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Text File | 1993-01-21 | 70.4 KB | 2,489 lines |
- WinEdit User's Manual
- Wilson WindowWare, Inc.
- 2701 California Ave SW #212
- Seattle, WA 98116 USA
- Orders: (800) 762-8383
- Support: (206) 937-9335
- Fax: (206) 935-7129
- Copyright c 1990-1993 by Steve Schauer
- All Rights Reserved
- No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
- or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
- and recording, for any purpose without the express written
- permission of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. Information in this document
- is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
- commitment by Wilson WindowWare, Inc.
- The software described herein is furnished under a license
- agreement. It is against the law to copy this software under any
- circumstances except as provided by the license agreement.
- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights
- in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013.
- Contractor/manufacturer is Wilson WindowWare /2701 California Ave
- SW /suite 212/ Seattle, WA 98116
- Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft
- Corporation.
- Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- WinEdit is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc.
- WinEdit OverView ................................1
- WinEdit Keyboard and Mouse Commands .............2
- Moving the Insertion Point .................2
- Selecting Text .............................2
- Help Keys ..................................3
- Other Keys .................................3
- Mouse Operations ...........................4
- Running Multiple Instances of WinEdit ...........5
- WinEdit Menus ...................................6
- File Menu Commands .........................6
- Edit Menu Commands .........................9
- Search Menu Commands ......................11
- Project Menu Commands .....................13
- Macro Menu Commands .......................14
- Window Menu Commands ......................15
- Utility Menu Commands .....................16
- WinEdit Procedures .............................17
- Changing Printers and Printer Options .....17
- Compiling (Running other programs) ........17
- Control Bar ...............................19
- Editing Text ...................................20
- Editing Shortcuts: ........................20
- Deleting Text .............................20
- Tab and SHIFT Tab .........................21
- Working With Multiple Documents ................22
- Extended Help ..................................23
- Finding Text ...................................24
- Using Regular Expressions ......................25
- Windows 3.1 Support ............................26
- "Drag and Drop" ...........................26
- "Sounds" ..................................26
- Printing Documents .............................27
- Saving Documents ...............................28
- Setting Preferences ............................29
- Setting Margins, Headers and Footers ...........30
- Headers and Footers .......................30
- Margins ...................................30
- Undo and Redo ..................................31
- Undo ......................................31
- Redo ......................................31
- WinEdit Project Files ..........................32
- WinEdit Extensions .............................33
- Creating a WinEdit Extension ..............33
- Loading the Extension .....................34
- Processing Menu Selections ................36
- Initializing the Extension Menu ...........36
- WinEdit Extension Example .................37
- Configuring the Utility Menu ...................42
- WinEdit OverView
- WinEdit is an ASCII text editor capable of editing numerous ASCII
- text files of an almost unlimited size (limited only by available
- Windows memory). WinEdit is first and foremost a programmer's
- editor, with many features designed for creating and maintaining
- program source code. Build, debug and run your programs directly
- from WinEdit with the ability to view any compiler errors or
- warnings and the corresponding source code.
- As an ASCII text editor, WinEdit allows you to open numerous text
- files at once, print half sized "two-up" pages side by side in
- landscape orientation, print headers and footer text (document
- name, date and time, page number), merge files together, and word
- wrap your text to the size of the window (word wrap).
- 1
- WinEdit Keyboard and Mouse Commands
- Moving the Insertion Point
- Key(s) Function
- Up Arrow Moves up one line.
- Down Arrow Moves down one line.
- Right Arrow Moves right one character.
- Left Arrow Moves left one character.
- CTRL+Right Arrow Moves right one word (insertion point
- is positioned at the beginning of the
- next word).
- CTRL+Left Arrow Moves left one word (insertion point
- is positioned at the beginning of the
- previous word).
- Home Moves to the beginning of the line.
- End Moves to the end of the line.
- PgUp Moves the view up one screenful.
- PgDn Moves the view down one screenful.
- CTRL+Home Moves to the beginning of the
- document.
- CTRL+End Moves to the end of the document.
- Selecting Text
- Key(s) Function
- SHIFT+Left or Right Arrow Extends the selection of text one
- character at a time.
- SHIFT+Down or Up Selects one line of text up or down
- from the current selection.
- SHIFT+Home Selects text from the insertion point
- to the beginning of the line.
- SHIFT+End Selects text from the insertion point
- to the end of the line.
- CTRL+SHIFT+Left Arrow Selects the previous word.
- CTRL+SHIFT+Right Arrow Selects the next word.
- CTRL+SHIFT+PgUp Selects the previous screen of text.
- CTRL+SHIFT+PgDn Selects the next screen of text.
- CTRL+SHIFT+Home Selects text from the insertion point
- to the beginning of the document.
- CTRL+SHIFT+End Selects text from the insertion point
- to the end of the document.
- 2
- Help Keys
- Key(s) Function
- F1 WinEdit Help Index
- Shift+F1* Extended Help (Keyword Help)
- *The cursor needs to be positioned on the desired function, message
- or data structure name when pressing SHIFT+F1.
- Other Keys
- Press the Tab key to insert a number of spaces and bring the
- insertion point to the next tab stop. The number of spaces
- inserted when the tab key is pressed is configurable in File
- Preferences (choose any value from 1 to 12). For example if the
- "Tab Size" is set to 3 in File Preferences, pressing the Tab key
- will advance the cursor three spaces to the right.
- The SHIFT+Tab key combination moves the current position back to
- the previous tab stop (to the left). For example if the "Tab Size"
- is set to 3 in File Preferences, pressing the SHIFT+Tab key
- combination will move the cursor three spaces/positions to the
- left.
- If more than one line is selected, the Tab and SHIFT+Tab keys will
- shift every line in the selection forwards (Tab) or backwards
- (SHIFT+Tab) by one tab stop.
