3DICA11.ZIP 3D-ohjelmoinnin perusopas (c) Ica/2@n1996,1997. Käsitellyt asiat: vektorit,@n2D->3D, 3D-pyöritykset, polygonit,@nhidden face removal, z-sort ja flat@nshade. Selvää suomen kieltä, kaikki@nselostettu alusta lähtien. Suunnattu@n14-17-vuotiaille koodaajanaluille.@nIca/2 suosittelee! @w:jukka.parkkinen @d11
3DICA20.ZIP 3D-ohjelmoinnin perusopas v2.0 (c) Ica/2 1996,1997.@nKäsitellyt asiat: vektorit, 2D->3D, 3D-pyöritykset,@npolygonit, hidden face removal, z-sort, flat shade,@nmatriisien alkeet, gouraud, env-mappaus, phong@nilluminating, z-buffer, bsp-puu, texturemappaus.@nSelvää soome kiält, kaikki selostettu ainakin@nparemmin kuin jossain PCGPE:ssä ;) Suunnattu >13@n-vuotiaille koodaajanaluille. Ica/2 suosittelee! @w:kimmo.vihola @d6
ANSIX364.RAR ANSI Standard (X3.64) Control Sequences@nfor Video Terminals and Peripherals in@nalphabetic order by mnemonic@n(Inspired by the article "Toward@nStardardized Video Terminals: ANSI X3.64@nDevice Control" by Mark L. Siegel,@nApril 1984 BYTE, page 365)
AS.ZIP Hi folks, this is Tran typing... This@nis the virtual reality source from the@nAmnesia demo. It is not compilable be-@ncause we make special provisions for@nour code.
ASM106.ZIP (v1.06) Magic Assembler@nSimple 8086 assembler, which can produce as@nwell as COM files as boot sector programs,@nand print the sources including correct@nadresses.@nDonated to the public domain.@nProgrammer: Bert Greevenbosch@nE-Mail: bert.greevenbosch@@mmm.xs4all.nl
ASMEDIT7.ZIP --- ASM Edit v1.7 ---@nEditor with syntax-coloring for@nassembler files, used with@nexternal Assembler, Linker and@nDebugger programs@nHelp system with mnemonics up@nto 80686, FPU instructions, VGA@nprogramming, interrupt list,@nDOS tables and formats, etc.@n--- 02/11/96 1/1 ---
AVENSOUR.ARJ @d1 --------------------------- Turbo-Pascal source-koodi avenger.exeen. Madman from MegaStar ---------------------------
BNU252BN.ZIP sorsaa
CMLINE10.ZIP Heavly optimized line drawing algorithm, with@ninner loop faster than Bresenham. By Celso@nMinnitti.
DEMOSTU2.ZIP DEMO SOURCE CODES@nwritten in TP/ASM@nby Bjarke Viksoe!
FIRE!.ZIP MAC of PROPHECY -- Probably the best -- -E-F-F-E-C-T- | so far -- | Source code included! (in German language!) -- --
FMODDOC2.ZIP Kuinka teen mod/s3m playerin,@ninfoa sb:stä, resamplauksesta,@njne.jne..
FPOLY256.ZIP sorsaa
FRAIN192.ZIP FRACTINT 19.2, DOS-based fractal generator.@nGenerate Mandelbrot, Julia, IFS, and many@nmore fractals in 2D and 3D, including those@nyou design yourself. Version 19 now supports@narbitrary precision which allows zooming to@na depth of 10^1600, as well as generation of@nrandom dot stereograms. Copyrighted freeware.
GAS23BN.ZIP sorsaa
GCC263BN.ZIP sorsaa
GRAPHGEM.ZIP Source code related to@nGraphics Gems I, II and III.
HSTARS.ZIP se perinteinen 3d-starts..
INTER53A.ZIP x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 53@nA Comprehensive listing of interrupt@ncalls, both documented and undocumented.@nContains over 8300 entries (plus some@n3500 tables) in INTER53A to INTER53D,@nutility programs and viewers in@nINTER53E, WinHelp utilities in@nINTER53F, and non-WinHelp hypertext@nconverters in INTER53G.
