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à 4.5èAdverb or Adjective?
ä:èIn the sentences in the Example, underline the adverbs.
#âS:êïCharlie worked ╕fast╗.
#êêè Jonah was a ╕fast╗ learner.
#êêè ╕Daily╗, I discover how good a person you are.
#êêè They gave him a ╕daily╗ dose of medicine.
ëThe most confusing circumstances in identifying adverbs and
adjectives occur when one word can be used either as an adjective
or an adverb--depending on what the grammatical function of the
word is.ïThe best way to distinguish between an adjective and an ad-
verb is to remember the purpose of each part of speech: an adjective
#identifies a noun or a pronoun and answers the question ╖Which one╗╖?
#╖What kind? How many? How much?╗ïAn adverb modifies a verb, an adjec-
#tive, or another adverb.ïThe questions adverbs answer are ╖how? when?
#╖where? ╗and ╖to what extent╗?
# 1.èIn which one of the following sentences is the word ╖long
used as an adverb?
#A)ïThe long spike went right through the bale of hay.êê ╗
B)ïThey put in many long hours.
C)ïThe bricklayer stayed in the sun too long.
#è ╢Long╗ in the third sentence is used as an adverb because it mod-
#ifies the verb form ╢stayed╗ and answers the question, To what extent
#was the worker overexposed to the sun?ïIn the other sentences, ╖long╗
#is an adjective identifying the noun ╖spike╗ and the noun ╖hours╗ and
#answering the question ╖What kind╗?
# 2.èIn which one of the following sentences is the word ╖yearly
used as an adverb?
A)ïShe paid her yearly dues on time.
B)ïWe vacation yearly at the beach.
C)ïMy yearly allowance should be increased.
#ëIn the second sentence ╢yearly╗ is an adverb modifying the verb
#╢vacation╗ and answering the question, When do the people take their
#outing at the ocean?ïIn the other sentences, ╖yearly╗ is an adjective
#modifying the nouns ╖dues╗ and ╖allowance╗ and answering the question
#╖What kind╗╖?
ä:èUnderline any of the sentences in the Example that
contain an adverb correctly used.
âS:êè The boy felt bad about that.
êêë The boy felt badly about that.
#êêë He goes slow.ï╕╗
#êêë ╕He goes ╖║slowly╗.
êêë He did good.
#êêë ╕He did ║well╗.
#╕╕╗éS Because an adjective can not modify a verb, putting an ad-
jective in a grammatical context where it is supposedly modifying a
#verb is inappropriate.ïFor example, in╖ He goes slow, slow╗ is an
adjective.ïWhat we need in this context is an adverb to modify the
#verb form ╖goes╗ and correctly answer the adverbial question ╖How╗?
#Adding an ╖ly╗ to ╖slow╗ will create the adverb ╖slowly╗, the proper
choice.ïWhen a predicate adjective is needed, it is inappropriate to
#insert an adverb.ïIn ╖The boy felt badly about that╗, badly is an ad-
verb, but what is needed is a predicate adjective to identify the boy's
#feelings.ï╖Bad╗, an adjective, is the proper replacement for ╖badly╗.
Sometimes a totally different adjective is incorrectly used instead of
#an adverb.ïIn ╖He did good╗, the adjective ╖good╗ is inappropriate be-
#cause we need an adverb to modify the verb form ╖did╗ and answer the
#adverbial question ╖How╗?ïSubstitute the adverb ╖well╗ for ╖good╗ to
correct the problem.
3.èWhich one of the following sentences contains the correct
use of an adverb?
A)ïShe plays good at the piano.
B)ïHe listens well in class.
C)ïThey are a good pair.
#ü ╢Well ╗is correctly used as an adverb.ïIt modifies the verb ╢
#╢listens╗, answering the question ╢To what extent╗╢╗╢?ï╗The adjective ╖
#╖good ╗in the first sentence is incorrect: what is needed is an adverb
#╖╗like ╖well ╗to modify the verb form ╖plays╗.ïRemember that adjectives
#do not modify verbs.ïThe adjective ╖good╗ in the last sentence is used
#properly.ïThere it modifies the noun ╖pair╗.
4.èWhich one of the following sentences contains the correct
use of an adverb?
A)ïIs it true that they went slow?
B)ïThe slow bicycle almost fell over.
C)ïThe surgeons operated slowly.
#ë╢Slowly ╗is correctly used as an adverb modifying the verb form
#╢operated╗.ïIn the first sentence ╖slow╗ is an adjective.ïBut as an
#adjective, it is unable to modify the verb form ╖went╗.ïSo what is
#needed is the adverb ╖slowly╗.ïIn the second sentence, ╖slow╗ as an ad-
#jective is correctly used to modify the noun ╖bicycle.
5.èWhich one of the following sentences contains the correct
use of an adverb?
A)ïThe coconut tasted bad.
B)ïThe onion smelled badly.
C)ïHe was badly hurt at the Daytona 500.
#ü ╢Badly╗ in the last sentence is a correctly used adverb.ïIt
#modifies the adjective ╢hurt╗, answering the adverbial question ╢To
#╢what extent╗?ï╖Badly╗╗ in the second sentence doesn't function prop-
#erly as an adverb because the predicate adjective ╖bad╗ is needed
#here to refer to the noun ╖onion╗ through the linking verb form ╖smell-
#╖ed╗.ïIn the first sentence, the predicate adjective ╖bad╗ is properly
#used after the linking verb form ╖tasted╗. Even though it may be logical
to say that an adverbial situation exists in this sentence because the
question How does the coconut taste? is answered, because taste is a
linking verb, it must take a predicate adjective, not an adverb.