; Place any programs here that should be run at the end of setup.
; These apps will be run in order of their appearance here.
caption = "Windows Setup"
exit = "Exit Windows Setup"
title = "Installing Windows for Workgroups 3.11"
options = "In addition to installing Windows, you can:"
printwait = "Please wait while Setup configures your printer(s)..."
copywait="Welcome to Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11!\n\n - If you're new to Windows, see 'A Guided Tour of\n Microsoft Windows' in the User's Guide."
copywait5="Make sure you register your copy of Microsoft Windows for\nWorkgroups 3.11. When you register, Microsoft will:\n\n - Notify you of product updates and new product releases.\n\n - Send you a FREE Windows newsletter."
; Disk space required
; <type of setup>= <Full install space>, <Min install space>