3drvs110.zip 3_Drives v1.10: Device driver that allows you@nto add a 3rd Hard Disc Drive to your DOS AT@n(286+) system. Lets you combine MFM, RLL,@nESDI and SCSI drives with the new low-cost@nIDE AT Interface driQff0000000000001f89b3f4
3dsos2fn.arj Fontteja 3D Studioon ja OS/2:een.. Nämä käyvät@nsiis kumpaankin..Qff00000000000020e97e67
4cd2.zip Enhanced 4dos CD utility by David Webb. It@nreads all DIR names on drives/disks into a CD@nbatch. Requires 4dos v5.5+ *Freeware*Qff0000000000641f887824
4dizer10.zip 4DIZER Kätevä ohjelma, joka etsii hakemiston ZIP tiedostoista FILE_ID.DIZ tiedoston ja tekee niistä 4DOSin DESCRIPT.ION tiedoston. Tiedostojen määrällä ei ole rajaa. 4DIZER on MESSUWAREa.(CARDWARE) ByQff000000000066208caa72
4xbtm40.zip 4XBTM Version 4.0@nHuge collection of 53 UTILITIES@ncovering EVERYTHING on you system@nwritten in 4DOS 5.5 BTM language.@nDisk/Dir/File/Megaprompts/Screen/@nClock/Boot/Phone/List/TextSearch/@nCetaloQff0000000000441e8faedc
addc23.zip ADDCOMM v2.3 - Adds banners and large@ncomments to any ZIP or ARJ archive. Used by@nsysops world-wide to automatically add their@nBBS advertisements to archives. Will also@nstrip banners if you don't Qff00000000002e1f89b414
ain22.exe AIN archiver v2.2@nFull-featured archiver AIN, the extracting@nutility AINEXT and the EXE-files compressor@nAINEXE. Compression/extraction methods used@nin the AIN archiver excels noticeably those@nusQff00000000005821565958
animous5.zip ANIMOUSE 5.0 animates Windows mouse cursors@nwith your selections for the arrow, hourglass@nand sizers. Packed with artistically creative@nand amusing designs to choose from. Includes@njumbo cursors tQff0000000000001f588277
arcid112.zip Archive Identifier 1.12 - A utility for@nautomatically identifying ARC ARJ HYP LZH PAK@nSQZ ZIP ZOO GIF and JPG files by SIGNATURE,@nnot extension, including self-extracting@narchives! Tiny and very Qff0000000000001f89b400
arj250a.zip ARJ v2.50a - Official release of the file@narchiver ARJ, which has hundreds of options.@n2.50a fixes wrong password handling. This@nARJ release features the ability to archive@nup to 32,000 files at oQff00000000000021068487
arj255bx.zip ARJ v2.55bx - public ALPHA TEST release@n(export version) of the file archiver ARJ,@nwhich has hundreds of options. This version@nfeatures Win95 long filename support,@nmultiple volume update support,Qff0000000000002106848a
aurora2c.zip AURORA 2.00c - One of the finest text editors@navailable. Blazing speed, superb interface,@nmouse support, very powerful AND easy-to-use.@nHuge capacity to 1 Gigabyte, 16k line length.@nFAST Color synQff0000000000001f89b3f7
bat2com.zip Kääntää BATit COMeiksi@nUploader: StarRayQff0000000000001f5f7696
bat2exe.zip Bat To Exe 1.2 -- the batch file compiler.@nBat2exe reads your ASCII batch file and@nproduces a COM format program that@nperforms the same function as the@noriginal batch file, usually much faster.Qff0000000000001f89b3f9
blab_070.zip BOOMLAB v0.70 COMPLETE Upload Processor for@nPcBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER)@n11/28/95 Age test archive 6 different ways.@nZAP all BBS ads even random ads using@nfilelist, CRC value, or text keQff0000000000001f920739
bootr203.zip BOOT'R v2.03 - DOS Configuration Manager@nBOOT'R is a utility that allows the@nmanagement of multiple configurations on@na single machine. BOOT'R not only allows@nthe modification of the CONFIG.SYS aQff0000000000001cdc1060
