WINSNC12.ZIP 179228 04-11-93 WinSince v1.2: customizable MS-Windows file
processing utility that searches for files &
performs definable actions on the list of
files; can run both DOS pgms & cmds as well
as Windows programs; requires SVGA; 04/11/93
WINST10.ZIP 350868 04-28-92 Winstart Gold V1.0.0 Frontend For Windows
WinStart GOLD is a complete graphics user
interface (GUI) system. Operates in VGA
Mode (640x480 16 Color) ONLY. Very user
friendly and attractive windowing interface.
Especially created for use as a front end
interface for WINDOWS and your DOS
(Last Revised: 04/28/92)
WINSWT.ZIP 5426 02-27-92 This is a file that contains a "Hellowin"
demo of a simple task switch for windows
programs. It was developed on information
obtained from Borland. The task switch is
intended to allow for the modular development
of windows programs, by designating specific
functions that are used to respond to windows
(Last Revised: 02/27/92)
WINTIDY.ZIP 38077 12-08-92 PC Magazine 1/12/93 feature program, WINTIDY.
Windows 3.1-specific utility that helps keep
your Program Manager organized.
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
WINTOP.ZIP 25063 12-27-91 Finally a desktop manager for Windows 3.0
with 3-D look and very easy to use. Just like
Last revision date in archive: 12-27-1991.
WINUNZ12.ZIP 66097 08-24-92 Info-ZIP free WinUnZip version 1.2 executable
(Last Revised: 08/24/92)
WINZIP41.ZIP 174314 06-26-93 WinZip 4.1: ZIP2.0/ARJ/LZH/ARC Windows Shell
Full Drag and Drop support. ASP Shareware.
New: Header, Status Line, Improved Add, View,
and CheckOut dialogs, Passwords, PKZIP 2.0
disk spanning support, etc.
(Last Revised: 06/26/93)
WIZ311.ZIP 377956 07-20-92 FlashPoint's ZIP tools for Windows 3.1, v3.11
Complete ZIP file manager & manipulator.
(Last Revised: 07/20/92)
WIZFMT30.ZIP 389916 02-28-93 Wiz Format V3.0 - Windows Floppy Disk Format
Safe And Easy to Use. Stunning 3D Effects, co
Progress Indicators. Supports 1 Pass Disk Cop
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 111
On-Line Help. * Requires Vbrun200.dll to Run
(Last Revised: 02/28/93)
WIZMGR.ZIP 319978 06-01-93 THE BEST File Manager enhancement I've seen
yet! Loads only w/File Manager. Adds
customizable tool bar; command line window;
file view with viewer of your choice; prints
directory trees and files within; computer
lock; ETC ETC!!! Many more goodies too!
Downloaded from Compuserve. TRY IT, YOU'LL
WIZMGR11.ZIP 328621 06-25-93 WizManager v. 1.1 - powerful, innovative
Windows 3.1 File Manager add-on. All the
features you wished for are finally
available in this innovative and powerful
add-on. Get a colorful buttonbar, a Command
Line Box which allows you to enter DOS
commands, and great utilities such as Print
Directory, Print Tree, System & Disk Info,
Scripts, Customized Menus... WizManager is
the ultimate File Manager extender, try it!
Dated 6/25/93
WMC32.ZIP 272872 07-26-93 Windows Multiple Configuration v3.2 - Manage
multiple configurations for Windows.
New:10-25-1992 Old:04-28-1993
WMENUN21.ZIP 42367 07-16-93 WinMenu v2.1: network version of a menu/shell
system for MS-Windows w/a 3D look; 07/16/93.
WNCMD30.ZIP 27244 12-01-91 WinCmd v3.0: MS-Windows program launcher that
appears as a row of push-buttons, like a TV
remote control; each button opens a menu and
each menu can open multiple sub-menus;
buttons, menus, cmds, etc are user-defined;
(Last Revised: 12/01/91)
WNCODE12.ZIP 38507 07-14-93 This Is Version 2 Of Wincode. It Fixes A Bug
In The Multi-Part File Decode Algorithm (It
Incorporates A Better Search Routine For
Encoded Text). A Uucoder.
(Last Revised: 07/14/93)
WNFST34B.ZIP 26118 03-29-93 WIN FAST (WINFAST.EXE) Graphical Program
Launcher for Win 3.1. Drop Down Menu displays
Groups in alphabet order. Button Bar displays
Icons in Item-Name sequence so programs are
easy to find. You can turn Program Groups
into Icons. Full working copy.
(Last Revised: 03/29/93)
WNGRD-11.ZIP 76986 03-16-93 WinGuard will protect any PC running Windows
3.1 from having its Program Manager groups or
items rearranged or damaged, and will also
allow the hiding of 'sensitive' programs
behind a password-protected security shell;
this would be most useful to someone in
charge of a number of computers at a school
or business. 03/16/93
WNLNCH.ZIP 26422 04-08-92 Update to Central Points Launcher for Windows
(Last Revised: 04/20/92)
WRU311.ZIP 75384 10-15-92 WRU v3.1.1 - A Windows 3.1 file finder for
systems with large or networked hard disks.
Multiple file lists with 10,000 entries per
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 112
list. Compressed files can be scanned
(ARC,ARJ,LZH,ZIP, ZOO) and DOS files can be
ignored. Search on multiple search masks,
file size and date. Unique list display with
full searching.
(Last Revised: 10/15/92)
WSCAN99.ZIP 201348 11-23-92 WSCAN99.ZIP 211,402 SCAN for Windows version
99 (11-23-92) Windows version of VIRUSCAN
program. User Friendly.
(Last Revised: 11/23/92)
WSHELL11.ZIP 105355 11-20-91 Windows Shell v1.1: MS-Windows cmd-line pgm
launcher; can perform disk maintenance
operations such as copy/del/move files;
interactive editing of aliases and
environment variables; "Action Bar" to
quickly execute a command; configurable
options & customizable fonts and screen
colors; text marking, cutting, and pasting;
(Last Revised: 11/20/91)
WSII.ZIP 61455 04-05-93 Winshell- This Is A Command.Com Simulator For
Windows. It Supports All Of The Famous
Commands Plus A Few New Ones. (All The Bugs
From The Old Version Are Fixed).
(Last Revised: 04/05/93)
WTCH10.ZIP 16737 04-30-92 Windows Touch - Change time and date on
groups of files
(Last Revised: 04/30/92)
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
PX09Downloaded @X0B<10>@X09 times.
WUNA221.ZIP 129219 01-10-93 Windows UnArchive v2.21, an UnZipper/UnArjer
for Windows which doesn't need a DOS app. to
do the real work. Many useful features,
including a TryOut feature for downloads and
the ability to run or read files within
archives. This release adds support for
PKZIP 2.04C and fixes some bugs.
(Last Revised: 01/10/93)
WUNZ13.ZIP 67120 08-31-92 WizUnzip 1.3 - Windows 3.1 unzip utility;
does not require PKZIP. Supports drag & drop.
(Last Revised: 08/31/92)
WUNZP30A.ZIP 120434 08-26-92 WinUnZip v3.0A: MS-Windows unZIP utility that
uses internal zip routines, rather than req'g
you to shell to a DOS zipper; 08/26/92;
XTG_GICO.ZIP 11575 04-01-93 Windows Icon Files For Xtreegold - Xtree Bbs.
(Newest File Date: 04-01-93)
(Last Revised: 04/01/93)
XTRACT10.ZIP 89208 06-19-92 Xtract for Windows v1.0: fully graphical
unarchive shell for PKUNZIP/ARJ; multiple
file queue; ability to view/delete files, and
to extract multiple files to multiple
floppies; req VBRUN100.DLL; 06/19/92
XTWFIX01.ZIP 8137 09-18-92 XTWFIX Utility Version 1.0 - Sept. 9, 1992
XTWFIX is a small utility program provided by
XTree Company to correct an existing problem
in the XTree for Windows application. It
modifies one of the DLL files which was
installed from the XTree for Windows
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 113
installation diskettes. Dated 9/18/92
XTWZ20.ZIP 58391 05-10-93 Zip 2.0 Overlay For Xtree For Windows V1.5
(Last Revised: 05/10/93)
ZDODA111.ZIP 22136 05-21-93 ZIPpity do Da, Zip Manager For Windows
(Last Revised: 05/21/93)
ZIP4WIN.ZIP 182045 03-04-92 Pkware for windows.
(Last Revised: 03/04/92)
ZIPIT21.ZIP 131613 06-15-93 Zipit 2.1 zip shell for Windowsr PKware's
New version! PKzip 2.04 compatible.
All new 3d look and feel. Needs
VBRUN200.DLL. The timed nag screen
has been removed. Auto hard drive
PKZIP utility; 06/15/93.
ZIPMAN21.ZIP 108545 04-17-93 Windows Archive Manager
(Last Revised: 04/17/93)
ZIPSH106.ZIP 150341 10-12-92 ZipShell v1.06: MS-Windows 3.1 command center
for PKZIP/PKUNZIP w/drag'n drop functionality
req VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 10/12/92)
ZKSHEL11.ZIP 90071 06-02-92 ZK-Shell v1.1: shell program that will allow
you to use Eric Iaacson's ZIPKEY TSR within
MS-Windows; allows you to enter a known ZIP
code, call ZIPKEY to look up the city & state
and then type the city, state & ZIP code into
your word processor, or enter the 2 letter
state abbreviation & the city name the ZIP
will be found for you; 06/02/92; Paul Mayer/
ZM40W.ZIP 429343 05-24-93 Zip Manager 4.0 for Windows
(Last Revised: 05/24/93)
ZPS212.ZIP 201291 01-10-93 ZipShell v2.12: MS-Windows 3.1 command center
for PKZIP/PKUNZIP w/drag'n drop functionality
req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 01/10/93)
Pg 114
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 35 │WINDOWS Accessories A-G │
│ # of Files: 266 │ Bytes: 18,394,050 │ Updated: 08/16/93 02:05 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
!MSTAPPS.ZIP 632860 04-18-93 MSTApps 1.0 for Windows. A collection of
seven Windows applets which include an image
viewer, disk charter, font viewer, timer,
clock, attribute viewer, and phone book.
(Last Revised: 04/18/93)
3DCAL.ZIP 5648 05-14-93 Pop-up calendar for MS-Windows
(Last Revised: 05/14/93)
3DKBD202.ZIP 79160 12-28-91 3D KeyBoard For Windows
(Last Revised: 12/28/91)
4ACAL300.ZIP 10859 11-23-92 4A Calculator v3.00: MS-Windows math
calculation pgm that can be used to do basic
math such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication division & also performs
percentile math, square root, square, and 1/x
math; requires VBRUN200.DLL;
(Last Revised: 11/23/92)
4WIN110.ZIP 39277 07-04-91 Windows 3.0, command.com replacment 7/4/91
Lots of additions in this upgrade v1.10.
5IN1.ZIP 17324 04-19-91 5 utilities for windows 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 04-19-1991.
8_CURSOR.ZIP 5249 05-31-91 8 cursors for Windows chngcrsr prgrm.
9 files - New: 06/20/1991 Old: 01/23/1991
ABM117.ZIP 33417 07-16-93 Activate BackMenu (ABM) v1.17: MS-Windows
util that floats on top of all other windows
and allows easy access to Backmenu(2) when
the desktop is not visible from a full screen
application and/or the hot-key conflicts with
the current app; req VBRUN200.DLL; 07/16/93.
ACAL.ZIP 25445 08-29-91 Athletes Calculator for Windows - calculates
things like target pulse rate, etc
ACCCLIP.ZIP 32763 11-01-92 Win 3+ text format clipboard stack saver
(Last Revised: 11/01/92)
ACCENT20.ZIP 40410 07-24-92 Accent v2.0: MS-Windows app that enables you
to input special chars that are not normally
found on a regular keyboard (e.g. Accented
chars, copyright/trademark sign, etc.);
07/24/92; pro++ Software.
ACCLITE3.ZIP 13880 01-13-92 Version 3.0 of Accessory Mate for Windows
Great util for fast access of Windows
Accessories. Requires VBRUN100.dll.
(Last Revised: 01/13/92)
ACCTMN12.ZIP 161701 05-20-93 Account Manager 1.2 - a time usage tracking
program for Windows 3.1. This is a major
upgrade to version 1.1...take a look!
8 files - New:05-20-1993 Old:05-20-1993
ACDP142.ZIP 151960 11-12-92 Audio Compact Disc Player (ACDP) v1.42:
MSWindows pgm that enables you to play audio
compact discs; also stores the disc & track
titles in a Paradox-formatted database; VGA
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 115
(Last Revised: 11/12/92)
ACHART12.ZIP 18890 06-07-91 ASCI Chart for Windows 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 06-07-1991.
ACLK30.ZIP 22023 10-26-92 Clock for Windows 3.1 many extras.
(Last Revised: 10/26/92)
ACLOCK.ZIP 33587 06-19-92 Astronomy Clock for MS Win 3.X v. 1.12
Last revision date in archive: 06-19-1992.
ACSTRASH.ZIP 138870 05-29-93 ACSTrash v1.00 for Windows 3.1 - Swiss
"poubelle" program w/Drag & Drop. In French!
(Last Revised: 05/29/93)
ACTIVATE.ZIP 7199 03-08-92 Keeps a specified Windows program maximized
and active. Created to keep users in a
control program in an industrial setting.
(Last Revised: 03/08/92)
ACUBO.ZIP 6739 01-09-93 MS-Windows Clipboard enhancer. Uses 8K Mem.
(Last Revised: 01/09/93)
ADDMENU.ZIP 46784 07-07-92 Addmenu lets you add additional items to you
Windows system menus. Freeware, this is ayou
preliminary version. Reviewed favorably by
Barry Seymour in WOL "the Weekly" #55.
Last revision date in archive: 07-07-1992.
ADDRESSN.ZIP 631352 07-15-93 Address For Windows
(Last Revised: 07/15/93)
ADDRS172.ZIP 192852 12-23-92 EnvAddress v1.72: MS-Windows address mgr,
envelope printer, phone dialer, with fast
address locating even in large databases;
15,000 chars remarks in scroll edit window; 5
envelope sizes, predefinable; address lists
copy/paste to clipboard; req VRBUN100.DLL;
(Last Revised: 12/23/92)
ADIAL10.ZIP 97293 03-28-93 AutoDial v1.0: MS-Windows 3-D phone & beeper
dialer; requires VBRUN200.DLL; 03/28/93.
ADR10A.ZIP 97449 07-18-91 Wilson Windowware Address Book! Last revision
date in archive: 07-18-1991.
ADVENT10.ZIP 272804 12-03-90 Advent Calendar 1.0 for Windows, count days
to Xmas by opening a 'door' each day to
reveal a different picture
AGE10.ZIP 6966 10-30-91 "How Old are Ya" v1.0: MS-Windows util that
will tell you how old you are in days, hours,
minutes and seconds; VBRUN100.DLL is required
(Last Revised: 10/30/91)
ALLINI21.ZIP 18166 06-05-93 ALLINI v2.10: allows you to easily edit/del
sections of an MS-Windows INI file; 06/05/93.
ALLSTAR1.ZIP 980918 10-09-92 Windows "All-Star Utilities Pac" from Windows
Sources Magazine. Contains several TrueType
fonts and a dozen freeware and shareware Win
utilities, including: mini-calculator, draw-
ing program, text file printer, dupe finder,
program to help input foreign chars, tele-
phone book, launcher, etc. [1/2]
(Last Revised: 10/09/92)
ALLSTAR2.ZIP 323384 10-08-92 All-Star Utilities Pac - [2/2]
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
ALM30H.ZIP 365968 01-06-93 Version 3.0h Of Almanac For Windows.
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
ALMFONTS.ZIP 3745 04-27-92 If you've tried Almanac for Windows 3.0 or
3.0a and the tool button graphics don't look
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 116
right, load these fonts into your almanac
directory and load it up..VOILA!!
(Last Revised: 04/27/92)
ALRM16.ZIP 59720 04-28-92 Alarm Clock Scheduler V 1.6 for OS2.
(Last Revised: 04/28/92)
ALTCLOCK.ZIP 17830 04-19-92 Time, memory, bytes left, display, Windows
(Last Revised: 04/19/92)
AMW14.ZIP 138088 04-29-93 Arcmaster 1.4 for MS-Win 3.1: Front-end shell
from Newlin for various DOS compression
utils. (Last Revised: 04/29/93)
ANALYZ12.ZIP 9500 05-04-93 Analyze v1.2: MS-Windows timer-based bar that
takes very little space on your screen, shows
the memory, User heap and GDI heap w/funny
menu & drag style; 05/04/93; Bhavdeep Singh.
APAPER.ZIP 16526 11-02-91 Autopaper will randomly change you Windows 3
wallpaper every time you start it. It
searches your Windows 3 directory for the
availible bitmaps and then selects one to
display the next time you start windows.
(Last Revised: 11/02/91)
AR116.ZIP 27933 05-04-93 Auto-Raise for Windows. Version 1.16. Now
works better with terminal emulation packages
and XWindows System emulators. Allows the
user to switch among windows on screen simply
by pointing. (Last Revised: 05/04/93)
AREACODE.ZIP 96818 03-10-93 MS-Windows program that allows you to pick a
state and the program returns the area code;
includes multiple state listings and ability
to add new codes; 03/10/93
AS22.ZIP 85107 11-04-91 Art Show v2.2: MS-Windows app to display
"shows" of your favorite .BMP files; can
display color bitmaps with 16 or 256 color
palettes, or gray scale palettes w/up to 256
shades; does not support 24 bit color bitmaps
supports VGA, 800x600 & 1024x768 resolutions
on a ProDesigner II video card;
(Last Revised: 11/04/91)
ASCIIWIN.ZIP 6622 11-23-92 ASCII Table for MS-Windows; mouse/keyboard
(Last Revised: 11/23/92)
ASCVIEW1.ZIP 22287 06-05-91 View ASCII files under MS Windows
4 files - New: 06/05/1991 Old: 06/05/1991
ASKEM10.ZIP 36737 03-25-93 Ask 'em v1.0: simple, yet powerful MS-Windows
utility to be used in conjunction w/the WIL
language that is similar to the AskYesNo
function in WIL, but it is much more useful
in an automated environment where there may
not be a user around to respond to a prompt.
(Last Revised: 03/25/93)
ASSA01.ZIP 39332 01-07-93 Voodoo/Assassin vA.01: MS-Windows accessory/
util that facilitates sharing resources (such
as modem ports) by killing a running
application (such as a fax pgm that runs "24
hours a day") to make room for a second app,
optionally restoring the original app after
the 2nd app terminates.
(Last Revised: 01/07/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 117
AT12.ZIP 18356 01-14-91 Win 3.0, Application Timer 1.2, will launch
programs at a specified time, or on regular
intervals. It can be used to automate
backups, asynchronous communications, CPU
intensive calculations, etc.
ATTALL.ZIP 92869 12-08-92 Clock/Resource monitor for Windows. Requires
VBRUN200.DLL. Freeware.
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
AUDIO31.ZIP 43253 08-30-91 Simulate various types of equalizers and
crossovers in Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/30/91)
AUTODL10.ZIP 62567 06-23-93 AutoDial v1.0: MS-Windows application that
allows you to store names and phone numbers,
and have the modem dial your phone calls and
tell you to pick up the phone; VBRUN200.DLL
is required; 06/08/93; Jeffery M. Cooper.
AUTOK21.ZIP 108264 10-05-92 AutoKey v2.1: auto-save pgm for MS-Windows,
meaning it protects the data in your Windows
pgms from power failures, user error, or the
ever-present UAEs, by telling those other
Winapps to save their work periodically; can
also send other keystrokes or menu commands
supports nested popup menu cmds up to 5
levels deep); time, keystroke or mouse click
intervals and alot more.
(Last Revised: 10/05/92)
AUTOSV10.ZIP 46565 02-07-93 AutoSaver v1.0: enables you to save any
Winprogram, since it makes use of Windows API
calls to acquire the names of all existing
Windows & allows you to set up a string which
will be sent to the selected window via
SendKeys at a user-defined interval; auto
activates the specified window and after
sending its keystrokes, re-activates the
previously active window; req VBRUN200.DLL;
02/07/93; Neil Robinson.
A_TART10.ZIP 12435 01-16-92 A_tartan - MS Windows tartan generator
Windows application which "weaves" a tartan
(Scottish plaid) and saves it as a bitmap for
use as Windows wallpaper - requires
(Last Revised: 01/16/92)
BAHASHEM.ZIP 6904 02-28-93 Windows pgm to display 'baruch hashem'.
Kosher your computer and environment!
(Last Revised: 02/28/93)
BAIL2.ZIP 3898 06-06-92 Quick Exit Program for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 06/06/92)
BAR31CO.ZIP 161311 12-08-92 Barcode program for windows now supports
bitmaps,UPC-A,Code 3 of 9,Barcode scanners
any graphics printer windows will support now
has easy to use toolbar user defined label
types, serialized labels,save page retrieve
page,better font access, and more !!!
Shareware Requires VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
BARS3D.ZIP 134345 09-11-92 New Version now has WYSIWYG screen for labels
and many more new features that must be seen!
Bars 3.0 is a fully fuctional demo the full
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 118
Product has all barcode types. this version
supports code 3 of 9 only. However the wait
is now over all codes are now supported in
the full product. Bars 3.0 will print
barcodes to any printer that windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 09/11/92)
BATCHE.ZIP 3584 08-12-92 NDW WBT utility, see batche.des for descrip.
(Last Revised: 08/12/92)
BC105.ZIP 29538 05-04-93 === BIG CLOCK === v1.05 by Glen Neal Big
Clock is a digital and analog clock big
enough to be seen across the room. Each hour
a koo-koo chime sounds, and your windows
wallpaper is changed. Easy set once-a-day
alarm. Requires Windows 3.1 and Soundblaster.
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
BCALC21.ZIP 233673 04-16-93 Business Calculator V2.10 for Windows 3.1
(Shareware Version) allows you to easily
perform many advance business, financial, and
statistical calculations, as well as basic
calculations. It also provides multiple
memory registers, a calculator tape that you
can edit, and the ability to be
Always-On-Top. From Etling Software.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
BCS104.ZIP 101972 01-06-93 Berlin's Cheat Sheet, Version 1.04. Win 3.x
Last revision date in archive: 01-06-1993.
BFRNAFT.ZIP 4087 11-25-92 Utility to help in windows software installat
(Last Revised: 11/25/92)
BHOLE2.ZIP 12850 04-25-93 Black Hole v2.0: MS-Windows file deletion pgm
which will erase any files/dirs you drag to
it, including those that are marked as
"readonly"; 04/25/93; R. R. Merritt.
