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à 7.2èAgreement With Prepositional Phrases
ä:èIn the sentences in the Example, underline the ones in
which the subject and verb agree.
#âS:è╗Every one of the pamphlets give misinformation.
#êë╕The standards for the production of the play in the newly
#êë╕constructed theater are high╗.
#╗êëThe people with the pointed heads and fat bellies was in a
#êë╕The deer in the fields run wild.
#êë╗╕Most of the drink is sour.
éS Whether an object of a preposition is singular or plural rarely
has any influence on a verb's agreement with its subject. If the subject
is singular and the object of the preposition between it and the verb is
plural, the verb will be singular, agreeing with the subject, not the
#object of the preposition.ïFor example, in ╖Your appetite for elaborate
#╖desserts never ceases╗, the fact that ╖desserts╗, the object of the
#preposition ╖for╗, is plural does not influence the relationship between
#the subject and the verb.ïThe third person singular subject ╖appetite╗
#requires a third person singular verb form, as in ╖ceases.ï╗The same
applies if the subject is plural and the object of the preposition is
singular: the verb will be plural, agreeing with the subject.ïFor ex-
#ample, in ╖The chapters in the book seem too lengthy, ╗because book, ╗
the object of the preposition in, is singular, it does not change the
#fact that the plural subject ╖chapters╗ requires a plural verb form, as
#is ╖seem.ï╗Note that the indefinite pronouns ╖each, each one, ╖╗and
#╖every╖one ╗are always singular, despite what your common sense may tell
#you.ïFor example in ╖Every one of the poles looks crooked╗, it seems
#that a plural verb would be necessary not because of ╖poles╗, the object
#of the preposition, but because the subject ╖every one ╗itself indicates
#more than one item is involved. åtheless, ╖every one╗ ╗is considered
to be third person singular and thus must take a third person singular
#verb form in the present tense, as is ╖looks.
There are some exceptions to the rule about prepositions having no
influence over subject-verb agreement.ïIf you have as a subject an
#indefinite pronoun like ╖most, much, some, none, ╗or ╖any, ╗whether or
not such an indefinite pronoun requires a singular or plural verb de-
pends on the object of the preposition.ïFor example, if a sentence
#begins with ╖none of the fences, ╗because ╖fences╗ is plural, ╖none ╗
#becomes plural, requiring a plural verb form like ╖are╗, as in ╖å of
#╖the fences are broken.ï╗On the other hand, if a sentence begins with
#╖one of the basket, ╗because ╖basket╗ is the third person singular, ╖
#╖none ╗becomes third person singular, and a third person singular verb
#like ╖was ╗is required to agree with ╖none╗, as in ╖å of the basket
#╖was visible.ï╗Another exception to the rule that prepositions do not
#influence subject-verb agreement involves nouns like ╖deer ╗and ╖sheep ╗
that could be singular or plural, depending on the context of the sen-
#tence.ïFor instance, if a sentence begins with ╖the sheep in the
#╖pastures╗, there must be more than one sheep referred to because one
sheep can't be in more than one pasture at a time.ïTherefore because
#╖pastures ╗is plural, ╖sheep ╗is plural, requiring a plural verb like ╖
#╖grow╗, as in the sentence ╖The sheep in the pastures grow restless.
1.èWhich one of the following sentences contains subject-verb
agreement in the present tense?
A)ïEach of the barracks is spotless.
B)ïEach one of the flags remain creased.
C)ïThe children in the basement deserves more food.
#üï╢Each of the barracks is spotless ╗is an example of subject-verb
#agreement.ï╢Each╗, the subject, is an indefinite pronoun that is always
third person singular, thus requiring a third person singular verb form,
#as is ╢is╗.ïIn another sentence, ╖each one, ╗the subject, is an in-
definite pronoun that is always third person singular.ïIts verb should
#also be third person singular.ïThus ╖remain╗, which is not a third per-
son singular verb form, needs to be changed to the third person singular
#verb form ╖remains.ï╗In the remaining sentence, ╖basement╗, the object
#of the preposition ╖in╗, has no bearing on subject-verb agreement.ïThe
#plural subject ╖children ╗requires a plural verb form.ïTherefore, ╖
#╖deserves╗, a third person singular verb form, must be changed to the
#third person plural verb form ╖deserve╗.
