Multimedia Vocabulary
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autocratic holding independent and unlimited powers of government Russia was long ruled by @ rulers bent on controlling all.
centrifugal moving outward from the center The @ force kept the children pinned to the walls.
cordial warmly and genially friendly; gracious The U.S. has @ relations with most countries.
discursive proceeding rapidly from one subject to another; rambling The author's @ talk skipped from subject to subject.
equivocal having a doubtful meaning; ambiguous The meaning of the doubtful phrase seemed @.
fetid having a foul odor; stinking The collapsed mine emitted the @ odor of gas.
halcyon calm; peaceful If nations could cooperate, this world would be truly @.
incandescent glowing with heat; glowing zeal; brilliance The @ glow from the star lit their way.
insolvent bankrupt; penniless; debts greater than assets The @ business was forced to declare bankruptcy.
licentious lewd; immoral; lustful; salacious The @ movie house was shut down by the vice squad.
nebulous vague; indistinct; cloudlike or misty A vague and @ feeling of anxiety hung over the crowd.
overt open to view; not hidden from sight Criminal action is usually not @, but hidden.
plebeian common; ordinary; coarse and vulgar The aristocrat was not used to dealing with @ concerns.
punitive of or pertaining to punishment; meant to punish The @ taxation was meant to punish the Colonies.
rococo very elaborate; florid; highly decorated Many @ cathedrals can be found in Spain.
splenetic irritable and peevish; spiteful The @ woman always waited for opportunities for revenge.
taciturn given to silence; reserved in manner The @ man rarely spoke unless spoken to.
turbid thick and dense; cloudy, as in a liquid; muddled up or confused The mud swirled around in the @ water.
verbose using an overabundance of words; wordy The @ author was incapable of writing short stories.
wary carefully watching; cautious One should always be @ of unknown dogs.