BIBDEMO.ZIP 92421 10-31-92 BiblioTech V. 3.0. Bibliographic Reference
Manager for Windows. Allows you to archive
standard scientific/biomedical/social science
references and export them in any journal
style to your word processor. Many
improvements over earlier versions.
(Last Revised: 10/31/92)
BITMAN.ZIP 24045 05-09-91 Allows you to browse thru Microsoft Windows
3.0 (only) bitmaps .
2 files - New: 05/09/1991 Old: 05/09/1991
BIZWIZ10.ZIP 105160 08-27-91 Emulate an HP-12C financial calculator under
Windows 3.0. 8/27/91
BIZWIZ30.ZIP 176189 06-01-93 BizWiz v3∙0: MS-Windows power user's
financial calculator which emulates the
HP-12C; incorporates Keep-On-Top feature
which allows it to remain on top of other
Windows apps; 06/01/93; CalcTech Inc.
BLAKHL10.ZIP 28986 01-31-93 Black Hole v1.0: MS-Windows file deletion pgm
which will erase any files/dirs you drag to
it, including those that are marked
"readonly"; 01/31/93; R. R. Merritt.
BLINKY.ZIP 13681 02-03-92 High visibility blinking mouse cursor for
Windows 3.
(Last Revised: 02/03/92)
BLITFIX.ZIP 10381 11-02-91 Small Windows utility to speed up windowing
in large (1024x768) displays by forcing the
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 119
CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT bit on for all top
(Last Revised: 11/02/91)
BLOWIT.ZIP 4772 11-13-91 Win 3 application will allow you to capture
any part of the Windows screen to the 'blow
it up' window which can be stretched
vertically and horizontally.
(Last Revised: 11/13/91)
BMI4WIN.ZIP 18311 04-21-92 Simple utility for Windows 3.0 to calculate
Body Mass Index. R. Boddam, Galactica
Software. 04/21/92.
BMPBRW10.ZIP 98167 06-01-93 BMP Browse v1.0: handy MS-Windows utility to
browse thru all the BMPs in a directory;
supports any size BMP w/up to 256 colors; req
VBRUN200.DLL; 06/01/93; Simplicity Computers.
BMPPCX.ZIP 57525 07-03-93 Clipart in PCX and Windows Bitmap format.
(Last Revised: 07/03/93)
BPUT31.ZIP 126208 04-04-92 Barry Press Utilities for MS-Windows 3.1
includes calendar from 1980 to 2037, cmd-line
icon, source file comparison (text files),
printer orientation control, digital clock, 2
AfterDark modules & an appl
(Last Revised: 04/04/92)
BRCLK131.ZIP 19410 04-06-93 BarClock v1.31: formerly WinClock, MS-Windows
util that displays a clock in the caption bar
of the active window; 04/06/93
BROWIN10.ZIP 11088 10-15-91 Browini v1.0: allows you to browse/modify any
MS-Windows INI file;
(Last Revised: 10/15/91)
BRPNC20.ZIP 104357 05-29-93 Berry RPN Calculator v2.0: reverse Polish
notation calcular for MS-Windows; extensive
units conversion, preset scientific units,
programmable function keys, user-definable
constants, advanced math functions, periodic
table w/physical constants for each element,
& more; req VBRUN200.DLL; 05/29/93.
BWE.ZIP 11357 02-14-93 A simply utility to provide aquick and easy
way to exit Windows. This file requires
(Last Revised: 02/14/93)
BWE150.ZIP 17625 06-06-93 Beyond Windows Exit v1.50: MS-Windows utility
that provides a quick/easy way to exit,
restart, or exit/run/restart Windows; drag'n
drop; reboot system & more; req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 06/06/93)
BYEBYE20.ZIP 18758 04-21-93 ByeBye v2.0: MS-Windows utility that allows
you to select days and times to exit Windows;
requires VBRUN200.DLL; 04/21/93.
CALCPD10.ZIP 33864 06-05-93 CalcPad is a small Windows 3.1+ scientific
calculator program. (Last Revised: 06/05/93)
CALCUL.ZIP 36762 03-12-93 Super little calculator for WinWord 2.0.
Installs as a macro. Open calcul1.dot in
Winword and follow instructions. Does
arithmetic, %, square roots, dollars and
cents. (Last Revised: 03/12/93)
CALENDRS.ZIP 10204 03-21-93 Perpetual calendar. One for Win & one for DOS
(Last Revised: 03/21/93)
CALNDR10.ZIP 9018 10-22-91 A perpetual CALENDAR program for Excel 3.0+.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 120
Designed to be printed out once or twice/mo.
(Last Revised: 10/22/91)
CALPOP.ZIP 10094 03-29-92 Popup calendar for Windows; 1980 to 2087
(Last Revised: 03/29/92)
CAPCLOCK.ZIP 9219 07-07-91 Small app that places a digital clock in the
active menu bar. For Windows 3.0
2 files - New: 07/07/1991 Old: 07/07/1991
CARDREAD.ZIP 19678 05-12-92 Program for reading MS-Windows cardfile files
that allows you to mark any or all cards for
printing/saving to an ASCII DOS file; will
not read files w/Embedded graphics; text may
be formatted as on the Windows cards or
reformatted to 80 character lines w/or w/out
embedded newlines; 05/12/92; R.K. Cureton.
CASLNR36.ZIP 46155 12-02-92 Caselinr v3.6: MSWindows program which prints
case liners (aka J-Cards) for audio cassettes
(Last Revised: 12/02/92)
CATTRASH.ZIP 15343 08-07-92 Trash for Windows 1.0 - Dated 8/7/92
CBTOOLSX.ZIP 117139 08-27-92 The "Carlsberg Tools". A date/time monitor,
swap dataset size monitor, and disk freespace
size monitor. For OS/2.
(Last Revised: 08/27/92)
CC13.ZIP 71176 02-28-92 Carets & Cursors V1.3 For Windows Provides A
Way to Assign A Variety of Mouse Pointers And
Text Editing Cursors.
(Last Revised: 02/28/92)
CCSWAP11.ZIP 9267 04-29-93 CCswap v1.1: small windows util to swap the
Ctrl and Capslock keys on the keyboard.
(Last Revised: 04/29/93)
CDAUD127.ZIP 114519 10-24-92 CD Audio v1.27: MS-Windows audio CD player
w/3-D buttons, color, icons, etc.,
programming of custom track sequences for
playback, disc database of disc titles,
artists, etc.; MSCDEX 2.2+ and VBRUN100.DLL
are required.
(Last Revised: 10/24/92)
CDP.ZIP 115406 08-18-92 CD player for WIndows v 1.0 is a
comprehensive Compact Disc deck for your
Windows 3.1 desktop. Many features and
options! Saves CDs and selected tracks,
position locator for exact movement. Req
VBRUN100.dll. If you need VBRUN or want the
setup program as well, D/L/ CDPC.ZIP instead.
Shareware from Graphical Bytes, Inc.
(Last Revised: 08/18/92)
CDPLY.ZIP 378279 12-28-92 CD-ROM player for Windows.
(Last Revised: 12/28/92)
CDSK101D.ZIP 87691 08-25-92 Win3X Copy Floppy Disk. Shareware Demo
Version by Accurate Technologies. Full
functionality but low density floppies only.
Only $19.95 for full version! Best util of
this type I've seen! Written by a local San
Diego professional programmer, Mark
McGinty-he's out of work (layoff) and he
needs the bucks! 1-800 number included in the
"about" box-- check it out! Thanks!
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 121
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
CHGCRS22.ZIP 37148 01-08-92 Change The Arrow And Hourglass Cursors in
Window 3.O to Whatever Pattern You Like
(Last Revised: 01/08/92)
CHPAPE.ZIP 37368 09-24-92 Another Windows Wallpaper Changer. Random
Timed Changes Or Select On Randomly at Start
Also Has "Boss Key" To Bring Up Selected
Bitmap. Resize Bitmaps Also.
(Last Revised: 09/24/92)
CHPDC70.ZIP 22297 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows.Thomas Stoll Documentation [1/7]
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
CHPEF70.ZIP 47063 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows.Thomas Stoll Full Version [2/7]
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
CHPES70.ZIP 15690 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows.Thomas Stoll Small Version [3/7]
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
CHPEX70.ZIP 5183 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows. Thomas Stoll FileManager Ext.
FileManager Extension [4/7].
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
CHPHL70.ZIP 26229 12-05-92 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows. Thomas Stoll Helpfile [5/7]
(Last Revised: 12/05/92)
CHPSC70.ZIP 28412 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows. Thomas Stoll ScreenSaver [6/7]
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
CHPTX70.ZIP 10862 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: powerful wallpaper replacer for
MS-Windows. Thomas Stoll DLL with
text resources [7/7].
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
CIRCUL10.ZIP 49710 03-20-93 Circular File v1.0 for Windows 3.x. Drag and
drop file trasher, with sound support (3 WAVs
included). (Last Revised: 03/20/93)
CLIPMT20.ZIP 203226 07-14-93 ClipMate v2.0: Enhances MS-Win 3.1 clipboard
by allowing you to save multiple items for
retrieval and manipulate contents∙ Handles
most clipboard formats (BMP, RTF, OLE, more).
(Last Revised: 07/14/93)
CLIPS.ZIP 29549 04-16-93 Clips: An enhanced clipboard for Windows.
Featured in the May '93 issue of Windows User
Magazine. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
CLIPST.ZIP 61352 07-15-92 Clipstac is a pc magazine utility that allows
all clipboard saves to be saved to a log
file.File includes full docs and source code.
Last revision date in archive: 07-15-1992.
CLOCK5.ZIP 54257 05-30-91 Configurable Win 3 Clock
(Last Revised: 05/30/91)
CLOCKCAL.ZIP 13843 07-19-93 Time And Date Display in an Icon Program For
Windows. (Last Revised: 07/19/93)
CLOCKL.ZIP 8603 12-17-92 Clock for Win 3.1 written in Visual Basic 2.
(Last Revised: 12/17/92)
CLOCKOMT.ZIP 6993 08-21-91 Clock-O-Matic 1.0 for Windows 3 requires
(Last Revised: 08/21/91)
CLOK10.ZIP 4509 05-01-91 Puts a clock in Word for Windows.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 122
Last revision date in archive: 05-01-1991.
CLP256.ZIP 11257 12-04-91 Visual Basic program to display 256 color BMP
files. Includes VBX for control.
(Last Revised: 12/04/91)
CLPCAP11.ZIP 9886 03-22-93 Clipcap v1.1: Dos filter pgm that captures
the dos standard output and copies it to the
windows clipboard; it's run from within a
windows dos box or from the windows command
line. (Newest file date: 03-22-93)
CLUPW100.ZIP 111899 05-03-93 CleanUp for Windows v1.00: MS-Windows utility
for maintaining a clean & well organized hard
drive; allows you to quickly view duplicate
files located on your hard drive(s) and tag
unneeded files for quick deletion/recovery of
valuable disk space; supports all types of
hard disks including network drives.
(Last Revised: 05/03/93)
CLZ_WIN.ZIP 6608 05-05-93 Exit Windows with single click of a button.
Stays on Top in all windows.
Must have VBRUN100.dll to run.
2 files - New:05-05-1993 Old:05-05-1993
CM12A1.ZIP 214144 01-28-93 ClockMan - The Ultimate Windows Automation
Utility (ZIP file 1 of 2). This ZIP contains
ClockMan files. CM12A2.ZIP contains the WIL
batch language. Fully functional - not
crippled. Registration brings printed manual,
high quality tech support, etc. $49.95
(single user) visa/mc.
(Last Revised: 01/28/93)
CM12A2.ZIP 335250 01-28-93 ClockMan - The Ultimate Windows Automation
Utility (ZIP file 2 of 2). This file is the
WIL Windows batch language engine and
documentation. You need CM12A1.ZIP to use
this. Fully functional - not crippled.
Registration brings printed manual, high
quality tech support, etc. $49.95 (single
user) visa/mc.
(Last Revised: 01/28/93)
CNFGSAVE.ZIP 5789 10-01-91 Save Windows DeskTop without exiting.
(Last Revised: 10/01/91)
CO39.ZIP 89546 08-10-92 Windows 3.1 Menuing system, dated 8/10/92
COD100.ZIP 28403 08-15-92 Clock of Doom for Windows 3.1 - Dated 8/15/92
COFMUG.ZIP 10165 07-17-92 Coffee Mug for Windows. Take your coffee from
window to window!
(Last Revised: 07/17/92)
COLPAL21.ARJ 15194 12-31-92 A windows color palette which stays on top
and give you the hex number combination for
any of 256 colors.
COLRMA.ZIP 28208 01-20-93 ColrMastr 1.02: Manages your Windows desktop
(Last Revised: 01/20/93)
COMMAW.ZIP 4697 09-09-92 Converts ASCII lists to comma delimited
files. For Windows 3.x, requires VBRUN100.DLL
(Renamed from COMMA.ZIP because of conflict
with another file on Cloud Nine).
(Last Revised: 09/09/92)
CONV2.ZIP 75475 10-07-92 Conversion calculator for Windows.
(Last Revised: 10/07/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 123
CONVRT11.ZIP 159010 06-05-92 Convert It! Ver 1.1 for Windows Converts
units of measure for Temperature, Distance,
Mass, Volume, Area, Angles, Power, and
Energy. SMI Enterprises. (6-5-92).
CONVRTR1.ZIP 41873 02-20-93 Extensive Measurement Conversion Utility For
(Last Revised: 02/20/93)
COOKIE.ZIP 22715 01-15-91 COOKIE, Version 1.0, is reminiscent of a
similar program written for the IBM PC many
moons ago. The original version simply
printed out a random saying each time it was
run, like a fortune cookie. Well, since I
couldn't draw a fortune cookie right, My
version is still called COOKIE. COOKIE
outputs a bit of wisdom every time it is run.
From the system menu, you can request new
sayings. This version runs fine under Win3.
COOLCOLR.ZIP 27110 12-04-92 A windows 3.1 control panel app that allows
you to change windows colors by drag-n-drop.
PLast Revised: 12/04/92)
COPY4U.ZIP 18163 12-26-92 COPY4U v2.1 is a Windows utility to perform a
diskcopy in one pass.
(Last Revised: 12/26/92)
CPBX20.ZIP 22318 07-13-92 Copy text or graphics to your Windows
(Last Revised: 07/13/92)
CPUMET.ZIP 18050 06-04-91 Utilities to show how hard your CPU is
working under Windows 3.0, it'll show it as
an ICON.
18 files - New: 06/04/1991 Old: 12/18/1990
CPUUSE14.ZIP 8630 09-30-91 Windows icon that reports cpu % of use
(Last Revised: 09/30/91)
CPYINI02.ZIP 17214 09-25-92 Copy ini by Henk kelder. Version 2. Creates
new, and much smaller, versions of your .INI
(Last Revised: 09/25/92)
CRD2ST10.ZIP 11835 02-21-93 CARD2STN v1.0: Utility that converts Windows'
Cardfile data files (*.CRD) into Stickies!
export files (*.STN);
(Last Revised: 02/07/93)
CRD2TXT.ZIP 4115 06-21-93 Converts Windows' Card Files to standard
ASCII text or Quote Delimited. 06/21/93
CRDUTL30.ZIP 145392 10-15-92 CardUtil v3.0: utility pgm to supplement
MSWindows' Cardfile that converts text,
clipboard, dBase files to Cardfiles, merges
Cardfiles (w/user-configurable duplicate card
rejection), extracts cards based on user
supplied criteria, has a file
tracking/directory utility and more;
(Last Revised: 10/15/92)
CRITOC41.ZIP 11648 09-17-92 Crito's Clock Display v4.1: digital clock for
MS-Windows; fully configurable; VBRUN100.DLL
is required; 09/17/92; Crito P. Philippatos.
CUBIT101.ZIP 41763 04-14-92 Unit conversion program (inches,meters grams,
etc.) and proportioning scale v 1.01 for
Desktop Publishing using MS Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 04/14/92)
CUSTCURS.ZIP 17576 04-28-92 Customize Your Cursor in Windows
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 124
(Last Revised: 04/28/92)
CV201.ZIP 300506 04-12-93 Convert It! 2.01 - Unit Conversion Utility
Ultimate unit of measure conversion utility
for MS Windows. 14 catagories of conversions
with a 15th for custom conversions. In use
by NASA and many others.
(Last Revised: 04/12/93)
CVIEW097.ZIP 198610 05-12-92 Jpeg/GIF or BMP Viewer.
(Last Revised: 05/12/92)
CVT201.ZIP 369203 06-05-93 CONVERT v2.01 <ASP> Units conversion
calculator for Windows 3.1. Many conversion
factors plus user modifiable data files.
Completely rewritten from v1.0. Now handles
temperatures, has an all new look, corrects
some installation problems and contains an
expanded conversion file.
(Last Revised: 06/05/93)
CWVZIP.ZIP 8934 05-15-92 Change Windows Versions For wInstall
(Last Revised: 05/15/92)
DAILY.ZIP 194865 12-04-91 Herman Comic changes every day. Laugh-a-Day
pop-up calendar for Win 3.0. Needs VGA+mouse.
(Last Revised: 12/04/91)
DATTIM.ZIP 23885 01-31-92 Windows 3.0: DateTime, Allows you to have a
clock on screen and other features more than
(Last Revised: 01/31/92)
DAYALM.ZIP 26315 11-01-92 Dayalarm, Win 3.1/3.0 date calculator calenda
(Last Revised: 11/01/92)
DAYCLOCK.ZIP 4784 05-29-91 Enhancement to Windows Clock.
(Last Revised: 05/29/91)
DC0110.ZIP 80315 07-16-93 Digiclk v1.10: MS-Windows compatible pgm that
displays a small clock, showing the system
date/time, in the lower right hand corner of
the display; 07/16/93; Custom Software Svcs.
DCOPY110.ZIP 174955 05-08-93 Windows Floppy Copy Program.
(Last Revised: 05/08/93)
DEER.ZIP 79589 05-07-92 Deer windows background screen.
(Last Revised: 05/07/92)
DESC11.ZIP 15831 11-13-92 Describe v1.1: MS-Windows application that
allows 4DOS file descriptions to be viewed &
(Last Revised: 11/13/92)
DESK24.ZIP 150617 10-05-92 BigDesk v2.40: MS-Win 3.1 util creates
"virtual" desktop which can hold multiple
screens from various apps. Also in ZIP is
Back-Menu: Define a pop-up menu on the MS-Win
3.1 background. Best with mouse (put cursor
on desktop -- right button brings up menu)
but allows keyboard use as well (Alt-F10).
Quite good.
(Last Revised: 10/05/92)
DESKTBMP.ZIP 6256 10-07-90 Mac and Next desktop .BMPs
(Last Revised: 10/07/90)
DETOUR14.ZIP 11319 10-21-91 Detour 1.4 Associate data files with
executable files and the ability to
execute them with point and click or
from the command line. Windows 3.x
Newest file is 10-21-1991
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 125
DEUS.ZIP 50171 04-24-91 Windows Utility makes Win3 look like a MAC
DFALLW11.ZIP 120952 05-29-93 Update to DFALLWIN, v1.1. Shows disk space
across all drives on Windows. Includes
MUSCLE.VBX, missing from v1.0. Requires
vbrun200.dll. (Last Revised: 05/29/93)
DFALLWIN.ZIP 24392 05-28-93 Shows disk space across all drives, and
system stats. Windows environment. Requires
VBRUN200.DLL (not included). Very Fast.
(Last Revised: 05/28/93)
DIALWD10.ZIP 21375 09-11-92 DialWord v1.0: MS-Windows utility which will
tell you of any words which are contained in
a given phone number; req VBRUN100.DLL;
09/11/92; Terry Taggart.
DIL103.ZIP 17842 06-25-93 ======= DiskLine ======= v1.03 by Glen Neal
This nifty little Windows utility shows two
graphs in lower-right corner of screen
indicating drive space. You can pick which
two drives to show. Now remembers position
you drag window to. 06/25/93
DIRCO1.ZIP 201357 01-30-93 W31 2 COLUMNS FILE DIR V. 1.0
(Last Revised: 01/30/93)
DISKFREE.ZIP 15169 03-12-91 This is a cute little program that tells you
how much memory is left on your hard drive
while in windows.
1 files - New: 03/12/1991 Old: 03/12/1991
DISKMANG.ZIP 49912 03-21-93 Disk Cataloger for Windows.
(Last Revised: 03/21/93)
DISKMON.ZIP 25588 01-26-92 DiskMon v1.0: MS-Windows pgm that displays a
pie chart, showing the current amount of free
space on a particular hard drive, and will be
updated at user-specified time intervals;
supports networks having multiple disk drives
(Last Revised: 01/26/92)
DIVINE.ZIP 53756 11-30-92 Having trouble with those heady executive
decisions? Help is here in the form of
divine inspiration! Kinda' like the old
eight ball that gave advice, but with a
spiritual twist. From Apogee Software
Windows 3.1 Visual Basic Application.
(Last Revised: 11/30/92)
DL112.ZIP 56934 06-25-93 ==== DateLine ==== version 1.12 by Glen Neal
This great little Windows utility puts one
small rectangle in upperleft corner of screen
and shows the day of week, month, day, time,
am/pm, memory and largest free block memory.
(Last Revised: 06/25/93)
DLGDRP10.ZIP 7463 03-19-93 DlgDrop v1.0: allows you to drag any file
from MS-Windows' File Manager & drop it onto
a file dialog or into any edit field in
almost any dialog; 03/19/93; Dieter Prifling.
DLLMGR.ZIP 13099 09-22-92 DLLManager - Vers 2.00 beta. Windows util
that provides a list of all installed DLLs
(optionally incl EXEs, .FONs, .VBXs, .XLLs
and .DRVs). You can then use the utility to
load or unload any module. Requires
(Last Revised: 09/22/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 126
DLR226A.ZIP 57151 08-04-92 Dialer v2.26A: MS-Windows phone dialer with
pop-up windows, configurable pull-down menu &
last number redial. Art Metz.
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
DOGCOW.ZIP 12396 04-30-92 Important new Windows utility. A must have!
(Last Revised: 04/30/92)
DOSFON.ZIP 120729 04-16-93 W31 Dos Box add fonts v. 1.0.
(Last Revised: 04/16/93)
DPAD10.ZIP 50294 06-28-92 Windows utility. Three tools: desktop
Scratchpad, Listpad to hold 8 diff notes,
Filebox a preconf file editor. VBRUN100.