boxer600.zip BOXER Text Editor v6.0 - Top Rated! <ASP>@nv6.0 adds 75 New Features & Options: Point &@nClick mouse support in menus, locate differ-@nences automatically in similar files, greatly@nenhanced keyboarQff0000000000001f89b3cd
bwsave.zip BWSave - a simple Blue Wave packet merger.@nConvert save marked messages to one big@nmessage packet like speed qwk reader.Qff00000000000020c4917b
c64asm11.zip C64ASM V1.1 - a Commodore 64 (6510) Assembler Package for PC.@nC64ASM is an assembler for 6510 CPU, but runs on PC.@nSupports local & global symbols, math.expressions,@n.IF, .GOTO, .INCLUDE, .INCBIN,Qff000000000000206f83e0
cexyz100.arj A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol@ndriver from the author of The Blue Wave@nOffline Mail System. Protocols include@nZmodem, 8K Zmodem (ZedZap), Ymodem,@nYmodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem CRC and@nXmodemQff0000000000001f89b3b7
chordm.zip "The Chord Machine"Ver 1.1aQff0000000000001e34aba1
cool152.zip Cool Edit v.1.51 is a waveform editor@nwith features such as: Echo, Flange,@nReverb, Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress,@nBrainwave Synchronizer, Noise Reducer,@nEnvelope, Filter, Distortion, and@nmore. SQff0000000000741f9e78c4
coolstuf.zip Here some little cool stuff ...@nTime37 : show you the time !!!@nrunexe : is like direxe but launch progz@nfconv : convert text-file from and going to unix world@nmcb : show the mcb list with someQff00000000006520816636
cpstimer.zip Sarjaportin nopeusmittari.@nMittaa suurimman mahdollisen nopeuden,@njolla rs-porttia voidaan käyttää.Qff0000000000731ecb6281
cre112.zip Cracker Editor v1.12 Fast and easy to use@nhex-editor for dos. Low memory usage. And@nmany more usable options. From sysreq / WE@n1996 @d1Qff00000000006620d01816
cronct!.zip CronCT/2 v1.10 & CUtil/2 v1.10 Timed Program Execution for OS/2Qff00000000006c208f6b45
cwkit20b.zip Crossword Construction Kit V2.0b <WIN> [ASP]@nfeatures the unique ability to make puzzles@nin fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle@nshapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc)@nwith the ability to Qff000000000020206faeed
dcf51.zip DISK COPY FAST v5.1 : Powerful 1-pass@ndiskette duplication utility. VERY fast.@nSupport DMF, XDF, selected FDFORMAT, 800kb,@nMAC HD and standard formats. Support PS/2.@nCommand line or menu driven; HQff00000000006120519edb
ddir100a.zip *** DDIR 10.0a *** Directory lister, flags@nsystem, hidden and read-only files;@nhighlights new files; shows DOS file size,@ntrue file size and file "dead space". Full@nsort/resort. Delete/copy files,Qff0000000000201e22849b
diz4d117.zip DIZ4DESC v1.17 DIZ/SDI to 4DOS DESCriptions Intelligently extracts descriptions in most any archive and creates reduced and concise 4DOS descriptions with your max # of lines. Will not destroy your cuQff0000000000201d55099d
dized420.zip ======= DIZEDIT version 4.20! ========@nNow you can create and edit your FILE_ID.DIZ@nfile descriptions quickly and easily with@nthis DOS utility! Moveable, Sizeable@nwindows and complete mouse interQff00000000004d1f89b3fb
dizit34.zip DizIt v3.4 -FILE_ID.DIZ Importer Sysops - Stop spending time uploading files into PCBoard with the local upload option, do it via batch processing! Use DizIt to automate the process. DizIt aids the PCQff00000000004d1f89b3b4
dizmake.zip *** DIZMAKE.ZIP * v2.3**********************@nThis very program wrote this FILE_ID.DIZ@nprior to zipping it up! This is exactly what@nit is intended to do! If you write software,@nand get tired of EDIQff00000000005420de1616