- 3
- Mouse Operations
- Click the Left mouse button on Control Bar along the top of the
- WinEdit screen and drag your mouse to "tear" the Control Bar from
- the top of the window. The Control Bar can be resized or moved
- anywhere on the screen. See Control Bar for more information.
- Click the Right mouse button anywhere on the document window and a
- Popup menu will appear with a number of commands (such as Open,
- Find, Save and Next Error).
- Hold the SHIFT key and click the Right mouse button on any
- function, message, or data structure name and WinEdit will access
- the help system topic for that item.
- Double click the Left mouse button over a word to select the word.
- Double click the Left mouse on message area of the status bar (the
- area to the right of the INS/OVR indicator) to jump to the Next
- Error message.
- Double click the Left mouse button on word "Line" in the status bar
- to bring up the Goto to Line box.
- Double click the Left mouse button on "INS" or "OVR" in the status
- bar to toggle between insert and overtype mode.
- 4
- Running Multiple Instances of WinEdit
- When starting a new copy of WinEdit, the active copy will be
- reactivated. If an associated file is double clicked, the current
- copy will load that file. WinEdit will only allow a single
- instance, unless the following entry is added to the WINEDIT.INI
- file:
- The WINEDIT.INI file is a text file located in your Windows
- directory.
- 5
- WinEdit Menus
- File Menu Commands
- New
- Opens a new untitled document window. Existing documents will not
- be closed when opening a new document.
- Open...
- Opens a new window with the contents of an existing document/file.
- List the files of a certain type by selecting one of the following
- from the lower list box of file types:
- Source Files (*.c;*.h;*.rc;*.def)
- Text Files (*.txt)
- All Files (*.*)
- WinEdit can open an ASCII text file as large as available Windows
- memory. Select the appropriate drive and directory, select a file
- to open and choose the OK button. The default directory for the
- File Open command is set in the Project Management dialog (choose
- Configure from the Project menu). Once a file is opened, the full
- path and filename is displayed in the caption bar of the window.
- Merge...
- To merge in the contents of another file into the active
- windows/document, position your cursor at the location where you
- would like the text from another file to appear. Choose Merge from
- the File menu, select a filename and choose the OK button to merge
- in the text. WinEdit will merge the contents of the file you
- selected starting on the line just below your insertion point.
- Previous Files...
- Choose Previous Files to quickly open a file that you previously
- edited. WinEdit remembers the last 20 files that you have had open
- and lists these files in the Reopen File dialog. Double click on a
- filename in the list box or select the file and choose the OK
- button to open the file. If the you wish to open is not listed,
- choose the Open Now button to access the standard File Open dialog.
- 6
- Close
- To close the document window before you, select Close from the File
- menu or double click on the close bar for the active window. If
- the document has changed since you last saved the file, WinEdit
- will prompt you to save changes to the file.
- Save
- Saves the contents of the current window to disk. If the document
- is UNTITLED, WinEdit prompts you for a document name. In the Save
- File As dialog, provide a File Name with an extension (WinEdit does
- not automatically add a file extension to your filename). The file
- remains open after it is saved to disk.
- Save As...
- Choose the Save As option to save the contents of the active window
- to a new or different filename. With the Save As command you can
- save FILE1.TXT as FILE2.TXT, leaving FILE1.TXT on disk as
- previously saved with the latest changes written to FILE2.TXT.
- Print
- Prints the current document using the print settings entered in the
- Page Setup dialog box.
- Page Setup...
- Allows you to set the margins, header and/or footer text, select a
- printer font, and choose a page layout (one portrait page of text
- per page or two pages in a landscape orientation).
- Printer Setup...
- Before printing from WinEdit, choose Printer Setup to access
- printer options for the active Windows printer driver.
- Preferences...
- Allows you to choose the screen font WinEdit uses for displaying
- text in the document window, the tab size (number of spaces per
- tab), whether the Control Bar is shown, and startup window size and
- an optional message box sound.
- 7
- Exit
- Closes all open windows and exits the WinEdit program. If there
- are any unsaved files, WinEdit prompts you to save each file before
- exiting. If you intend to close all of the open windows/documents
- and not exit WinEdit, then choose Close All from the Window menu.
- 8
- Edit Menu Commands
- Undo
- Allows you to "undo" previous editing actions. WinEdit can undo
- the following edits:
- Inserting a character.
- Deleting a character.
- Cutting a selection.
- Pasting a selection.
- WinEdit can undo the last 2000 editing actions. Press CTRL+Z to
- undo the last editing action.
- Redo
- Allows you to reverse any Undo command. If you undo an editing
- action by mistake, you can "redo" the edit. Press SHIFT+CTRL+Z to
- redo the last editing action.
- Cut
- Removes the current selection (highlighted text) from the document
- and places it on the Windows clipboard. You can then paste the
- contents of the clipboard at another position in the document, into
- a new document, or into another Windows application.
- Copy
- Places a copy of the current selection (highlighted text) on the
- Windows clipboard without removing it from the document. You can
- then paste the contents of the clipboard at another position in the
- document, into a new document, or into another Windows application.
- Paste
- Inserts the text from the Windows clipboard into the document at
- the current insertion point.
- Delete
- Removes the current selection from the document without changing
- the contents of the clipboard. If there is no selection, the
- character to the right of the insertion point is deleted.
- 9
- Insert Mode
- When Insert Mode is selected from the Edit menu, text is inserted
- at the current insertion position (if there is text to the right of
- the insertion position the text is pushed to the right as you
- insert text). When Insert Mode is not selected, WinEdit is in
- "Overtype" mode. When in Overtype mode, text to the right of the
- insertion position is overwritten with the new text that is typed.
- The status line at the bottom of the WinEdit screen, indicates the
- current editing status:
- OVR - Overtype is active
- INS - Insert mode is active
- The Insert or INS key toggles the editing mode from OVR to INS and
- back.