(Last Revised: 06/28/92)
DRAGGER.ZIP 16447 04-20-92 Dragger v1.0: designed for Windows users with
disabilities who can manipulate a mouse but
who cannot perform a drag and/or double click
of the left button.
(Last Revised: 04/20/92)
DRFRANK.ZIP 65739 01-03-92 Dr. Frank will help you perform a post-mortem
on MS-Windows' UAEs, similar to DRWATSON;
will intercept exceptions and write a file to
your disk with information helpful in finding
the cause.
(Last Revised: 01/03/92)
DRJPR.ZIP 125632 10-26-91 MS-Win 3.0 Mega Utility - NEAT! Last revision
date in archive: 10-26-1991.
Dropview1.2 allows user to drag groups of
bmps from FileMgr and displays each in it's
own window.Zoom, copy, paste,etc. Can even
load bmp as wallpaper in one command.
Supports 24bit,OS/2,RLE.Shareware, $14.95
with free upgrade.
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
DRPDSK.ZIP 8205 08-09-92 Drop Desk for Windows. Here's a weird one:
With this program running, any program (or
associated file name) dropped from File
Manager to anywhere on the Desktop launches
it. Requires Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 08/09/92)
DRVWTCH.ZIP 25757 02-06-92 Drive Watch - a Windows program that monitors
your hard drives and system memory
(Last Revised: 02/06/92)
DRWAPP10.ZIP 191589 05-10-92 Dr. Watson's Apprentice v1.0: lets you view/
Print all or only parts of the Dr. Watson Log
(record of system failures); req
VBRUN100.DLL; 05/10/92
DRYSTO.ZIP 289035 10-06-92 Latest Drystone Tests for Windows
Dated 10/6/92
DSKFAC10.ZIP 89911 03-13-93 Disk Factory v1.0: MS-Windows based,
highspeed, multitasking copy/compare/format
util; 03/13/93; Mark J.McGinty/Accurate Tech.
DSKMN2.ZIP 117393 09-03-92 DiskMan For Windows v2.0 <ASP> - Disk
Cataloger and Labeler for Windows. The
easiest way to produce professional quality
labels and to catalog your disk library. File
search, label graphics, catalog reports, and
much more. "This is the best program of this
type I have ever seen". T.F., Charlotte, N.C.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 127
(Last Revised: 09/03/92)
DSKNFO10.ZIP 92621 11-04-92 Icon of disk space, configurable for any
number of drives.
Last revision date in archive: 11-04-1992.
DSKSTP.ZIP 5248 01-10-92 If you use Norton Desktop for Windows this
file is a must...to ask you if you really
want to quit upon taking the exit key.
(Last Revised: 01/10/92)
DSKTOP13.ZIP 65891 06-23-93 Desktop v1.3: MS-Windows wallpaper (bitmap)
randomizer; allows you to choose the list of
bitmaps to randomize & they can be customized
as well; 06/07/93; Huy Cat.
DSKTRK26.ZIP 178693 04-03-93 Disktrak For Windows Ver. 2.6: Full Function
Organizer For Any Size Floppy Disk Collection
Auto Builds Database From Disks; Query/Find
Dupe Files; 5 Report Types. Vbrun200.dll reqd
(Last Revised: 04/03/93)
DSM13.ZIP 74335 03-21-93 Disk Space Manager (DSM) v1.3: MS-Windows app
that helps you manage the space used on your
disk; will display the true size of dirs,
delete dirs, giving you a constant, accurate
accounting of your disk; req VBRUN200∙DLL.
(Last Revised: 03/21/93)
DSW050.ZIP 61766 05-24-93 DiskSpace, version 0.5, is a Windows 3.1
utility for graphicly displaying the amount
free space available on your hard disks. The
display updates automatically. This version
allows you to select which drives to display
and optionally have DiskSpace appear on top
of other windows. Requires Windows 3.1.
6 files - New:05-24-1993 Old:05-24-1993
DT326A.ZIP 90888 08-04-92 Desktop Manager v3.26A: menu system &
pointand-shoot file manager for MS Windows,
with configurable screen blanker, Windows
arrangement functions, directory tree
display, file finder, etc.Art Metz.
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
DTP.ZIP 20905 01-02-92 Multiwindow text & bitmap browser for Win3
(Last Revised: 01/02/92)
DUMPCR21.ZIP 39749 06-10-91 Convert Windows card (CRD) files to text.
(Last Revised: 06/10/91)
DUMPER31.ZIP 46193 09-04-92 Dumper v3.1: MS-Windows util that allows you
to print files in the backround, addressing
the COM/LPT ports directly, bypassing Print
Manager; 09/04/92; N. Waltham.
DUPE14C.ZIP 106112 05-04-93 Dupe v1.4C: MS-Windows program which you can
use to find duplicate files on your system &
clear off unwanted copies; 05/04/93.
DUSTBN13.ZIP 15168 05-25-92 Mac-like trashcan utility for windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 05/25/92)
DV.ZIP 275794 02-07-93 Drag And View v.1.10 - File Viewers for Win
3.1 File Manager or any file manager that
supports Drag and Drop. ASP Shareware. Drag
And View adds what's missing to file manager.
Views most popular database, word processor,
spreadsheet, and graphic formats, plus also
ASCII and HEX. Has search and goto functions.
Open multiple windows and compare files.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 128
(Last Revised: 02/07/93)
DV2WIN.ZIP 4677 08-14-91 Improve Desqview Aware Programs Performance
Under MS-Windows
DVWIN.ZIP 155080 11-02-92 Compu-Eyes Windows 3x Program, includes High
Color support etc. EXCELLENT..direct from
Digital Vision BBS Nov. 92 ...RAD!!!
(Last Revised: 11/02/92)
(Last Revised: 02/03/93)
DXF_ENG.ZIP 28339 07-12-91 Dxf viewer. Win3.
Last revision date in archive: 07-12-1991.
ECUWIN.ZIP 266881 09-08-92 The Earth Centered Universe For Windows.
(Last Revised: 09/08/92)
EDOS20.ZIP 34727 02-26-92 Win 3.x version 2.0 of edos for windows.
(Last Revised: 02/26/92)
EDREPL10.ZIP 16322 08-07-91 Editreplay v1.0: provides easy access to
previously entered commands for ms-windows.
Last revision date in archive: 08-07-1991.
EIW200.ZIP 102073 03-23-93 Encrypt-It for Windows v2.00: MS-Windows
encryption/decryption package that allows you
encrypt any file using DES encryption,
decrypt the file using confidental key,
perform encryption/decryption on entire
groups of files in batch mode, obtain file
statistics to determine how well the file is
encrypted, erase files completely w/out
leaving a trace; 03/23/93
EKG2.ZIP 24478 02-18-93 Realtime Display of Windows Cpu, Memory And
Other Resources
(Last Revised: 02/18/93)
ELANA11.ZIP 102592 04-03-91 Super Control Panel for Windows 3.0. Allows
you to change your Sys.Ini, Win.Ini and other
settings that the Windows control panel does
not allow.. If you like fooling around with
these settings. Version 1.1.
Last revision date in archive: 04-03-1991.
ELPHNT.ZIP 7640 01-04-93 Elephant Clock is an MS-Windows clock that
will not disappear behind other windows, or
block your access to controls, menus, etc.,
since it flees from the mouse, moving out of
the way as soon as your mouse cursor draws
near to it.
(Last Revised: 01/04/93)
EM10.ZIP 19274 02-20-92 Easy Macro (EM) v1.0: easy to use keystroke
recorder/playback program for MS-Windows that
will allow you to easily record a keystroke
sequence and play back the sequence multiple
times, all w/out leaving your Windows
application; 02/20/92; InfoPerfect Inc.
EMERI12.ZIP 123944 01-26-93 Emeri v1.2: for those folks who hop in & out
of Windows, this is a DOS-based program that
nicely displays Windows CardFile entries; you
can now maintain your Address/Phone number
information in CardFile, & quickly access it
from DOS too.
(Last Revised: 01/26/93)
EMOTICN.ZIP 13033 06-12-93 Windows 3.1 Software That Makes Emoticons
':-)' Simple For Everyone! Define Those
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 129
Unintelligible Smilies, Find The Perfect One
For Any Situation! Emoticon Can Send Any
Application The Keystrokes That Make A Smiley
at The Touch of A Button!
(Last Revised: 06/12/93)
ENGMET.ZIP 12827 05-04-92 Convert is an MS-Windows English/Metric unit
conversion tool; includes some less common
conversions (tons per square mile to Metric
tons per hectare, for example), online help;
req VBRUN100.DLL; 05/04/92.
ETC125.ZIP 348849 01-21-93 EtCetera v1.25: batch language interpreter
for MS-Windows that allows the automation of
Win applications; similar in nature to DOS'
batch language, it lets you write "batch"
pgms w/in Windows.
(Last Revised: 01/21/93)
EVENT!PC.ZIP 30436 04-05-93 Event Manager/Calendar for Windows Startup!!!
Displays a color coded list of Birthdays,
Doctor's Appointments or any other event.
Colors get brighter as event gets closer.
VERY easy to use. Never forget anything
again!! (Last Revised: 04/05/93)
EXECHIDE.ZIP 3264 06-07-93 Windows utility from Europe. Hides a program
while running. (Last Revised: 06/07/93)
EXECUTOR.ZIP 15099 06-25-91 Quickly starts other programs for WIN 3.x
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
EXIT12.ZIP 144147 06-23-93 JRE Exit v1.2: MS-Windows utility that
provides 4 different ways to exit Windows;
req VBRUN200.DLL; 05/26/93; JRE Enterprises.
EXITCHEK.ZIP 4933 10-31-91 Exit checker Norton Desktop for Windows 3.
(Last Revised: 10/31/91)
EXITLITE.ZIP 22954 12-16-92 The clean, quick, elegant way to exit windows
(Last Revised: 12/16/92)
EXOD11.ZIP 21992 04-22-93 Another Windows exit program.
(Last Revised: 04/22/93)
EYERCISE.ZIP 115135 06-30-92 Demo of EyerCise, a Windows program designed
to prevent and relieve headaches, eye strain,
repetitive strain injury, etc.
(Last Revised: 06/30/92)
EZADR12E.ZIP 20264 09-25-92 EZ Address version 1.2E for Windows. A simple
easy to use address book and phone dialer for
Windows. There is an article about this
program in the September 92 issue of WINDOWS
magazine. Shareware $10.00.
(Last Revised: 09/25/92)
EZMCRO11.ZIP 27283 12-04-92 Easy Macro (EM) v1.1: easy to use keystroke
recorder/playback program for MS-Windows that
will allow you to easily record a keystroke
sequence and play back the sequence multiple
times, all w/out leaving your Windows
(Last Revised: 12/04/92)
FASPASTE.ZIP 9999 09-26-91 Windows 3.0 Utility 9/91 DOS window Copy and
Paste assistant. Makes it easy to use the
mouse to copy and paste in DOS windows. No
more selecting Paste off the edit menu. No
more accidentally switching to "SELECT" mode!
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 130
FASTFWD1.ZIP 24395 06-05-93 Fast Forward 1.0 -- Multiple associations for
Windows. Tired of programers who write text
documentation with a DOC extension? Well, so
am I... so I wrote Fast Forward. Try it,
you'll like it. And if you don't, there's an
uninstall feature. Requires VBRUN200.DLL
6 files - New:12-31-1992 Old:05-22-1992
FBAC11.ZIP 41542 03-29-92 FileBoy's AreaCodes v1.1: area code database
which supports all area codes in the U.S.,
Canada, and the U.S. Caribbean islands;
userexpandable - cities/area codes may be
added/ edited/deleted; requires VBRUN100.DLL
(Last Revised: 03/29/92)
FBSB30.ZIP 45533 05-28-92 FileBoy's StatusBar v3.0: system status
display bar for MS-Windows that displays the
% of total free system resources, total free
memory, current time/day/date, accessible via
mouse/keyboard; customizable colors w/full
online help; VBRUN100.DLL & DLLs in FBRUN.ZIP
are required; 05/28/92; Marshal Bostwick/
FCMPW101.ZIP 31707 04-07-93 FileCmpW v1.01 Win 3.x utility to compare 2
files. Allows you to bracket an area in the
file for checking, so differences of no
interest are bypassed and will speed up the
comparison. Has help screen.
(Last Revised: 04/07/93)
to create, store, and print federal express
airbills on a dot-matrix printer; you can
create templates for apps which require only
a few changes, or start from scratch & build
a new form, which can be optionally saved for
later use; requires vbrun100.dll.
(Last Revised: 12/06/92)
FIDC31.ZIP 26399 07-15-92 Feet Inch Dimensional Calculator v3.1:
MSWindows algebraic calculator useful to
anyone involved in construction (e.g.
Builders, architects, engineers etc.); req
VBRUN100.DLL 07/15/92; CLAW Software Company.
FIGNTOE.ZIP 168322 05-04-92 Fingers N Toes V1.3 Scientific Calculator For
Windows 3.X.
(Last Revised: 05/04/92)
FILEV14.ZIP 60696 05-24-92 Fileview v1.4: MS-Windows based file browser
utility; handles large files; automatically
determines ASCII or HEX modes; search for
strings or use regular expressions; print
window or entire file; top ruler lines,
record numbers; record displacement; tab
expansion; hex line numbering;
auto-refreshing; start-up size save;
05/24/92; William L. Page/ Snake River
FINDR320.ZIP 25131 12-19-92 Finder 3.20: MS-Windows program which allows
you to swap between all of your active apps
w/tremendous ease; adds a control Icon to the
title bar of your currently active app,
adjacent to the control menu Icon.
(Last Revised: 12/19/92)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 131
FIREPLAC.ZIP 4589 01-16-93 A Windows program for those cold winter
Last revision date in archive: 01-16-1993.
FIREXT10.ZIP 23934 05-05-93 Fire Exit v1∙0: MS-Windows pgm that runs as
an icon that allows you to exit Windows,
restart Windows, or reboot your PC by
doubleclicking on the icon; 05/05/93.
(Last Revised: 05/05/93)
FIXINI11.ZIP 3121 01-05-93 Fix_Ini! V1.1 A FREE Utility to Modify
Windows .INI files from DOS.
(Last Revised: 01/05/93)
FLEX.ZIP 5804 06-08-90 Win 3.0, Flex, Somewhat like the fuse demo
programs, but a little different. The program
that creates an animated fuse pattern running
in the background wall.
FM423.ZIP 22522 08-04-92 Freemem v4.23: moveable, pop-up, free memory
display for Microsoft Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
FMTC13.ZIP 6613 04-20-92 Windows 3.1 trashcan. Supports drag and drop
from filemanager. Simple, does not work like
Mac, i.e. Doesn't save files for restore.
(Last Revised: 04/20/92)
FMW10.ZIP 73090 06-18-93 FormatMaster For Windows v1.0 Windows
program to ease formatting diskettes.
(Last Revised: 06/18/93)
FNGRS10E.ZIP 68350 05-08-93 Fingers 1.01 Automatic Phone Dialer For
Windows 3.1 That Stores up to 24 Numbers And
Keeps A Log of Calls. Requires Vbrun200.dll.
(Last Revised: 05/08/93)
FOLDER33.ZIP 68799 06-23-91 Win 3.0 Mac desktop metaphor - folders in
folders in folders in ....
FONEW211.ZIP 87115 05-31-93 DiaLog for Windows v2.11: phone dialer,
logger, stopwatch, special touch tone
service, 2 address books, print envelopes,
create help files and more; requires
VBRUN200.DLL; 05/31/93; Wolfgang John.
FORNR200.ZIP 23077 03-28-92 Copy characters to clipboard for WIN 3.x
(Last Revised: 03/28/92)
FP114.ZIP 24525 03-22-93 W31 Fast DOS Copy/Paste v. 1.14.
(Last Revised: 03/22/93)
FPOST111.ZIP 19025 10-19-92 Fractal Poster Master v1.11: MS-Windows app
that allows you to create wall sized posters
of your favorite part of the mandelbrot set;
(Last Revised: 10/19/92)
(Last Revised: 09/10/92)
FREESPAC.ZIP 1893 12-23-91 Free system resource monitor in Visual Basic.
(Last Revised: 12/23/91)
FRES20.ZIP 55678 03-23-93 FRES v2.00: MS-Windows pgm that displays and
updates the date, time, Windows mode, free
memory, free resources and free disk space;
will chime the hour, if a wave output device
is installed; includes C source; 03/23/93
FUTIL2.ZIP 69872 01-23-93 FUTIL v2.0 utility program for Win 3.1
Enables users to launch programs from hotkey
commands, from a menu selection located under
the system menu or by right clicking on the
active title bar or system menu. Adds a new
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 132
selection to each system menu of an
(Last Revised: 01/23/93)
GANDER.ZIP 43795 04-06-92 Gander.ZIP : A ASCII Text Viewer for Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/06/92)
GC1092.ZIP 22470 10-02-92 Garbage Can is a secure file delete pgm for
(Last Revised: 10/02/92)
GEINI.ZIP 24108 05-27-92 Edit INI files for Windows 3.1. Separeates
out sections and keywords. Shareware.
(Last Revised: 05/27/92)
GENIUS.ZIP 53759 07-09-93 A wave of a mad man saying "It's been great
working with you, you computer genius".
(Last Revised: 07/09/93)
GLUE.ZIP 10594 07-03-91 Glue v1.0 "Glues" a DOS program to a Windows
application. 6-8-91.
3 files - New: 06/23/1991 Old: 06/08/1991
GRABPR31.ZIP 142409 10-04-92 GrabIt Professional v3.1: MS-Windows screen
capture pgm; work w/a large # of screen
captures at the same time, each in its own
child window; save a bitmap in BMP/RLE
formats; convert color images to monochrome;
view the attributes of a graphic before you
open it; capture a single window, client area
only, or the entire desk top and more.
(Last Revised: 10/04/92)
GRAF10.ZIP 34129 04-27-92 Change your wallpaper automatically at
regular intervals in Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 04/27/92)
GRASP12B.ZIP 41656 03-04-93 GRAphical SPace Viewer v1.2B: MS-Windows util
that will show you which directory is using
the space on a disk; it presents the usage by
total disk space available or disk space used
by way of a bar graph; 03/04/93
GROUPIC.ZIP 6574 02-04-93 Simple VB Windows program to view .bmp, .ico,
and .wmf files. My first attempt to develop
a shareware program.
(Last Revised: 02/04/93)
GRTTM1.ZIP 10502 06-10-92 Great Time Clock--stay on top clock Ver 1.0
Requires vbrun100.dll.
PPast Revised: 06/10/92)
GS252WIN.ZIP 173388 09-20-92 Ghostscript - postscript viewer for windows
3.x, also requires gs252ini.zip.
(Last Revised: 09/20/92)
GT212.ZIP 63407 02-18-93 Great Time Clock version 2.12. Added help
file. Requires vbrun200.dll to run. Only
clock I use. Can change system time without
the control panel, only clock with this
Last revision date in archive: 02-18-1993.
GUARD20.ZIP 16089 01-03-93 Guardian Angel v2.0, A Windows 3.x utility
that protects against system crashes by
monitoring system resources and available RAM
(Last Revised: 01/03/93)
GVIEW.ZIP 94212 09-22-92 Gif/bmp/more viewer for Windows. From Japan.
(Last Revised: 09/22/92)
GWINFO.ZIP 10392 08-29-92 MS-Windows utility that displays information
about how Windows has been configured, useful
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 133
to a developer or trouble-shooter; 08/29/92;
Pg 134
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 36 │WINDOWS Accessories H-M │
│ # of Files: 110 │ Bytes: 10,314,521 │ Updated: 08/16/93 02:05 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
HA11.ZIP 12953 04-07-92 Informs about GDI usage for Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/07/92)
HALT10.ZIP 18479 08-11-92 Halt v1.0: MS-Windows quick exit program;
08/11/92; Sawbuck Software.
HANDCURS.ZIP 10579 05-28-93 Very small Windows program to change the
default cursor for all BS PUSHBUTTON style
windows in the system to a hand pointing with
the index finger. Includes EXE, DLL, and C
source. (Last Revised: 05/28/93)
HERBYRUN.ZIP 8979 03-28-93 HerbyRunner, replace Windows 3.1 RUN command
line. (Last Revised: 03/28/93)
HEXCLO.ZIP 12130 08-29-92 HEXCLOCK is an MS-Windows pgm that displays
the time of day in hexidecmal format;
08/29/92; Garry J. Vass.
HEXCNV10.ZIP 8589 08-02-91 HEX/ASCII/BINARY converter for WIN 3.x
(Last Revised: 08/02/91)
HEXVUE10.ZIP 35511 06-11-93 HexView v1.0: MS-Windows util pgm that will
examine any file in its native hexadecimal
format, displaying both hex & character views
concurrently; configurable auto-scrolling;
string search for hex/character items; print
feature lets you select individual sections
of a file, a single page, or the entire file
for printing; drag-and-drop, online help and
more; requires VBRUN200.DLL; 06/11/93.
HIDER10.ZIP 10451 07-19-92 Hider v1.0: MS-Windows util that allows you
to remove from the screen (hide) any Window
or Icon, but still have the application
active; 07/19/92; Steve York/SAYWare
HKFR110.ZIP 40132 08-20-92 Hkfree V1.10 Here! Now! Latest Version Of Win
Resource Monitor Has Disk Mapping, Network
Info And Configurable Icon As Well As New
Windows Info Options That Y'All Asked For
From V1.10. Written In Tpw5. For Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 08/20/92)
HOG101.ZIP 71240 07-25-92 Deplete Windows Memory, Resources, Disk
Space, Etc. To Test Program Under Stress.
(Last Revised: 07/25/92)
HOTWIN.ZIP 22948 03-11-91 Hotwin v. 1.2 is a Windows 3.0 hotkey/hotmenu
program. Hitting the designated hotkey
brings up a user-configured menu, including
task list and run option. Very fast and
HPCALC32.ZIP 22712 07-01-91 HP calc v 3.2 for MS Windows 3.0
HYPERCD.ZIP 78860 04-25-93 HyperCD is an easy and un-obtrusive CD Player
for MS-Windows; 04/25/93.