dizvue15.zip DIZVIEW 1.5-View file_id.diz from inside ZIPs@nEver wonder just what all those ZIP files@nwere? Now with DIZVIEW you can look at them@nwithout opening every one of them manually!@nDIZVIEW will gather Qff0000000000201f646448
dosmax21.zip DOSMAX 2.1 frees conventional memory by@nloading FILES,FCBS,BUFFERS,LASTDRIV, and@nSTACKS into upper memory, get 628K free with@nyour memory manager. Also load the DOS 5/6@nkernel or COMMAND.COM in a Qff0000000000531ac6aaaa
editfi20.arj Suomenkielinen versio dossin editistä.@nVersio on 2.0.026. Kannattaa imuttaa.Qff000000000076207b9e06
elite12.zip Lobotomy presentS Da eLiTaizeR! 1.2 aRe y0u aN eLiTe D00D WH0Z TiReD 0F WRiTiNG eVeRyTHiN iN eLiTe??? DiZ PR0GRaM iS 4 y0u! iT KHaNGeZ TeXT FiLeZ iNT0 eLiTe LaNGuaGe!! *NeW* iN VeRSi0N 1.2: T0TaL K0NVQff000000000068206e8d52
epu95.zip EaglePlus Utilities III Several productive@nDOS utilities under the same roof, the@npackage includes: CheckCD - Reports CD-ROM@nDrive speed, Destroy - Destroyes floppy@ndisks, DO - The best batch enhaQff00000000000020c80a7b
exe-c.zip Will convert any EXE-File to Sourcecode!@nOnly Programs written in C........[1/1]Qff00000000000020c5b157
ezquote4.zip EZQuote v4 Text Editor for Offline Messages@nFor QWK, XRS, Blue Wave, Silver Express and@nother OLR's, and for GoldEd, timEd, PPoint@nand other msg readers for sysops or points.@nOne window for origiQff00000000000020c869f3
fcmp200.zip FCOMP 2.00 Copyright@nFCOMP is a tool to compare two files, to see if they are differe@nwhere. The files are compared in blocks of 200 bytes.@nFCOMP expects Qff00000000000020c5b160
flip-it.zip Tämä on tälläinen kiwa pikku ohjelma, joka@nkääntää Dossin fontin ylösalaisin.Qff0000000000002084618a
fmagic.zip File Magician V2.0 ! Easily Replaces@nANY File Manager and Winzip type programs!@n169 Configurable Items, 72 Push Buttons,@n22 Functional Menus, Built in Smart Mode,@n26 User defined Program Slots, AQff00000000000020dd1c8d
ge_100.arj GEcho 1.00 for DOSQff00000000000020711c66
goldie.arj Screen saveri wintoosaan. Joku tosi elee kun@noon joskus tän donannu purkista.. ;-).Qff00000000000020dd1c72
gtwin200.zip GUITAR TEACHER 2.00 Windows. Chord database.@nGuitar Teacher is a system for displaying@nguitar-chord diagrams. Features:@n* Supports Sound Blaster, MIDI audio boards@n* 7 chord formulas, 6 alternatiQff0000000000001efe89b9
gusmix11.zip GusMix 1.1 by Toni Nikkanen A useful TSR utility for enabling or disabling line input, output and mic input.Qff0000000000001f277083
gz124_32.zip GZipin joku verssuQff000000000000207d60bb
hdir73.zip Hot Dir 7.3Qff0000000000001d49a983
hedit.zip HEdit v1.2@nHexadecimal editor for binary files.@nUnlimited file size, drag-and-drop,@nbinary and text search, selectable fonts,@nclipboard support, multiple document@ninterface. File Manager extensioQff0000000000001f89b3c0
hiew516.zip Hiew (Hacker's View) 5.16 for DOS & OS/2@nEdit and view files in text, hex and 386@ndisassembler mode. Search of assembler@ncommands: "mov ax,?" looks for "mov ax,di",@n"mov ax,[gs:ebx*4+esp+16000]" aQff00000000000020e9aea1
hpfsds10.zip HPFSDOS 1.00 - HPFS file system for DOS (read only) @d1Qff00000000000020c80aa1
hpfsr16e.zip HPFS read 1.6 English version. Read HPFS@nPartition under real dos. @d1Qff00000000000020c80a35
htmlco20.zip HTMLCon Version 2.0 (June, 1995)@nAn HTM(L) to ASCII Document ConverterQff0000000000001f503393
ico2ans1.zip ICO2ANS v1.00@nICO2ANS is a simple application to convert@nWindows' 3.1 icons to ANSI graphic files.Qff0000000000001f89b3ea
