Multimedia Vocabulary
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abort to bring to a premature or unsuccessful conclusion The quick rain storm @d the picnic.
ameliorate to make or become better; to improve Conditions in the house @d when the father returned.
belittle to minimize the achievements of another The jealous girl @d the accomplishments of her sister.
burlesque to represent laughably; satirize The acting troop @d the pompous politician.
chastise to punish; to beat; to upbraid The Egyptians were @d with ten plagues.
conscript to force into service The young man was @d into the navy against his will.
decelerate to reduce the speed of; to slow down The car @d rapidly when the driver hit the brake.
dictate to command authoritatively; to give orders The businessman @d his letters into a tape recorder.
drone to talk in a persistently dull manner; to speak in a monotone The teacher @d on and on while the class dozed.
entrench to establish solidly; to confirm Bureaucrats often @ themselves so that can't be removed.
fabricate to make or build; to make up; lie The dishonest student @ a lie about the homework.
garble to confuse unintentionally; to change and distort intentionally The message was @d by the bad phone lines.
hypnotize to place in a trance; to charm or fascinate The magician @d his assistant into a deep trance.
innovate to introduce something new; to bring new ideas or methods Americans like to innovate and find new ways.
kibitz to give unwanted advice The mother-in-law continually @d to the daughter.
mediate to help settle or reconcile; to serve as an inter-mediary between disputing parties The arbitrator @d the dispute.
neutralize to counteract; to negate the effect of; to render harmless The balm @d the bad effect of the acid.
purge to cleanse of impurities; to rid of undesirable elements Stalin @d the Party of unwanted elements.
sublimate to convert energies into socially acceptable outlets; to refine, to purify Often teens need to @ their excessive energy.
vilify to abuse or characterize with defamatory language;to slander Enemies often @ each other's character.