Multimedia Vocabulary
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alacrity cheerful willingness and promptness; liveliness A child who obeys with @ is appreciated by parents.
apologist one who speaks or writes in defense of something, especially a faith or cause Frequent @s for a point of view are often dismissed.
bliss a state of great or complete happiness Winning the lottery did not bring the man @.
censure expression of disapproval or blame; reprimand The Senate voted to @ the offending members.
covenant a formal, solemn and binding agreement The Constitution is a solemn @ among the people.
dissent difference of opinion; disagreement with accepted standards or beliefs Many countries do not allow @ from official policy.
facade the front or face of a building The fire ruined the @ of the building.
guffaw a loud burst of boisterous laughing The audience burst into loud @s.
imbroglio an intricate or complicated situation The politician was powerless to solve the @.
jetty a landing wharf The fishermen caught sharks off the @.
machination a scheming or crafty action intended to accomplish some usually evil end Richard II's crafty @s ended in his own demise.
mosaic inlaid bits of stone, glass, etc., forming a pat- tern or picture The picture was actually a carefully crafted @.
opportunist one who takes advantage of circumstances with little regard for consequences The @ had no real regard for the public.
penitent one who repents of some wrongdoing The @ wore sack cloth and ashes all day.
quagmire a difficult situation Vietnam proved a @ for the U. S. military.
repartee conversation marked by witty or quick replies The man's witty @ ingratiated him with his hostess.
sinecure a position for which pay is received, but which involves few or no duties The office of president is a @ in parliamentary countries.
timidity the quality of being fearful or lacking confidence Caspar's @ kept him from speaking up.
verity the quality of being true; a true statement; a fact The @ of his statement was borne out by events.
zenith highest point, especially in astronomy Sir Edmund Hilary reached the @ of Mount Everest.