Multimedia & CD-ROM 5
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LView version 3.1 Copyright Leonardo Haddad Loureiro
Version 3.1 news:
Options/Jpeg Options now supports two semi-independent setups for
for JPEG decompression. You can use the "Normal" setup for
slower/higher quality decompression and "Preview" for
faster/lower quality decompression. Both setups can be
New option "Assume ECJ pro version" on Options/Jpeg Options.
Checking/Unchecking will tell LView how to analyse other
options and warn the user about potential conflicts.
The default for this option is UNCHECKED.
Options/Jpeg Options/"use ECJ" now defaults to UNCHECKED.
Options/Save All Options now records the current position of
the toolbar window, which can be:
. at the left side of LView's window,
. at the right side of LView's window,
. as a button at LView's window caption.
Options/Popup When Iconized now defaults to UNCHECKED.
Contact sheet building sometimes failed to release memory, on
version 3.0.
Loading an image file by dragging it to LView's window did not
to clear the "changed status" for the current image.
Version 3.0 news:
Added support for WECJLIB.DLL from Express Compression Laboratories,
to provide FAST jpeg file loading.
New window "Commands Window Tool" for fast access to the most used
software features.
New command Retouch/Smooth Filter.
Version 2.51 news:
New option "Options/Popup When Iconized", to determine if LView
should exhibit it's window after loading a file, even
when iconic. Checking will make it ALWAYS exhibit the
window (DEFAULT), unchecking will prevent LView from
restoring it's window after loading an image file.
New command "Help/Device Caps" to inform the user about the
capabilities of the current display device.
New command "Help/Diagnosis" to give the user hints about
the ideal LView configuration in the current display device.
This command also checks some of LView's internal data
structures for possible inconsistencies.
LView's crosshair cursor was redesigned to make it more visible
when displayed on top of a larger variety of image colors.
Command "Edit/Resize" was fixed and now operates correctly either
on the whole image or on the current selection area.
Command "Edit/Redimension" was also fixed.
Option "Options/Confirm JPEG GScale Save" now works on both
"File/Save" and "File/Save as" commands.
The abnormal "color behaviour" that some users experienced in
version 2.5 is expected to be solved. Once this problem
could NOT be reproduced for debugging, I would appreciate
feedback from users who did experience this bug.
Version 2.5 news:
New command "File/New" to create an "empty" image that may be
filled with clipboard pastings, and text additions.
New command "Edit/Add Text", for adding text to images. Choose
text color, font, orientation, positioning and more.
New command "Edit/Redimension" to change an image's dimensions
without altering it's contents.
All commands in the Edit menu now operate on the current selection
area. Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete/Resize/Redimension/Crop/Apply/
Add Text/Flip/Rotate will take effect on the selection area
rather than on the whole editing image.
New top menu item "Retouch" to group all image edition functions
related to image visualization, like "Gamma", "Color Balance",
"GrayScale", etc.
New command "Retouch/Palette Entry" for individual palette entry
color redefinition.
New commands "Options/Drop to: Contact sheet", and
"Options/Contact Sheet Options", allow for automatic construction
of contact sheet images
New command "Options/Background Color" to define the color to
be used when filling empty areas resulting from the execution
of commands like File/New, Edit/Delete, Edit/Cut, etc.
New command "Options/Confirm JPEG GScale Save", will make LView
ask for confirmation whenever saving an image to JPEG format,
with "Options/Jpeg Options/Save Grayscale" set.
New command "Options/Confirm ALL Saves", will make LView ask for
confirmation when "File/Save" is selected.
New command "Options/Thick Area Frame", will select the thickness
for the selected area boundary display.
All treatment of Selection Areas was changed. Areas can now be
detached, moved, and tiled anywhere inside the editing image.
All clipboard commands, and Edit Menu commands in generall
now operate on the selected area, whenever one is selected.
Some color palette bugs were fixed.
