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NewDIR, Version 1.77
The Ultimate Directory Program
Written by:
Daniel D. Miller
931 S. Clover Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
This program, NDIR.EXE, and its associated utilities are hereby released
to the public domain, though I retain the copyrights on them. Please
feel free to distribute it on bulletin boards and to anyone who seems
like they might like it.
NDIR.EXE - The directory lister.
This version provides the following modifications:
- A modified NO-SORT option (-z) is now implemented.
I say "modified", because it will only work on a straight,
single filespec search. If you ask for NDIR -Z *.TXT *.DOC,
it won't work right. However, since this is usually used
for looking at an entire directory, that should be fine.
Let me know if it's not, for some reason.
- Some obscure bugs were fixed in file exclusion handling.
- Some obscure bugs were fixed in duplicate-filespec handling.
- The directory-tree display has been widened, so that
directories larger than 100 megabytes now display correctly.
- The directory-tree totals didn't include system/hidden/read-
only files, nor did they include the sizes of the subdirectories.
That's now fixed.
Details are included in the revision file NDIR.HST.
NDIRMOD is a configuration program that allows you to change any of the
NDIR options, permanently, in NDIR.EXE. It also allows you to add to or
delete from the list of extensions which have special colors, as well
as setting these colors.
NDINSTAL is only required if you are upgrading a previous version of
NDIR. It copies your existing configurations from the old version to
the new one, so you won't have to run NDIRMOD every time you upgrade.
If you don't already have a previous version of NDIR, NDINSTAL will rename
NDIRNEW to NDIR for you, or you can do so yourself.
Why I've been so lazy, I can't say, but up until 1992, I've
never had a revision list. I didn't even keep track on my own of
what I changed from version to version!! It's really sad... Anyway,
as of version 1.76, the NDIR distribution now contains a revision
list (NDIR.HST) which tells what I've changed from version to version.
Sorry it took so long.
Here are some of the features of NDIR, a summary of which can be
obtained by typing NDIR -? :
- Full color file display.
- List executable files only (.BAT, .COM, .EXE)
- Full control over display format
(pause-on-full-screen, clear-screen-before-listing,
select number of columns and amount of file info shown).
- File exclusion (list all files EXCEPT *.ult, for example).
- Full directory tree, showing size of current directory
as well as current directories PLUS subdirectories.
- List files separately by extension.
- Show ALL files, including read-only, hidden and system files.
- A separate configuration program, for customizing default options,
as well as all color and extension settings.
- EGA 43-line support (50 lines on VGA).
- A "batch" mode which can assist you in creating batch files.
Functions that are NOT supported (because I ran out of time before other
projects developed), but may be added if interest is shown, are:
- Support for global subdirectories; i.e., search for files across all
subdirectories under current default. The framework for implementing
this is in place, but it would take a fair amount of work to finish
it, and I'm waiting to see if anyone cares.
- Ability to search for files with only a certain attribute or combination
of attributes.
- Sort directory TREE listing by dir name or directory size.
- Anything else that I didn't think of, and nobody's requested.
WHO ARE YOU ? ? (who-who. who-who.)
I am an Electronic Engineer, living near San Jose, CA. My professional
orientation is digital circuit design, but I have a strong interest in
computer science, with professional experience with BASIC, PASCAL, C,
numerous assemblers, and DBASE III (don't laugh).
NDIR, NDIRMOD, and NDINSTAL were written in BORLAND C++ Version 2.0,
with assistance from the excellent CXL extended libraries.
These excellent libraries, unfortunately, are no longer available
from the original author, and the TCXL libraries which replaced CXL,
under new ownership, haven't been very reliable for me, so I've
stayed with CXL. I am also gradually converting over to the
SpontaneousAssembly libraries, which explains the small drop in
file size from previous versions.
If anyone has suggestions for anything else that you think should be in
this program, please mail them to me at the address below. If you really
like NDIR, a contribution of $10 or so would be appreciated.
Source code is no longer available because of my heavy reliance on
external libraries, which I cannot provide source for.
NDIR Command-Line switches
This is a list of the command-line switches supported by NDIR.
This list can also be obtained by typing 'NDIR /?'
USAGE: NDIR <filespecs> -options or /options !<exclusions>
NOTE: items with a * after the flag are TOGGLES
-x * List executables only (.EXE,.COM,.BAT). off
-a * List ALL files (hidden, system, read-only, etc.). ON
-c * Clear screen before listing. ON
-p * Pause on full screen. off
-d * Display directory TREE. off
-e Sort by extension. ON
-n " by name. off
-s " by file size, smallest first. off
-t " by Date, oldest first. off
-r * Reverse normal sort order. off
-1,-l Display one column, with name/size/date/attr. off
-2 " two " , with name/size/date. off
-4 " four " , with name/size. ON
-6 " six " , with name only. off
-? " HELP screen. off
-k * Toggle color mode. (non-color mode is redirectable) ON
-j * Use standard ASCII (for redirection). (forces -k) off
-5 * Displays data in 43/50 lines, stay there afterwards. off
-3 * Displays data in 43/50 lines, then return to 25. off
-q * List files separately by extension. off
-u * List filenames in UPPERCASE. off
-v Display registration/update information. off
-g * List directories FIRST. ON
-h * List files horizontally. off
-f * List files only (No directories). off
-b Batch mode; files listed in one column. off
(This format can be redirected to a batch file)
["string" specifies a string BEFORE each filename (Batch mode)
]"string" specifies a string AFTER each filename (Batch mode)
NOTES on using command-line switches:
NDIR's functionality can be modified in three ways:
1. Type NDIR <options> as documented above.
2. Run the NDIRMOD program (supplied with NDIR) to permanently customize
NDIR exactly the way you want it.
3. Use the NDIR ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE to specify NDIR options.
At the DOS prompt, type SET NDIR=-options
This method is convenient when you wish to make temporary, on-the-fly
modifications to NDIR's configuration, without running NDIRMOD.
Order of interpretation for command options:
The environment variable will override any default options in NDIR.EXE.
Options typed on the command line will override both the default options
AND the options in the environment variable.
Notes on using Batch mode (-b) :
The purpose of batch mode is to assist you in creating DOS batch files.
The output from NDIR in batch mode is a single-column list of the
requested filenames, with no other information. This output is written
using BIOS functions, so the output can be redirected to printer or file.
In addition, NDIR provides a method for inserting text before and after
each filename in the listing. The LEFT square bracket ([) is used to
indicate a string PRECEDING each filename. The RIGHT square bracket (])
is used to indicate a string FOLLOWING each filename. This is easy to
remember if you think of the filename enclosed in
square brackets ( [filename] ). Then it's easy to remember which string goes
in front of (filename) and which goes after.
Let's look at some examples of NDIR batch-mode commands.
Assume that the following files are in the current subdirectory;
Here are some sample commands and their outputs:
This will list all BAT files, in single-column, with no other information.
The output looks like:
NDIR -B *.TXT *.DOC ["PRINT " >printit.bat
The output from this command will be a list of all DOC and TXT files,
preceded by "print ", and these lines will be written to a file
called PRINTIT.BAT . The contents of PRINT.BAT will be:
print ndir.doc
print ndir.txt
NDIR -B *.EXE *.BAT ["COPY " ]" B:" >copyexec.bat
This will list all EXE and BAT files, preceded by 'copy ' and followed by ' b:'.
The output of NDIR will be written to COPYEXEC.BAT.
The output:
copy ndinstal.exe b:
copy ndir.exe b:
copy ndirmod.exe b:
copy ndirsrc.bat b:
copy ndirzip.bat b:
copy nupdate.bat b: