ⁿ Presentation to Group Steering Committee onLessons learnt from Implementation of Tilechester Pilot
Computers were introduced into Betabuild Builders Merchants, Tilechester on April 1st 1986 for stock recording. Order entry went live in January 1987 and the whole system was live on June 1st 1987. The effect was summarised by the Tilechester branch manager:-
üÇüÇüÇΣÇ╚ü┬ÇUnivers (WN) "áÇéNow that we have installed the system I cannot see how any company carrying the number of stock items that we do could remain competitive without computers. Benefits include reduced errors and better accounting controls, plus staff are freed of mundane clerical details and able to provide a far better service to our customers."
ÇÇÇ Ç The lessons learnt during this time are outlined in the following report under five main headings; staff, Physical, Customer, Computer/Security and Backup.
ÇÇ°áÇåÇüÇüÇüÇ└Ç└Department Before After ReductionÇÇÇComputer 5 5 0Sales 20 20 0Office 0 40 10Warehouse 10 10 0Drivers 10 10 0
· . Staff
· üÇüÇÇÇ.1 Changes
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇAs you can see there will be very few changes in staffing after the introduction of computers. Some redundancies are inevitable and staff involved with the computer will definitely experience changes.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.2 Training
· éÇéÇÇÇ.21 Clerical Staff
ÇÇéÇéÇÇÇTraining is vital and the training at Tilechester was generally effective in teaching people to operate the new system. However, videos must be followed by "hands on" training within 2 days or the impact is lost.
· éÇéÇÇÇ.22 District/Branch Managers
ÇÇéÇéÇÇÇThe major problem I envisage is that of training District and Branch Managers in how to interpret the information provided. Training is needed on how to check the reports quickly.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.23 Sales Managers
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇSales managers will need to be trained in the understanding of sales related reports and how these can be applied to control the sales force more effectively.
· . Physical
ÇÇTurning to the physical side of the branch, work to prepare the branch should start a minimum of 6 months before the date for commencement of installation.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.1 Coding of Stock
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇIt is necessary to have information available in the form it will be input to the computer. Therefore before installation all sales tickets should be addressed with the customer code and product codes prior to order processing and stock should be coded wherever it is.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.2 Customer Price File
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇWith information on computer, the review of special terms can be carried out periodically either prompted by the computer or by management.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.3 Reorganisation
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇOther physical problems relate to office environments and a new layout may be needed to take maximum benefit from the computer. It is unlikely that everyone will have a terminal and thought is required as to how sharing of terminals will be handled.
· . Customer
ÇÇAll the effects of a computer system come to nothing if we do not involve the customer from an early stage.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.1 Invoices/Statements
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇAt Tilechester a letter explaining the introduction of the computer was included with the statements prior to order processing going live. This explained that a computer system was being introduced and net prices would be shown on invoices. Out of 3500 letters only 4 replies were received.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.2 Sales Approach
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇSales staff were asked to mention the computer to their customers face to face, and explain what was going on and lorry drivers presented the customer with a computer printed advice slip when delivering goods.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.3 Results
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇThere will always be errors, but the number of queries and credit notes is slowly falling and there is scope for reducing this still further. Cash sales are produced much more quickly than the manual system, and this benefits all customers.
· . Computer/Security
ÇÇIt is important that staff who operate the machine are trustworthy and have limited access to other areas, to minimize the possibilities of fraud.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.1 Hardware
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇThere should be sufficient terminals for those who need them and it is important to switch off terminals not in use and to have someone who is responsible for computer equipment.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.2 Software
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇRequests for software modifications should be channelled through a central point and the modifications considered quickly and incorporated in the next software release if accepted. The originator should be informed of the result.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.3 Reports
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇFor management the computer holds a great deal of information. If a more powerful generator was available the reports specific to the task in hand could be produced, giving better information on which to base decisions.
· . Backup
· üÇüÇÇÇ.1 Manual Backup
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇAt some time partial or complete systems breakdown will occur, as a result of power or mechanical failure. So the manual systems is the backup and it may be necessary to have a training program in manual backup for those people who are unfamiliar with the manual system i.e. new employees who have only used the computerised system.
· üÇüÇÇÇ.2 Hardware Backup
ÇÇüÇüÇÇÇAnother backup area to be considered is that of hardware. In he event of a terminal, keyboard or printer failure on the trade counter, the appropriate piece of equipment should be swapped for equipment in a lower priority area.
√ ääÇConclusions
ÇÇääÇéÇéÇüÇThe staff in Tilechester branch have confidence in the information available from the computer and agree that using the computer is faster than the manual system. They acknowledge there are some drawbacks but on balance feel it is beneficial and would not want to go back to the manual system. The system has been accepted by the majority of our customers who now hardly give it a second glance.ÇÇÇTLWPDOC-01 Dâ Normal textü ä$ Éü╚ü┴ÇCG Times (WN) n ç