ideslp11.zip -Qff000000000000214f6d00
inkutils.zip -----------> INKUTILS 1.03 <----------@n11 Essential DOS Utilities, including:@nDEDIT - 4DOS/NDOS Description Editor@nwith unique coloured directories and@nimport functions. EE - TSR Popup@nCalculatorQff0000000000002044aa56
jd230.zip JUMP to DIRECROTY@nLaatinut Ari Järmälä,@nversio 2.30@nNäppärä apuohjelma, jolla voi vaihtaa@nhakemistoa mille tahansa osiolle tai@nlevylle kirjoittamalla pelkästään@nmuutaman merkin mistä tahansa kohQff00000000000020bb6126
jumpdir.zip Jump Directories v1.11 - The best replacement@nfor the "cd" command. Shareware.Qff00000000000020c80a7d
lha255b.zip LHA 2.55B - a new version of the famous@nLHA archiver/dearchiver. Contains mostly@nJapanese docs, but also has the exe and@nsome documentation in English. @d2Qff0000000000001f89b408
lkamu11.zip LEVYKAMU 1.1: Ehdottomasti parhaan tiedosto-ohjelman uusi paranneltu versio. Kopioi, siirtää, poistaa alihakemistoi- neen. Win95-pitkät nimet, tiedostonkat- selu, tulostus, formatointi, tiedoston/ hakQff000000000000209c1033
magnaram.zip MagnaRAM Disk 1/1 Triples your RAM in Windows Works with Windows 95'! REGISTERED!!!! In One Ear And Out Your Mother @d1Qff00000000000020828600
mo'slo.zip Hidastusohjelma pc:lle että voi esim pelata@nvanhempia pelejä nopealla koneella ym.Qff000000000000210bbece
newsound.zip **************************@nUusi ääni stereoistasi!!@nEdullinen tapa saada lä-@nhes 3-D ääni ulos vanhois-@nta stereoistasi!!!!@n*************************@nIMUROI!IMUROI!IMUROI!IMUR@n*****************Qff0000000000002036b89a
nm201.zip NoiseMaster 2.01 from New Noise@n-------------------------------@nNoiseMaster 2.01 is a shareware@nsample-editor for Windows. It@nsupports samples in the Windows@nWave format (WAV), the Creative@nVoQff0000000000001e8171c7
p-rip300.zip PowerRIP+ (TM) version 3.0 NEW: Custom scanning -- lets you scan for ANY type of file, and smart extraction/cleanup for MODs and 669s! PowerRIP will rip MODs, S3Ms, MTMs, STMs, ULTs, 669s, PSMs, AMFs,Qff0000000000001e27a42e
pgp263i.zip PGP 2.6.3i on uusin versio tunnetusta@nkryptografiaohjelmasta. Mm. useita@nedellisessä versiossa olleita bugeja@non korjattu. 16-bittinen DOS-versio.Qff00000000000020c80a87
pgpw41.zip WinPGP 4.1 Maintenance release of WinPGP@n16bit. This release corrects bugs in version@n4.0 and is a complete replacement.Qff00000000000020c80a92
pkaiutin.zip PeriaateKaiutin 0.021 (bugikorjausversio) on suomenkielinen, helppokäyttäinen, ja aloittelijallekin sopiva kaiuttimien suunnittelun apuohjelma. Tällä lasket helposti suotimet ja kotelot. Uusia toimintQff00000000000020816cca
qedit4.zip TSE JR v4 (formerly QEdit) <ASP> - Blazingly@nfast, multi-file, multi-window, compact DOS@ntext editor, both powerful and EASY to use.@nIncludes macros; column blocks; variable,@nsmart, and fixed tab Qff0000000000531f592000
rar200.exe The RAR archiver v2.00 (release) for DOS@nIntegrated archive manager@n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@n- full screen interface / command-line driven@n- NEW compression algorithm, new modes:@n 'multimedia'Qff00000000007420ca76ce
rendir.com Vaihtaa hakemiston nimeäQff0000000000311f8d766e
ritm258a.zip RighTime v2.58a: Precision Learning CMOS/DOS@nClock Corrector. Learns corrections itself.@nYields better than 0.5 second per week. True@n0.01 second resolution. Corrects system warm@nand cool. ProvideQff00000000006f1d102f40