- Word Wrap
- When Word Wrap is selected from the Edit menu, any text you enter
- will automatically wrap to the next line when the end of the line
- is reached (the end of the line is determined by the width of the
- document window). Turning Word Wrap "on" does not affect the word
- wrap of existing text, but rather only new text that is typed into
- the window.
- Column Block (ALT+C)
- To select a column of text, turn the Column Break option on (press
- ALT+C) prior to selecting text. You can then select text using the
- mouse or by holding down the Shift key and using the arrow keys on
- the keyboard to extend the selection. Column select allows you to
- select a portion of a line for multiple lines, i.e. columns 5-10
- for lines 100-120. The status bar at the bottom of the WinEdit
- window displays the column and line number for the cursor position
- (i.e. Line 6 Col 16).
- Select All
- Selects all of the text in the document window.
- 10
- Search Menu Commands
- Find...
- Searches for text in a document.
- You can specify these options:
- * Find Type the text you want to find.
- * Match Upper/Lower Case Select this box to match the upper
- and lower case exactly.
- * Forward Search forward in the document starting at
- the insertion point.
- * Backward Search backward in the document starting
- at the insertion point.
- Repeat Last Find
- Allows you to repeat the last search using the same options as the
- previous search, without opening the Find dialog box again. The
- quick key combination to repeat the last search/find is CTRL+F5.
- Change...
- Searches for text within a document and replaces the found text
- with text you specify (essentially a search and replace function).
- You can specify the following options:
- * Find Type the text you want to find in the document.
- * Replace with Type the text you want to insert in place of
- the found text.
- * Match case Select this box to match the upper and lower
- case exactly.
- * Search backwards Search backward through the document starting
- at the insertion point.
- * Confirm before changing When the search text is found, you
- will be asked if you want to change the
- occurrence with the replacement text (choose
- Yes, No or Cancel).
- * Change All When this option is selected, WinEdit will
- start at the current cursor position and search
- the entire document. If the "Confirm before
- changing" box is selected, you will be asked if
- you want to change the occurrence with the
- replacement text (choose Yes, No or Cancel).
- 11
- Next Error
- Prev Error
- If any warning or error messages have been captured from the output
- of one of the Project Menu items, the Next and Prev Error menu
- selections allow you to review the error messages and the
- corresponding source code. Double clicking with the mouse on
- message area of the status bar (the area to the right of the
- INS/OVR indicator) is equivalent to choosing Next Error from the
- Search menu.
- View Compiler Output
- If any of the options in the Project Management dialog (choose
- Configure... from the Project menu) were set to "capture output",
- the View Compiler Output command will open a new document window
- with the contents of the captured output file.
- Go to line...
- Choose this menu item to jump to a particular line number in your
- document. After choosing "Go to line", type the appropriate line
- number in the "Go to line" box on the status bar. Press the Enter
- key and WinEdit will accept the number and move the cursor to the
- beginning of the indicated line. By default the current line
- number is displayed in the "Go to line" box on the status bar.
- There are three ways to access the "Goto box" on the status bar:
- Press ALT+G on the keyboard.
- Double click on the line and column text on the status bar.
- Choose "Go to line..." from the Search menu.
- 12
- Project Menu Commands
- The commands on this menu allow you to run other programs from
- within WinEdit. Before compiling your program using the choose the
- Configure menu command to enter the necessary commands to run the
- program/compiler. Select the Capture Output box and WinEdit will
- run the program you configure and save its output (choose View
- Compiler Output from the Search menu to view compiler errors).
- When the compilation (Build or Rebuild) finishes, WinEdit will ask
- if you wish to review any warning or error messages, along with the
- corresponding source code.
- %f = file name
- %n = base name with no extension
- %e = file extension only
- Compile command: tee.com cl -c -AM -W4 -Zps -Od -DNOCOMM %f
- Make command: tee.com nmk.com %n
- Rebuild command: tee.com nmk.com /a %n
- Debug command: cvw %n
- Execute command: %n
- TEE.COM is included with WinEdit and is the DOS equivalent of the
- UNIX TEE. WinEdit uses TEE.COM to redirect the stdout and stderr
- to a file while also echoing the information to the screen.
- Note: WinEdit constructs a batch file to execute from DOS when you
- choose to capture output. For this reason, when running a Windows
- application from the Run menu, do not choose to capture the output.
- 13
- Macro Menu Commands
- The macro menu includes a macro recorder (Record on) and a listing
- of your recorded macros. To turn on the macro recorder press ALT+R
- from the keyboard or choose Record on from the Macro menu. The
- command name for the Macro recorder changes to Record off when the
- macro recorder is on (also note that the text "Recording macro"
- text appears in the lower right corner of the status bar). While
- the recorder is "on", WinEdit will record your keystrokes so that
- they can later be assigned to a key for quick playback. To turn
- off the recorder once your macro is complete, choose Record off
- from the Macro menu or press ALT+R.
- Once the recorder is turned off a dialog will appear prompting you
- for information about the recorded macro. WinEdit prompts you for
- a name for the macro. The name you enter will be listed under the
- macro menu along with it's corresponding ALT key combination. The
- key combinations that can be assigned are ALT+1 - ALT+10.
- Example of a recorded macro to delete the current line:
- 1. Turn on the macro recorder by pressing ALT+R or choose "Record
- on" from the Macro menu.
- 2. Press the Home key on the keyboard to move to the beginning of
- the line.
- 3. Press SHIFT+END to highlight from the beginning of the line to
- the end.
- 4. Press the Del or Delete key.
- 5. Choose "Record off" from the Macro menu or press ALT+R.
- 6. Choose a number from 1 to 10 to indicate the ALT key combination
- for the macro (i.e. ALT+1).
- 7. Type a name for the macro such as "Delete Line" and choose the OK
- button.
- 8. Drop down the macro menu (ALT+M) to see the newly added recorded
- macro.
- Note: The macro recorder can only record keystrokes and not mouse
- movements.
- 14
- Window Menu Commands
- Tile
- Choose Tile from the Windows menu to arrange all of the open
- windows on the screen so that a portion of each windows can be
- seen.