ICALC.ZIP 31582 04-17-92 An icon sized calculator for Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/17/92)
ICHING.ZIP 55347 07-12-91 "Fortune Cookies" for Windows 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 07-12-1991.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 135
ICONTI.ZIP 35366 03-03-92 An analog clock displayed as a minimized
icon. Second hand moves. Nice out of the way
clock. For Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 03/03/92)
IEDIT101.ZIP 428019 12-27-92 INI-Edit v1.01: MS-Windows INI editor gives
side by side example files with all standard
entries, drag-&-drop, context sensitive help;
editable ASCII databases gives you the
ability to lookup data on any item in the INI
file (defaults, recommendations, cautions,
etc); save up to 99 old versions of INI
files; req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 12/27/92)
IMPOST11.ZIP 126521 10-08-92 Imposter ver 1.01. Excellent FREE Win3.1 DOS
shell. Provides DOS commands+, DOS program
execution, Windows program execution and it's
FREE. This version fixes some bugs in version
Last revision date in archive: 10-08-1992.
IMPRESSN.ZIP 15410 12-24-92 Click with right mouse button to dump
pictures from windows clipboard.
(Last Revised: 12/24/92)
INBOARD.ZIP 12105 11-02-91 Inboard v2.0: MS-Windows electronic In/Out
board that provides you a means of keeping
track of where fellow workers are, or as an
alarm to notify you of when an individual
(Last Revised: 11/02/91)
INCTL14.ZIP 58044 12-07-92 In-Control v1.40: MS-Windows application that
gives you selective access to the individual
functions of the Windows Control Panel;
(Last Revised: 12/07/92)
(Last Revised: 11/06/92)
INFORM1A.ZIP 90812 11-25-92 Informant - a cpu 'load' monitor for windows
(Last Revised: 11/25/92)
INFOTAG.ZIP 56124 01-06-93 InfoTag v1.0 for Windows. A utility that
allows you to TAG(attach) a 1 line(255 char)
description to any file you desire. FREEWARE.
From Creative Solutions Inc. Requires
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
INIEDT13.ZIP 37330 12-26-92 windows .INI file viewer/Editor
(Last Revised: 12/26/92)
ININAV.ZIP 107359 05-17-93 Win Ini Navigator for Windows
(Last Revised: 05/17/93)
INSPRO11.ZIP 73435 07-28-92 EDI Install Pro v1.1: complete customizable
install pgm for MS-Windows; supports multiple
disks, any size media, optional dithered and/
or bit mapped background, optional selectable
components allow the user to install only
what is needed, PM group creation, .INI file
creation/modification, smart progress bar
displays percent completed by file size, user
specified source/destination path and more;
07/28/92; Robert Salesas/Eschalon Devt.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 136
8 files - New: 05/25/1991 Old: 05/13/1991
INVEST.ZIP 159673 07-11-91 Investment calculator for Windows 3.0. Uses
ammount invested, term, rate of interest to
give output.
Last revision date in archive: 07-11-1991.
INWIN10.ZIP 21130 06-01-92 InWin v1.0: will display and indicate via DOS
errorlevel whether Windows is running and
which mode it is running in; 06/01/92; Wayne
(Last Revised: 06/01/92)
INWINEQ2.ZIP 4612 02-04-92 Lets batch file know if you are in DOS/WIN
(Last Revised: 02/04/92)
I_EDIT.ZIP 426880 12-27-92 Ini-Edit V1.01: Editor For Windows
Win&System.Ini Files.
(Last Revised: 12/29/92)
JCLK1_53.ZIP 26435 01-03-92 JClk1_53.Zip 01-03-92 -JClock is a Visual
Basic-created Windows Clock which will keep
itself on the top level without becoming the
active window. It toggles between Time/Date
mode and StopWatch mode with a mouse click,
and features alarm capability. The clock can
be sensitive to the activity of a user
designated Screen Saver, and will save color,
font and other settings when shut off,
reading them in from a 46 byte .Ini file the
next time the clock is run. Small,
unobtrusive, practical, and no flashing!
Requires VBRun100.DLL to be present in the
\Windows directory to run. (VBRun100.DLL is a
freely distributable Dynamic Link Library
required to run Visual Basic Apps in
Windows.) Mail jcole@well.sf.ca.us for
comments and/or suggestions, or call John
Cole at (415) 457-7496)
Last revision date in archive: 01-03-1992.
JETCURSR.ZIP 6905 03-27-93 Jet cursors for change cursor ver2.21 +misc.
(Last Revised: 03/27/93)
JGWINMAG.ZIP 9085 04-15-92 Cool Little Magnifying Glass For Windows
(Last Revised: 04/15/92)
JNAL22.ZIP 197521 10-08-92 Journal v2.2: Electronic file cabinet for
Windows 3.x. Many features.
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
JULI10.ZIP 31427 11-29-91 Convert Julian date to gregorian using
calendar under windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 11/29/91)
JVIEW09.ZIP 122751 07-25-92 .Jpg File Viewer For Win3.x
(Last Revised: 07/25/92)
KEYMOUSE.ZIP 20883 08-01-91 Version 2.0 of KeyMouse: The Keyboard Mouse
Emulator for Windows. Use your keyboard as a
mouse (buttons included) under Windows.
Version 2.0 designed for use on laptop and
notebook computers as well as desktop
machines. Shareware.
KEYNOT.ZIP 7913 06-01-91 Small Win 3 utility to set both the repeat
and typematic rate of keyboard from either
window or LOAD= cmdline
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 137
2 files - New: 06/01/1991 Old: 06/01/1991
KF503.ZIP 193705 09-30-92 Monitors Free Memory, Disk Space.
(Last Revised: 09/30/92)
KIT-VIEW.ZIP 3824 04-07-92 Windows 3.0 thru 3.2 graphics viewer Simple
but very useable - Must have for Windows
users. (Requires VBRUN100.DLL).
(Last Revised: 04/07/92)
KIVIAT.ZIP 22992 11-05-90 The Kiviat Graph is an easy way to watch
system parameters graphically. Watch it to
see if an application behaves badly, not
freeing up all memory that is deallocated.
Parameters covered are:
Absolute Free memory
Largest free block
Reaction Time
Disk I/O Time
Number of tASKS rUNNING
FileSpace on Drives
C source is included
KS27.ZIP 42822 05-26-93 Kickstart Version7 Kickstart Is A MS Windows
Utility That Allows You To Quickly Exit,
Restart, Or Reboot While In Windows. It Also
Allows You To Quickly Open A Dos Box Or
Launch Any Windows Or Dos Application And
Inlcudes A Clock In Its Icon. Requires
vbrun200.dll (Last Revised: 05/26/93)
KUTIL12.ZIP 138468 01-01-93 Kayman Software's MS-Windows KUtilities
Version 1.2. Bunch of small programs handy
when running or exiting Windows.
(Last Revised: 01/01/93)
LAZERLD.ZIP 12260 07-28-91 An cool new utility for windows 3.0 from
Tod Semple. Allows open windows to be
displayed when MS-Windows startsup. Really
useful. Say you want you clock in the upper
left every time you load windows. 7/6/91
LCALC.ZIP 22292 08-29-92 LCALC is a line calculator for MS-Windows;
08/29/92; Garry J. Vass.
LENS13.ZIP 8567 08-08-92 A "magnifier" for Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/08/92)
LI132.ZIP 191430 03-28-93 LI version 1.32 Shareware Windows file
utility to view (text/hex), find, grep,
launch, print, edit, delete files. String
search in text, hex, with AND, OR, NOT. MDI.
Online help. Win 3.1 drag & drop target.
(Last Revised: 03/28/93)
LK110.ZIP 37929 04-25-92 Lock Concurrent Use of DOS And Windows Apps
(Last Revised: 04/25/92)
LOADMON.ZIP 12847 11-02-91 Monitor the load on your system, for Windows.
(Last Revised: 11/02/91)
LOADWIN.ZIP 28869 03-10-91 LOADWIN Version 1.0 gives you the option of
either loading Windows or Going to a DOS
Prompt on System Startup. It gives you a
default of 8 seconds to press any key,
therefore aborting a Load of Windows and
returning you to a DOS Prompt.
LOCATOR.ZIP 91887 04-28-93 The Locator -the ultimate File Finder and
Catalog program for MS Windows.
(Last Revised: 04/28/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 138
LOCK33.ZIP 219407 04-26-93 METZ Lock v3.3: MS-Windows application that
safeguards your system from unauthorized use;
flexible security options allow you to "lock"
your system "on-demand," whenever it is left
idle, or according to a schedule; restrict
mouse activity, disable rebooting, or enable
the screen saver (customizable) w/out locking
the system; user-definable hotkeys; works w/
your password-protected Novell network.
(Last Revised: 04/26/93)
LOGIN10.ZIP 240341 05-05-93 LogIn V1.0 for Win 3.1, Log your time in
windows with this handy program. Great for
computer oriented buissnesses.
(Last Revised: 05/05/93)
LOGO3B.ZIP 106946 04-02-93 LOGOGO V3.1b for Windows 3.1 allows for
different startup screens each time Windows
starts replacing the standard logo screen.
Six screens included: 130+ additional
available. This version required for use
with the new PKZIP V2.04g
(Last Revised: 04/02/93)
LOGOGO31.ZIP 68521 08-16-92 Replace the WINDOWS 3.1 startup screen with
one of your own choosing. Also automatically
provides a different startup screen each time
you start Windows. Sample file with 4
screens included with up to 50 in stock!
(Last Revised: 08/16/92)
LOGON2.ZIP 51864 05-12-93 MS-Windows utility that asks the user for his
or her name and then writes the time, date, &
user's name to a text file for logging
purposes; 05/12/93; Christopher L. Hauk.
LPDOS.ZIP 49782 01-13-92 Beta version 1.0 of LPDOS, kind of a mock dos
for Windows 3.0--for those who like the good
old C>\. Some bugs may be in beta version.
(Last Revised: 01/13/92)
LVIEW16A.ZIP 129008 07-19-93 Lview 1.6, graphics viewers for Windows 3.1
View JPG, GIF, TGA, and BMP.
(Last Revised: 07/09/93)
L_S11VGA.ZIP 13843 08-26-91 WIN3: Look&See: VisBas-written drv/dir
(Last Revised: 08/26/91)
L_UTIL20.ZIP 7838 05-19-93 Launch Utility Set v2.0: MS-Windows utilities
that sets the desktop wallpaper from a bitmap
or RLE file, cleans the Windows desktop, MORE
(Last Revised: 05/19/93)
MA11.ZIP 17231 04-27-92 Tells about memory usage in Windows
(Last Revised: 04/27/92)
MACSEE.ZIP 44979 12-05-92 MacSee is a Windows program that will
read/write Macintosh 800K or 1.44meg disks!
Last revision date in archive: 12-05-1992.
MAGICURS.ZIP 41967 12-11-91 Magic Cursor utility for Windows. Let you
change the mouse cursor to all types of
arrows or pointing hands..
(Last Revised: 12/11/91)
MAINTN.ZIP 8231 09-22-92 Bat file for norton desktop for win maintain.
(Last Revised: 09/22/92)
MAKECARD.ZIP 6411 04-29-93 MAKECARD.BAS creates a Windows 3.1 Cardfile
from an ASCII text file; 04/29/93.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 139
MATCH110.ZIP 53317 05-27-91 MATCH v.1.10 Compare two files side by side
in windows 3.0. 5/25/91
MATHUTIL.ZIP 164327 08-24-90 A math convertor for win3
MB16.ZIP 249178 12-24-92 Memory Builder for Windows
MBA30.ZIP 179485 06-01-93 M-B-A-nalyst v3∙0: MS-Windows power user's
financial calculator which emulates the Texas
Instruments BA-II Plus; incorporates
Keep-OnTop feature which allows it to remain
on top of other Windows apps; 06/01/93.
MBVIEW13.ZIP 24954 08-16-92 Micro-View v1.3: MS-Windows pgm that allows
you to view any type of file in ASCII, .BMP,
.ICO and .WMF; 08/16/92
MBZCAT11.ZIP 65574 09-05-92 Micro-ZipCat v1.1: MS-Windows 3.1 catalog
that provides PKZip verbose info about ZIPped
files on your archive disks; allows sorts by
filename, ZIPper name and disk label;
requires VBRUN100.DLL; 09/05/92
MCALC10.ZIP 12938 07-22-92 MicroCalc v1.0: MS-Windows 3.1 desktop
1alculator that will add, subtract, multiply,
divide, etc.; mouse, keyboard, or keypad;
copy & paste; online help; req VBRUN100.DLL;
07/22/92; John Wu/BoneHead Software.
MCICLB.ZIP 166343 05-23-93 MORE CONTROL v2.0/ICL BUILDER v1.0 <ASP> -
More Control allows you to access many of
those settings that Microsoft did not include
in the Control Panel. Change the font used to
display icon titles, the color of the hyper-
text used by Windows help plus many other
settings. Installs into Control Panel. ICL
Builder allows you to build and maintain icon
libraries for use with Program Manager and
other programs. From Sloop Software $20
(Last Revised: 05/23/93)
MEM121.ZIP 22402 03-09-91 Shows memory and disk space available in
windows. Alarms when you specify the number
of bytes to alarm.
Last revision date in archive: 03-09-1991.
MEMGR20.ZIP 12115 01-16-92 Graphical display of memory usage for windows
(Last Revised: 01/16/92)
MEMLFT.ZIP 13024 08-05-92 Icon which show remaining memory available
for Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 08/05/92)
MEMPRO12.ZIP 25914 08-31-92 Memory Pro v1.2: MS-Windows 3.1 util that
shows free memory, number of tasks, percent
GDI/User resources, largest contiguous block
of heap space, Windows version/mode, CPU type
presence of numeric co-processor, keyboard
type and number of function keys; req mouse &
VBRUN100.DLL; 08/31/92; Crito P. Philippatos.
MEMSZ154.ZIP 111804 01-30-93 System Resources 1.54. Show Swap/Mem/etc
(Last Revised: 01/30/93)
MEMWCH.ZIP 11242 06-18-93 MemWatch for MS-Windows is a simple util that
displays available system memory as well as
real-time changes in memory use; includes a
graphical display of system, GDI, and user
resource demand, as well as a count of the
number of tasks running; req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 06/18/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 140
MESSM12.ZIP 65143 07-18-93 MESSAGE MACHINE 1.2 for Windows - Replaces
"WHO CALLED" message pads with a Windows
interface. Small, Fast, and Easy! Great for
home or office. (Last Revised: 07/18/93)
METAVI.ZIP 232683 05-16-91 Multi-window aldus format metafile viewer for
win3\tpw source included.shareware.
(Last Revised: 05/16/91)
METCNV10.ZIP 24970 11-06-90 Win 3.0, Metcnvrt 1.0, Metric Converter,
Metcnvrt, handles fourteen popular
conversions between customary and metric (SI)
systems. Metcnvrt also converts customary to
customary and metric to metric.
METZCP.ZIP 47273 04-06-93 Allows Metz Task Manager V2.01 to be Invoked
With Ctrl-Esc With PCtools For Windows
Desktop. (Last Revised: 04/06/93)
METZTOLS.ZIP 937322 08-11-92 This is the latest version of the MetzTools.
Includes many useful windows utilities
communications, launch, desktop, file
locking, mem monitor and more. Windows 3.x
Last revision date in archive: 08-11-1992.
MINCAL.ZIP 141270 05-04-93 W31 Minimal calendar/agenda v. 1.0
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
MINICA.ZIP 140844 06-21-93 Calendar/Scheduler for MS Windows with .WAV
alarms. (Last Revised: 05/06/93)
MIXCS139.ZIP 23159 01-10-93 MixCase v1.39: file/clipboard mode MS-Window
utility that opens a text file to convert to
mixed case, by first converting all chars to
lower case, then capitalizes the first letter
of sentences/table items; optionally
capitalizes the proper names/abbreviations
specified in the dictionary; req
(Last Revised: 01/10/93)
MKNX11.ZIP 267814 08-01-92 Mekanix v1.1: MS-Windows utilities including
multi-record, multi-field database, alarm
clock calendar, Metric-Imperial conversion
calculator, file mgr w/copy/move/rename/info/
md/rd, Win3.x system info, PKZIP/PKUNZIP/
LHArc file manager, speed printing and more;
08/01/92; David R. Green.
MMOUS13.ZIP 19187 07-14-92 COLOR MOUSE PROMPT IN WINDOWS??? NO? Try this
little program!!
(Last Revised: 07/14/92)
MMTYPE.ZIP 531998 10-18-92 Excellent Typing Tutor For Windows.
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
MNTINI10.ZIP 40542 03-23-93 MaintINI will allow you to modify any Windows
.INI files from DOS command line, designed
with Netware in mind.
(Last Revised: 03/23/93)
MORCN11D.ZIP 38828 02-24-93 More Control v1.1D: MS-Windows utility that
allows you to quickly/easily access many of
those settings in WIN.INI/SYSTEM.INI that are
not accessable via Control Panel dialogs;
easily change the Windows shell, the
alignment of drop down menus, the vertical
spacing between icons, the font used to
display icon titles plus many other settings;
02/24/93; Sloop Software.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 141
MOUSEPOS.ZIP 9984 03-10-91 Change mouse position in Windows.
(Last Revised: 03/10/91)
MPA-10.ZIP 10297 07-28-91 MPA (Multiple Program Association) v1.0: MS-
Pindows utility that gives you the option to
load up to 200 different programs for each
extension (7/91).
MRECLR.ZIP 7984 10-16-91 Windows 3 utility to quickly change windows.
(Last Revised: 10/16/91)
MREENV10.ZIP 3244 10-23-91 MRE EnvVar v1.0: view your environmental
variables without leaving Windows.
(Last Revised: 10/23/91)
MSGPAD20.ZIP 109505 04-04-93 Message Pad v2.0: MS-Windows phone message
system that supplements or replaces the
traditional "While You Were Out" message pad;
requires a post office & user accounts
created w/either MS-Mail 3.0 or the Mail app
provided with MS-Windows for Workgroups and
VBRUN200.DLL; 04/04/93; Brian D. Stine.
MSLOCK.ZIP 21327 05-20-90 "Lock" your machine running Windows 3.0
so it can't receive keyboard or mouse
MSVIEWER.ZIP 186919 01-25-93 MS Viewnote viewer from cis
(Last Revised: 01/25/93)
MS_SCHED.ZIP 247541 09-28-92 Program run from Program Manager with
CBLTLIB3.DLL (included)
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
MTM20.EXE 520568 10-12-92 METZ Task Manager v2.0 - Excellent! Replaces
Windows' Task Manager
MTRASH.ZIP 46999 09-28-92 Steve's McTrash Dumpster places a garbage can
on the bottom of your Windows' desktop, so
anytime you want to DEL a file, simply drag
it from the File Manager (or any other app
that supports drag and drop file listings) &
drop it on the garbage can; can be set to
either instantly delete the file or delete
when you "empty the trash"; req VBRUN100.DLL;
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
MULRUN15.ZIP 9345 05-18-92 MultiRun v1.5: simple MS-Windows util that
allows you to make pgm associations based on
file extensions; 05/18/92
MULTAP09.ZIP 4852 06-19-92 MultiApp v0.9ß: will start multiple Windows
or DOS from the Windows cmd line, allowing
you to add an icon to the Program Manager
that will launch more than one application at
a time; 06/19/92; John Navas II.
MULTMR10.ZIP 50147 12-12-92 MULtiple TIMER v1.0: Pops up an alarm every X
mins/hours for Y mins/hours in MS-Win 3.1. I
suspect it wants a speaker driver installed,
cause it pops up silently on my computer
where Win has not been given permission to
speak to me.
(Last Revised: 12/12/92)
MYCATS.ZIP 30539 11-19-91 Two feline gimmicks for Windows: CAT! For the
desktop, and TOPCAT! For your top Window.
(Last Revised: 11/19/91)
NN_CPL11.ZIP 9065 06-06-93 Collection of Freeware Applets For Windows
Control Panel. (Last Revised: 06/06/93)
SCN105BT.ZIP 239620 05-27-93 Scan Virus v105 Beta copy.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 142
(Last Revised: 05/27/93)
Pg 143
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 37 │WINDOWS Accessories N-S │
│ # of Files: 182 │ Bytes: 13,917,625 │ Updated: 08/19/93 03:46 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
NAG5.ZIP 61785 08-08-92 Nag is a date reminder & time tracking pgm
for MS-Windows, designed to operate at boot
time; many date options; event scheduler;
08/08/92; Dennis R. Fischer/Denam Systems.
NAGGER.ZIP 18862 08-23-92 Remind you of things you need to remember.
Requires VBRUN100.DLL and Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 08/23/92)
NAVOBS.ZIP 262740 03-26-92 Windows application that can set system clock
by dialing the atomic clock.
(Last Revised: 03/26/92)
NEW-WAV.ZIP 8347 08-12-92 Wav changer at startup. Wow! Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 08/12/92)
NEWCAP.ZIP 45484 04-03-93 NEWCAP v1.9 FOR WINDOWS by Brian McCarty Use
this program to replace the captions for the
Program Manager or Norton Desktop. Place your
own string, date, time or put your favorite
WAV file in as an hourly chime.
(Last Revised: 04/03/93)
NEWCSR.ZIP 53843 03-16-91 Change your Windows Cursor. Many to choose
Last revision date in archive: 03-16-1991.
NEWEYE.ZIP 5643 07-24-90 Follows the cursor mouse with its eyes for
Windows 3.x.
Last revision date in archive: 07-24-1990.
NEWINI.ZIP 5599 06-08-91 Small utility which notifies Windows
applications of changes in WIN.INI file. No
more "You must re-start Windows for your
changes to take effect". Handy.
2 files - New: 06/08/1991 Old: 06/08/1991
NEWPAP16.ZIP 19528 08-27-91 A Wallpaper changer for Windows 3. It changes
your desktop wallpaper each time you run
windows. So, you can have several wallpaper
files in your windows subdir, and each time
you run windows, a different wallpaper will
be selected.
(Last Revised: 08/27/91)
NEWSCREN.ZIP 96527 07-20-92 NewScreen! Changes your Windows System.ini
without using the Windows Setup program so
you can change screen modes without all of
the useless disk swapping. 7/20/92.
NEWSREAD.ZIP 34314 09-13-92 NewsReader for Windows. Handles Newsbyte
files within Windows. Written by a CRS
member, for News Services subscribers to use
and comment on. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. Enjoy!
