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àï5.1ïSolutions of Linear Equations
äèPlease determine if the given ordered pair is a solution
êê of the given equation.
êêêè x + 2y = 7,è(3,2)
è Sinceè3 + 2∙2 = 7,ïthe ordered pair, (3,2) is a solution.
éS To determine whether the ordered pair, (5,3),ïis a solution
ê of the equation,ï3x - 2y = 9, you should substitute '5' in
ê for 'x' and '3' in for 'y'.
êêêê3x - 2y = 9
êêêë3∙5 - 2∙3 = 9
ê Then perform the operations and simplify each side.
êêêë15 - 6 = 9
êêêêè9 = 9
êèA true sentence implies that (5,3) is a solution.
1è Determine if one of the following ordered pairs
êë is a solution of 2x - 3y = 8.
êïA)ï(1,-2)è B)ï(7,3)è C)ï(-1,2)è D)ïå of ç
üë The ordered pair (1,-2) is a solution ofï2x - 3y = 8.
êêêêï2x - 3y = 8
êêêë2∙1 - 3(-2) = 8
êêêêè 2 + 6 = 8
êêêêê 8 = 8
2è Determine if one of the following ordered pairs is a
êë solution of -4x + 7y = 15.
êïA)ï(3,2)è B)ï(-4,5)è C)ï(-2,1)è D) å of ç
üèThe ordered pair (-2,1) is a solution of -4x + 7y = 15.
êêêê-4x + 7y = 15
êêêï-4(-2) + 7(1) = 15
êêêêè8 + 7 = 15
êêêêë 15 = 15
3è Determine if one of the folloing ordered pairs is
êë is a solution of x - 4 = 0.
êïA)ï(0,4)è B)ï(4,12)è C)ï(1,4)è D)ïå of ç
üè The ordered pair (4,12) is a solution of x - 4 = 0.
êêêê x - 4 = 0
êêêê 4 - 4 = 0
êêêêë0 = 0
äèPlease complete the given ordered pair for the
êê given equation.
âêêï(2,?),è2x + 3y = 10
êêêè 2∙2 + 3y = 10
êêêë 4 + 3y = 10
êêë 4 + (-4) + 3y = 10 + (-4)
êêêêè3y = 6
êêêêè y = 2ê Answer (2,2)
éSïTo complete the ordered pair (2,?) for the equation,
êï2x + 3y = 10, substitute the 2 in for x in the equation.
êêêê2∙2 + 3y = 10
êè Then solve the equation for the remaining variable, y.
êêêë 4 + 3y = 10
êêë 4 + (-4) + 3y = 10 + (-4)
êêêêè3y = 6
êêêêè y = 2
êèFinally, place this value in the y-coordinate of the
êèordered pair.ïThe solution is (2,2).
4è Complete the ordered pair, (3,?), for the equation
êë 3x + 4y = 21.
êèA)ï(3,3)è B)ï(3,6)èC)ï(3,-4)è D)ïå of ç
üêêè The solution is (3,3).
êêêê3x + 4y = 21
êêêë 3∙3 + 4y = 21
êêêê 9 + 4y = 21
êêê 9 + (-9) + 4y = 21 + (-9)
êêêêë4y = 12
êêêêë y = 3
5êè Complete the ordered pair (-3,?)
êêë for the equationï2x - 3y = 6.
ê A)ï(-3,2)è B)ï(-3,7)è C)ï(-3,-4)è D)ïå of ç
üêêèThe solution is (-3,-4).
êêêê 2x - 3y = 6
êêêë2(-3) - 3y = 6
êêêê -6 - 3y = 6
êêêè -6 + 6 - 3y = 6 + 6
êêêêë-3y = 12
êêêêêy = -4
6è Complete the ordered pair (?,5) for the equation
êë 5x - 3y = 15.
êïA)ï(-2,5)è B)ï(6,5)è C)ï(4,5)è D)ïå of ç
üêêè The solution is (6,5).
êêêê5x - 3y = 15
êêêë5x - 3(5) = 15
êêêê5x - 15 = 15
êêêï5x - 15 + 15 = 15 + 15
êêêêë5x = 30
êêêêë x = 6
äè Please complete the table of values for the given
âêë2x - 3y = 9,êx│ 0│ ?│ 3
If x is 0,ë If y is 0,êëy│ ?│ 0│ ?è If x is 3,
2∙0 - 3y = 9è 2x - 3∙0 = 9êêêè2∙3 - 3y = 9
ë- 3y = 9êè2x = 9êêêë6 - 3y = 9
ê y = -3êèx = 9/2êêêë -3y = 3
ê (0,-3)êè(9/2,0)êêêê y = -1 (3,-1)
êè To complete the table of values ,ïx│ 0│ ?│ 3
êêêêêêè ─┼──┼──┼──
êêêêêêè y│ ?│ 0│ ?