Version 2.0 news:
New commands "File/Print", "File/Printer setup...", "Options/Printer
Options", and new option "Options/Drop to: Printer", allow for
printing images interactively or in batch.
New command Edit/Interactive RGB, allows the user to define mappings
for Red, Green and Blue pixel components. These mappings can be
defined either by "drawing" their curves, or by specifying a
calculation Function. Red, Green and Blue can be edited separately.
New command "Edit/GrayScale" to transform, after confirmation, any
loaded image from color to grayscale representation.
New command "Edit/Negative" to transform, after confirmation, any
loaded image from to negative representation, like on a film negative.
New command "Edit/YCbCr Adjustment" to edit an image in terms of
it's Y, Cb and Cr attributes.
Y - edits image Intensity,
Cb - balances Blue and Yellow
Cr - balances Red and Green
New command "Options/Use system colors:", allows LView to use all
palette entries, including the "system colors" (used by windows
for menus, etc). Works when viewing images in 8-bit mode.
"Use system colors:" can be set to:
"Never" - To avoid remaping Window's system colors (default),
"While focused" - To remap system colors only while LView is focused.
New command "Options/Place window at:", to provide automatic window
repositioning after loading an image from the disk, pasting from the
clipboard or cropping.
"Place window at:" can be set to:
"Same" - Window will not move (default),
"Left&Top" - Places window at desktop's upper left corner,
"Left&Bottom" - Places window at lower left corner,
"Right&Top" - Places window at upper right corner,
"Right&Bottom" - Places window at lower right corner, and,
"Center" - Window is centered on desktop.
New command "Options/Fit on load:", to provide automatic "Fitting"
for images loaded from the disk and pasted from the clipboard.
This command produces the same effect as loading the image and
then choosing "Edit/Resize/Fit to desktop", with "Preserve aspect
ratio. It automates this operation and works during slideshow
To change image size on load, "Fit on load:" can be set to:
"Never" - Image size is not changed (default),
"to Shrink" - changed if smaller than desktop fit,
"to Enlarge" - changed if larger than desktop fit, and,
"Always" - always changed to fit the desktop.
-> This option will also work during batch compression. Unless
you want a resizing performed prior to compression, turn it
off before beginning a batch compression operation.
Added accelerator key support for the following functions:
Window client area scrolling (also work when selecting an area):
HOME - scrolls one page to the left
END - scrolls one page to the right
PGUP - scrolls one page up
PGDN - scrolls one page down
UP ARROW - scrolls one line up
DOWN ARROW - scrolls one line down
LEFT ARROW - scrolls one row to the left
RIGHT ARROW - scrolls one row to the right
Common functions, also available in menu items:
SHIFT+DEL - same as Edit/Cut
CTR+INS - same as Edit/Copy
SHIFT+INS - same as Edit/Paste
CTR+DEL - same as Edit/Delete
CTR+S - same as Options/Place window at:/Same
CTR+HOME - same as Options/Place window at:/Left&Top
CTR+END - same as Options/Place window at:/Left&Bottom
CTR+PGUP - same as Options/Place window at:/Right&Top
CTR+PGDN - same as Options/Place window at:/Right&Bottom
CTR+C - same as Options/Place window at:/Center
CTR+R - same as Edit/Resize
Menu items and shortcut keys were redefined for organizational
In the event of a read error or image inconsistensy, LView will
preserve any part of the image already read. Even if the user
interrupts the loading of an image, what was read so far will
be available and exhibited. This works for all supported image
Algorithm for "Edit/Contrast Enhance" was improved.
When loading a file, LView will try to recognize it's format,
regardless of what the file extension is.
When saving a file with the "File/Save as" command, LView will
save the file in a format compatible with it's extension,
regardless of the selected file type selected on the
"Save File as" Dialog:
.jpg for JPEG format
.bmp/.dib for Windows and OS/2 formats
.gif for GIF format
.tga for TARGA format
If the file extension is none of the above, LView will use the
format chosen on the "file type" field on the "Save File as"
LView will exhibit only the initial letter for it's Main menu items
(e.g. "File" will be become "F"), when viewing small images. This
is to reduce ocurrences of menu wrapping.
