"LocalSecurity_Title" = "Adobe Flash Player Security";
"LocalSecurity_Line1" = "Adobe® Flash® Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network:";
"LocalSecurity_Line2" = "is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:";
"LocalSecurity_Line3" = "To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings.\nYou must restart this application after changing your settings.";
"StuckScript_Message" = "A script in this movie is causing Adobe® Flash® Player 10 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.\n\nDo you want to abort the script?";
"StuckScript_YesBtn" = "Yes";
"StuckScript_NoBtn" = "No";
// Debug or profile connection failed dialog
"DebugFailed_Header" = "Adobe® Flash® Player";
"DebugFailed_Message" = "A connection to the Debugger or Profiler could not be established by Adobe Flash Player 10.";
// Debugger connection dialog
"ShowDialogAtLaunchText" = "Show this dialog at launch";
"ConnectToDebuggerText" = "Connect to debugger";
"DebuggerLocationText" = "My debugger or host application is running:";
"LocationLocalText" = "On this machine (localhost)";
"LocationRemoteText" = "At IP Address:";
"ContinueButtonTitle" = "Continue";
// Can't find preference pane alert
"CantFindPrefPane_Title" = "Unable to Load Flash Player Preferences Pane";
"CantFindPrefPane_Message" = "To access your global settings, re-install Adobe Flash Player. It can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_HTTP_STATUS" = "Warning: Unrecognized HTTP status %d: %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_NO_URL" = "Warning: No URL Path";
"IDS_CONSOLE_SECURITY_DIALOG" = "Legacy domain match encountered - %s is trying to access %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_LOCAL_OUTBOUND" = "-- Untrusted local SWFs may not contact the Internet.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_LOCAL_INBOUND" = "-- Remote SWFs may not access local files.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_AVM1_LOADED_AVM2" = "Warning: An ActionScript 1.0/2.0 SWF file has loaded an ActionScript 3.0 SWF; code in the ActionScript 3.0 SWF will not run.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WINDOW_HALTED" = "URL for window '%s' halted (AllowScriptAccess is '%s'): %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_ALLOW_NETWORK" = "-- This is due to the value of 'allowNetworking'.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_NO_POLICY_FILE" = "Failed to load policy file from %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_BAD_POLICY_FILE" = "[strict] Ignoring policy file at %s due to incorrect syntax. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files to fix this problem.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_BAD_POLICY_FILE_TYPE" = "[strict] Ignoring policy file at %s due to bad Content-Type '%s'. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files to fix this problem.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_NO_POLICY_FILE_TYPE" = "[strict] Ignoring policy file at %s due to missing Content-Type. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files to fix this problem.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_NO_HEADERS" = "HTTP response headers not available on this platform. Strict policy file rules cannot be enforced.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_REDIRECT" = "[strict] Policy file requested from %s redirected to %s; will use final URL in determining scope. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files if this causes problems.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_CROSS_DOMAIN" = "Ignoring policy file requested from %s because a cross-domain redirect to %s occurred.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_HDR_UNKNOWN" = "Unrecognized meta-policy in HTTP header from %s: %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_HDR_FTP" = "HTTP header from %s specifies meta-policy 'by-ftp-filename', which is only applicable to FTP, not HTTP.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_HDR_CONFLICT" = "Conflicting meta-policy in HTTP header from %s: %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_HDR_PREV" = "Meta-policy %s in HTTP header from %s conflicts with previously established meta-policy %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_NONE_THIS_RSP" = "Ignoring policy file at %s due to X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none-this-response";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_SITE_NONMASTER" = "Ignoring <site-control> tag in policy file from %s. This tag is only allowed in master policy files.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_BAD_BY_TYPE" = "Ignoring <site-control> tag in policy file from %s. The 'by-content-type' meta-policy is only applicable to HTTP sites.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_BAD_BY_FTP" = "Ignoring <site-control> tag in policy file from %s. The 'by-ftp-filename' meta-policy is only applicable to FTP sites.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_BAD_THIS_RESPONSE" = "Ignoring <site-control> tag in policy file from %s. The 'none-this-response' meta-policy is only allowed in the X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies HTTP response header.