- Cascade
- Choose Cascade to arrange all of the open windows in a stack. When
- this is done the title bar for each window is visible so that the
- window can be made active by clicking on the title bar.
- Next
- Choose Next to change the active window to the next open document
- window.
- Arrange Icons
- WinEdit windows that have been minimized appear at the bottom of
- the screen as an icon. Arrange Icons will place the document
- window icons along the bottom of the window in rows left to right.
- Close All
- Closes all open document windows. If changes have been made to a
- document since it was last saved, you will be prompted to save
- changes before WinEdit closes the file.
- Document Names
- Each open window is listed by name at the bottom of the Window
- menu. Choose a window name and the active window will change so
- that the selected window will become the active document window.
- 15
- Utility Menu Commands
- The Utility Menu is a custom menu created with WIL commands. For
- complete help on using the WIL language, consult the WIL.HLP help
- file.
- The menu items on the Utility Menu and the functions behind them
- are totally configurable. The WINEDIT.MNU file contains the menu
- item text and the WIL language functions behind them. To edit this
- file and thus edit the Utility Menu, choose "Edit Utility Menu"
- from the Utility Menu.
- 16
- WinEdit Procedures
- Changing Printers and Printer Options
- Select Printer Setup from the File menu to change settings in the
- printer setup dialog for your installed Windows printer drivers.
- Select a printer driver and choose the Setup button to access the
- printer driver options (the resulting dialog .
- Select Page Setup from the File menu to change the following
- WinEdit page settings:
- Margins
- Header and/or footer text
- The printer font
- Page layout (one or two pages up)
- WinEdit will remember your page settings from session to session.
- Compiling (Running other programs)
- The first five commands on the Project menu are user-configurable
- commands to execute another program. You may configure these
- commands to execute any .EXE or .BAT program by typing the command
- text in the appropriate Configure... edit box..
- For example a sample compile line may read:
- tee.com cl -c -AM -W4 -Zps -Od -DNOCOMM %f
- If the program supports DOS redirection (as most compilers and
- linkers do) you can select the Capture Output box to have WinEdit
- capture the program's output in a file. When the program has
- executed, WinEdit will allow you to review any messages generated,
- along with the corresponding source code.
- The following wildcards are provided so that filenames in the
- Project Management dialog do not need to be changed when compiling
- different files:
- %f = file name
- %n = base name, no extension
- %e = file extension only
- 17
- If you select the Capture Output box, WinEdit will run the program
- you configure and save its output. When the program finishes,
- WinEdit will ask if you wish to review any warning or error
- messages, along with the corresponding source code.
- WinEdit constructs a batch file to execute from DOS when you choose
- to capture output. For this reason, when running a Windows
- application from the Run menu, do not choose to capture the output.
- In this case, just indicate the EXE to run in the Execute command
- edit box (such as Cardfile). To run the exe listed in the Execute
- command edit box, do one of the following:
- 1. Choose the traffic light button on the Control Bar.
- 2. Press ALT+F7 from the keyboard.
- 3. Choose Execute from the Project menu.
- 18
- Control Bar
- The Control Bar allows you to access some frequently used commands
- by clicking on an icon button along the top of the window. The
- function of the buttons left to right is as follows:
- Open Access the File Open dialog.
- Save Saves the contents of the document window to disk.
- File List Reopen a file from a listing of the last open files.
- Print Prints the contents of the document window.
- Undo Restores the previous editing action.
- Redo Restores the previous undo action.
- Cut Cuts your selected text to the clipboard.
- Copy Copy your selected text to the clipboard.
- Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard at cursor
- location.
- Find Finds specified text in the document.
- Find Next Finds text in the document using the previously entered
- search string.
- Change Allows you to change text (search and replace).
- Compile Compile.
- Make Make.
- Rebuild Rebuild. (Visible only on SuperVGA or above displays)
- Debug Debug.
- Execute Executes your program from WinEdit.
- Previous Previous Error.
- Next Next Error.
- Help Keyword Help (Extended Help).
- The Control Bar along the top of the WinEdit screen can be resized
- and repositioned anywhere on the screen. Click the left mouse
- button on the Control Bar and pull downward to "tear" the Control
- Bar from the top of the window (the mouse cursor will change to a
- box with the text TEAR). Let go of the mouse button and the
- Control Bar is now floating on top of the WinEdit screen. Position
- your mouse over the edge of the bar and you can resize the bar just
- as you can document windows. The Control Bar can be docked along
- any window edge. So if you'd like you can "dock" the control bar
- on the left of the WinEdit window. To dock the bar, click in the
- middle of the Control Bar and move your cursor to the middle of the
- top, left, right or bottom window edge. Move your mouse cursor
- until the cursor changes from "TEAR" to "DOCK". Once your cursor
- reads "DOCK" release the left mouse button to dock the Control Bar
- along the window edge.
- You can turn the Control Bar on or off at any time from the File
- Preferences menu (mark or unmark the Show Control Bar check box).
- 19
- Editing Text
- To "copy and paste", or "cut and paste" the selected text, do the
- following:
- 1. Select the text to copy or cut.
- 2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu to copy the selected text to the
- clipboard. Or choose Cut from the Edit menu to cut the text to
- the clipboard.
- 3. Move the insertion point where you want the text to appear. Or
- if you want to replace a section of text with the contents of the
- clipboard, select the text in the document that you want
- replaced.
- 4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
- Editing Shortcuts:
- Keypad + (Plus)
- Copies the current line to the clipboard if nothing is selected or
- if there is a selection, the + key functions the same as Edit Copy
- Keypad - (Minus)
- Cuts the current line to the clipboard if nothing is selected or
- if there is a selection, the - key is the same as Edit Cut
- Deleting Text
- To delete text without sending it to the Windows clipboard, do the
- following:
- 1. Select the text to delete.
- 2. Choose Delete from the Edit menu or press the Del key from the
- keyboard.