For the given equation, 2x - 3y = 9, first substitute '0' in for 'x' and
solve for y.
êêêè2∙0 - 3∙y = 9
êêêêï-3y = 9
êêêêè y = 3
êè Next substitute '0' in for y and solve for x.
êêêë2x - 3∙0 = 9
êêêêè 2x = 9
êêêêëx = 9/2
êè Then substitute '3' in for x and solve for y.
êêêê2∙3 - 3∙y = 9
êêêêè6 - 3y = 9
êêêè6 + (-6) - 3y = 9 + (-6)
êêêêë -3y = 3
êêêêê y = -3
Finally place ç values in the table of values.èx│ 0│9/2│ 3
êêêêêêêè ─┼──┼───┼──
êêêêêêêè y│-3│ 0 │-1
7è Complete the table of values,ê x│ 0│ ?│ 4
êë for the equation 2x -4y = 6.êï─┼──┼──┼──
êêêêêêê y│ ?│ 0│ ?
ïA)èx│ 0ï│ 3│ 4ëB)èx│ 0│ 2│ 4è C)èx│ 0│ 3│ 4ë D)ïå
ê─┼────┼──┼───êï─┼──┼──┼──êï─┼──┼──┼──êè of
êy│-3/2│ 0│1/2êïy│ 0│ 0│ 1êïy│ 5│ 0│ 4êèç
üê2∙0 -4y = 6ë 2∙x - 4∙0 = 6êè2∙4 - 4y = 6
êêè-4y = 6êë 2x = 6êë8 - 4y = 6
êêëy = -3/2êè x = 3ë8 + (-8) - 4y = 6 + (-8)
─────────────────────────────────┐êêê -4y = -2
The completedïx│ 0ï│ 3│ 4ë │êêêê1
table isê─┼────┼──┼───ë│êêêèy = ─
êê y│-3/2│ 0│1/2ë│êêêê2
8è Complete the table of values,èx│ 0│ ?│ 1
êë for the equation 5x - 6y = 30.ï─┼──┼──┼──
êêêêêêèy│ ?│ 0│ ?
ïA)èx│ 0│ 6│ 1ëB)èx│ 0│ 6│ 1êC)èx│ 5│ 0│ 1ëD)ïå
êy│ 5│ 0│ 3êèy│-5│ 0│-25/6êïy│ 0│-3│-3êïç
üè 5∙0 - 6y = 30ë5x - 6∙0 = 30êï5∙1 - 6y = 30
êê -6y = 30êè 5x = 30êè 5 - 6y = 30
êêèy = -5êëx = 6ë5 + (-5) - 6y = 30 + (-5)
──────────────────────────────┐êêêè-6y = 25
The completedïx│ 0│ 6│ 1ë│êêêêè 25
table isê─┼──┼──┼─────ï│êêêëy = - ──
êê y│-5│ 0│-25/6ï│êêêêë6
9è Complete the table of values,èx│ 0│ 4│-1
êë for the equationèy = 4.ê─┼──┼──┼──
êêêêêêèy│ ?│ ?│ ?
ïA)èx│ 0│ 4│-1ëB)èx│ 0│ 4│-1è C)èx│ 0│ 4│-1ë D)ïå
ê─┼──┼──┼──êè─┼──┼──┼──êï─┼──┼──┼──êè of
êy│ 4│ 4│ 4êèy│ 0│ 0│ 0êïy│ 4│ 0│-1êèç
êè The y - value is, 4, for each x - value in the table.
êê The completed table isèx│ 0│ 4│-1
êêêêêëy│ 4│ 4│ 4
10è Complete the table of values,èx│ ?│ ?│ ?
êêfor the equation x = -3.ê ─┼──┼──┼──
êêêêêêè y│ 0│ 3│-2
ïA)èx│ 0│ 0│ 0ëB)èx│-3│-3│-3è C)èx│ 3│ 0│-2ë D)ïå
ê─┼──┼──┼──êè─┼──┼──┼──êï─┼──┼──┼──êè of
êy│ 0│ 3│-2êèy│ 0│ 3│-2êïy│ 0│ 3│-2êèç
êè The x - value is, -3, for each y - value in the table.
êê The completed table isèx│-3│-3│-3
êêêêêëy│ 0│ 3│-2