Labels:barrel | bulletin board | comic book | person | tribute album OCR: The beginnin9 of the new Millennium WaS like the end of the tast, only worse, Whole tot worse, Cities swelled, spreading like cancers Money was made and misery grew Watched beaten apathetic police, crime spiratled and got hooks into every aspect to urban xistence But most People suttering this anarchy Wanted the PIO Values sate tite, successtul lite. happy life something had to give. The peopte Voted With their teet TheY poured then? uoney into new segregated tightly poticed towns where they could tive Without tear Watched twenty sfour hours day by N and Private potice forces. These Walled towns were called subates LiVing in them was haven 0f cr imeless luxury for those WhO could afford And many found that they could afford The cifies were emptied of People until all that was tett Was the ...