- If no text is selected, Edit Delete will delete the character to
- the right of the cursor. To delete characters to the left of the
- cursor use the Backspace key.
- 20
- Tab and SHIFT Tab
- Press the Tab key to insert a number of spaces and bring the cursor
- to the next tab stop. The number of spaces inserted when the tab
- key is pressed is configurable in File Preferences (choose any
- value from 1 to 12). For example if the "Tab Size" is set to 3 in
- File Preferences, pressing the Tab key will advance the cursor
- three spaces to the right.
- The SHIFT+Tab key combination moves the current position back to
- the previous tab stop (to the left). For example if the "Tab Size"
- is set to 3 in File Preferences, pressing the SHIFT+Tab key
- combination will move the cursor three spaces/positions to the
- left.
- If more than one line is selected, the Tab and SHIFT+Tab keys will
- shift every line in the selection forwards (Tab) or backwards
- (SHIFT+Tab) by one tab stop.
- 21
- Working With Multiple Documents
- WinEdit allows you to open multiple documents and switch back and
- forth from document to document. To open a new document, choose
- New from the File menu and a new, untitled document window will
- appear. To load an existing document/file, choose Open from the
- File menu. Chose the file type you would like to open from the
- list box labeled "List Files of Type:".
- There are selections for source files (*.c;*.h;*.rc;*.def), text
- files (*.txt) and all files regardless of file extensions (*.*).
- Change to the appropriate drive and directory and double click on
- the file to open or select the file name and choose the OK button.
- Once you have several windows/files open, you can view a list of
- the open windows by pressing ALT+W. The open files (drives and
- subdirectory paths included) are listed at the bottom of the Window
- menu. The active window is indicated by the check mark before the
- file name. Choose any of the windows listed to change the active
- window.
- Additionally, Tile and Cascade are available from the Windows menu
- to change the arrangement of the windows. Choose Cascade to
- arrange all of the open windows in a stack. When this is done the
- title bar for each window is visible so that the window can be made
- active by clicking on the title bar. Choose Tile from the Windows
- menu to arrange all of the open windows on the screen so that a
- portion of each windows can be seen.
- All of the document windows can also be sized and minimized. To
- size the document window, move the mouse over a window edge so that
- the mouse cursor changes to a double sided arrow. Now, click the
- drag the mouse to change the size of the window. To minimize a
- document window, click on the down arrow in the upper right corner
- of the document window. The windows will appear at the bottom of
- the WinEdit screen as a icon (appears as a white piece of paper).
- To restore the document window back to its original size, double
- click on the icon.
- 22
- Extended Help
- Press SHIFT+F1 or hold the SHIFT key and click the Right mouse
- button on any the desired function, message, or data structure name
- and WinEdit will access the help system topic for that item.
- 23
- Finding Text
- Choose Find from the Search menu to search for text within the
- active document.
- You can specify the following options:
- * Find Type the text you want to find.
- * Match Upper/Lower Case Select this box to match the upper
- and lower case exactly.
- * Forward Search forward in the document starting at
- the insertion point.
- * Backward Search backward in the document starting
- at the insertion point.
- Choose Repeat Last Find (or press CTRL+F5) to repeat the last
- search using the same options as the previous search, without
- opening the Find dialog box again.
- Choose Change from the Search menu to search for text in a document
- and replace the found text with text you specify.
- You can specify the following options:
- * Find Type the text you want to find in the
- document.
- * Replace with Type the text you want to insert in place
- of the found text.
- * Match case Select this box to match the upper and
- lower case exactly.
- * Search backwards Search backward through the document
- starting at the insertion point.
- * Confirm before changing When the search text is found, you
- will be asked if you want to change the
- occurrence with the replacement text
- (choose Yes, No or Cancel).
- * Change All When this option is selected, WinEdit will
- start at the current cursor position and
- search the entire document. If the
- "Confirm before changing" box is selected,
- you will be asked if you want to change
- the occurrence with the replacement text
- (choose Yes, No or Cancel).
- 24
- Using Regular Expressions
- A regular expression is a search or replace string that uses
- special characters to match text patterns. WinEdit supports UNIX
- style regular expressions.
- When WinEdit conducts a search using regular expressions, it must
- check character by character in your text. For this reason,
- searches using regular expressions are slower than regular
- searches.
- The following table describes the regular expression characters
- recognized by WinEdit.
- Expression Description
- \ Escape. WinEdit will ignore any special meaning of the
- character that follows the Escape expression. Use the
- Escape if you need to search for a literal character
- that matches a regular expression character.
- . Wild Card. Matches any character. For example, the
- expression 'X.X' will match 'XaX', 'XbX, and 'XcX', but
- not 'XaaX'.
- ^ Beginning Of Line. The expression matches only if it
- occurs at the beginning of a line. For example, '^for'
- matches the text 'for' only when it occurs at the
- beginning of a line.
- $ End Of Line. The expression matches only if it occurs at
- the end of a line. For example, '(void)$' matches the
- text '(void)' only when it occurs at the end of a line.
- [ ] Character Class. The expression matches any character in
- the class specified within the brackets. Use a dash (-)
- to specify a range of character values. For example,
- '[a-zA-Z0-9]' matches any letter or number, and '[xyz]'
- matches 'x', 'y', or 'z'.
- [ ^ ] Inverse Class. The expression matches any character not
- specified in the class. For example, '[^a-zA-Z]'
- matches any character that is not a letter.
- * Repeat Operator. Matches zero or more occurrences of the
- character that precedes the '*'. For example, 'XY*X'
- matches 'XX', 'XYX', and 'XYYX.
- + Repeat Operator. Matches one or more occurrences of the
- character that precedes the '+'. For example, 'XY+X'
- matches 'XYX' and 'XYYX, but not 'XX'.