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_FILE_UNKNOWN" = "Unrecognized meta-policy in policy file from %s: %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_FILE_PREV" = "Meta-policy %s in policy file from %s conflicts with previously established meta-policy %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_DEFAULT" = "Domain %s does not specify a meta-policy. Applying default meta-policy 'master-only'. This configuration is deprecated. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files to fix this problem.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_SOCK_NONE_NO" = "SWF from %s may not connect to a socket in its own domain without a policy file. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files to fix this problem.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_SOCK_TIMEOUT" = "Timeout on %s (at 3 seconds) while waiting for socket policy file. This should not cause any problems, but see http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files for an explanation.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_IMPLICIT" = "Domain %s does not explicitly specify a meta-policy, but Content-Type of policy file %s is 'text/x-cross-domain-policy'. Applying meta-policy 'by-content-type'.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_META_POLICY_REJECT" = "Ignoring policy file at %s due to meta-policy '%s'.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_TOO_BIG" = "Ignoring socket policy file at %s because it is too large. Socket policy files may not exceed 20 kilobytes.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_MASTER_SELF_INVALIDATED" = "Policy file at %s invalidates its own <allow-access-from> directives by declaring the meta-policy 'none'.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_BAD_PORT_SPEC" = "Ignoring illegal port number specification '%s' in policy file at %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_BAD_ALLOW" = "Ignoring invalid <%s> tag for domain '%s' in policy file at %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_REQUEST_ALLOWED_BY_POLICY" = "Request for resource at %s by requestor from %s is permitted due to policy file at %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_REQUEST_DENIED_NO_POLICY" = "Request for resource at %s by requestor from %s is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_SOCKET_UNAVAILABLE" = "Request for resource at %s by requestor from %s has failed because the server cannot be reached.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_NO_ASFUNCTION" = "Rejecting URL %s because the 'asfunction:' protocol may only be used for link targets, not for networking APIs.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_BAD_SECURE_ATTR" = "Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from %s. The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files for details.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_SOCK_SECURE_ATTR" = "Found secure='true' in policy file from %s, but host %s does not appear to refer to the local machine. This may be insecure. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files for details.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_REASON_DATA" = "Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files to authorize data loading from resource at %s by requestor from %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_REASON_HEADERS" = "Searching for <allow-http-request-headers-from> in policy files to authorize header sending to URL %s by requestor from %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_QUESTIONABLE_SCRIPTING" = "-- Browser scripting URLs may only be executed using the getURL and navigateToURL functions.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_ALLOW_NEVER" = "Warning: AllowScriptAccess='never' found in HTML. This setting is ineffective and deprecated. See http://www.adobe.com/go/allowscriptaccess for details.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_ALLOW_SAMEDOM" = "Warning: AllowNetworking='%s' found in HTML, with HTML and SWF in the same domain. This setting is ineffective and deprecated. See http://www.adobe.com/go/allowscriptaccess for details.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_3D_SURFACE_TOO_BIG" = "Warning: 3D DisplayObject will not render. Its dimensions (%s, %s) are too large to be drawn.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_WARN_FILTER_TOO_BIG" = "Warning: Filter will not render. The DisplayObject's filtered dimensions (%s, %s) are too large to be drawn.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_WAS_SET" = "The attempted load of %s failed as it had a Content-Disposition of attachment set.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_USER_ACTION_REQUIRED" = "Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press.";
"IDS_LOCALCONNECTION_USERSCOPED_LOCKED" = "The value of LocalConnection.isPerUser cannot be changed because it has already been locked by a call to LocalConnection.connect, .send, or .close.";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_BAD_PF_URL" = "Ignoring policy file with invalid non-ASCII URL %s";
"IDS_CONSOLE_POLICY_FILE_BAD_DATA_URL" = "Cannot authorize operation for invalid non-ASCII URL %s";