2.èWhich one of the following sentences contains subject-verb
agreement in the present tense?
A)ïEvery one of the barrels appear solid.
B)ïMost of the box seals well.
C)ïSome of the weasels finds the underground well.
#üè╢Most of the box seals well ╗has proper agreement between the
#subject ╢most╗ and the verb form ╢has╗.ïBecause ╢box╗, the object of
#the preposition ╢of╗, is third person singular, ╢most╗, one of the in-
definite pronouns that could be singular or plural, becomes third person
#singular.ï╢Most ╗thus requires a third person singular verb form, as is
#╢seals╗.ïIn another sentence, the subject ╖every one╗, an indefinite
#pronoun, is always third person singular.ïThus its verb ╖appear╗, which
#is not in third person singular, needs to be changed to ╖appears╗, which
is a third person singular form.ïIn the remaining sentence, there is
#also no subject-verb agreement.ïBecause ╖weasels╗, the object of the
#preposition ╖of╗, is plural, ╖some╗, an indefinite pronoun that could be
#singular or plural, becomes plural.ï╖Some╗, therefore requires a plural
#verb form.ï╖Finds╗, a third person singular verb form, must be thus re-
#placed by the plural verb ╖find╗.
3.èWhich one of the following sentences contains subject-verb
agreement in the present tense?
A)ïThe spectators in the arena becomes furious.
B)ïthe volunteer with red buttons and long banners approach soon.
C)ïThe deer in the forests are now very hungry.
#üè╢The deer in the forests are now very hungry ╗demonstrates
#subject-verb agreement.ï╢Forests╗, the object of the preposition ╢in╗,
#indicates that more than one deer is involved.ïTherefore, ╢deer╗ is a
#plural╗ noun that correct takes the plural verb form ╕are╗.ïIn another
#sentence, ╖arena╗, the object of the preposition ╖in╗, has no influence
#on subject-verb agreement. ╖Spectators ╗is plural, requiring a plural
#verb form.ï╖Becomes╗, however, is a third person singular verb form
#not agreeing with its subject.ï╖Becomes ╗should be replaced by the
#third person verb ╖become╗.ïIn the remaining sentence, ╖buttons ╗and
#╖banners╗, the direct object of the preposition ╖with╗, do not influence
#subject-verb agreement. ╖Volunteer╗ is a third person singular noun
#requiring a third person singular verb. The verb form ╖approach╗,
however, is not in the third person singular.ïThus there is no
#subject-verb agreement.ïChange ╖approach ╗to the third person singular
#verb form ╖approaches╗.
4.èWhich one of the following sentences contains subject-verb
agreement in the present tense?
A)ïMuch of the financial news encourage me.
B)ïEach of the roads lead to a dead end.
C)ïThe soap scum in the bathtub harden.
#üèå of ç sentences have subject-verb agreement.ïIn ╖Much
#╖of the financial news encourage me╗, the third person singular noun
#╖news╗, the object of the preposition ╖of╗, makes ╖much╗, an indefinite
#pronoun that could be singular or plural, singular.ï╖Much╗, therefore,
#requires a third person singular verb.ïBut ╖encourage ╗is not a third
#person singular verb form.ïIn another sentence, ╖roads╗, the object of
#the preposition ╖of╗, has no influence on subject-verb agreement.ïThe
#third person singular indefinite pronoun ╖each╗ is always singular,
#requiring a third person singular verb.ï╖Lead╗, however, is not a third
#person singular verb form.ïIn the remaining sentence, ╖bathtub╗, the
#object of the preposition ╖in╗, has no influence on subject-verb
#agreement.ïThe third person singular noun ╖scum╗ requires a third per-
#son singular verb.ï╖Harden╗, however, is not a third person singular
#form.ïIn all of ç cases, an ╖s ╗should be added to the verb.