AABAS20.ZIP AABas 2.0, a library for QuickBasic 4.x@nwritten entirely in assembly language.@nOver 75 easy-to-use routines provide a@nvariety of functions. By Tom Hanlin.
BASICTOC.ZIP basic -> c
DFRAME45.ZIP DoorFrame v4.5 Doors development library for@nQuickBasic 4.x. Has direct support for most@nBBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,@nnon-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high@nscore bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI@nand ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port@nboards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.@nAlso detects and reports the presence of@nRIPscrip on the remote. A Livewire Program.
HPZONE.BAS joku peli
KIEPPU6.ZIP Pyörittää ruudun ylä- ja alapuoliskoja@nympäri ruutua. Sorsakoodit mukana.@nToimii protected-moodissa.@nVäsännyt C00L Demo Group
LINUS.ZIP joku kewli beisikkihomma
QB_VECT.ZIP Vector routines for QBasic. Fast!@nNormal vectors, VectorBalls, Plotters.@nEasy to understand. Create your own objects@nand rotate or move 'em freely in 3D space.@nObject editor and assembler version are@ncoming...*SPEED OF REALTIME* @d1
SVGAQB23.ZIP SVGAQB.LIB-ver 2.3-is a high-res,@n256-color graphics library for@nMicrosoft-QBasic 4.x. It recognizes 20+@nSVGA cards and VESA in 640x480, 800x600,@n1024x768 and 1280x1024 modes.@nCapabilities: hardware id, simple@nprimitives, fills, 2D/3D points,@njoystick/mouse support, PCX@nencode/decode, paging, XMS, palettes,@nbitmaps and sprites.