- 25
- Windows 3.1 Support
- "Drag and Drop"
- WinEdit is fully compatible with Windows version 3.1. WinEdit
- version 2.0 adds support for drag and drop from File Manager. To
- open files in WinEdit, simply drag and drop one or more files from
- the Windows File Manager onto WinEdit. Drag and drop from File
- Manager is functional when WinEdit is either minimized or
- maximized.
- "Sounds"
- Whenever a Message Box comes up, WinEdit plays the WAVE file
- corresponding to the Message Box icon under Multimedia Windows or
- the Asterisk event under Windows 3.1. Under Windows Win 3.0 the
- standard beep will play. "Warning Sounds" is an option in File
- Preferences dialog and can be disabled if you'd like. There is
- also a WinEdit Startup event that can be configured for any WAVE
- file when operating under Windows 3.1 or Multimedia Windows (sound
- card required).
- 26
- Printing Documents
- Choose Print from the File menu to send the text of the current
- document to the active printer. All print options such as the
- layout (one up portrait printing or two page landscape printing)
- and printer font, are set in the Page Setup dialog (accessible from
- the File menu). The default printer selection is made in the
- Windows Control Panel Printers section.
- When choosing Print, the entire contents of the document file is
- sent to the printer. To print only a selection of text, do the
- following:
- 1. Select the text to print.
- 2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
- 3. Choose New from the File menu.
- 4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu to paste the contents of the
- clipboard.
- 5. Select the printer button on the Control Bar or choose Print from
- the File menu.
- 27
- Saving Documents
- To save a document to disk under the current file name (the
- filename appears in the title bar for the document window), choose
- Save from the File menu. If the file has not been saved before,
- WinEdit will prompt for a file name. To save a document to a new
- name and/or location, choose Save As from the File menu.
- When a file is saved in WinEdit, the previous version of the
- document is renamed to the with a .BAK file extension. For
- example, if you make changes to FILENAME.TXT and choose to save the
- file, the previous version of the file is renamed to FILENAME.BAK
- while the new changes are saved to FILENAME.TXT. The backup file
- (FILENAME.BAK) is saved to the same directory as FILENAME.TXT.
- 28
- Setting Preferences
- The WinEdit program preferences are accessible by choosing
- Preferences from the File menu.
- To change the screen font used to display document text, choose the
- button labeled Screen Font. In the resulting dialog choose a font
- name from the listing of fixed spaced screen fonts on your system.
- In addition to the typeface, there are four styles to choose from:
- Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic. Select a style a point size
- for your on screen text.
- The Tab Size list box allows you to set the number of spaces you
- would like to be inserted into your document, each time you press
- the tab key. Values range from one space to twelve spaces per tab.
- The "Reopen last file at startup" is helpful if you usually start
- working were you left off in your last WinEdit session. If this
- option is selected, the last file open in WinEdit will be opened
- automatically the next time WinEdit is started. If this option is
- not selected, WinEdit will open with no windows open (use the File
- New or File Open command to begin working in WinEdit).
- The "Zoom window at startup" option determines the size of the
- document window on startup of WinEdit. If the "Zoom" option is
- selected, then the WinEdit program will start with the document
- window zoomed out so that it fills the WinEdit program area. If
- the "Zoom" option is not selected in File Preferences, then the
- WinEdit document window will not fill the WinEdit program area.
- The Show Control Bar option simply toggles the Control Bar of
- buttons On (if selected) or Off if not selected in File
- Preferences.
- The "Warning sounds" option plays the WAVE file corresponding to
- the Message Box icon under Multimedia Windows or Windows 3.1,
- whenever a Message Box pops up such as search text not found.
- Under Windows version 3.0, the standard system beep will sound.
- 29
- Setting Margins, Headers and Footers
- Headers and Footers
- Choose Page Setup from the File menu to configure header and footer
- text. Type the text you wish to appear at the top and bottom of
- each page.
- You can use the following special characters in headers and
- footers:
- * %f The document name will appear.
- * %d The date and time of the printout will appear.
- * %p The page number will appear.
- The default header text is "%f - %d" or Document Name - Date and
- Time of the printout.
- The default footer text is "Page %p" or Page 1.
- Changes made to the header and footer text are remembered for the
- next session of WinEdit.
- Margins
- Choose Page Setup from the File menu to change the margins used for
- WinEdit's printouts. You can enter the measurements for top,
- bottom, left, and right margins. The margin values are either in
- inches or centimeters, depending upon the Measurement setting in
- the Windows Control Panel International section/icon.
- 30
- Undo and Redo
- Undo
- Allows you to "undo" previous editing actions. WinEdit can undo
- the following edits:
- Inserting a character.
- Deleting a character.
- Cutting a selection.
- Pasting a selection.
- WinEdit can undo the last 2000 editing actions. Press
- ALT+Backspace to undo the last editing action or select Undo from
- the Edit menu.
- Redo
- Allows you to reverse any Undo command. If you undo an editing
- action by mistake, you can "redo" the edit. Press CTRL+Backspace
- to redo the last editing action or choose Redo from the Edit menu.
- 31
- WinEdit Project Files
- Information entered into the Project Management dialog (choose
- Configure... from the Project menu) can be saved in a private INI
- file with a .WPJ (WinEdit Project File) extension. Choose the
- Save... pushbutton to save the contents of the dialog box in a .WPJ
- file. The default save path for the WPJ files is the Windows
- directory. After creating several project files you can load an
- existing .WPJ file by clicking on the Open... pushbutton.
- There five edit boxes for your Compile, Make, Rebuild, Debug and
- Execute command line information. The following wildcards are
- provided so that filenames in the Project Management dialog do not
- need to be changed when compiling different files:
- %f = file name
- %n = base name, no extension
- %e = file extension only
- If you select the Capture Output box, WinEdit will run the program
- you configure and save its output. When the program finishes,
- WinEdit will ask if you wish to review any warning or error
- messages, along with the corresponding source code. WinEdit
- constructs a batch file to execute from DOS when you choose to
- capture output. For this reason, when running a Windows
- application from the Run menu, do not choose to capture the output.