(Last Revised: 09/13/92)
NIED14.ZIP 21486 10-17-91 INI EDIT 1.4, Edits your WIN.INI file at
boottime to allow different configurations
for starting windows. For windows power users
who need multiple WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI
files without alot of hassles.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 144
(Last Revised: 10/17/91)
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
NOCR025.ZIP 7003 04-05-92 Delete LF and CR from Windows clipboard
(Last Revised: 04/05/92)
NOEXIT.ZIP 8078 02-07-93 NoExit is a small MS-Win pgm that disables
the CLOSE option on the system menu of
designated Windows pgms which is useful when
you do not want to accidentally close an app
by inadvertently double-clicking on the
system menu; 02/07/93
NOTEIT10.ZIP 22348 06-28-93 NoteIt v1.0: MS-Windows program helps you
maintain a list of notes, stored in an ASCII
file; each note is automatically date & time
stamped; review feature; req VBRUN300.DLL.
(Last Revised: 06/28/93)
NOTES10.ZIP 17007 08-04-92 Post a note for Windows 3.x. Needs
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
NSTRT104.ZIP 90617 07-31-91 New Start version 1.04 is a program which
allows you to change the BORING RLE Startup
graphic in Your Microsoft's Windows 3.0 to
one of your favorite choice of RLEs.
Freeware uploaded by the author to CIS.
8 files - New: 07/31/1991 Old: 02/01/1991
NWPPRZIP.EXE 26480 03-19-92 Yet another WINDOWS(TM) wallpaper changer.
Alas, this may be the last one-it works!
Self-extracting archive. Files: 5 Oldest:
3/3/92 Newest: 3/7/92
OEMCLIP.ZIP 46801 06-03-93 OemClip fixes incompatibilities between DOS
apps & MS-Windows' clipboard; when it detects
that a DOS application pastes data into the
clipboard it simply translates it from ASCII
to ANSI. (Last Revised: 06/03/93)
ONARC102.ZIP 147297 03-03-93 OneArc v1.02: MS-Windows utility that allows
you to convert an archive from one type to
another w/drag'n drop functionality;
03/03/93; Craig Dawson.
ORA114.ZIP 197581 04-28-93 Orator Ver 1.14 Offline QWK Reader for
Windows. From EvaWare UK. Registration Site
in US now available. Features Unlimited
conference support, Conference grouping and
searching, On-Line folder system for
archiving messages, On-line
UseNet/InterNet/FidoNet/Rime email address
directory. Automatically handles Email
addresses and FidoNet private mail. On-Line
20 files - New:12-22-1992 Old:01-16-1993
ORA114U.ZIP 88339 04-28-93 Orator Ver 1.14 Offline QWK reader for
Windows. Upgrade kit for users to upgrade to
Ver 1.14 from 1.12 and above. Note NEW US
Before installing. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
5 files - New:04-28-1993 Old:04-26-1993
OSF111.ZIP 17644 02-14-91 OSFrame ver 1.1, Windows 3.0 utility to
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 145
improve look and feel of Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/14/91)
OTRASH.ZIP 19014 05-28-92 Ultimat Mac-style trashcan for windows. This
one does it all: it bulges, it empties, you
can untrash files, it handles readonly files
with a prompt. It's also darn cute! Freeware:
source included.
Last revision date in archive: 05-28-1992.
OUTNT103.ZIP 9102 08-22-92 Windows Messages v1.03: phone message taker
for MS-Windows; requires VBRUN100.DLL;
08/22/92; Tim Hatton.
PALDLG.ZIP 10629 10-13-92 A Windows 3.1 Control panel applet that lets
you change the system pallette. You can also
save and restore the pallette to a file.
Last revision date in archive: 10-13-1992.
PALS.ZIP 11110 08-01-92 Windows 3.1 Palette Test v0.10.010: test pgm
for exercising the palette on 256 color
drivers; primarily intended for S3
86C911based cards, but can be used w/any 256
color driver; can trap palette corruption
problems or correct them on the fly, placing
a report of the corrupted palette in the
clipboard; 08/01/92; Stuart Wyatt/Chrisalan
PAPERBOY.ZIP 8703 06-24-90 PaperBoy - a Windows 3.0 utility application
PaperBoy enumerates all the bmp files in your
Windows directory and then randomly picks an
image from this list to replace the current
wallpaper selection. The best way to use
PaperBoy is copy the file PaperBoy.exe into
you Windows 3.0 directory and modify your
Win.ini "run=" keyword to automatically run
paperboy everytime Windows is started.
PAPERH11.ZIP 7115 09-13-92 Paper Hanger v1.0: MS-Windows utility that
replaces the control panel's wallpaper
selection method, eliminating the control
panel's limitation to the windows ystem dir
Pnd giving you access to any bitmap on your
hard drive for use as wallpaper; 09/13/92;
PAPERS!.ZIP 13995 06-19-92 Causes Windows 3.x to use a randomly chosen
Wallpaper (from a list you provide) each time
you start up. Helps relieve the monotony of
seeing the same Wallpaper each time you get
into Windows.
(Last Revised: 06/19/92)
PASSWD.ZIP 22431 01-26-93 PassWord macro protects WinWord from prying
eyes; your work can NOT be read and the PC
can NOT be used - a new document covers your
work & contains a warning not to fiddle with
this computer; 01/26/93; John R De Palma.
PASTE113.ZIP 23242 01-18-93 Fast-Paste for Windows v1.13: util to enhance
MS-Windows' cut/paste routine, allowing you
to cut w/one button and paste w/another;
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
PBK11.ZIP 10234 07-20-92 PBK v1.1: MS-Windows util that allows you to
pick (either directly or at random) an
available bitmap to be used as wallpaper to
use either at next startup or immediately;
07/20/92; Martin Zardecki.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 146
PCHECK.ZIP 9450 05-31-91 Biff Style Mail Checker For Windows & PEGAsus
(Last Revised: 05/31/91)
PCMAGWIN.ZIP 184501 01-18-93 Numerous neat utilities for windows 3.1 from
the january '93 pcmag.
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
PCODE131.ZIP 86748 10-16-92 Windows 3.1 Telephone Area Code Finder
Version 1.31. Search by AreaCode or by City.
(Last Revised: 10/16/92)
PCRD20.ZIP 31806 07-29-91 Win 3.0 Cardfile import/export file
compatible to the Atari Portfolio 'ADDRESS
BOOK', supports dynamic links to Diary.
(Last Revised: 07/29/91)
PCS is 2 programs; WinCapture and DosCapture.
WinCapture allows for the capturing of a
defined area, full screen, window, or client
area. Captures can be sent to disk, printer
or clipboard. Numerous image formats supprtd.
DosCapture will allow you to capture standard
and extended VGA text modes and standard VGA
graphics modes. Captures are saved as PCX
files. (Last Revised: 02/19/93)
PF10415.ZIP 623278 08-07-92 PixFolio v1.04.15 Image cataloger for Windows
3.x from ACK Software.
(Last Revised: 08/07/92)
PFS2_B94.ZIP 164971 05-28-93 PF Shell for Windows 3.x - Belgian made 0.94b
Shell for Scan/ZIP/LZH - RAM and Hard Disk
Utilities - Toolbar, etc.
(Last Revised: 05/28/93)
PH349B.ZIP 60509 08-04-92 Phones v3.49B: MS-Windows application
designed to help you maintain lists of names,
phone numbers and addresses; can autodial
numbers from your phone list.Art Metz.
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
PHBAR.ZIP 89083 05-19-93 PhoneBar stores phone numbers in a small
window for easy lookup.
(Last Revised: 05/19/93)
PHNBOOK.ZIP 21922 03-20-93 Phonebook Ver 0 Initial Release For Windows
3.1. Save, Look Up And Print Out All Your
Phone-Numbers. Freeware! Requires
Vbrun100.Dll. Last revision date: 03/20/93
PHOTOALB.ZIP 12077 03-21-92 Windows 3.0 utility to record multiple copies
of clipboard contents.
(Last Revised: 03/21/92)
PINUP13.ZIP 31732 02-27-93 W31 popup note v. 1.3.
(Last Revised: 02/27/93)
PIPIT10A.ZIP 76429 09-11-92 ZIPIT v1.0A: MS-Windows shell for PKware's
PKZIP utility; req VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 09/11/92)
PIXF1044.ZIP 633539 07-21-92 This is the ULTIMATE Graphics Cataloging
program for Windows 3.x, a MUST HAVE.ing
Last revision date in archive: 07-21-1992.
PKTWIN01.ZIP 248252 10-14-92 TNC control program for windows.
(Last Revised: 10/14/92)
PMASTER.ZIP 358399 07-01-93 * New Software * Phone Master v1 for Windows
The Phone Master is a powerful commercial
quality organizer. It will dial the phone or
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 147
pop up a terminal program for modem numbers!
Other Features: Clock, Net, Editor & More!
(Last Revised: 07/01/93)
PMCLOCK.ZIP 5092 10-28-92 PM Clock 1.10 for Windows - Dated 10/28/92
PMRTSK.ZIP 52407 01-06-93 Smart Task for Windows 3.1. Smart task
manager / shell replacement
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
POPCAL.ZIP 7923 04-20-93 FreeWare! A great little Windows pop-up
Calendar with running digtial clock. PopCal
can be OnTop or not, as you choose. PopCal
requires VBRUN200.DLL and Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 04/20/93)
POPCAL30.ZIP 30638 06-22-93 FREEWARE! Bride of PopCal now features
colors, remembers screen position and runs a
Windows screensaver. For Windows 3.1 and
requires VBRUN200.DLL be in your path. FREE!!
(Last Revised: 06/22/93)
POS121.ZIP 14275 11-22-90 Shows mouse position in window and/or
globally. Has stay on top feature. For Win3
POSTMAN.ZIP 25601 05-01-91 Postman: a Windows 3.0 tool that lets you
post messages to any window; source code
included. From Microsoft Systems Journal,
PPBK11.ZIP 52611 04-10-93 Practical PhoneBook v1.1: MS-Windows phone
book pgm w/a polished interface and graphical
buttons; dialing, with redial if busy option;
search box pops up when letter is pressed and
continues as you type; print individual/all
Pntries, w/or w/out notes; extensive online
help and more. (Last Revised: 04/10/93)
PPC26A.ZIP 54411 04-20-92 The Wallpaper Changer v2.6a for MS-Win 3.x:
Change at specified intervals or on demand.
(Last Revised: 04/20/92)
PRENV232.ZIP 83472 12-05-92 Printenvelope V2.32 For Windows. <asp> A
Complete Mailing System. Print Envelopes or
Labels of Any Size Using Any Type Font. Use
Different Fonts For Addressee, Return Address
And Note Text or Use A Windows .BMP Graphic
as A Logo.
(Last Revised: 12/05/92)
PRGSET.ZIP 9042 08-30-91 PROGSET is a Windows utility that lets your
restore order to your WIN.INI file painlessly
and without the possibility of corrupting it.
PROGSET also fills a few gaps in the Windows
Control Panel and File Manager by giving you
complete control over the file "associations"
that let you start an application by clicking
on one of its files. 8/30/91
PRNTRE30.ZIP 26044 02-24-93 Print Tree (Windows) V3.0 Tired of Trying to
Remember All Those Directory Paths?!? Can't
Remember What's Where? Print Tree Has The
Answer! View Wysiwyg On-Screen And Then Print
Hard Copy of Your Trees!! Select Any Online
Drive Including Network Drives, Re- Movable
Media Drives, Etc. up to 1024 Di- Rectory And
Subdirectory Entries, Nested up to Five
Levels Deep.Requires DOS 3.0 And up And
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 148
Windows 3.1. Window Wizard Software
(Last Revised: 02/24/93)
PROGSET.ZIP 38374 05-12-91 PC Magazine utility to optimize WIN.INI.
Great program, speeds up Windows 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 05-12-1991.
PRTSCMAN.ZIP 89564 08-24-92 Windows 3.x utility which prompts you when
you press printscrn. you can choose to
direct to the printer, clipboard, or save it
as a .bmp file. (newest file date: 08-24-92)
PSBAR.ZIP 12091 10-12-92 PhotoStyler Quick menu for Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 10/12/92)
PT.ZIP 15329 06-01-91 Win3 Project timer
3 files - New: 06/01/1991 Old: 06/01/1991
PUNDIT.ZIP 40310 11-29-90 Windows program that flashes little "sayings"
on screen-from the Stupid Windows Tricks
(Last Revised: 11/29/90)
QCLICK17.ZIP 34499 06-18-93 QuiClick v1.7: MS-Windows utility that allows
you to create a button bar that nicely fits
inside the caption area of most WinApps for
quick pgm launching, etc.; req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 06/18/93)
QFTD12.ZIP 121474 04-27-92 Quote for the Day v1.2: MS-Windows pgm picks
a random quotation and displays it in a small
window; font support; fast search w/wildcard
support; Clipboard/RTR formats; 04/27/92;
QKCAL20.ZIP 46636 01-23-93 QuikCal v2.00: small calendar pgm for
MSWindows that shows one month at a time, and
events, up to 5 per day, such as appts, to-do
items and birthdays may be entered by
doubleclicking on a day.
(Last Revised: 01/23/93)
QKVIEW.ZIP 116414 11-13-92 The Quick View utility for Windows 3.1 By
Vova Korolov.
Last revision date in archive: 11-13-1992.
QREAD.ZIP 94765 03-12-93 W31 text file viewer utility v. 1.0.
(Last Revised: 03/12/93)
QUIK10.ZIP 39611 06-28-92 Windows quick note. Notes always visible. 200
notes of 300 char each. Select from listbox.
(Last Revised: 06/28/92)
QUITWIN.ZIP 5141 08-31-91 Quit Windows the animated way
(Last Revised: 08/31/91)
QUOTEME.ZIP 22533 03-22-92 A neat win 3 prog to show random quote.
(Last Revised: 03/22/92)
(Last Revised: 08/22/92)
QWKN14.ZIP 35045 03-16-93 Quick Note for Windows v1.4: notepad w/out a
menu that will always stay on top of your
applications and retain its contents on exit;
it's an edit area to quickly jot stuff down
in or copy stuff to as you move between apps;
req VBRUN100.DLL; 03/16/93; David Hay.
RAISE115.ZIP 26515 01-19-93 Auto-Raise v1.15: MS-Windows utility that
allows you to switch among windows on the
screen simply by placing the mouse cursor
over the window for a user specified amt of
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 149
(Last Revised: 01/19/93)
RAND.ZIP 33509 08-19-92 A random bitmap generator for Windows 3.x.
Enter random.bmp as wallpaper in Control
Panel after program has run from command
(Last Revised: 08/19/92)
RANDOMWP.ZIP 6913 03-02-92 A Windows 3.x utility that will randomly
select a Wallpaper to use each time you run
(Last Revised: 03/02/92)
RANDS.ZIP 75091 12-15-91 RED BUTTON, Exit Quick from a Windows
program. Shareware by Brad Lucas ($10).
It runs as an icon. The icon looks
like a red button. When you double click on
it Windows is shutdown. Click once on the
icon to see Red Button's system menu. Here
you can select the About box, get more
information from Red Button's help file and
select Warning. When you select warning Red
Button will warn you before exiting, much
like the Program Manager does.
(Last Revised: 12/15/91)
RANWAV1.ZIP 79503 08-04-92 Random Wav Player for Windows 3.1 ! Plays
different .wav file upon entrance and exit
from Windows.
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
RBPCALC.ZIP 74834 12-16-90 HP Scientific Calculator For Windows
(Last Revised: 12/16/90)
RCALC100.ZIP 19624 12-29-91 RCALC v1.00: reverse Polish notation
calculator for MS-Windows; 12/29/91; Eric
BergmanTerrell/Pocket-Sized Software.
(Last Revised: 12/29/91)
RCLICK.ZIP 33773 01-14-93 Click Right Mouse Button And Bring up Menu
From PC Mag.
(Last Revised: 01/20/93)
REDBTN22.ZIP 22911 06-12-92 Red Button v2.2: application that gets you
out of Windows quickly; 06/12/92
RESMETER.ZIP 9616 09-05-92 Windows 3.1 Graphical Resource Monitor.
(Last Revised: 09/05/92)
RESTART.ZIP 14979 06-22-93 Icon to Restart or Exit Windows
New:06-22-1993 Old:06-22-1993
RESTART0.ZIP 3454 05-13-93 This is a very small restart or exit program
for Windows∙ It is much simpler than Rodgers
Rapid Restart (Only three buttons).
(Last Revised: 05/13/93)
RESTPM.ZIP 8390 10-17-92 Restore the Windows 3.1 Program Manager
(Last Revised: 10/17/92)
RESTRT10.ZIP 6372 08-11-92 Quick Restart for Windows v1.0: utility that
simply restarts Windows in the current mode;
useful after you have made manual changes to
your configuration; requires VBRUN100.DLL;
08/11/92; Jorge G. Mare.
RGAUGE11.ZIP 7168 05-01-93 RPM Gauge 1.1 for Win 3.1 is a resource
monitor. FREEWARE...VBRUN200.DLL req.
2 files - New:05-01-1993 Old:05-01-1993
RGROUP10.ZIP 76743 03-27-93 ReGroup v1.0: MS-Windows application which
enables you to change the default start-up
group in Program Manager; 03/27/93.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 150
(Last Revised: 03/27/93)
RIPSPC20.ZIP 90643 06-13-93 RipSPACE v2.0 for Windows and Windows NT
Analyses & displays system drive utilization
(Last Revised: 06/13/93)
RITEON20.ZIP 72472 06-16-93 RightOn 2.0 is a power tool for use with
Windows 3.1. It allows you to turn your
unused right (and middle) mouse buttons into
any keystroke combination, or even turn these
buttons into a left-mouse double click!
(Last Revised: 06/16/93)
RM-13D.ZIP 154372 09-23-92 Windows Reminder v1.3D: calendar/reminder
program for Windows w/iconic displays, chimes
advance warnings, auto-dialer, and more;
(Last Revised: 09/23/92)
PX09Downloaded @X0B<3>@X09 times.
RM11.ZIP 82127 05-13-92 Resource MONITOR v1.1: MS-Windows util that
monitors User, GDI and memory resources;
selectable sampling rate and SnapShots;
RNDST10.ZIP 14511 04-18-92 Configuration program for Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 04/18/92)
ROLODX3D.ZIP 395295 05-17-93 A 3D Rolodex that does everything. Tracks
Home and Business Phone Numbers and Addresses
Birthdays and Anniversaries and Reminds you
of them.Prints Mailing Labels and Rotary
Index Cards.Dials Numbers with the click of
the mouse.Has a 3D Calendar and Appointment
Database and even has a Doodle Pad for
Drawing & Much More. Requires: vbrun200.dll.
(Last Revised: 05/17/93)
RRR30.ZIP 49776 02-26-93 Roger's Rapid Restart v3.0: gives you total
control over exiting/restarting MS-Windows;
allows you to exit Windows; restart Windows
w/out first going back to the DOS prompt;
exit Windows, run a DOS application, and
restart Windows without further user
intervention; exit Windows and reboot your
system; 02/26/93; D. Mandell/Plannet
Crafters, Inc. Last revision date in archive:
(Last Revised: 02/26/93)
RSGAGE20.ZIP 14212 03-26-93 ResGauge v2.0: MS-Windows util that displays
free system resources via an icon-sized "gas
gauge"; 03/26/93; Richard Franklin Albury.
RTREE.ZIP 21592 09-10-91 RTREE for Windows. This one will draw a
screen background (in Color) of various forms
of trees. You can change how it does that
too. A fun little replacment for BMP's.
(Last Revised: 09/10/91)
RUMMGE20.ZIP 91656 04-18-93 File deduplicator and file search utility.
Very fast. Searches for duplicates on name
or content. CRC checking, trashcan delete,
and more. Requires vbrun200.
6 files - New:12-10-1992 Old:04-18-1993
RUN18.ZIP 26062 02-27-93 Run v1.8: will run an MS-Windows pgm from a
DOS prompt w/in Windows; 02/27/93
RWALL1_2.ZIP 356845 07-20-93 Randomly select Windows wallpaper at each
start. (Last Revised: 07/20/93)
SAFERASE.ZIP 91765 09-17-92 Windows 3.1 utility to archive deleted files.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 151
Archives can be compressed to minimize disk
Last revision date in archive: 09-17-1992.
SAGE20.ZIP 205441 04-24-92 Sage v2.0: MS-Windows 3.1 application that
displays over 4,000 gems of wisdom; you can
insert/embed a Sage Quote in OLE-compatible
pgms, adjust the fonts & colors of the quote
messages, add your own, or delete
inappropriate items; quote window is
resizeable & comes up where you last put it;
works w/TrueType, ATM and all other Windows
scaleable-font pgms 04/24/92
SANITY01.ZIP 59902 08-11-92 Sanity Saver v0.10: MS-Windows productivity
tool to prevent user burn-out that will nudge
you now & then to take one of 3 breaks - eye
strain, breathing, work breaks; VBRUN100.DLL
is req'd; 08/11/92; Lee B. Grey/Grey Matter.
(Last Revised: 08/11/92)
SAR.ZIP 67508 06-01-93 ASCII/Binary Search & Replace Utility for
WIndows 3.1 (V01.00).
5 files - New:11-16-1992 Old:01-19-1993
SAVEOFF1.ZIP 8887 12-17-92 SaveOFF v1.0 for Windows v3.1; turns-off
"Save Settings on Exit" flag in Windows 3.1
Program Manager from DOS: best if used in a
batch file and called before starting
Windows. ShareWare (free for personal use);
(Last Revised: 12/17/92)
SAVEPCXA.ZIP 4394 02-28-92 SavePCX 1.0a - the Oops! Update last version
had 2 lines transposed . . . This one won't
give an error msg. Uses Norton Batch Builder
to save PCX files from the Windows clipboard.
(Last Revised: 02/28/92)
SB42.ZIP 64005 11-01-92 StatBar 4.2 for Windows. A great utility that
displays a tiny bar anywhere on your Windows
screen. Displays free User/GDI system
resources, time, date, free memory, and free
disk space. Only $15 registration.
Last revision date in archive: 11-01-1992.
SBLITE.ZIP 127398 07-31-92 SitBACK lite - Shareware release of
commercial backup manager for Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 07/31/92)
SCARY.ZIP 46429 10-19-91 Halloween Clock for Windows 3.0.
Last revision date in archive: 10-19-1991.
SCHDEV10.ZIP 64422 12-02-92 Scheduled Event v1.0: MS-Windows util that
will automatically start an application on a
date and time specified by you; can be used
to start just one app or a list of apps;
(Last Revised: 12/02/92)
SCHDX101.ZIP 43111 03-26-93 SchedX v1.01: flexible event scheduler for
MS-Windows that allows you to schedule up to
256 events at any point in the future, up to
the year 2078; req VBRUN100.DLL; 03/26/93.
