"LocalSecurity_Line1" = "Adobe® Flash® Player 已终止一项可能不安全的操作。您的计算机或网络上存在以下本地应用程序:";
"LocalSecurity_Line2" = "该应用程序正在尝试与以下可访问 Internet 的位置进行通信:";
"LocalSecurity_Line3" = "要让此应用程序与 Internet 通信,请单击 \'设置\'。\n在更改设置后必须重新启动该应用程序。";
"LocalSecurity_SettingsBtn" = "设置…";
"LocalSecurity_OKBtn" = "确定";
// Flash Exception dialog
"ActionScriptErrorLabel" = "发生 ActionScript 错误:";
"ExceptionDialog_DismissAllButton" = "全部取消";
"ExceptionDialog_ContinueButton" = "继续";
// Script taking too long dialog
"StuckScript_Message" = "此影片中的某个脚本导致 Adobe® Flash® Player 10 运行缓慢。如果继续运行,计算机可能会停止响应。\n\n是否要终止此脚本?";
"StuckScript_YesBtn" = "是";
"StuckScript_NoBtn" = "否";
// Debug or profile connection failed dialog
"DebugFailed_Header" = "Adobe® Flash® Player";
"DebugFailed_Message" = "Adobe Flash Player 10 无法与调试器或配置程序建立连接。";
// Debugger connection dialog
"ShowDialogAtLaunchText" = "启动时显示此对话框";
"ConnectToDebuggerText" = "连接到调试器";
"DebuggerLocationText" = "我的调试器或主机应用程序的运行位置:";
"LocationLocalText" = "在此计算机上 (localhost)";
"LocationRemoteText" = "在 IP 地址:";
"ContinueButtonTitle" = "继续";
// Can't find preference pane alert
"CantFindPrefPane_Title" = "Unable to Load Flash Player Preferences Pane";
"CantFindPrefPane_Message" = "To access your global settings, re-install Adobe Flash Player. It can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer";