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à 3.4ïTranslating and solving word problems.
äïPlease translate and solve the following word problems.
âïIf 6 is added to a number and this sum is trippled, the result
êïis 2 less than the number.
3(x + 6) = x - 2êï┌> 2x + 18 = -2êè ┌> 1ê1
3x + 18 = x - 2êè│ï2x+18+(-18) = -2+(-18) │ï─∙(2x) = ─∙(-20)
3x - x + 18 = x - x - 2ï│ï2x + 0 = -20êè │ï2ê2
2x + 18 = 0 - 2 ─────────┘ï2x = -20 ──────────────┘ïx = -10
To solve a word problem you must first identify the unknown in the
written description of the problem. Second, translate a written sentence
involving the unknown into a numerical equation, and finally solve the
In the example the unknown is identified as "a number" and is
assigned the letter "x".ïThe phrases "six is added to a number" and
"two less than the number" are translated as x+6 and x-2.ïThe sentence
is then translated into a numerical equation, 3(x + 6) = x - 2, and
solved to give x = -10.
Let x be the unknown that is being described in the problem.ïNext, find
an equation involving the unknown.
1ïIf 4 is multiplied times the sum of a number and 6, the
êè result is 28 less the number.ïWhat is the number?
êêê 4
ë A)ï6ê B) ─ê C) -4êD) å of the above
êêê 5
üêêèLet x be the number.
êïtranslationè4(x + 6) = 28 - x
êêêï4x + 24 = 28 - x
êêêï5x + 24 = 28êë 4
êêêï5x = 4ï──────────>ïx = ─
êêêêêêë 5
2ïIn an opinion survey, twenty more people voted yes than voted
êè no.ïIf there were a total of 78 votes tabulated, how many
êè voted no?
ê A)ï34êB)ï29ë C)ï62ë D) å of the above
üèLet x be the number
êïwho voted NO.êx + (x + 20) = 78êè1ê 1
êêêê 2x + 20 = 78êë┌> ─∙(2x) = ─∙(58)
êïx + 20 voted YESè 2x + 20 - 20 = 78 - 20ï│ï2ê 2
êêêê 2x + 0 = 58êë │
êêêê 2x = 58 ────────────────┘ïx = 29 voted NO
3ïA sixteen foot board is cut into two pieces.ïThe first piece
êè is twice as long as the second.ïHow long is the second?
êè 1
ë A)ï5─êB)ï6êC)ï9êD) å of the above
êè 3
ü Let x be the length of the second, 2x is the length of the first.
êThe length of the first is added to the second giving the total
êlength. Thus x + 2x = 16.êêë 16
êêêêê 3x = 16,è x = ──
êêêêêêêè 3
êè The second piece is five and one-third feet long.
êè The sum of the interior angles of any triangle adds up to 180
êdegrees. If the first angle is twice the third and the second
êis three times the third, what is the measure of the third?
ê A)ï80êB)ï50ë C)ï30ë D) å of the above
ü Let x be the third angle, 2x is the first angle, and 3x is the
êsecond angle.ïSince their sum is 180,
êêêë x + 2x + 3x = 180
êêêêê 6x = 180
êêêêêïx = 30
êThe measure of the third angle is 30.
5ïA mixture contains 5 times as much of the first ingredient as
êè the second.ïIf the mixture contains 42 ounces of ç two
êè ingredients altogether, how much of the second ingredient is
êè present?
ê A)ï7ê B)ï6êC)ï18ë D) å of the above
Let x be the amount of the second ingredient.ï┌>ïx + 5x =42
5x is the amount of the first ingredient.ë │è6x = 42
Since their sum is the total,êêè │è1ê 1
ë x + 5x = 42 ─────────────────────────────┘è─∙(6x) = ─∙(42)
êêêêêêêï6ê 6
ëTheir are 7 ounces of the second ingredientèx = 7
6ïBob is 4 years older than Sue.ïThe sum of their ages is 42.
êè How old is Bob?
ê A)ï18êB)ï26ë C)ï23ë D) å of the above
ü If x is Bob's age, then x - 4 is Sue's age.ïThe sum is 42.
êêêë x + (x - 4) = 42
êêêë 2x - 4 = 42
êêêë 2x - 4 + 4 = 42 + 4
êêêë 2x + 0 = 46
êêêë 2x = 46
è Bob's age is 23.êx = 23
êè Bill had $12 more than Jeff.ïJeff had $15 less than Mark.
êè If they had a total of 75 dollars, how much did Jeff have?
êA)ï16êB)ï24ë C)ï32ë D) å of the above
ü Let x be the amount Jeff has.ëx + (x + 12) + (x + 15) = 75
êx + 12 is the amount Bill has.è (x + x + x) + (12 + 15) = 75
êx + 15 is the amount Mark has.è 3x + 27 = 75
êêêêêë 3x + 27 - 27 = 75 - 27
êêêêêë 3x = 48
êêêJeff had $16.êx = 16