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Text File
154 lines
App Name MSADT200.APP
App Version 1
Frame Bitmap "msacahbb.dll, 123, 124"
Frame Caption Windows 95 How & Why Setup
Dialog Caption Base Windows 95 How & Why
Welcome String This program installs the Windows 95 How & Why application on your machine by copying files and modifying system configuration files as necessary.
Usage String Usage: Setup or Setup /A\nSetup /A runs the setup in Administrator mode.
About Box String Setup
Check Modules "msaccess, Microsoft Access, msarn110,Access Runtime 1.x, msarn200,Access 2.0 runtime , vb,MS Visual Basic, vbrun100,VB Runtime 1.0, vbrun200,VB Runtime 2.0, vbrun300,VB Runtime 3.0, graph, MS Graph"
Source Directory
MSAPPS Location
MSAPPS Mode local
Inf File Name setup.inf
Suppress Copy Disincentive Dialogs
Suppress Serial Number Dialog
Maximum Object ID 121
Admin Mode Root Object ID 4:01
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 3:01
Network Mode Root Object ID 5:01
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID
Batch Mode Root Object ID
Setup Version
ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data BMP Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Us
1 Windows 95 How and Why AppSearch """c:\howwhy"", ""________.___"", """", 0, ""no"", ""yes"", "
2 ==== Installation Types ====
3 Floppy Installation AppMainDlg 7 yes
4 Administrative Installation Group 10 26 27 16 17
5 Network Installation AppMainDlg 7 8 yes
6 ==== Installation Forms ====
7 &Complete Install all files for this application Group 16 17 19 20 "msacahbb.dll, 115"
8 &Workstation Install the application shared off the network Group 16 17 12 "msacahbb.dll, 116"
9 ==== Admin Installs ====
10 AdminSetupFiles CopySection """Admin Files"""
11 ==== Workstation Installs ====
12 Workstation Group 13 14
13 Workstation_File Group 26 27 %s
14 Turn shared mode on UseSharedMode
15 ==== Destination Directory Settings ====
16 CustomAction """msacahbb.dll"", ""ADTDestDirWin"""
17 CustomAction """msacahbb.dll"", ""ADTDestDirSys"""
18 ==== Option Installs ====
19 WDCBT2 CustomAction """msawinbb.dll"", ""OnWindowsNT"""
20 yes Depend 19 ? 23 : 22
21 yes Look for existing video driver DetectOlderFile """mciavi.drv""" %m
22 Depend 21 ? 23 : 24
23 USER Group 30 86 114
24 USER Group 30 51 86 98 114
25 ==== Installing USER's Options ====
26 WDCBT2 CustomAction """msawinbb.dll"", ""OnWindowsNT"""
27 yes Depend 26 ? 30 : 29
28 yes Look for existing salestoolbox DetectOlderFile """mciavi.drv""" %m
29 Depend 28 ? 30 : 30 51
30 ---- User File Copying ---- Group 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
31 ==== Installing Files Options ====
32 USER_File_atx30h_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""atx30h_vbx""" %17
33 USER_File_csvlist_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""csvlist_vbx""" %17
34 USER_File_ctl3d_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""ctl3d_dll""" %17
35 USER_File_fptab11_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""fptab11_vbx""" %17
36 USER_File_fts_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""fts_dll""" %17
37 USER_File_msajt112.dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""msajt112_dll""" %17
38 USER_File_mciwndx_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""mciwndx_vbx""" %17
39 USER_File_msajt200.dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""msajt200_dll""" %17
40 USER_File_msabc110.dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""msabc110_dll""" %17
41 USER_File_qpro200_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""qpro200_dll""" %17
42 USER_File_howwhy_cfg CopyFile """User Files"", ""howwhy_cfg""" %d
43 USER_File_how&why_exe CopyFile """User Files"", ""how&why_exe""" %d
44 USER_File_knife_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""knife_vbx""" %17
45 USER_File_threed_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""threed_vbx""" %17
46 USER_File_tlist_vbx CopyFile """User Files"", ""tlist_vbx""" %17
47 USER_File_vbdb300_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""vbdb300_dll""" %17
48 USER_File_vbrun300_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""vbrun300_dll""" %17
49 USER_File_howwhy_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""howwhy_dll""" %17
50 USER_File_imk_dll CopyFile """User Files"", ""imk_dll""" %17
51 ---- User Video File Copying ---- Group 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
52 USER_File_indeo_ini CopyFile """Indeo-ini"", ""indeo_ini""" %16
53 USER_File_mciole_dll CopyFile """MPlayer"", ""mciole_dll""" %16
54 USER_File_mplayer_exe CopyFile """MPlayer"", ""mplayer_exe""" %16
55 USER_File_mplayer_hlp CopyFile """MPlayer"", ""mplayer_hlp""" %16
56 USER_File_mplayer_reg CopyFile """MPlayer"", ""mplayer_reg""" %16
57 USER_File_imaadpcm_acm CopyFile """ACM Drivers"", ""imaadpcm_acm""" %17
58 USER_File_map_win_hlp CopyFile """ACM Drivers"", ""map_win_hlp""" %17