- The Project Name field can be filled with a brief description of
- the project. The Working Directory field sets the default open and
- save directories for your project to the path indicated in this
- field.
- Note: The last project file open in WinEdit, will automatically be
- loaded the next time you start WinEdit. To change to another
- project file, choose Configure... from the Project menu and choose
- the Open... pushbutton.
- 32
- WinEdit Extensions
- A WinEdit Extension DLL is a dynamic-link library (DLL) that
- contains a pre-defined entry point that processes menu commands and
- notification messages sent by WinEdit. You can redefine WinEdit's
- menus and accelerators and write new functions which access WinEdit
- functions directly.
- Creating a WinEdit Extension
- A WinEdit Extension DLL must be named WE_EXT.DLL and must include a
- standard entry point, the WE_ExtensionProc function. It must
- include the WE_EXT.H header file that defines WinEdit messages and
- structures. WinEdit communicates with the Extension DLL by sending
- messages to the DLL's WE_ExtensionProc function.
- The WE_ExtensionProc function is defined as follows:
- WE_ExtensionProc(HWND hWnd, /* WinEdit's window handle */
- HANDLE hInst, /* instance identifier */
- UINT wParam, /* command ID */
- LONG lParam) /* additional information */
- The hWnd parameter identifies the main WinEdit window. This
- window handle is used in most of the extension functions, and
- should also be used as the parent window for any child windows,
- dialog boxes, or message boxes created.
- The hInst parameter is the HINSTANCE of the Extension DLL. This
- parameter is used when retrieving resources from the DLL.
- The wParam parameter contains the message ID, which may be a
- command ID from a menu or accelerator, a notification message from
- WinEdit, or a request for information from WinEdit.
- The lParam parameter is used in some messages to pass additional
- information to the Extension DLL.
- 33
- Loading the Extension
- WinEdit searches the current directory and the path for
- WE_EXT.DLL, and explicitly loads the Extension DLL if it is found.
- If the DLL is successfully loaded, WinEdit then sends the
- following notification and request messages to the Extension DLL:
- This message is a request for a menu handle to be used as
- the main WinEdit menu. If the Extension DLL returns a
- handle to a menu as the return value for this message,
- WinEdit uses that menu. If the Extension DLL returns 0, the
- standard WinEdit menu is used.
- This message is a request for a menu handle to be used as
- the "No file" menu. WinEdit displays this menu whenever no
- MDI child windows are open. If the Extension DLL returns a
- handle to a menu as the return value for this message,
- WinEdit uses that menu. If the Extension DLL returns 0, the
- standard WinEdit menu is used.
- This message is a request for a handle to an accelerator
- table. If the Extension DLL returns a handle to an
- accelerator table as the return value for this message,
- WinEdit will use that accelerator table. If the Extension
- DLL returns 0, the standard WinEdit accelerator table is
- used.
- If the Extension DLL returned a menu handle in the
- WEN_LOADMENU message, this message will be sent to obtain
- the handle to the Window popup menu. WinEdit uses this menu
- handle to append MDI child window names to.
- If the Extension DLL returned a menu handle in the
- WEN_LOADMENU message, this message will be sent to obtain
- the handle to the Macro popup menu. WinEdit uses this menu
- handle to append macro names to.
- This message is sent before showing any drop down menu
- items. Respond by setting any check marks, graying any
- inapplicable items, etc.
- 34
- This message is sent when a keyboard macro playback is
- started.
- This message is sent when a keyboard macro playback is
- stopped.
- This message is sent when a keyboard macro recording is
- started. The menu item for toggling starting and stopping
- recording should be changed to "Stop Recording".
- This message is sent when a keyboard macro recording is
- stopped. The menu item for toggling starting and stopping
- recording should be changed to "Record Macro".
- This message is sent when the right mouse button is clicked
- in an MDI child window.
- This message is sent when the right mouse button is clicked
- while the control key is down in an MDI child window.
- This message is sent when the right mouse button is clicked
- while the shift key is down in an MDI child window.
- This message is sent when the right mouse button is clicked
- while the control key and the shift keys are down in an MDI
- child window.
- This message is sent before the DLL is unloaded. Any
- cleanup processing should be done, such as releasing
- allocated memory.
- 35
- Processing Menu Selections
- A WinEdit Extension DLL's menu resource can include two levels of
- menu identifiers. Identifiers in the range of WE_EXTFIRST through
- WE_EXTLAST (defined in WE_EXT.H) are sent to the Extension DLL for
- processing. Other identifiers defined in WE_EXT.H that begin with
- IDM_ are internal WinEdit commands that WinEdit handles without
- calling the Extension DLL.
- When designing menus or accelerators, use the IDM_ identifiers for
- predefined functions which WinEdit will handle without further
- processing by your Extension DLL. Use identifiers in the range of
- WE_EXTFIRST through WE_EXTLAST for functions you define. When the
- user selects a menu item or presses an accelerator key which is
- defined with an identifier in that range, WinEdit will pass the
- message on to the Extension DLL for processing. The following
- code example shows a simple example of a user-defined function
- being called:
- .
- .
- .
- switch (wParam)
- {
- return MyFunction();
- break;
- Initializing the Extension Menu
- Whenever the user selects a menu item, WinEdit sends the
- WEN_INITMENU message to the Extension DLL. The Extension DLL
- should respond to this message by adding check marks or disabling
- or enabling items. If the Extension DLL did not load its own
- menu, it can ignore this message.
- 36
- WinEdit Extension Example
- The following example shows a minimal WinEdit Extension DLL's
- WE_ExtensionProc function. The Extension DLL loads its own menus
- and accelerator table, and defines one new command.