(Last Revised: 03/26/93)
SCHED10B.ZIP 10160 04-02-93 Small Windows Utility That Runs Applications
At A Scheduled Time. (Last Revised: 04/02/93)
SCHEDU.ZIP 119699 10-13-92 WinSchedule v1.3 beta: Schedule programs
within Windows 3.x. (Requires VBRUN100.DLL
renamed to VBRUN100.DL_ for installation!).
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 152
(Last Revised: 10/13/92)
SCICAL10.ZIP 14595 12-03-92 SciCalc v1.0: MS-Windows scientific
calculator supporting numeric entry by mouse
click or by keyboard; req VBRUN200.DLL;
(Last Revised: 12/03/92)
SCLOCK.ZIP 20833 06-19-91 SCLOCK is a clock that stays on top of your
other applications. Windows 3.0
2 files - New: 06/19/1991 Old: 06/19/1991
SCRLLR11.ZIP 11933 03-25-92 Scroller v1.1: MS-Windows utility designed to
display a scrolling text message; 03/25/92
SECCH2.ZIP 17385 07-24-91 Second Chance - a Windows program that lets
you associate more than one application to a
file suffix. Also runs .bat files.
(Last Revised: 07/24/91)
SECGRP10.ZIP 22331 06-21-93 SecureGroup - password protect Program
Manager under Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 06/10/93)
SENSE_E.ZIP 14008 05-18-93 Windows utility that activates a window by
dragging the mouse in it.
(Last Revised: 05/18/93)
SHOOT11.ZIP 11768 08-30-91 Shoot! v1.1 Util that allows you to copy
portions of the MS-Win display to the clip-
board by dragging a box around the area. 8/91
SHRD11.ZIP 14694 09-29-92 Shredder v1.1: MS-Windows 3.1 file deletion
system for Windows' File Manager; w/drag'n
drop and an animated icon that will shred the
files right before your eyes; 09/29/92
SHWRGB.ZIP 6368 09-18-91 A program used to examine a small area of the
screen. Windows 3.0.
(Last Revised: 09/18/91)
SIGNMAST.ZIP 44173 04-12-92 Sign language for Windows learn finger spell
good communication with deaf people! great!
(Last Revised: 04/12/92)
SIGON10A.ZIP 117408 05-20-93 SignOn! For Windows v1.00A: multiple user
administration pgm for Windows supporting up
to 3 users who can only access their
individual applications if they identify
themselves with their user ID and password;
each access to Windows is recorded in a log
file; you can assign 3 applications per user.
(Last Revised: 05/20/93)
SIZEIT.ZIP 11974 03-20-91 A Windows 3.0 Utility To Remember The Size Of
Your Windows Applications.
SL_10.ZIP 14243 02-11-92 Speed Load v1.0 for Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 02/11/92)
SMDRVMON.ZIP 20653 03-11-92 Smartdrv Monitor for Win 3.1 from Microsoft
(Last Revised: 03/11/92)
SMTCAN20.ZIP 28101 04-19-93 Smart Can for Windows. Has undelete feature.
(Last Revised: 04/19/93)
SNAG207.ZIP 92188 12-14-92 SnagIt is a screen grabber made with the
developer in mind. Many features make
documentation tasks easier. 12/14/92
SNAP3.ZIP 17230 02-21-91 Win 3.0 screen capture program from Dr. Dobbs
Journal #173 Feb 91 Simple to use. Captures
to the Clipboard. Selectable window size.
SNAPRUN.ZIP 30351 08-14-92 Utility to allow Snap! To be run with command
line parameter - allows association in dos
shells, Windows, etc.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 153
(Last Revised: 08/14/92)
SNAPSH17.ZIP 14640 10-31-91 SnapShot v1.7: Windows screen capture program
that uses a camera metaphor, letting you take
pictures of the screen (full screen, portions
of the screen as well as individual windows);
pictures taken are available in the clipboard
(Last Revised: 10/31/91)
SNDC10A.ZIP 15270 02-26-93 SNDC v1.0a: Note decompiler that converts
Stickies! export files into plain ascii files
that use SML (Stickies! markup language) to
describe each note's settings.
(Last Revised: 02/26/93)
SNT02.ZIP 366073 06-09-92 Show 'n Tell V.02 For Windows.
(Last Revised: 06/09/92)
SOLARW11.ZIP 58475 09-26-92 A graphical clock for Win 3.1. Very much
like the popular Geoclock program.
(Last Revised: 09/26/92)
SOREIGN.ZIP 11544 07-20-91 Desk Accessory to allow mouse selection of
extended/foreign characters. Saves remebering
all the extended key codes in Win 3.
3 files - New: 07/20/1991 Old: 07/20/1991
SOTCL10A.ZIP 38340 04-15-92 Stay-On-Top Calculator (SOT-Calc) v1.0A:
quick & dirty calculator for MS-Windows that
will stay on top of other applications,
always ready when you are; req VBRUN100.DLL
and VGA; 04/15/92; Mike Mezaros/CheckBox
SPACE103.ZIP 20020 05-11-93 L Display free space on all drives, including
network drives. Can monitor continuously.
(Last Revised: 05/11/93)
SPEEDY.ZIP 36698 01-29-93 Excellent Windows graphics performance
benchmark test. Version 1.1. Between this
test and WinTach, you'll get a good measure
of your system's Windows graphics speed. Seen
at the Windows & OS2 conference, used by
Hercules and is included with their products.
Last revision date in archive: 01-29-1993.
SPLCHK10.ZIP 231710 09-14-92 SpellChk v1.0: MS-Windows companion program
for WinAto that provides the ability to check
the spelling of words contained in text; text
to be checked may be in the clipboard, or it
may be in a text file; can be invoked by any
pgm which will place the text to be checked
in the clipboard; 09/14/92
SPRCLK.ZIP 96565 03-09-93 SuperClock is the definitive alarm and clock
system for Windows 3.1. SuperClock allows one
to set an unlimited number of alarms and
attach Post-it type reminders to them.
New:10-15-1992 Old:03-09-1993
ST20B.ZIP 276818 03-25-93 Stickies v2.0B: MS-Windows note mgr that
allows you to create, delete, move, hide,
show, resize, and print up to 45 on-screen
notes, store up to 1,000 notes in a file
cabinet, configure colors and fonts, specify
an automatic expiration date for each note,
set an alarm on each note, import/export
individual notes or groups of notes while
preserving all formatting options, drag and
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 154
drop, sound support & much more; 03/25/93
STAMPER.ZIP 23298 03-23-93 Time and date stamp utility for Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 03/23/93)
STARBAR3.ZIP 82653 07-08-93 StarBar 3.12 Stardate clock for WIN3x w/sound
Many features: system resources, time, exit,
reboot, restart, and stardate to Gregorian
conversion. New:10-21-1992 Old:04-20-1993
STARS2.ZIP 5119 03-17-91 Stars 2.0 for Windows 3.0 Turns your back-
ground into a moving starfield
START12.ZIP 61194 03-20-93 Further customize your Windows startup by
being able to run specific programs on
specific days, i.e. Virus checker on
thursdays, etc. Handy way to rememebr to run
things that might go by the wayside! Cheap
and easy. Reviewed in April's WindowsUser
Magazine. Last revision date: 03-20-1993.
START31.ZIP 24160 07-30-91 Windows program to change start-up graphic.
(Last Revised: 07/30/91)
STAT31.ZIP 57897 09-23-92 Statline v3.1 - ultimate in status lines for
windows. Displays time, date, free resources
and has buttons to let you quickly exit or
shell to dos.
(Last Revised: 09/23/92)
STDM10.ZIP 37333 11-28-92 Stdemo Player v1.0: MS-Windows app that you
can use to create demos, tutorials or
manually prepare scripts that will playback
within any Windows app; keyboard/mouse can
optionally be disabled during playback;
(Last Revised: 11/28/92)
STFIND13.ZIP 19565 06-28-92 STFINDER v1.3: New York City cross street
finder for MS-Windows; 06/28/92
STIKUM22.ZIP 157700 10-01-92 Stikum-Up v2.2: MS-Windows 3.1 message system
that allows you to write someone or yourself
a message/reminder from your Win3.1 desktop
that has impact; creates true stand-alone
.EXE "objects" which contain your message;
supports OLE object packager.
(Last Revised: 10/01/92)
STMP10.ZIP 24084 03-23-93 Stamper v1.0: MS-Windows util that will make
the process of changing the time/date setting
on files as easy as possible; 03/23/93
STOP22.ZIP 6244 03-04-93 Stop 2.2 - Another Windows quick exit pgm.
This one is configurable and will ask all
open program windows to close themselves.
(Last Revised: 03/04/93)
STOPW13.ZIP 6039 04-17-92 (Win3 Util) Windows Stop Watch: Measure time
in apps.
(Last Revised: 04/17/92)
STRESS21.ZIP 129532 02-08-93 StressFree v2.1: MS-Windows app that reminds
you to take a break, then shows a series of
relaxation techniques and stretches that will
keep you tension free; you select what parts
of your body to work on (i.e. Neck, shoulders
hands, back, etc); contains over 50 different
exercises & over 70 beautiful illustrations;
02/08/93; LifeTime Software.
SUBLIM10.ZIP 32690 01-09-93 Subliminal Help v1.0: MS-Windows app designed
to help you stop smoking or lose weight by
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 155
flashing messages to the active Windows app;
req VBRUN200.DLL.
(Last Revised: 01/09/93)
2 files - New: 07/15/1991 Old: 07/15/1991
SUPERCLK.ZIP 90398 09-10-92 SUPERCLOCK is the definitive alarm and clock
system for Windows 3.1. SuperClock allows one
to set an unlimited number of alarms and
attach Post-it type reminders to them. Alarms
may be scheduled to reoccur at pre-defined
intervals. Offers various options for using
alarms. Uses Windows 3.1 multimedia
capabilities to play customizable sounds for
an hourly chime and alarms. Animated clock
face displays the time in an iconized format.
(Last Revised: 09/10/92)
SUPERG10.ZIP 109331 05-04-93 SUPERG.EXE v1.00 ASP - Display your PM groups
as Super Groups anywhere on your desktop.
Create toolbars, vertical lists, icon lists,
etc. Supports up to 5 different views. This
utility is so flexible, you can create Super
Groups within PM groups by selecting an
option from the main menu. Also supports a
Status Bar and sort options. Settings are
saved for each Super Group created.
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
SUPERT.ZIP 30881 09-08-92 Windows Task Manager Replacement. Shareware.
Small utility that improves on the Windows
task manager. Shows hidden programs, has a
run/browse button.
(Last Revised: 09/08/92)
SUPRM101.ZIP 31629 04-13-92 SoftBlox Resource Monitor (SuperRM) v1.01:
MS-Windows util provides real-time, graphical
feedback on usage of primary resources for
the main Windows subsystems, GDI and USER, &
the currently Active Task and lots more;
04/13/92; Softblox Inc.
SUPRTM30.ZIP 111111 05-04-93 SUPERTM.EXE v3.00 ASP - Super Task Man
replaces Windows' taskman.exe. THIS IS the
taskman that should have come with Windows.
Features a run command with history list, an
enhanced tasklist that supports multi-select
operations, a configurable quick launch menu,
and system resource information. Super Task
Man's features are also completely
configurable. Fly with it...
(Last Revised: 05/04/93)
SURFSUP.ZIP 9506 02-02-93 Win - Attach Wav Files to Each Icon/Program
Execution. Involved Installation, But Adding
Each Program Will Take Less Than A Minute,
And This Program Uses no Resources or Memory
Except When Actually Playing The Wav File.
(Last Revised: 02/02/93)
SW.ZIP 12849 06-19-92 Stopwatch/Clock Program for MS Windows 3.X.
Last revision date in archive: 06-19-1992.
SWAP10.ZIP 4130 08-16-91 Swap Ctrl and CapsLock under windows 3.0
uploaded by author.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 156
Last revision date in archive: 08-16-1991.
SWAP201.ZIP 109272 03-30-93 StartUpSwapper Deluxe v2.01: MS-Windows util
that will automatically change your startup
screen each time you load Windows; allows you
to use RLE files as desktop wallpaper to save
disk space; req VBRUN200.DLL; 03/30/93
SWB928W.ZIP 89480 01-25-93 Shareware international Windows use w sw928ti
(Last Revised: 01/25/93)
SYSBCK21.ZIP 80762 10-28-92 Latest version of SYSBACK.EXE.
Last revision date in archive: 10-28-1992.
SYSENG10.ZIP 1316461 11-30-92 Windows program to alter all windows settings
in sys.ini and win.ini. From WUGNET.
(Last Revised: 11/30/92)
SYSGRAPH.ZIP 16594 12-24-90 A Windows 3 system graphic display of cpu
load or free time. Frequency of graph change
can be alter somewhat via the dialogue.
Kinda "cute" minimized moving graph display
each time one does something in Windows.
Docs and SOURCE code included.
SYSMET.ZIP 32959 10-18-92 Windows 3.X.System resource metering 1.5.
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
SYSRES25.ZIP 22162 01-21-93 System Resources v2.5: MS-Windows application
that measures CPU usage in a graphical & text
format; graph is scalable to any size, and
lets you know how heavy you're taxing the CPU
at just a glance; req VBRUN100.DLL
(Last Revised: 01/21/93)
SYSRT1.ZIP 5949 07-10-93 System information on memory for Windows 3.1
Requires VBRUN200.DLL. Gives you in % the
amount of system and display resources left,
also time and date. Simple but Efficient
Utility. (Last Revised: 07/10/93)
SYSUP102.ZIP 20959 01-19-92 Sysup lets you determine how long you have
author: Paul Magid.
Last revision date in archive: 01-19-1992.
SYSUSE13.ZIP 18841 09-11-92 SysUse v1.3: MS-Windows performance monitor
program that displays the current utilization
levels of CPU, memory, system (Windows)
resources, & disk space; 09/11/92
SYSWIT.ZIP 22974 08-12-92 Edit System Ini Files.
(Last Revised: 08/12/92)
WINUSER.ZIP 1217271 05-14-93 Win user magazine utilities. unzip with -d
(Last Revised: 05/14/93)
Pg 157
RWdir 3.0 (c)IDS
│ Windows OnLine │
│ Dir 38 │WINDOWS Accessories T-Z │
│ # of Files: 255 │ Bytes: 20,584,421 │ Updated: 08/11/93 01:55 am │
│ Filename │ Size │ Date │ Description │
TAPETMPL.ZIP 3107 05-14-92 A template to make tape labels for excel 3.0.
(Last Revised: 05/14/92)
TBASEWN.ZIP 196246 09-27-92 Tape Base v1.1 Beta: Demo for Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 09/27/92)
TBWIN10A.ZIP 61686 01-01-93 Windows interface to thunderbytes virus scan.
(Last Revised: 01/01/93)
TCLK_104.ZIP 235763 09-05-92 Talking Clock for Windows 3.1. "Always on
Top", sound card recommended.
(Last Revised: 09/05/92)
TECHGRID.ZIP 14733 02-07-92 Background for Windows. Give depth to your
display. Cool high-tech grid goes into screen
in front of a star field. <640x480x16>.
(Last Revised: 02/07/92)
TENKEY.ZIP 74568 12-22-92 An efficient and easy way to perform
mathematical calculations in the MS Windows
environment. Benefits over standard Windows
calculator include, history tape,
customizable display, selectable syntax,
decimal setting, amortiztion calculation,
overall better performance and extra touches
i.e. Remembers screen position, commas and
Last revision date in archive: 12-22-1992.
TERMNAT.ZIP 20065 02-04-92 Terminate a Windows program, whether or not
it wants to be terminated. Uses the TOOLHELP
DLL (included) to provide access to this
previously unavailable capability. Includes
C source code.
(Last Revised: 02/04/92)
THETM10E.ZIP 47228 10-20-92 The Time Is... V1.0E: talking clock for Win
3.1 that uses standard WAV files to say the
time & date; includes alarm/chime functions;
req VBRUN100.DLL
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
TI102.ZIP 46136 03-25-93 Time-It Version 1.02 For Windows. A Simple
But Very Useful Countdown Timer For Windows.
Nice For Cooking, Waiting on Laundry or Other
Event. Easy to Use, Logical, Colorful.
(Last Revised: 03/25/93)
TIFFANY.ZIP 236408 06-30-90 Tiffany Plus ver. 1.01U screen capture
utility for Windows 3.0. No documentation to
speak of. Handles several types of graphics
(Last Revised: 11/09/92)
TIMELOG1.ZIP 131048 08-24-92 Timelog 1.0 is an MS-Windows 3.x Application
For Personal Time USAge Recording Which
Maintains A Database of Work Projects. The
Timelog User Can "punch In" And "punch Out"
on Projects he or She Has Added to The
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 158
(Last Revised: 08/24/92)
TIMEOUT1.ZIP 18552 05-29-92 Small Windows 3.XX Alarm Clock. Set a time,
the proram hides as an ICON until your time
is up! Version 1.0.
(Last Revised: 05/29/92)
TIMER10.ZIP 16999 05-21-92 Timer consists of 2 stopwatches, a countdown
timer, an alarm with pop-up message
capability and provision to set the system
date and time. For Win 3.x, requires
Last revision date in archive: 05-21-1992.
TIMZNA13.ZIP 27087 02-28-93 World Time vA.1.3: MS-Windows pgm that will
display the current time for your location,
the Greenwich Median time (GMT), and the time
for any city you select; req VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 02/28/93)
TIP151.ZIP 50742 01-20-93 Tip V1.51 Forappbar. Another waste basket for
(Last Revised: 01/20/93)
TIPADAY.ZIP 1242122 06-24-93 Windows "a Tip A Day" Start up Program - Free
from MS. (Last Revised: 06/24/93)
TLCPAK10.ZIP 118217 10-30-92 TLCPak v1.0 <ASP> - TLCPak can be used as a
frontend for PKZip or as a standalone file
compression routine. Compression may be
optimized for speed or size. Allow path and
file date control, encryption, program and
file comments. Registration $10 to $25.
Reqires Windows 3.0. Documentation and full
support available.
(Last Revised: 10/30/92)
TM252.ZIP 14573 08-04-92 Time v2.52: moveable, popup, digital
date/time clock for Microsoft Windows 2.x;
08/04/92; Art Metz.
(Last Revised: 08/04/92)
TMCFW22C.ZIP 272763 01-06-93 The Message Center For Windows ver 2.22c.
This program is an electronic phone pad for
Windows users on a network.
(Last Revised: 01/06/93)
TMPEN20A.ZIP 65448 05-10-93 TrashMan for Pen Windows v2.0A: MS-Windows
for Pen Computing utility that allows you to
drag files to the TrashMan icon where they
will be stored (even after exiting &/or
/restarting TrashMan, Windows, or the PC
itself) until you decide to restore or
permanently delete them; you can associate
WAV sounds w/ 3 different TrashMan events.
(Last Revised: 05/10/93)
TODOS.ZIP 8527 04-20-92 Quickly open DOS window from Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 04/20/92)
TOOLBAR2.ZIP 16856 04-25-93 TOOLBAR 2.0 Toolbar is a floating menu bar
that you can configure to run 20+ programs at
the press of one button. Real handy to run
the most often used applications.
(Last Revised: 04/25/93)
TOPCLC.ZIP 13451 10-21-92 Simple Windows Calculator, Always Stays on
Top of Desktop, From Cis
(Last Revised: 10/21/92)
TOPMST.ZIP 33879 12-18-92 TopMost is a small MS-Windows util that will
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 159
keep any specified window(s) on top; requires
(Last Revised: 12/18/92)
TOTOP.ZIP 12451 09-29-92 Neat Little Windows Utility That Lets You
Float An Aplication Or Icon.
(Last Revised: 10/29/92)
TOXTOOLS.ZIP 29975 07-14-91 Win3.0 VB app that groups many useful
functions into one window.
1 files - New: 07/14/1991 Old: 07/14/1991
TPCLK206.ZIP 28496 06-04-92 TopClock v2.06A: MS-Windows clock which will
keep itself on the top level without becoming
the active window; toggles between time/date
mode and stopWatch mode with a mouse click, &
features alarm capability; 06/04/92
TRASH100.ZIP 11614 06-14-92 Trash Can v1.00: pgm to delete files from
Windows 3.1; supports drag and drop and runs
only as an icon, positioned at the lower
right hand corner of the screen. computer
business associates
(Last Revised: 06/14/92)
TRASHCAN.ZIP 15629 03-23-92 TrashCan for Windows 3.1 is a utility that
emulates the MacIntosh trashcan. File can be
dropped onto it, and will then be moved to a
hidden directory. If the trashcan is opened,
the contents can either be deleted or
Last revision date in archive: 03-23-1992.
TRASHM2.ZIP 59612 03-31-93 TrashMan v2.0a * Original Windows Trash Can!
The first Win 3.1 trash can is BACK and
better than ever! Drag files and directories
to the trash icon and they'll be stored until
you decide to restore or delete them!
(Last Revised: 03/31/93)
TRASHR10.ZIP 36709 03-15-93 Trasher v1.0: Multimedia trash can for
MSWindows; marks files for deletion or
deletes upon drag-n-drop from File Manager;
requires VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 03/15/93)
TREK_CRS.ZIP 4601 08-17-92 Various startrek cursors for use with
(Last Revised: 08/17/92)
TRSHM20A.ZIP 62729 03-27-93 Trash Manager v2.0A: MS-Windows util that
allows you to drag files to the TrashMan icon
where they will be stored (even after exiting
and re-starting TrashMan, Windows, or the PC
itself) until you decide to restore or
permanently delete them; you can associate
WAV sounds w/3 different TrashMan events
(Last Revised: 03/27/93)
TTI2E.ZIP 106655 03-31-93 THE TIME IS... VERSION 2.0e The best talking
clock program for Windows just got better.
Always on top feature, 10 user defined alarms
with custom notes, chimes available in 15
minute increments, *.WAV sound files can be
assigned to alarms and chimes, PC speaker
support, self removing dialogs, and more!
Req. vbrun200.dll. (Last Revised: 03/31/93)
TVWIN102.ZIP 73763 06-22-93 Win3.1 app. Text/ASCII viewer. Loads of
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 160
options for only being a text viewer. Good
file searching. Shareware ver 1.02.
(Last Revised: 06/12/93)
TW112.ZIP 67421 11-04-92 Text Watch v1.12: small util will allow you
to monitor changes in your INI, BAT, and
CONFIG.SYS files, and more. For Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 11/04/92)
TYNCALC.ZIP 6347 01-31-92 Full-function, miniature calculator, 1" high
X 2" wide, for MS-Windows; uses the clipboard
to copy/paste and to store memory totals so
you can use it as an inter-WIN program tool;
req VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 01/31/92)
TYPEMATE.ZIP 10784 04-17-92 (Win3 Util) Set Typematic Speed.