INTER53B.ZIP x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 53@nA Comprehensive listing of interrupt@ncalls, both documented and undocumented.@nContains over 8300 entries (plus some@n3500 tables) in INTER53A to INTER53D,@nutility programs and viewers in@nINTER53E, WinHelp utilities in@nINTER53F, and non-WinHelp hypertext@nconverters in INTER53G.
INTER53C.ZIP x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 53@nA Comprehensive listing of interrupt@ncalls, both documented and undocumented.@nContains over 8300 entries (plus some@n3500 tables) in INTER53A to INTER53D,@nutility programs and viewers in@nINTER53E, WinHelp utilities in@nINTER53F, and non-WinHelp hypertext@nconverters in INTER53G.
INTER53D.ZIP x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 53@nA Comprehensive listing of interrupt@ncalls, both documented and undocumented.@nContains over 8300 entries (plus some@n3500 tables) in INTER53A to INTER53D,@nutility programs and viewers in@nINTER53E, WinHelp utilities in@nINTER53F, and non-WinHelp hypertext@nconverters in INTER53G.
INTER53E.ZIP x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 53@nA Comprehensive listing of interrupt@ncalls, both documented and undocumented.@nContains over 8300 entries (plus some@n3500 tables) in INTER53A to INTER53D,@nutility programs and viewers in@nINTER53E, WinHelp utilities in@nINTER53F, and non-WinHelp hypertext@nconverters in INTER53G.
INTER53G.ZIP x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 53@nA Comprehensive listing of interrupt@ncalls, both documented and undocumented.@nContains over 8300 entries (plus some@n3500 tables) in INTER53A to INTER53D,@nutility programs and viewers in@nINTER53E, WinHelp utilities in@nINTER53F, and non-WinHelp hypertext@nconverters in INTER53G.
NANOFRAC.ZIP @d1 mode 13h fractal in 94 bytes + source!
PASGRA~1.ZIP @d1 GFXFX2. Collection of graphics based@nsources. Made by Bas van Gaalen.@nMajor topics: 3d rotation, Polygons@n(triple and quad), Flat-Shading,@nGouraud Shading, Texture Mapping,@nHidden face removal, Mode-X, Mode-12h,@nMode 13h, Coppers, Fractals, Game@ntechniques, Demo coding, Mouse@nroutines, Palette routines, Plasma's,@nFile-Format viewer: GIF, PCX, BMP,@nLBM, RIX and CEL, Scaling, Ten (10)@ndifferent scrolls (horizontal,@nvertical, hardware, text, graphics,@netc.), Sprites (normal, transparent),@nVoxel space, cross-fading, and more...
PASGRA~2.ZIP sorsaa
PASGRA~3.ZIP sorsaa
PATCH10A.ZIP PC Games Programmers Encyclopedia version v1.0@nPatch File A. Patches PC GPE v1.0 -> v1.0a.
PCGPE10.RAR pcgpe 1.0
PHRO.ZIP sorsaa
PMODE307.ZIP PMODE v3.07 protected mode DOS extender by Tran. Update as of December 5, 1994. Small, fast, stable, and FREE!!!
PMTUT002.ZIP pmtutorial??
POPT.ZIP PENTIUM/486 Optimization@n------------------------@nBy Michael Kunstelj.
ROTATESR.ZIP rotatesourcee
SBLAST09.ZIP Programming Information Version 0.90 - 1995 André Baresel & Craig Jackson
YAK_CORR.ZIP DS HS code by GEORGE STARK/YAKUZA DS+HS .... SOURCE CODE RELEASE .... Had you got problems starting the fine VESA intro on your machine ?! leech this now working Sourcecode..
YAK_VESA.ZIP DS HS code by GEORGE STARK/YAKUZA DS+HS .... SOURCE CODE RELEASE .... short VESA (640x400.256) INTRO color cycling,vectors,screen split Very well documented ASM Source
YAK_WAVE.ZIP _____________________ ( \/ ) \ )/ ) )\( )_ ^) \ \__ __/ \ \ / / \_/ |/ / \ \ \ ) (\/ \ \ | /_ \ (____)__)\(__)\__)_____/_____)\(__) \____\__\\__\\__\____\\_____\\__\ Y A K U Z A DS+HS Another fine SOURCE CODE Release WATER-Wave-Effect + documented Source Code by GEORGE STARK/YAKUZA