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "we_ext.h"
- #define MACROMENU 4 /* position of macro menu (0 based) */
- #define WINDOWMENU 5 /* position of window menu (0 based) */
- UINT FAR PASCAL WE_ExtensionProc(HWND hWnd,
- HANDLE hInst,
- UINT wParam,
- LONG lParam)
- {
- switch (wParam)
- {
- /* This is the menu WinEdit will display when there
- * is at least one document window open. Return NULL
- * to use the default WinEdit menu.
- */
- return (UINT)LoadMenu(hInst, "MyMenu");
- break;
- /* this is the menu WinEdit will display when there
- * are no document windows open. Return NULL
- * to use the default WinEdit menu.
- */
- return (UINT)LoadMenu(hInst, "MyShortMenu");
- break;
- 37
- /* To re-define the WinEdit command keys, load your
- * own accelerator table here. Return NULL to
- * use the default WinEdit accelerators.
- */
- return (UINT)LoadAccelerators (hInst,"MyAccels");
- break;
- /* WinEdit needs the handle of the submenu to
- * append MDI document names to. The hWnd parameter
- * is used to send the handle to the main menu.
- * This message will not be sent if you return
- * NULL to the WEN_LOADMENU message.
- */
- return (UINT)GetSubMenu ((HMENU)hWnd, WINDOWMENU);
- break;
- /* WinEdit needs the handle of the submenu to
- * append macro names to. The hWnd parameter
- * is used to send the handle to the main menu.
- * This message will not be sent if you return
- * NULL to the WEN_LOADMENU message.
- */
- return (UINT)GetSubMenu ((HMENU)hWnd, MACROMENU);
- break;
- case WEN_END:
- /* WinEdit is shutting down. Do any clean-up processing
- * here.
- */
- return TRUE;
- break;
- 38
- /* This message is sent before showing any drop down
- * menu items. Respond by setting any checkmarks,
- * graying any inapplicable items, etc.
- */
- {
- POINT ptStart,ptEnd;
- HMENU hCurrentMenu;
- UINT wStatus;
- hCurrentMenu = GetMenu(hWnd);
- /* if there is a current selection, enable the cut & copy
- * commands.
- */
- wStatus = (UINT)edGetSelectionState(hWnd, &ptStart, &ptEnd);
- if (!wStatus)
- wStatus = MF_GRAYED;
- else
- wStatus = MF_ENABLED;
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITCUT, wStatus);
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITCOPY, wStatus);
- /* if there is text on the clipboard, enable the paste
- * command.
- */
- if (OpenClipboard(hWnd))
- {
- if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)
- || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_OEMTEXT))
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITPASTE, MF_ENABLED);
- else
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITPASTE, MF_GRAYED);
- CloseClipboard();
- }
- else
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITPASTE, MF_GRAYED);
- 39
- /* set the Undo, Redo, Insert, and WordWrap menu items */
- wStatus = (UINT)edGetUndoState(hWnd);
- if (!wStatus)
- wStatus = MF_GRAYED;
- else
- wStatus = MF_ENABLED;
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITUNDO, wStatus);
- wStatus = (UINT)edGetRedoState(hWnd);
- if (!wStatus)
- wStatus = MF_GRAYED;
- else
- wStatus = MF_ENABLED;
- EnableMenuItem(hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITREDO, wStatus);
- wStatus = (UINT)edGetWordWrapState(hWnd);
- if (!wStatus)
- wStatus = MF_UNCHECKED;
- else
- wStatus = MF_CHECKED;
- CheckMenuItem (hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITTOGGLEWRAP,
- MF_BYCOMMAND|wStatus);
- wStatus = (UINT)edGetInsertState(hWnd);
- if (!wStatus)
- wStatus = MF_UNCHECKED;
- else
- wStatus = MF_CHECKED;
- CheckMenuItem (hCurrentMenu, IDM_EDITTOGGLEINS,
- MF_BYCOMMAND|wStatus);
- return TRUE; /* we handled it, don't return 0 */
- break;
- }
- /* You can define your own commands in the range
- * WE_EXTFIRST to WE_EXTLAST that can be attached to
- * menu items or accelerators.
- */
- MessageBox(hWnd,"Example command","WinEdit Extension",
- return TRUE;
- break;
- 40
- default:
- /* return NULL to all messages not processed. */
- break;
- } /* end switch (wParam) */
- return NULL;
- }
- 41
- Configuring the Utility Menu
- The Utility Menu is a custom menu created with WIL language
- extension commands. The menu items on the Utility Menu and the
- functions behind them are totally configurable. The WINEDIT.MNU
- file contains the menu item text and the WIL language functions
- behind them. The functions are made up of statements, constants,
- and variables, much like any programming language. To edit the
- Utility Menu file choose "Edit Utility Menu" from the Utility Menu.
- In the WINEDIT.MNU file, the menu item text that appears below the
- Utility Menu begins in Column one of the text file. Commands for
- the menu item are at least 8 spaces to the right below the menu
- text. In the example below, "File Open with prompt" is the text
- that will appear on the Utility Menu and the "WFileOpen("")"
- command will be executed if the menu item is selected.
- File Open with prompt ; Open a document file via dialog box
- WFileOpen("")
- wFileOpen(filename)
- Comments
- wFileOpen creates a new MDI child window and reads an existing
- file into the window. To open a file without a prompt, pass a
- valid filename to wFileOpen. If the FileName parameter is "",
- the File Open dialog box will be appear prompting for a filename
- to open.
- To create a pop-out submenu, add one space before the menu title
- for every item of the main menu. For example, "Accessories" will
- appear on the Utility Menu with "Appointment Scheduling" and
- "Calculator" appearing as pop out menu selections.
- Accessories
- Appointment Scheduling
- run("Calendar.exe","")
- C&alculator
- run("calc.exe","")
- Adding an ampersand before any letter in the title causes that
- letter to be displayed underlined. Such underlined letters are
- recognized by Windows as menu hot keys accessed through an
- ALT+letter key combination.
- Please refer to the WIL.HLP help file for detailed information on
- WIL language menu scripts.
- 42