59 USER_File_msacm_dll CopyFile """ACM Drivers"", ""msacm_dll""" %17
60 USER_File_msacm_drv CopyFile """ACM Drivers"", ""msacm_drv""" %17
61 USER_File_msadpcm_acm CopyFile """ACM Drivers"", ""msadpcm_acm""" %17
62 USER_File_iccvid_drv CopyFile """AVICodes"", ""iccvid_drv""" %17
63 USER_File_indeov_drv CopyFile """AVICodes"", ""indeov_drv""" %17
64 USER_File_ir21_r_dll CopyFile """AVICodes"", ""ir21_r_dll""" %17
65 USER_File_ir30_dll CopyFile """AVICodes"", ""ir30_dll""" %17
66 USER_File_msrle_drv CopyFile """AVICodes"", ""msrle_drv""" %17
67 USER_File_msvidc_drv CopyFile """AVICodes"", ""msvidc_drv""" %17
68 USER_File_cleanup_reg CopyFile """OLE2"", ""cleanup_reg""" %17
69 USER_File_ole2_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""ole2_dll""" %17
70 USER_File_ole2_reg CopyFile """OLE2"", ""ole2_reg""" %17
71 USER_File_ole2conv_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""ole2conv_dll""" %17
72 USER_File_ole2disp_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""ole2disp_dll""" %17
73 USER_File_ole2nls_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""ole2nls_dll""" %17
74 USER_File_ole2prox_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""ole2prox_dll""" %17
75 USER_File_storage_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""storage_dll""" %17
76 USER_File_typelib_dll CopyFile """OLE2"", ""typelib_dll""" %17
77 USER_File_acmcmprs_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""acmcmprs_dll""" %17
78 USER_File_avicap_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""avicap_dll""" %17
79 USER_File_avifile_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""avifile_dll""" %17
80 USER_File_compobj_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""compobj_dll""" %17
81 USER_File_ctl3d_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""ctl3d_dll""" %17
82 USER_File_dispdib_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""dispdib_dll""" %17
83 USER_File_dva_386 CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""dva_386""" %17
84 USER_File_mciavi_drv CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""mciavi_drv""" %17
85 USER_File_msvideo_dll CopyFile """VFW Runtime"", ""msvideo_dll""" %17
86 yes Installation Mode Independent Install Common .INI Settings and Files Group 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 95
87 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""BOOK SHELF"", ""Default"", ""Win 95""" %D
88 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""Database Name"", ""%s\hww95.mdb""" %S
89 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""FTS Name"", ""%s\index.ia""" %S
90 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""Media Path"", ""%s\media\""" %S
91 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""List Path"", ""%s\""" %D
92 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""Text Delimiter"", "","""
93 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""List Delimiter"", ""|"""
94 yes ---- Detect Sound ---- DetectIniLine """SYSTEM.INI"", ""drivers"", ""Wave"""
95 yes Depend 94 ? 96 : 97
96 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""Sound"", ""1"""
97 yes AddIniLine "howwhy.ini, ""WIN 95"", ""Sound"", ""0"""
98 yes Installation Mode Independent Install Common .INI Settings and Files Group 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
99 yes CreateIniLine "system.ini, ""386Enh"", ""device"", ""dva.386"""
100 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""VIDC.CVID"", ""iccvid.drv"""
101 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""VIDC.MSVC"", ""msvidc.drv"""
102 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""VIDC.IV31"", ""indeov.drv"""
103 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""VIDC.MRLE"", ""MSRLE.drv"""
104 yes CreateIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""VIDC.RT21"", ""indeov.drv"""
105 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""VIDC.YVU9"", ""indeov.drv"""
106 yes AddIniLine "WIN.INI, ""mci extensions"", ""avi"", ""AVIVideo"""
107 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""mci"", ""AVIVideo"", ""mciavi.drv"""
108 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""WaveMapper"", ""msacm.drv"""
109 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""MSACM.msadpcm"", ""msadpcm.acm"""
110 yes AddIniLine "system.ini, ""Drivers"", ""MSACM.imaadpcm"", ""imaadpcm.acm"""
111 yes AddIniLine "control.ini, ""drivers.desc"", ""msacm.drv"", ""Microsoft Sound Mapper V2.00"""
112 yes AddIniLine "control.ini, ""drivers.desc"", ""msadpcm.acm"", ""Microsoft ADPCM Codec V2.00"""
113 yes AddIniLine "control.ini, ""drivers.desc"", ""imaadpcm.acm"", ""Microsoft IMA ADPCM Codec V2.00"""
114 yes Installation Mode Independent Install ProgItems Group 115
115 USER_UserPM1 AddProgmanItem """Microsoft How & Why Series"", ""Windows95 How & Why"", ""%43\how&why.exe"", """""