sc071.zip The Star Commander, Version 0.71 beta@nThe ultimate copy utility that handles@nthe disk and tape images of the C64S@nemulator (by Miha Peternel) and copies@nfiles and disks from and to a connQff00000000006f208182f3
sgpro101.zip [Sound Gadget Pro v1.0] Sound Editor for Windows95/NT Filename:- SGPRO10.ZIP 32-Bit sound editor for Windows95 and Windows NT. Uses the new controls such as tab dialogs and property sheets. Supports .Qff0000000000641f85730b
smartm10.zip SMARTMEM resizes SmartDrive 4.0 - 5.0 cache@nmemory without having to reboot ! Ideal for@nlarge DOS games. Boosts free XMS/EMS memory@nfor applications which would otherwise need@na "clean" boot. FreeQff0000000000002057b1a0
smed20.zip SMOOTH EDITOR v2.0 <ASP> - The first DOS text@neditor with FAST Smooth Scrolling technique@nand interface for Windows. FAST Smooth@nScrolling makes moving through text extremely@nswift and fluid. FeatQff00000000000020956bd7
smg-anse.zip smaug ansi^executable v1.0 [UTIL 96/07/03]@nconverts ansi pics to c00l .COM files with@nREAL VGA-FADES AND virus-check with REMOVAL.@nA MUST FOR all BBS adds AND OTHER THANGS!Qff00000000000020d09719
smooth30.zip >> SMOOTH v3.0@nSmooth right side of your texts fast, 100%@ncorrectly, automatically! Totally rewritten@nSMOOTH v3.0+ is ready for use! For use with@nOffline editors and any ascii texts! Now@nalsoQff0000000000001ca16e4a
snap255.zip SNAPSHOT/32 version 2.55 automatically@nCAPTURES Win95/NT SCREENS. Now with the@nnew progressive JPEG format and enhanced@nBMP and GIF options! Use HOTKEYS you define@nto grab your desktop, a window, Qff00000000000020c75733
st.arj SCREEN Thief - Screen Capture System!@nSCREEN Thief is a screen capture@nprogram that will capture the screens@nother programs cannot reach! Captures@ndirectly to .GIF, .PCX, .TIF or .BMP@nformat, supQff0000000000001f89b3f3
stoned10.zip StonEd HEX Editor V0.95 ......@nAdded Features:@n- Copy to 4 different clipboards.@n- Cut/Paste/Save clipboards.@n- Edit program environment.@n- Edit Files upto 4Mb.@n- Doesn't need much memory.@nwannQff00000000000020c5b168
tebi120.zip TELEBILL v1.20 freeware Puhelinlaskuriohjelma joka arvioi modeemisoittojen hinnat alkuminuut- timahdollisuudella, sek useilla nerokailla optioilla. Tuet: Terminate, Telemate, Telix, Xenia Mailer, ja ZQff00000000006620ad1936
tshot40.zip TEXTSHOT v4.0 <ASP> - Saves images from any@ncharacter-mode screen of 80 columns or@ngreater to color or B/W PCX graphics files as@nwell as to standard ASCII text files. When@nrunning on a VGA TextshoQff00000000000020db1a23
u-font10.zip UNDERWEAR Screen Font Changer v1.0 Compact@nprogram with 22 distinctive screen fonts and@n20 color palettes. Can run from menu or@ncmdline. Fonts can be loaded to memory.@nOnline help. A MUST HAVE ForQff00000000000020c404c3
ucalc28.zip ULTIMATE CALCULATOR v2.8 TSR < 6k main mem@nGraphic scientific calculator. Expression@nevaluator with many built-in functions,@noperators, numerical notations, and modes.@nSupports user variables & fQff0000000000741f89b411
univbe51.zip UNIVBE v5.1: Universal VESA BIOS driver@nmakes SVGA cards compatible with VESA BIOS@n(VBE 2.0) standards so that games, CD-ROMs,@nutilities and other applications will work@nproperly (and faster) in hQff000000000000206f8003
unwin.zip (v1.0) Unwin95 - Windows 95 uninstaller@nAn OS/2 PM utility. Pretends@nto remove the Windows 95 scourge from@nyour PC. It's completely harmless.@nFreeware (unless you are Bill Gates).@nBy Mr AntoninQff00000000002920ff6558