(Last Revised: 04/17/92)
UCLP17.ZIP 164433 05-19-93 UltraClip v1.7: MS-Windows clipboard
enhancement that stores multiple objects
placed on the clipboard & restores them on
demand; each object gets a separate window
w/a graphic representation for easy
selection; OLE-aware, it can store/restore
OLE objects as well as private clipboard
formats; displays/stores bitmaps, DIBs,
metafiles & text objects; includes a toolbar
& status line w/memory usage & size of each
object. (Last Revised: 05/19/93)
UCP203.ZIP 116639 12-08-92 Windows conversion program most units feet to
inches ect.
(Last Revised: 12/08/92)
UKBGDESK.ZIP 31601 03-26-93 Virtual desktop for Windows from the Uk
(Last Revised: 03/26/93)
UM120.ZIP 61447 03-29-92 UnitMaster v1.20 metric unitsconversion for
Windows. (3-29-92).
UN4WIN11.ZIP 50606 01-26-93 Uninstall Utility For Windows
(Last Revised: 01/26/93)
UNICON11.ZIP 11464 10-08-92 Universal Unit Converter for Windows Ver 1.11
Converts length, area, volume, time, mass,
light, power, energy, pressure, speed, and
temperature. Requires VBRUN100.ZIP.
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
UPC.ZIP 6367 09-20-91 UPC "Check Digit" Calculator This program
calculates the check digit of a standard UPC
code. It is used by retailers with scanners.
For Windows and requires VBRUN100.DLL
Last revision date in archive: 09-20-1991.
UPD8R10.ZIP 30617 08-02-92 WinUpD8R v1.0: MS-Windows 3.1 util that lets
you keep files in multiple directories on two
or more machines up to date (directory trees
do not need to be similar); configurable;
(Last Revised: 08/02/92)
UPDWNW30.ZIP 8423 12-19-90 Win3 - Minimize/maximize progman automatic
(Last Revised: 12/19/90)
USAGE10.ZIP 10081 02-16-93 Computer Usage Log v1.0: MS-Windows app that
provides you the ability to record the time &
purpose for each computer usage; has a usage
analysis feature that provides usage by
category for instant year-end tax preparation
purposes; req VBRUN100.DLL.
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 161
(Last Revised: 12/09/92)
USHER14D.ZIP 31634 06-23-92 Usher 1.4d as featured in the WinOnLine
REVIEW Issue #68, reviewed by Ed Hoffman.
Last revision date in archive: 06-23-1992.
UUCODE20.ZIP 151812 01-22-93 UUCODE version 2.0
UNIX compatible multi-part UU Encoder and
Decoder for Win 3.X. UUCODE will allow your
Win 3.X equipped PC to send and recieve
binary 8-bit data over communication links or
nets that don't support binary data. These
include the Internet sites and sending binary
files between popular on-line services such
as GEnie, Compuserve, and America On-Line.
auto detection of popular multipart types is
provided, with parts in any order.
7 files - New:03-22-1992 Old:01-22-1993
UWIN10.ZIP 74482 11-17-91 Unix utilities for Win 3.0, grep, ls, lpr,
pr, and more. Run as a window or in
(Last Revised: 11/17/91)
VAD2.ZIP 2278 01-06-92 Info about Virtual Monitors for Windows!
Gives you the equivalent of 12 monitors of
desktop space for windows 3.0 and 3.1!!! By
Baseline Publishing, Inc
(Last Revised: 01/06/92)
VALIDEDT.ZIP 12385 11-24-91 ValidEdit is a custom control for use with
MS-Windows that is a superclass of the EDIT
class that can be set to accept/reject
different types of keystrokes.
(Last Revised: 11/24/91)
VBCLK2.ZIP 26488 09-13-92 Resource Gauge/Clock for Windows. Stays on
Top, configurable display. $15 Canadian
shareware, includes Visual Basic source code.
Requires VBRUN100.DLL. From CompuServe.
(Last Revised: 09/13/92)
VBDIAL_A.ZIP 308353 02-13-93 Disk One of three. The world's first
Multimedia dialer for Windows. 3D NeXT Look
to it. Speed search, ANSI Colors, more
VBDIAL_B.ZIP 248784 02-13-93 Disk 2 Of 3 Multimedia Dialer For Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/13/93)
VBDIAL_C.ZIP 190300 10-25-92 Disk 3 Of 3 Multimedia Dialer For Windows.
(Last Revised: 10/25/92)
VBRE150S.ZIP 208940 05-02-93 VB Reader - Offline mail reader - reviewed
in WOLRS. Bug fix version.
(Last revised: 04/28/93)
VD208A.ZIP 69509 06-10-92 Virtual Monitors for Windows! DEMO version
limited to 15 minutes run time. Desktop
expansion program increases your desktop
space by 1200%!
(Last Revised: 06/10/92)
VSCALC10.ZIP 83902 05-19-92 Visible Stack Calculator v1.0: scientific
calculator (RPN) for MS-Windows w/a large
window onto scrollable stack; extremely easy
stack manipulation any where in stack; allows
multiple calculations throughout the stack;
pop-up help; mouse required; 05/19/92;
VWPD106.ZIP 28376 11-04-91 VWPD v1.06: prevents disk corruption from
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 162
occuring when using CHKDSK while Windows is
running w/write protect feature which can be
toggled on/off by the included control pgm;
requires MS Windows 386 Enhanced mode and is
network compatible.
(Last Revised: 11/04/91)
W1FNGR10.ZIP 78210 06-08-93 W1Finger v1.0: MS-Windows pgm that lets you
press down on Control/Alt/Shift, let go and
then type another key to send the key
combination to your Windows software title;
each key & key combination is really a macro
which can generate any string of text and cmd
keys you want; req VBRUN200∙DLL; 06/08/93.
W3NOLOGO.ZIP 1874 09-01-90 A great debug explanation of how to disable
that annoying "Windows 3.0" logo that comes
up everytime you use the prog.
Also, see out Win TIPS Conference.
WALLFWIN.ZIP 257457 03-05-93 Different wallpapers for Windows! 256c. SVGA!
(Last Revised: 03/05/93)
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
WALLPAP.ZIP 97846 03-14-93 More Wallpaper For Win. 256 Color Tiled
Pattens. These Are Good Backgrounds For Hires
Modes Because They Are Well Detailed But
Don'T Use Too Much Memory. Taken From Actual
Photos Of Bricks, And Fabrics.
(Last Revised: 03/14/93)
WALLPIX.ZIP 28752 03-11-93 WallPix is an easy-to-use Wallpaper and
Startup sound configurator for Win 3.x. Drag
and Drop BMP and WAV files to combine as one.
Use the TOUR and PREVIEW buttons. Has HANGIT
feature to load your wallpaper/sound and
RANDOMIZER to automatically change it. Easy
enough for kids to use also.
(Last Revised: 03/11/93)
WALZAP.ZIP 3830 07-31-92 WallChange is a program that automatically
changes your Windows wallpaper everytime you
start up Windows.
(Last Revised: 07/31/92)
WATCHMAN.ZIP 34863 09-22-92 WatchMan! Powerful Windows file protection
program that runs under Windows3.0 or 3.1.
(Last Revised: 09/22/92)
WATS-JR.ZIP 24984 10-28-91 Dr. Watson Jr. V1.0: diagnostic tool designed
to provide developers with detailed info on
the internal state of MS-Windows 3.0 when a
system error such as an unrecoverable
application error (UAE) occurs.
(Last Revised: 10/28/91)
WB-40L.ZIP 277100 12-01-92 WinBatch - 4.0L (ASP) Write Windows Batch
Files. Dialogs, program control, & powerful
data manipulation features lets you control
Windows. A must for the power user.
Over 200 functions let you do *anything* in
Windows! DDE, Multimedia, and More! $69.95
Dated 12/1/92
WB21B.ZIP 85894 08-06-92 The WAV-BMP Randomizer 2.1b for Win 3.1
Randomly selects a BMP and startup WAV from
an association list you make and extracts
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 163
Phem from a ZIP for use with Win. 3.1.
(Last Revised: 08/06/92)
WB31C.ZIP 198710 03-23-93 WINBACK 3.1c v3.1c - The perfect Windows
backup program for the home computer user.
Easy to use, no technical manuals to read or
cryptic commands to memorize. Totally mouse
driven Windows interface. Includes functions
for backing up your complete hard drive or
Single program directories.
(Last Revised: 03/23/93)
WBARCLK.ZIP 14872 02-12-93 Windows Bar Clock Good Clock Utility For
Windows. (Last Revised: 02/12/93)
WBLST14A.ZIP 29861 09-24-92 WallBlaster - slick, Freeware wallpaper (BMP)
changer for Windows 3.x. Versatile, extracts
.ZIPs, randomized according to user defined
time interval. Supports libraries w/up to 15
images. Jethro Wright
(Last Revised: 09/24/92)
WC305.ZIP 57974 02-18-91 Winclock V3.05 fixes bugs in 3.0. Run app's
on timed events.
(Last Revised: 02/18/91)
WCHG10.ZIP 142284 06-14-93 Win Change v1.0: MS-Windows application that
provides the ability to globally change text
in GRP, INI, PIF and other file types;
multiple change criteria can be specified,
works across multiple drives, including
network drives, and provides "back out" files
in case a change goes awry; requires
VBRUN300.DLL; 06/14/93; JRE Enterprises.
WCLIB.ZIP 38714 05-09-93 Function library for Wincmd see 5/25/93 PCMag
(Last Revised: 05/03/93)
WCLOCK11.ZIP 19446 05-10-91 Windows 3.0 verbose clock program. Speaks
English and French. A very cute program.
3 files - New: 05/10/1991 Old: 05/04/1991
WCOMMAND.ZIP 69393 03-03-92 This is a Windows-based DOS! No need for 386
Enhanced mode!
Last revision date in archive: 03-03-1992.
WCONTR13.ZIP 27032 09-18-92 Windows Control v1.3: MS-Windows program to
save window positions; 09/18/92; Russell E.
(Last Revised: 09/18/92)
WCRD201A.ZIP 79304 10-18-92 WinCard v2.01A: MS-Windows app that provides
an easy way to organize your cards and keep
your eye on the current value of them; ideal
for card collectors.
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
WCRON22D.ZIP 178837 01-02-92 Wcron V2.2d Periodical Task Scheduler for
Windows 3.x. Wcron is inpired on Unix's cron
utility. Wcron lets you specify the time of
execution of specific tasks. It can be used
for on-shot executions and for periodical
executions. People use it to make regular
backups, remind them of something, start
backgroud tasks like file transfer or
automated BBS systems.
Last revision date in archive: 01-02-1992.
WD10.ZIP 47907 02-15-93 Windex 1.0 - Rolodex Program For Windows
(Last Revised: 01/18/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 164
WD103.ZIP 54752 11-23-92 WinDupe v1.03 for Windows Windows based
diskette duplicator featuring single pass
operation, format conversion, background
operation, and much more.
(Last Revised: 11/23/92)
WD10D.ZIP 52738 04-06-93 Watchdog 1.0d. Windows Activity Monitor/Log.
(Last Revised: 04/06/93)
WDCE1.ZIP 414885 03-28-93 WinDial v1.1 Corporate Edition: Feature-rich
auto dialer for Win 3.0, 3.1 and NT. Can hold
up to 1 billion records. 03/28/93
WDG070.ZIP 56854 12-03-92 Derek Cohen's WatchDog for Windows, 0.70
Watchdog watches you work at your computer.
At regular intervals it checks what task you
are actually performing and builds a database
of the programs and documents you have been
using, along with how much time you have
spent in them since the database was started.
Database is saved from each session.
(Last Revised: 12/03/92)
WDIFF101.ZIP 40793 05-07-93 WDIFF v1.01 - MS Windows file comparison
utility. Side by side text file display.
(Last Revised: 05/07/93)
WDK412A.ZIP 180127 06-01-93 Windisklone V4.12 For Windows; Single pass
diskette copier with cooperative multitasking
for true background operation. Automatic
"upsizing" too! compressed file images,
compare, clean, fastformat, etc. Single,
multi, and network versions available.
(Last Revised: 06/01/93)
WEMORY.ZIP 8492 06-06-91 Memory tracker for WIN3 w/Date and time.
2 files - New: 06/06/1991 Old: 06/04/1991
WEYES212.ZIP 42220 10-27-92 WEyes v2.12: MS-Windows program that draws 2
eyes in a window (can be minimized) which
track the movement of the mouse.
(Last Revised: 10/27/92)
WFDS101.ZIP 98967 06-10-93 Free Disk Space for Windows v1.01: pgm that
tells you how much space is available on your
hard disk(s), including RAM drives, network
drives, CD ROM drives, Stacker drives, Double
Space drives, etc.; both the DOS version and
the Windows version are contained in ONE
executable file, both having graphical
displays as well as textual displays.
(Last Revised: 06/10/93)
WFORMAT.ZIP 4827 08-04-91 An Easy Way to Format Disks Within Windows
(Last Revised: 08/04/91)
WFUEL12.ZIP 90075 05-25-93 WinFuel v1.2: Fuel consumption calculator for
MS-Win 3.1, handles liters, US gallons,
imperial gallons, miles and kilometers.
(Last Revised: 05/25/93)
WGALRY03.ZIP 19861 11-02-92 A wallpaper utility for windows that changes
the background automatically. Also reads bmp
files from a .zip file.
(Last Revised: 11/02/92)
WGREP141.ZIP 141755 06-18-93 Windows Grep v1.41: MS-Windows text search
utility modelled on the UNIX utility of the
same name; useful as a programmer's tool for
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 165
searching program source files for specific
variables or function calls; 06/18/93.
WGVIEW.ZIP 34825 01-01-92 Windows v3.x graphics viewer
(Last Revised: 01/01/92)
WHIDE10.ZIP 6921 05-06-93 WINhide v1.0 runs an application invisibly,
without displaying even a minimized icon on
the desktop. Works with many but not all
Windows programs and all DOS programs under
Windows run with a PIF file with the
"Windowed" option chosen.
(Last Revised: 05/06/93)
WHISK26A.ZIP 24031 09-16-91 Use *all* Your Mouse Buttons - Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 09/16/91)
WIDGET.ZIP 22788 08-15-92 Windows application by Metz. Measures how
long an application waits for CPU time.
(Last Revised: 08/15/92)
WIN-CAL.ZIP 255416 10-03-91 CalenderMaker for Win3. Included separately
are programs for font viewing and icon
manipulation. Vbrunn.dll req'd for some
Last revision date in archive: 10-03-1991.
WIN152.ZIP 11466 01-25-92 Windows utility shows you how to properly
set the jumpers for an Adaptec AHA-1520 or
AHA-1522 SCSI Host Adapter. When a selection
is changed, the jumper configuration will be
modified so that the card image on the screen
can be used as a map to configure your host
adapter. Only PIO mode configurations are
shown. 1/25/92
WIN3LOAD.ZIP 34571 07-07-91 Adds digital clock to Windows 3.x Screen
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
WIN86.ZIP 10859 07-15-91 A series of utilites for windows.
(Last Revised: 07/15/91)
WINAD16.ZIP 126294 03-17-92 Cardfile style name/address database for
MS-Win 3.x can print envelopes and dial
numbers. V1.60 Reqs VBRUN.
(Last Revised: 03/17/92)
WINAGAIN.ZIP 7982 12-03-92 Windows 3.x auto windows restart or reboot.
(Last Revised: 12/03/92)
WINAPPS.ZIP 8597 09-03-92 MS-Windows program that will tell you what
EXEs, DLLs, drivers and font files are loaded
and where they were loaded from (as well as
file sizes and date/times; useful for problem
solving; 09/03/92; Ramesh Rooplahl/ Workgroup
WINAREA.ZIP 10504 05-07-93 WinArea 1.0 Nice little utility to look-up
area codes in Windows 3.1.
(Last Revised: 05/07/93)
WINBAG22.ZIP 101922 06-20-93 Windows utility tool bag v2.2 req vbrun200.
Windows format utility, file manager and
more. (Last Revised: 06/20/93)
WINBATT.ZIP 21775 03-20-92 Battery monitor for Windows 3.x Toshiba labtp
(Last Revised: 03/20/92)
WINBENCH.ZIP 66139 07-04-92 From pc mag windows bench mark test.
Last revision date in archive: 03-02-1992.
WINBRW.ZIP 118956 03-24-93 Fantastic file viewer. Can display multiple
files in either text or hex. Button bar,
MDI interface. Can add to File Manager menu.
VERY NICE!!! For Windows 3.x
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 166
6 files - New:03-24-1993 Old:03-09-1993
WINBTN12.ZIP 23033 11-05-92 WIN BUTTON v1.2 - Lauch progs by pressing a
Button on WIndows 3.x
WINBY101.ZIP 6858 08-22-92 WINbye v1.01 quick exit from Windows 3.0 &
3.1, by double- clicking on an icon and
bypassing the usual three-step exit process
from Windows. If an application is running in
the background, Windows will still pop up a
warning dialog box allowing return to
(Last Revised: 08/22/92)
WINCAL1.ZIP 342018 03-01-93 Windows Calendar V1.0: Public Domain Program
For Windows, Contains A 3 Month Calendar.
Good. (Last Revised: 03/01/93)
WINCAP.ZIP 134707 10-15-92 Professional Capture Systems screen capture
programs for DOS and Windows. Captures
graphic screens in .PCX format.
(Last Revised: 10/15/92)
WINCAPT.ZIP 93300 07-31-92 Windows screen capture program, includes
source code. (Last Revised: 07/31/92)
(Last Revised: 04/17/93)
WINCHE.ZIP 15790 02-07-91 Program to ensure that CHKDSK will not kill
the hard disk when run under Windows.
(Last Revised: 02/07/91)
WINCL201.ZIP 44666 06-07-91 MS Windows 3.0 - DOS Shell From inside Win
Command Line Interface. Dated 6/8/91
WINCLIP3.ZIP 96719 02-26-93 WINCLIP v3.0: Updated version of neat program
from OSO Soft. Needs VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 02/26/93)
WINCLO12.ZIP 22521 02-20-93 W31 Clock/Date v. 1.2 (Newest file date:
WINCLP.ZIP 11717 11-17-91 WinClip version 1.20 wallpaper management
program includes options to view BMP's on
screen, print catalog of BMP Files, and edit
BMP's in any accepted paint program such as
Windows Paint. A must for wallpaper fans!
Last revision date in archive: 11-17-1991.
WINCNV.ZIP 49598 06-13-92 Conversion Utility for Windows. Converts
values of Length, Weight, Area, Volume and
Liquid Capacity. Includes Metric and Imperial
conversions. A total of 86 conversion factors
to use. Utilizes the Windows scroll-bar to
facilitate the display of the conversion
result. Keyboard is optional but not
required. Version 1.00.
(Last Revised: 06/13/92)
WINCOLOR.ZIP 43224 07-11-91 PC Mag's utility for changing ALL windows
interface elements. Requires VBRUN.DLL
(May not work with some extended screen
4 files - New: 07/11/1991 Old: 06/30/1991
WINCRO.ZIP 43065 03-10-91 Windows based timer program
7 files - New: 03/10/1991 Old: 01/08/1991
WINDER2.ZIP 31181 05-15-92 Utility to delay loading Windows at startup.
(Last Revised: 05/15/92)
WINDEX.ZIP 24898 06-26-91 WinDEX is designed to allow simple DOS
commands or standard DOS programs to be
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 167
'launched' from this Windows application.
Screen output is optionally redirected back
to WinDEX where it can be displayed and
edited. User-defined configuration allows
this to be a very flexible little utility.
Requires VBRUN100.DLL.
Last revision date in archive: 06-26-1991.
WINDEXED.ZIP 99987 06-15-93 Rolodex for Windows∙MUST HAVE!; req vbrun200
(Last Revised: 06/15/93)
WINDIARY.ZIP 51606 11-24-92 Just in time for 1993 - a terrific WINDOWS
combination Calendar & Diary! View any day in
any month at a glance. One file holds an
entire year's data. View "thumbnail" view of
each day's entry right on the main screen.
Export text to WinWord, Windows NotePad and
Windows Write. Requires Windows, a mouse and
VBRUN200.DLL. Newly written in Visual Basic
2.0 Professional. "Engraved nameplate" to
registered users - just in time for
Christmas! SHAREWARE $30.00.
(Last Revised: 11/24/92)
WINDNOTE.ZIP 36942 04-22-92 Windnote v1.0: MS-Windows adaptation of
"Dirnotes" that lets you place comments next
to the file names and sub-directory names in
your directories; also lets you view the
contents of many of those files & erase after
confirmation; 04/22/92; Bill Mason
WINDOS.ZIP 42255 02-07-92 Windows program: DOS COMMAND LINE. Very Good
(Last Revised: 02/07/92)
WINDRY22.ZIP 32081 09-02-92 Dhrystone for Windows v2.2: benchmark program
written for computers running Windows 3.1, it
is designed to measure how efficiently a
computer's processor, memory and BIOS work
together when running under Windows;
09/02/92; Richard Levey.
WINDSK22.ZIP 46225 09-03-92 Disk Throughput Test for Windows v2.2: pgm to
test the actual throughput of your disk drive
while running under Windows; 09/03/92;
WINECJ11.ZIP 43670 05-31-93 WinECJ version 1∙1 - This is a fast Windows
JPEG viewer∙ You'll need a 286 or better, and
run Windows 3∙1 in 256 colour mode∙
(Last Revised: 05/31/93)
WINEKG20.ZIP 20240 12-07-92 Winekg v2.0: ms-windows util which provides a
real-time graphical display of cpu
utilization w/in a window & a numerical
display of remaining free memory as the
window caption; has color/control options;
line/bar graphs.
(Last Revised: 12/07/92)
WINEXI.COM 22446 10-25-92 Handy Windows utility to exit from Windows,
restart Windows, or re-boot your system
WINEXIT3.ZIP 9456 02-07-93 Windows Exit door 3.0.
(Last Revised: 02/07/93)
WINEZ31R.ZIP 58394 12-02-92 WINEZ 3.1 Release version dated 12/2/92.
WINEZ adds two icons to the title bar of the
active window which provide a fast and easy
way to launch and switch among programs from
Program Manager, File Manager, NDW, or any
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 168
Windows application you are using.