'...' were added to menu items that open dialogs, '!' was added to
menu items that execute automatically (except for the well known
clipboard commands)
Fixed a bug on saving 1 bit Windows/OS2 BMP files.
LView now closes it's help window before exiting.
Version 1.6 news:
New command added: Options/Show Scroll Bars, allows the user to
enable/disable window scrollbars exhibition.
When viewing images with Options/8-bit Bitmap unchecked (i.e. in
24-bit mode), trying to save an image to BMP (Windows or OS/2)
format would make LView 1.5 cause a GPF.
When loading a grayscale JPEG file with Options/8-bit Bitmap
checked, LView 1.5 would cause a GPF. That would not occour
if Options/Jpeg Options/Load GrayScale was set.
If a slideshow was interrupted while loading an image file,
after successfully loading one or more image files, the
File/Save item would not be disabled, and choosing it
would make LView 1.5 cause a GPF.
If the user tried to exit LView 1.5, after an unsuccessfull file
load, due to a file format error, a GPF would occour. This would
not happen if other files were subsequently loaded without errors,
prior to exiting LView 1.5.
When saving certain images to TGA format, a few incorrect horizontal
lines would be generated.
Loading of interlaced GIF files would cause a GPF.
Loading TGA files was sometimes failing to close the file handle,
causing LView 1.5 to run out of file handles.
Exiting LView 1.5 during a slideshow pause (either in manual or
automatic advancement) would cause a GPF.
Version 1.5 news:
Targa image files are now supported, both for loading and saving.
If Options/8-bit Options is set, LView will do a 1 pass quantize with
Floyd-Steinberg dithering, when loading 24-bit targa or BMP
(Windows or OS/2) image files
LView's window can now be maximized. Auto resizing will be disabled while
LView's window remains maximized.
New command 'Delete' in the File menu. If confirmed it will delete
the last loaded or saved filename.
New command 'Gamma Correction' in the Edit menu. Gamma correction can be
applied to Red, Green and Blue pixel attributes.
The Load Grayscale option in the Options/Jpeg Options dialog
performs a faster load for Jpeg files suited for previewing.
'Fit to desktop' option added to the Edit/Resize dialog. Also in this
dialog, when altering one dimension the other will be recalculated
and exhibited, if 'Keep aspect rate' is checked.
When copying to the clipboard, LView will copy only the selected area,
if existant, instead of the whole image.
Auto scroll function (when selecting an area)
The image now scrolls at a constant pace of 1/8 of the client area size
The image now continues to scroll as long as the mouse pointer stays
outside the window, even if it doesn't move.
File loading/saving operations and drag-and-drop operations (like
slideshow and batch compression), can now be canceled by clicking
the on the status indicator shown at the menu bar area. You will be
prompted for a confirmation.
BEWARE that canceling a save operation will cause the LOSS of
the file being saved.
LView can now be terminated anytime during it's execution. If a
operation such as file load/save or drag-drop is taking place,
you will be prompted to confirm it's cancelation.
LView's dialogs for image attributes editing (HSV, Color Balance, Contrast
and the new Gamma Correction) were redesigned to a more compact format.
An 'Exec' Button was added to the Color Balance dialog, to allow for
individual settings for Red, Green and Blue offsets before execution,
when the display is in 24-bit color mode.
In the Jpeg Options dialog, the sampling factor options were replaced by
h2v2 and h2v1, according to Jpeg terminology. These are 'advanced'
options, and changing the default h2v2 to h2v1 will produce larger
compressed files, with some gain in image quality.
The auto-resize algorithm was rewritten and minor bugs were corrected
including the scrollbar ranges.