unz250.zip ** UNZ PACKER/UNPACKER Utility v2.50 Made by Tommy Incrosnatu Supports:-ZIP-ARJ-LHA- If you like: PKUNZIP, ARJ and Cubic player and other easy to use menu programs THEN YOU ARE GOINTO LOVE THIS! NewopQff00000000007420b078e6
utlpak.zip Includes 7 utilities from Sheppard Software: DiskSpace (DSKSPC.Z@nCalendar (CALNDR.ZIP), Calculator (CLCLTR.ZIP), Bitmap Viewer@n(BMPVIW.ZIP),Compare (CMPARE.ZIP), FontView (FNTVIW.ZIP) and Str@n(STRSQff0000000000201f9a383c
uudvw04d.zip (version 0.4) powerful multi-file multi-part@ndecoder for uuencoded, xxencoded, and Base64@n(MIME) encoded data. Works with news postings@nas well as emailed data. Free but copyrighted@n(GPL). IncluQff00000000007420946b4c
uzip200.zip AsCiiMaN is proud to present: V R i N e s o Uutta tässä versiossa on oikeastaan vain SLSNsuojaus sekä parannel- tu ulkonäkö, taikka se on tehty pa- kottavassa tilanpuutteessa :) Mutta kuitenkin, paremQff00000000002a20349382
view113a.zip VIEW 11.3a - the file viewer for DOS. Read,@nconvert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for@nWindows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad,@nHTML, ASCII, ANSI and UNIX files. Full text@nsearch functions. Qff00000000006920dd1cc9
vlb-bus9.zip VLB Bus Dirver 4.01 For All VLB/ISA@n32 Bit HDD BUS + 16/Bit Cards!@nMakes HDD Speed 50% More Faster!Qff0000000000491f5a91fd
vocal141.zip Vocal-CD 1.41@nTällä ohjelmalla voit nähdä CD:n sanat samalla@nsynkronisesti kun kuuntelet kappaletta. @d1Qff0000000000691e6168c7
warez!.zip -=< WaReZ! FTP >=-@nFTP program that allows you to@nget into hidden directories.@nJust double click@nHacked by Ermax <an175762>@n-=/// <N A F T A 1 9 9 5> \\\=-Qff00000000007020816bfa
win-crap.zip Lajitelma todella hyödyllisiä@nWindows 3.1 -ohjelmia, jotka@nvastaanpanemattomasti osoit-@ntavat, mihin Windows pystyy.Qff000000000073206d83dc
windrink.zip Noin 600 drinkki- ja coctailreseptia@nwindowsille =).Qff00000000007520d068ac
wingman.arj WINGMAN.EXE is a utility which allows you to@ntest the various functions of Logitech@nWingMan and WingMan Extreme joysticks. The@nprogram graphically displays information@npertaining to X and Y stick Qff00000000003020798d0c
winmrf16.zip -Qff0000000000731d3954fb
wldck146.zip WorldClock, .. näyttää muistaakseni aikoja@neri puolilta maapalloa.Qff00000000007220504e3c
xe415.zip heXEdit v4.15 Edit/Display files as hex dump-@nXE is a full screen DOS text based program@nthat can edit/display any file as hexadecimal@nnumbers; with ASCII characters too. Features:@nsearch for a seQff0000000000321f89b3c1
xed11b.zip XED is a powerful HEX/ASCII/BINARY file@neditor. Unlimited file size. 28/43/50 line@nmodes. Mouse support. Edit,insert and delete@ndata from any file. Undo. Search & Replace.@nGoto offsets, marks/listQff0000000000741e928311
xmedia10.zip E k s a M e d i a V. 1.0 EksaMedia is media@nplayer for Windows 3.1+. Eksamedia supports@n.MOD .S3M music modules, .MID .AVI .WAV and@nall other MCI drivers. Requires vbrun300.DLL@nFrom: Platinum SoftQff00000000005f1f670074
zfast1.zip !Zorlim's Fastest Warez Route keeper! NOW NEW@nVERSION 1.0 SEVERAL NEW FEAUTRES Using this@nsoftware on your BBS you can create route@nfiles, which tells how file has finally got@nto the BBS. And wherQff0000000000001f89b401
zshell30.zip Zshell 3.0 for TI-85 by Dan Eble.@nKonekieliohjelmia laskimelle (ei ROM 9.0) @d1Qff0000000000001e3f806c
ztspeed.zip Zorlim's write speed tester. This new version includes over 1200words and now 10 minutes relative speed too! Download and test.. If u got less than 600 points.. Please try to learn how to write!Qff00000000000020826720