(Last Revised: 12/02/92)
WINFO2.ZIP 14887 09-14-91 Latest of a nice Windows 3.0 system info
display pgm. 9/14/91
WINFPLAC.ZIP 18653 02-05-90 Windows 3.0 Fireplace
(Last Revised: 02/05/90)
WINFSR21.ZIP 5855 02-23-92 WINFSR v2.1 A Windows utility to detect Free
System Resources.
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
(Last Revised: 07/09/92)
WINHOG20.ZIP 17551 03-19-93 Graphical pie chart display of disk space
usage. Version 2.0. Shareware ($5). Requires
VBRUN200.DLL. NEAT and very useful.
(Last Revised: 03/19/93)
WINHV20.ZIP 37111 07-24-91 Windows 3 HEX/ASCII File viewer.
(Last Revised: 07/24/91)
WININI.ZIP 9982 06-07-91 Win3.0 Load a new WIN.INI w/o exiting.
10 files - New: 06/07/1991 Old: 06/07/1991
WININIT.ZIP 6948 08-08-91 Win 3.0 app to initialize windows desktop
with a list of open applications, their
locations and window sizes. C++ source code
included. WININIT vers 1.0
(Last Revised: 08/08/91)
WINKEY10.ZIP 42762 07-29-92 Shareware WinKey Windows KB Utility V 1.00
Windows keyboard utility to control shift
status, num lock, and scroll lock. Reverses
Caps Lock and Ctrl for notebook computers.
(Last Revised: 07/29/92)
WINLD.ZIP 18745 08-01-92 Winload Is A Program That Goes On The Last
Line Of Your Autoexe.Bat. It Will
Automatically Load Windows But Will Give The
User A Countdonwn Which The User Sets. If The
User Does Not Desire To Load Windows He May
Push Any Key To Abort The Load.
(Last Revised: 08/01/92)
WINLOCK.ZIP 10886 04-21-91 Combination Lock is a small utility that
locks up your computer when actived.
The only way to gain control back is to
enter the correct, user supplied combin
ation using the mouse. This version of
the program prevents the user from
switching to another application while the
program is running, but allows other prog
rams to run in the background. Win3
Dated 4/21/91
WINLOG20.ZIP 79397 01-15-93 WinLogo v2.0: installs/instructs you on how
to make your own start up logo for MS-Windows
(Last Revised: 01/15/93)
WINMA.ZIP 18449 12-29-91 Memory Alert - a Windows 3.0 program that
tells you how much memory is used in total
and per task or module. Requires
(Last Revised: 12/29/91)
WINMEMX.ZIP 6096 08-13-90 Free Memory Indicator Program For Windows 3.0
(Last Revised: 08/13/90)
WINMENU.ZIP 5877 03-23-91 A popup menu to run under win 3.0
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 169
WINMETER.ZIP 185588 02-03-93 Windows 3.1 bench mark testing 2/3/93.
WINMINIT.ZIP 20003 03-16-92 Visual Basic Program to Minimize
Windows on Desktop
(Last Revised: 03/16/92)
WINMOD.ZIP 44062 01-31-91 Changes startup screen in Windows 3.0
WINMODE.ZIP 10287 05-19-92 Detects Windows Ver Running (if Any) With Tc
Source Code.
(Last Revised: 05/19/92)
WINNEW.ZIP 18868 08-05-91 New Windows 3.0 start-up screen with STNG
Enterprise blasting with phasers.
WINNOTES.ZIP 28596 06-02-92 Helps Keep Track of Important Items by
Creating On-Screen Note Windows
(Last Revised: 06/02/92)
WINODEX.ZIP 487305 09-04-92 The ULTIMATE Name and Address DataBase and
Phone Dialer for MicroSoft Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 09/04/92)
WINP32A.ZIP 284587 09-26-92 Winpost v3.2a Post-it notes for Windows 3.x
(Last Revised: 09/26/92)
WINPACK.ZIP 51561 04-12-92 Windows 3.1 Utilities written in Vusual Basic
(Last Revised: 04/12/92)
WINPAKX3.ZIP 267270 06-25-93 ASP Windows utilities, lots of icons.
(Last Revised: 06/25/93)
WINPARK.ZIP 3482 07-06-90 A Window v3.0 utility to let you park your
hard disk from inside windows.
WINPASS3.ZIP 37956 04-13-91 Password Protect Windows!
(Last Revised: 04/13/91)
WINPCX2.ZIP 143089 03-05-91 Reads PCX files to screen. (WINDOWS). Last
revision date in archive: 03-05-1991.
WINPHONE.ZIP 19384 01-08-92 Windows Phone dialer; keeps names, addresses,
two phone numbers, notes and more. Multiple
phone books, log files allowed; handy
alphabetized buttons and search feature to
quickly find the names you want. Shareware.
Reviewed by Barry Seymour in Issue #55 of
Windows Online "the Weekly.".
Last revision date in archive: 01-08-1992.
WINPOV.ZIP 51350 04-05-92 Windows front end for pov ray tracer.
(last revised: 04/05/92)
WINPRT11.ZIP 17688 11-03-92 WinPRT v1.1: MS-Windows pkg that prints the
current screen/clipboard contents, executes
PRTSC for "hotkey" screen prints & executes
PRTCLIP for "hotkey" clipboard prints; req
(Last Revised: 11/03/92)
WINQ11.ZIP 58747 01-22-91 Win 3.0, Quote of the Day 1.1, quotes in
Windows. Copying of the current quotation,
position is saved, searching quotes, support
ATM fonts, and quote file is in Ansi.
WINRCALC.ZIP 19469 12-25-91 RPN calculator for Windows 3.x.
(Last Revised: 12/25/91)
WINSAVER.ZIP 32028 04-16-91 PC mag May 14, 1991 Windows 3.0 utility.
4 files - New: 04/16/1991 Old: 02/11/1991
WINSNAP1.ZIP 340974 05-19-93 Windows Snapshot V1.0 - Will allow you to
snapshot any screen you want. Has a built in
editor for enlarging/reducing the image. Also
has a time delay snapshot feature too.
(Last Revised: 05/19/93)
WINSPEED.ZIP 47534 01-21-92 WinSpeed 1.0 - Windows 3.0 Performance
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 170
Analysis utility (FreeWare). Measures the
CPU, Disk, and Video performance of your
system from the point of view of Windows,
using API calls where appropriate.
(Last Revised: 01/21/92)
WINSPIRE.ZIP 21781 06-02-92 Starts Everyday With A New Bit of Wisdom A
Built in File Contains Over 500 Quotes From
Different Sages
(Last Revised: 06/02/92)
WINSPIRO.ZIP 13671 02-05-91 SPIRO - Excellent SpiroGraph pgm for Win 3.0
Creates dazzling full color random images.
Good default parameters, and user can set
his own parameters.
WINSTART.ZIP 33660 02-22-92 This replaces the run= and load= lines in the
windows WIN.INI files.Lets you conrtol what
loads and in what order.
(Last Revised: 02/22/92)
WINSWEEP.ZIP 13053 10-30-91 Freeware file browser for Windows. Requires
VBRUN100.DLL. From Sweden.
(Last Revised: 10/30/91)
WINSWP11.ZIP 14284 12-02-92 WinSwap v1.1: dos program designed to help
you manage your .ini files; allows you to
swap two lines in any text ini file without
keeping separate files for each set up you
(Last Revised: 12/02/92)
WINT&T.ZIP 169425 01-13-93 Windows tips and tricks, downloaded original
from Ziffnet on compuserve. Includes a viewe
(Last Revised: 01/13/93)
WINTAC12.ZIP 95407 10-20-92 Version 1.2 of the popular WinTach Windows
benchmark program. Measures real-world
performance with Word Processing, CAD, Paint
and Spreadsheet applications.
Last revision date in archive: 10-20-1992.
WINTIME.ZIP 20813 08-28-91 World Time, program to show time on the other
part of the worls. For Ms Windows 3.0
3 files - New: 08/28/1991 Old: 08/28/1991
WINTODO.ZIP 26530 10-13-91 Windows based ToDo utility.
(Last Revised: 10/13/91)
WINTOOLS.ZIP 263127 08-21-90 set of windows 3 utilities
5 files - New: 08/21/1990 Old: 04/23/1990
WINTRASH.ZIP 15947 03-23-92 Mac like trashcan for Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 03/23/92)
WINTV203.ZIP 93896 11-02-92 Win/TV 2.03. Requires Win/TV hardware.
(Last Revised: 11/02/92)
WINUTIL2.ZIP 485193 03-02-92 Windows 3.1 Utilities And Shortcuts
(Last Revised: 03/02/92)
WINVRAM.ZIP 2326 12-28-92 How to expand virtual memory in Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 12/28/92)
WINWAL11.ZIP 97120 12-03-92 WinWall v1.1: MS-Windows wallpaper changer
that supports a user-selected image list,
timer select from 1-999 mins or turn it off,
centered or tiled for each image and online
Pelp; req VBRUN200.DLL;
(Last Revised: 12/03/92)
WINWT.ZIP 44281 10-22-92 WINWAIT returns 2 errorlevels for a BAT file
to act on (0 for windows and 1 for the DOS
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 171
prompt), defaulting to loading Windows after
a user defined period (seconds).
(Last Revised: 10/22/92)
WINX2.ZIP 14105 10-28-90 Icon to terminate Windos 3.
WIN_CFG.ZIP 23482 11-28-91 An easy Windows/DOS configuration swap utilit
(Last Revised: 11/28/91)
WIN_COMM.ZIP 10112 04-11-91 Add comments to file names, so you can later
remember what the file is. Windows 3.0
3 files - New: 04/11/1991 Old: 11/29/1990
WIN_IDIR.ZIP 19465 07-14-92 Shareware. Lives As An Icon. When Activated
It Pops Up A Small And Fast Directory Of Your
Files With Rename, Delete, Move, Copy, Etc
Functions. Still Shells Slowly To Dos, But
Very Handy And Faster Than File Manager For
Short Tasks. (Last Revised: 07/14/92)
WIN_LOG.ZIP 4678 07-06-93 Simple Login screen for windows req. VBRUN200
(Last Revised: 07/06/93)
WIN_TREK.ZIP 18868 06-26-91 Change Windows 3.0 logo to include Enterprise
1 files - New: 06/26/1991 Old: 06/26/1991
WIZFOR.ZIP 240134 09-13-92 Wiz Format for Windows. Windows-based floppy
formatting program. Shareware. Requires
VBRUN100.DLL. From CompuServe.
(Last Revised: 09/13/92)
WLOAD.ZIP 32469 12-01-91 Winload & ToPClock, Usefull Utilities For
Windows 3.X
(Last Revised: 12/01/91)
WLOCK.ZIP 11618 10-06-92 Password Protection for Windows
(Last Revised: 10/06/92)
WLPEP111.ZIP 27297 02-22-93 WallPeeper v1.11: MS-Windows app that lets
you scroll through all the BMP, WMF, DIB, RLE
and ICO files on your hard drive in a single
list to see them previewed, in tiled format,
as wallpaper; requires VBRUN200.DLL
(Last Revised: 02/22/93)
WLRAND20.ZIP 17642 02-23-92 Wallpaper Randomizer v2.0: MS-Windows utility
that will vary the wallpaper of your Windows
background to a different, randomly selected
bitmap at regular intervals; 02/23/92;
Stephen R. Kifer.
(Last Revised: 02/23/92)
WLTIME11.ZIP 28534 09-20-91 Worldtime for Windows (ver. 1.1). Int'l clock
(Last Revised: 09/20/91)
WLW30A.EXE 476829 08-07-92 WizLink for Windows - the total data
Integration tool for the SHARP WIZARD and
your PC. Full backup/restore, editing,
reports, and conversions including
cardfile,calendar,SDF,free-form, and DDE.
Hundreds of Users! Shareware-Try it out!!
Dated 7/25/92
WMC13.ZIP 131464 03-14-93 L*Save/Restore multiple configurations (INIs
& GRPs) under MS-Win 3.1. Registered version
allows password protection. 03/14/93
WMDR10.ZIP 142174 10-18-92 WinMinder v1.0: MS-Windows reminder program;
req VBRUN100.DLL.
(Last Revised: 10/18/92)
WMEM10.ZIP 4156 01-08-93 WMEM v1.0: MS-Windows available memory
display util that runs minimized, showing
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 172
your system's available memory as its
"caption", continually updating itself as
your memory resources change; requires
(Last Revised: 01/08/93)
WMS10C.ZIP 88852 04-26-93 WindowMagic v1.0C: utility that will let you
easily assign an icon to Program Mgr's group
icons as well as a group application icons.
(Last Revised: 04/09/93)
WNBFF15.ZIP 17315 06-26-93 WinBiff v1.5: MS-Windows version of the well
known Unix biff program, designed for use in
conjunction w/mail delivery programs such as
UUPC/extended, Waffle, and sendmail.
(Last Revised: 06/26/93)
WNBNCH31.ZIP 102040 11-06-92 The November 1992 edition of PC Labs Windows
Benchmark Tests, Release 3.1.
Last revision date in archive: 11-06-1992.
WNBOOT.ZIP 5518 10-08-92 WinBoot is a little utility that closes all
active Windows apps, exits Windows & re-boots
the system.
(Last Revised: 10/08/92)
WNCLCK32.ZIP 71190 04-05-92 Winclock v3.2 stay on top clock for Windows
3.X. Many customizing options. Has alarms and
timers as well as screen saver support.
(Last Revised: 04/05/92)
WNSCED21.ZIP 6298 11-19-92 Windows Scheduler v2.1: MS-Windows utility
that allows you to run pgms at a specified
time; allows command-line arguements to be
used ini Windows startup group, etc.; req
(Last Revised: 11/19/92)
WNSHLD11.ZIP 76701 03-09-93 WinShield v1.1: MS-Windows util that allows
you to password protect groups, item, apps,
etc. From being rearranged, damaged, etc.
03/09/93; Frederick Wasti.
WNSK30.ZIP 121689 11-02-92 WindSock v3.0: FreeWare MS-Win utls to
measure Windows CPU, disk and video
performance and monitors the usage of Windows
(Last Revised: 11/02/92)
WNSPAWN2.ZIP 13431 12-16-92 WinSpawn, utility that allows you to exit
Windows to run a DOS application and return
(Last Revised: 12/16/92)
WPCUGFS2.ZIP 29111 04-15-92 WPCUG free space utility that scans all
drives except A & B, and reports on the
amount of free space on each drive. It also
reports on free space on mapped Novell
network drives. A Windows 3.1 version is also
included. 04/15/92.
WPHN21.ZIP 96743 01-30-93 WinPhone v2.1: MS-Windows address/phone book
that can keep a log of your calls; options
include accessing PBX out lines, 17 digit
prefixes, recognizes local area code, dialing
keypad for voicemail systems; VBRUN100.DLL is
(Last Revised: 01/30/93)
WPRTCT10.ZIP 100583 06-04-92 WinProtect v1.00: MS-Windows virus scan and
clean program; 06/04/92; Jeffrey A. Kuhn/
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 173
WPRTSCRN.ZIP 85884 08-08-92 Windows 3.1: Does a print screen while in
Windows. Uses Windows printer and video
drivers, so image is perfect. Can also direct
output to a file.
(Last Revised: 08/08/92)
WPST32B.ZIP 140882 07-01-93 WINPOST v3.2b <ASP> - Winner of PC Magazine's
Best of 1991 Award! This Windows utility
replaces yellow sticky notes for keeping
track of reminders. OLE support allows
attachment to any OLE document. Alarm notes,
toolbar, auto save and numerous other
features make this a "must-have" for Windows
users. Requires Windows 3.1. ASP Shareware
from Eastern Mountain Software.
(Last Revised: 07/01/93)
WPVBETA.ZIP 128772 04-26-93 PROVIEW beta For Windows 3.x Integrated
System Analyzer and Viewer from McAfee
Associates. Used for analyzing, viewing & the
editing the basic components of a system,
including system memory, system interrupts,
device drivers, & installed disk drive
sectors & file contents. It allows you to
view the system elements in HEX, ASCII or in
a disassembled code format. Has full
searching and editing.
(Last Revised: 04/26/93)
WQH111.ZIP 32745 11-13-91 Windows 3.x browser for Microsoft's "QH"
style help files. (QH files are the
DOS-based helpfiles that Microsoft provides
with their programming products; unlike
Windows help files, QH files usually are
Hross-linked to all other QH files, so it's
easy to move around).
(Last Revised: 11/13/91)
WREMND12.ZIP 136765 09-28-92 Windows Reminder 1.2E personal scheduling and
alarm program. Set appointments and To Do's.
(Last Revised: 09/28/92)
WRKSPA12.ZIP 39594 09-08-92 WorkSpace v1.2: create application groups to
be launched together from WorkSpace's button
bar or Program Manager icon; layout of a
group can also be automatically arranged; req
09/08/92; John Wu/BoneHead Software.
WRUNNER.ZIP 7878 03-04-92 Utility that makes it possible to run WIN
programs and specify an initial size for the
windows. (Last Revised: 03/04/92)
WSCAN106.ZIP 300444 06-23-93 McAffees and Assoc. SCAN.EXE v106 for Win 3.x
virus detection program. Clears up some
problems with SCAN/CLEAN/VSHIELD v105.
(Last Revised: 06/23/93)
WSCRL40E.ZIP 35200 11-27-91 WnScroll v4.0E: text file viewer/browser for
MS-Windows that allows viewing of files of
ANY SIZE in either text or hex format, in a
moveable window with full horizontal/vertical
scrolling; find, find next, print and
clipboard copy are implemented;
(Last Revised: 11/27/91)
WSHD10.ZIP 28335 03-04-93 Winshred 1.0 - A Simple Utility With Sound
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 174
And Animation to Simplify Deletion of One or
Many Files by Dragging And Dropping From
Windows File Manager or Ndw Drive Window.
Options For Confirmation, Sound, Always on
Top & Icon or Normal Status Are Saved in It's
Own .Ini File. Quick And Effective!
Shareware. Requires Vbrun200.dll Not Included
(Last Revised: 03/04/93)
WSHEL201.ZIP 140296 05-13-92 Windows 3.x Shell utility version 2.01
(Last Revised: 08/25/92)
WSK310.ZIP 171258 01-31-93 WindSock v3.10: MS-Windows utils which
measure Windows CPU, disk and video
performance and monitors the usage of Windows
resources. (Last revised: 01/31/93)
WSNOOP3.ZIP 29158 10-07-91 SNOOPv0.3 Allows looking inside of Windows &
applications. Tracks function calls.
Now you can view what goes on inside Windows,
and inside Windows applications. What the Spy
utility does for message tracking, Snoop does
for function calls. Snoop tracks and displays
the function calls made by any application to
the Windows API functions. Full detail is
provided of the function's parameter values
as set by the calling app. Latest File Date
(Last Revised: 10/07/91)
WSPACE19.ZIP 18078 01-09-93 WorkSpaces v1.9: MS-Windows util that allows
you to have up to 6 virtual desktops on your
screen; you can place each type of app in a
different workspace & then switch among them;
each workspace can have a different backdrop;
01/09/93; Lekha.
WSPR10.ZIP 43451 01-01-92 Performance monitor for Windows 3.0.
(Last Revised: 01/01/92)
WTCH11.ZIP 19666 05-12-92 WTouch v1.1: MS-Windows utility to reset the
date/time stamp on a group of files to the
current system date/time or whatever you
specify; 05/12/92; Doug Overmyer.
WTIME.ZIP 45357 10-27-92 WTIME uses your modem to synchronize the
clock in your PC with that of the Automatic
Computer Time Service (ACT). This program can
be run under Windows 3.x or OS/2's Windows
implementation. PC Magazine, Utilities,
Volume 11, Number 18.
Last revision date in archive: 10-27-1992.
WTM21A.ZIP 82239 04-01-93 WorldTime for Windows v2.10A: worldwide clock
utility for MS-Windows that displays the
current local time, Greenwich Mean Time, and
the time in each of the five continental US
time zones; two user-selected controls
display the current time in any of over 100
locations around the world; 04/01/93
WTRAL111.ZIP 40411 01-20-93 WinTrail v1.11: shows you the pgms you've
been running during any one day in
MS-Windows; it lists those pgms w/the start
times & duration of each; req VBRUN200.DLL;
(Last Revised: 01/20/93)
WVIEWE.ZIP 9656 01-30-93 An Ico/Bmp and Others Viewer.
(Last Revised: 01/30/93)
Windows OnLine - (510) 736-8343 - Your best source for Windows Files Pg 175
WWPLUS.ZIP 556397 06-28-93 Winwall plus wallpaper tool. req vbrun300.
(Last Revised: 06/28/93)
WYWO21.ZIP 61129 08-23-91 While You Were Out 2.1 for Windows.
Last revision date in archive: 08-23-1991.
X10MSW20.ZIP 117131 12-09-92 A x10 program for windows 3.1 which programs
the x10 cp290 controller.
(Last Revised: 12/09/92)
XCALC112.ZIP 126370 06-28-93 X-like calculator for Windows 3.1
(Last Revised: 06/28/93)
XCLAIM.ZIP 38880 11-11-91 Win 3.x. Exclaim is an alternate dos prompt.
(Last Revised: 11/11/91)
XCLOCK21.ZIP 98661 06-28-92 Windows World Time v. 2.1.
(Last Revised: 06/28/92)
XLABEL20.ZIP 51857 10-20-92 Xlabel v2.01 for Windows 3.1. a neat label
(Last Revised: 10/20/92)
XLTIME.ZIP 8136 12-10-90 Display time and date in Excel title bar.
YAK101.ZIP 160125 07-20-92 Yakkity Clock talking clock for Windows 3.x.
ILast Revised: 07/20/92)
YAKCLCK.ZIP 159075 05-25-92 Windows 3.1 speaking Clock.
(Last Revised: 05/25/92)
calendar which allows you to display and
print the entire year "at-a-glance". Day-Info
feature provides useful information about a
given day, while Time-Span calculates time
span between any two given dates (1 to 32767
A.D.). Shareware.
(Last Revised: 06/01/92)
ZIPAP13B.ZIP 46256 12-10-91 ZiPaper v1.3b random .BMP file chooser for
(Last Revised: 12/10/91)
ZKSHELL1.ZIP 102116 01-14-93 ZK-Shell v1.1 Run ZIPKEY in Windows <ASP> -
ZK-Shell is a Windows 3.X application that
will allow you to run the popular DOS ZIP
Code look-up utility ZIPKEY in Windows.
Requires copy of ZIPKEY (available through
shareware). $20.00
(Last Revised: 01/14/93)
ZOOMCTRL.ZIP 10428 12-26-91 Makes Your windows grow open
(Last Revised: 12/26/91)